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NextJob Accelerates Availability of Program Helping Unemployed Mortgage Borrowers Find Jobs

Nationwide reemployment solutions company, NextJob, recently announced that its Homeowner Reemployment program is now immediately available to other financial institutions, due to an agreement with Fifth Third Bank "to accelerate the expiration of an exclusivity clause." A multi-year contract was announced in early February regarding an industry-first program fully funded by Fifth Third...

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Infographic Drops The 411 on GMAT

Millions of undergraduate students will graduate in the next two months, and for some, that's only half the battle. A plethora of soon-to-be grads are hoping to continue their academic pursuits by attending professional schools. And for those eyeing business schools, this means taking the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Most people want a heads up on what's to come, and test...

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Important Questions to Ask During an Interview

An interview for a new job isn't just about you being asked a bunch of questions by a recruiter or hiring manager. Remember, you are interviewing the position as well; so, you shouldn't feel awkward asking a few questions of your own. Think about it: Most often the person conducting the interview always asks, "Do you have any questions?" Start the interview being a little easy on the...

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Online Dating vs. Recruiting: a Comparison (Part I)

Imagine that you've ranked the final top three of the eight candidates you've short-listed and have told them a decision will be made within 24 hours. Also imagine that, even though the application deadline passed two weeks ago and you've finished interviewing and short-listing, you just can't resist doing these things:   checking out the late-comers re-visiting the other...

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The Youth Hostel as Job Central

If you are job hunting, there's a service you may want to check out, if employment services and ads haven't been working out (especially if they are leading you nowhere in your home town). Travel hostels—frequently packaged as "youth hostels" ("Youth" frequently guaranteeing drums-for-brains music in the lounge from dawn to dusk). Having just spent six months in hostels, BBs...

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Most Companies Strengthen Hiring Outlook as Economy Improves

As optimism continues to rise about the economy, the labor market is manifesting the positive trend with an improved employment outlook. According to TalentKeepers 9th Annual Employee Engagement and Turnover Trends Report, 51 percent of employers report that they plan to hire additional staff this year while 31 percent plan to remain stable. Just 19 percent of respondents said that they...

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U.S. Tech Outsourcing to Break Record in 2013, says Survey

In its report, BDO Technology Outlook Survey, accounting and consulting firm BDO USA reports that outsourcing in the technology industry has grown for the first time in three years. Of the 100 technology CFOs polled for the survey, 63 percent plan to outsource or manufacture goods in a foreign country. However, of the companies who currently do not outsource, 84 percent reported that their...

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Warning: Social Media Opinion Ahead

Let me tell you, I was one of the first Twitter proponents. Well, not real-life first but recruiter first, Midwest first, first in my group. I loved that this channel existed for everyone and by everyone and that you could select and deselect the sort of information you both created and consumed. When I had reached the depth of relationship that Twitter provided, I turned to Facebook and...

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ZipRecruiter Adds New Mobile Quick Apply Feature

When it comes to the job seeking and recruitment world, mobile is the new black (or whatever the "in" color is this year). As a matter of fact, when it comes to the world in general, mobile is the way to go. The numbers explain it perfectly: 73 percent of Americans use their mobile devices to text and take pictures, 44 percent to access the internet, and 38 percent to send/receive email....

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Get your First Job with Startup Co-Founder Eyal Grayevsky

We've heard the stats, we've read the personal stories, and, for some, we know someone in this situation: College graduates are either unemployed or underemployed. Now more than ever, students are beginning to question if all their effort to pursue a degree is really worth it. How can the high school diploma to college degree potential earnings ratio be true if millions of recent graduates...

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7 Mobile Apps To Help You Network With Talent In the Flesh

Two key studies from CareerXRoads and Jobvite have informed us that employee referrals are the no. 1 way employers are finding top talent these days. The CareerXRoads survey has found that 28 percent of new hires are found by networking and referrals compared to just 20.1 percent by job boards. The Jobvite survey found that 40 percent of positions were being filled by networking and referrals,...

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Get Flexible Employment with Co-Founder Lynn Dixon

Gotta' full-time job, but still looking for a way to earn some extra cash? Or maybe the typical 9-to-5 isn't your cup of tea and you'd prefer freelance projects? Perhaps you're even retired and would simply like a part-time job to supplement your pension? If any of these sounds like your situation, may be the solution you need. Most people could use some extra income, but,...

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'Robooting': Will You Be Able to Job Reboot When a Robot Gives You the Boot?

The most recent scary news about robots replacing humans reports imminent, perhaps massive loss of "jobs of last resort" for the sinking, underemployed and unemployed middle class: jobs in the low-paid service industry. Given increasing robot capabilities, (other) unskilled repetitive work is also likely to become harder to find. A March 26, 2013 CNBC-posted Fiscal Times article, "The...

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Hireology Releases Free eBook for HR Consultants

Web-based selection management platform, Hireology, recently released a free eBook titled 4 Tech Solutions Every HR Service Provider Needs in Their Toolkit that introduces readers to four technology tools to support productivity. The new book, which targets HR Consultants, explains the four key elements of consulting: marketing, hiring/interviewing, organization and communication, and...

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Organizational Leadership Styles: Napoleon vs. the Two Tzus

There are two completely opposite styles of organizational leadership, be the arena politics, war or the workplace. On the one hand, the image of a Napoleon astride a rearing, snorting noble steed, openly directing his legions, leaps before the imagination—larger than life, a leader visibly in complete control. But then there's the observation of Lao Tzu  ("Lao Zi"—"??", in...

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Hiring Process Significantly Impacts Retention

Professional services company Towers Watson recently suggested that employers can improve retention rates by avoiding presenting a false image of a candidate's role, corporate culture, and expectations during the hiring process. Talent Management Director, Elise Freedman, said, "With a realistic job preview, it's about making sure that everybody in the process – from the recruiter on...

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Execs Say Talent Management Most Important Strategy for Growth

When Korn/Ferry asked global executives what they felt was the most important corporate strategy for their company to implement nearly half (45 percent) responded with talent management. Talent management was reported as even more important than marketing (26 percent), financial management (21 percent), and capitalization (7 percent). But while talent management ranks as a top-priority strategy,...

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Integrated Assessment/Video-interviewing Solution Launched by

Cloud-based provider of proprietary Predictive Talent Selection solutions and video-interviewing solutions provider Take the Interview, have combined forces to create an assessment-based video interviewing solution to further streamline the talent acquisition process. "Advances in hiring technology and the globalization of the workforce are putting continued pressure on...

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Social Networks: Why it Matters to "Pause" Before you Post

A friend of a friend desires to go to medical school. She graduated from college last year and is currently studying to take the MCAT and apply for medical school programs. If you heard her talk you would pretty much conclude that she is passionate about medicine and very determined to become successful. Yet, I came across her Facebook profile one day and, in my Carrie Bradshaw voice, I...

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How Strategic is your Digital Communication Strategy?

Advancements in digital communication have changed the way employers interact with potential candidates. Many employers–especially those just entering the digital space–treat online communication channels as additional messaging portals. In other words, they use online channels to generate visibility and general attention for their traditional branding, without developing an effective...

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Defeating the "MBA Bully" to Gain a Successful Career

School and bullies often go hand-in-hand, which is a real shame because school days are, as our parents tell us, "the best of our lives." So, it seems disconcerting that some suffer at the hands of bullies. Thankfully, with age and some maturity, bullies typically fade away and the students grow older and wiser. But does that mean the bullying ends? Well, in many cases, no. Perhaps the...

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4 Reasons You're Not Attracting Top Sales Talent (And How To Fix It)

What is the most common challenge I hear from managers? Hands down, it is that they have difficulty finding top sales talent. And, when they do find a qualified candidate, the person often opts for a different opportunity (many times a competitor). Why? Obviously there can be many factors for why you aren't attracting top sales talent, but these are the ones I've found to often be at the...

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Water Resumes

Like effective resume writing, increasingly popular Chinese sidewalk water calligraphy is evidence of professional-level expertise, a sample of writing ability and, of course, an art form. Less obviously, water calligraphy is a good guide to constructing both a resume and the life behind it, by being so very different from what each of these so often is. The most obvious and least profound...

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The Perfect Recruiting Email

You found the person you want to recruit. Maybe you found them on LinkedIn, maybe from your own database, maybe you found them through a trade magazine byline. Wherever you found them, you now have one important task: get their response and interest through a simple email. Not everyone is receptive to random emails from strangers about open job opportunities (you may even hope they aren't too...

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Study: March Madness to Negatively Affect American Productivity

Online-meetings software provider TeamViewer has released the findings of its survey undertaken to determine the affects of March Madness basketball on the behavior of office workers. The survey found that 73 percent Americans will attempt to keep track of the games during office hours. The most popular means of keeping updated was determined to be online sports news sites (52 percent), followed...

Read More Unleashes Next Generation of Salesforce Chatter for Customer Companies

Enterprise cloud-computing company has announced the newest iteration of its social and mobile CRM networking, Salesforce Chatter. With the update brings new functionality and features with which customer companies sell, service, and market to their customers. Companies are now able to access, create, and act on customer information within the Chatter feed from any...

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Sequestration Endangers Employment Gains, says Labor Union

Even as employment increased by nearly a quarter-million jobs in February, the unemployment rate ticked town to 7.7 percent, and the construction industry added 48,000 jobs, The Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) found cause to criticize the U.S. Congress in its failure to avoid sequestration. Representing about 500,000 workers, LIUNA is a labor union in the construction...

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4 Reasons to Adopt the Telecommuting Lifestyle

Whenever someone learns that I work at a remote position, their first reactions are usually, "Man, I would love to work-from-home!" This is usually followed by, "You've got it made!" And with the uproar that the recent Yahoo! Telecommuting controversy sparked, I decided to analyze just why the majority of people are so fond of the idea of working remotely or only coming into the office...

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4 Key HR Trends and 4 Crucial HR Responses for 2013

With only three months into the new year, now is a very good time to be looking forward to see what HR trends will be shaping the next few months ahead; and, to see if there is a need for us to tweak, modify or even transform our HR strategies to make sure our HR function can remain competitive throughout the remainder of the year. One of the best ways to look forward is to look back and...

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Why Would Anyone Not Want the Job You Are Offering?—The Two Main Reasons

Think of any occupation and ask yourself why there are people who would never want to do that job. Generally, it's very easy to come up with reasons why—for each and every job. Now think about reasons why they wouldn't want the job opportunity you are offering. There are, of course, the "4D" jobs—dirty, dangerous, dull and "demeaning" (although many would argue that no honest...

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3 Ways LinkedIn Profiles Affect Professional Perception

Social media, and specifically social networks, have become an enormous part of how we live our lives these days. It's a lot more than just a simple way to stay in touch with friends and family; the boundaries of "what matters" online and "what matters" in the real world are merging. For example, I've noticed this with birthday recognitions. I know many people who'd prefer to have...

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Most Candidates Still Hear Nothing about Job Application Status

New word from CareerBuilder indicates that the vast majority of job candidates never hear from employers after submitting a resume. The company reports that 75 percent of job seekers applying for a job never heard back from the company despite 82 percent of workers expecting to hear back from a company on whether or not it is interested in a candidate, or even just an acknowledgement of receipt....

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March's Top Talent Acquisition Job Openings

We recently discussed best practices for crafting a recruiter's resume. What better way to put that shiny new resume to use than by applying to a new job or two? To get you started, here are ten great talent acquisition opportunities in some of the country's top markets. If you're hiring recruiters yourself, why not share those opportunities with us in the comments? Technical...

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Employment Analysis for February 2013 Released by

Leading insurance jobs website has released an overview of employment trends in the industry for February 2013. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), February saw a .077 percent decrease in number of workers within the insurance industry which now employs 2.344 million workers, compared to January's 2.345 million. The industry has been notably in decline...

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Have you Found your Dwight Schrute?

In my first big-girl job ever, I quit; but, I was also let go. Let me explain: I had enjoyed my professional job as a marketing coordinator for some time, but was pretty upset when I got passed over for a promotion (seven months into my tenure, ah youth) and an unqualified person received the gig instead. I was frustrated but soldiered on. However, when a few weeks later, I was approached to...

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5 Things Recruiters May Overlook

As a Recruiter, it is inevitable that you will be expected to execute on multiple search engagements simultaneously, along with meeting required deadlines specified by your clients. More often than not, the rush to find that perfect placement by a certain deadline can distract recruiters from properly managing the necessities that all searches require. This oversight can significantly reduce...

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LinkedIn Is Not Enough: How to Build a Real Online Presence

You decided that you need a stronger online presence for your job search. First, you scrubbed your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Next, you went over to LinkedIn, completed your profile, joined a few industry and job search groups, and requested recommendations and endorsements from your former colleagues. That's a good start and should help your cause. Still, a strong LinkedIn profile with...

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Build your Talent Pipeline with your Talent Community

MeshHire's Branded Talent Community solution helps recruiters to build their own talent pipeline and referral network with their branded talent community.  It works as a central hub to consolidate and manage different talent pipelines and social networks in one place. Benefits: Employer branding with recruiter's own web domain name. Reach passive job seekers through social network...

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Please Stop Saying Things are Dead!

In the world of blogging, there is a thing called link bait. The point of link bait is to make easily digestible and sharable content, and, if you can't do that, then create something controversial. Double bonus points if you can position it to sell your content. Finally, if all else fails, make a declarative statement like: "______ _______ are dead."   Exhibit A: Job Boards are dead:...

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Most Companies Won't Relocate Internationally for Tax Rate Reductions

A Grant Thornton survey of over 3,400 international businesses in 44 economies has found that two-thirds (67 percent) of companies would not choose to relocate their business to a foreign country for any degree of corporate tax reduction. Internationally, New Zealanders were found to be most resistant to relocation with 94 percent of polled business agreeing that they would not move out of the...

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Unemployment Benefits Claims Down for another Consecutive Week

Workers seeking unemployment benefits for the week ending February 23 declined by 22,000 ending in a total of 344,000 claims, offering continued support for the idea that the job market is gradually improving. The less volatile four-week average also fell by 6,750 to reach 355,000. Economists expect economic growth in 2013 partially due to stronger hiring, especially compared to the weak fourth...

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Employment Screening Resource Released by, a company that provides background check solutions to employers and landlords, has released its Employment Screening Resources webpage dedicated entirely to videos displaying information on pre-employment background checks and future topics, such as specific products and services. Topics within the current library include a variety of introductory videos covering...

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Three Apps launched to "Recognize, Reward, and Engage" Employees

Leading employee reward and recognition solutions provider MTM Recognition has announced the launch of three new engagement apps to offer a totally mobile web-based recognition platform for "on-the-spot" employee recognition tasks. The new apps include Carousel Mobile, Workout Journal, and MTM e-Cards. Carousel Mobile provides a real-time recognition feed for employees to view all...

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Flowfinity Wireless Updates Actions Software for Retrieval of Enterprise Information

Flowfinity Wireless, Inc., provider of solutions for developing enterprise mobile apps without programming, has announced the release of Flowfinity Actions 7.0. Actions 7.0 offers enhancements to the platform's data retrieval, usability, functionality, and device management and helps businesses automate processes like mobile data collection, workflows and approvals, and integrating enterprise...

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Retention for Tech Workers Involves Advancement, Growth as Top Motivators

According to the recently released Harris Allied Tech Hiring and Retention Survey, 58.1 percent of senior executives cite opportunities for professional growth and career advancement opportunities as a leading factor in retaining technology workers. "Despite recent buzz about telecommuting and its impact on the work force, technology professionals that are agents of change within an...

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Absence of Social Media Policy Found to Expose Companies to Avoidable Risks

Risk and business consulting firm Protiviti's annual internal audit survey, entitled 2013 Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey Report, has reported that internal audit professionals are racing to adapt to the changing business environment spurred on by the rise of social media by prioritizing tools in social media, fraud risk, and data analysis for improvement in 2013. Research...

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What Should a Recruiter's Resume Look Like?

When it comes to reviewing resumes, recruiters know what to look for and how to tear them apart. Sifting through the unnecessary words, and looking for those that are most important, is our No. 1 priority. However, for those of us who are corporate recruiters, hiring staff augmentation recruiters to support our firms, it's surprising how many of us don't practice what we...

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Ten Common Spelling Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Career

Spelling mistakes happen to the best of us. But, not all spelling mistakes are perceived equally. While a potential employer may overlook a misspelling of the word "chrysanthemum" on your resume, it is not likely that she will be so forgiving when confronted with your confusion between "there" and "their." By making common spelling errors in your everyday writing, you may be...

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