10 Great Benefits to Send your Employer Brand Viral (Part 2)
- Free Gourmet Lunches
- Concierge Services
- Half-Day Fridays
- House Keeping Services
- Extreme Flexible Working
Below you can find a further five benefits that will ensure your employer brand is the talk of the town.
1.Onsite Day Care:This perk is part of Google’s legendary benefits portfolio and is also used by Cisco systems, according to a report from money.usnews.com. Can you imagine the peace of mind that employees could feel knowing that they could bring their children to work with them? The Cisco creche has 800 spaces and accepts children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years. You will, of course, need a critical mass of employees before this perk becomes viable, but this is perhaps the gold standard of family friendly benefits. It will be a tough case to make, but the employer benefits from having critical employees back at work sooner. This perk will make your working parents the envy of the town and they will want to shout about it.
2. Limiting Executive Pay: This is a controversial, unorthodox entry to the list. It is not so much a benefit, but a commitment to the staff body to limit executive pay to a multiple of the average salary or the lowest salary. This happens now. Whole Foods (Turnover approximately 9 Billion USD) cap executive pay at 19 times the average salary. The benefit here is one of a feeling that we are all in it together,which is a very compelling brand message during a time when there is feeling in the air of corporate greed and excess.
3. Chill-out Space:The CareerBuilder Most Wanted Perks Survey listed several well-being perks in its top 10, such as massages, nap room, and a private rest room. Why not create your own chill-out space within your workspace so employees can manage the psychological stresses and strains of the challenges they face in the workplace. You can offer a private nap room, rest room with relaxation aids such as beanbags, relaxation CDs, visuals and lighting along with masseurs or massage chair. Who wouldn’t want to shout about their company’s dedicated chill-out space?
4. Onsite Bar:This perk will certainly get people talking. Yelp doesn’t exactly offer a bar, but it does offer an onsite mini bar and adult beverage machines. Let’s be clear, consumption takes place after regular business hours at which time employees and guests can wind down, relax, and kickback. Maybe just open it on special occasions or Fridays. Make sure there are non-alcoholic options available.
5. Free Shuttle Service:Companies such as Uber, Exec, Taskrabbit, Google, and Facebook offer shuttle services. These are great perks that can help employees eliminate the stress of the daily commute (and avoid being blamed for arriving late). They just roll out of bed, ‘moonwalk’ on to their company shuttle service and cruise in to work with hands free to check emails prior to arrival. This perk is certainly popular in Silicon valley and may not be quite as suitable or even appropriate for metropolitan areas. But, where appropriate, it will certainly cause a stir amongst employees and make those who don’t have it envious.
I’d love to hear of any other perks which you use or may be aware of that can help to send an employer brand viral.