10 Twitter Career Personalities to Follow
Useful ideas about careers and job searching can be found posted by many Twitter users that will help you to advance your skills and knowledge about various career issues . Find Twitter personalities who offer insights that are useful to many career minded individuals when you check out these 10 Twitter career personalities you should be following.
- @InterviewAngel – Brent Peterson: The founder of Interview Angel, Brent Peterson tweets about a range of topics, with a focus on solid interviewing skills to impress hiring managers.
- @CornOnTheJob – Rich DeMatteo: Rich DeMatteo is an HR specialist with consulting experience and is the founder of Corn on the Job. His conversations focus on using social networking, including Facebook, to make connections and find a job.
- @JobHuntOrg – Susan P. Joyce: Business owner Susan P. Joyce gives sound advice for keeping your identity safe and protected while finding jobs online. Job-Hunt.org has been rated best of the Web by Forbes Magazine.
- @AlisonDoyle – Alison Doyle: About.com job search expert Alison Doyle gives useful tips about various job searching topics, such as what to bring to a job fair and how to master the art of the interview.
- @DebraWheatman – Debra Wheatman: As the president of Careers Done Write, Debra Wheatman has superior professional resume writing skills and offers up her resume tips on this twitter account. Get fast advice on writing the best resume that will wow everyone who sees it.
- @Jasonalba – Jason Alba: Jason Alba of JibberJobber.com gives insights on social media networking for new jobs, branding yourself and other career tips for the Internet age.
- @SusanIreland – Susan Ireland: Susan Ireland is the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to The Perfect Resumeand through her business Susan Ireland Resumes, she writes superior and professional resumes for clients. She gives sage advice for crafting compelling resumes through her tweets.
- @barbarasafani – Barbara Safani: Barbara Safani is a career consultant who is experienced in writing resumes and offering career strategies for executives and professionals.
- @NancyCollamer – Nancy Collamer: Career coach and speaker Nancy Collamer gives solutions for finding lifestyle friendly work options to help achieve an ideal work-life balance.
- @WorkWithIllness – Rosalind Joffe: Rosalind Joffe’s blog is dedicated to helping those suffering from chronic illnesses continue to work while managing their disease. She is also a career coach for those with and without illnesses and gives everyday advice for managing your career.
Spend your time on Twitter following people who can give you sound suggestions for finding your next job, making a sideways move, writing a pitch-perfect resume and everything else career related that you want and need to know. The above 10 Twitter career personalities all have some great advice to give, so follow them to help learn more about career strategies.