Virtues of Novel Behavioral Dynamics Program to be Demonstrated at MAGI Conference
Consulting company EurekaConnect, offering products and services based on a proprietary Behavioral Dynamics Program (ECBD), will be presenting at the Model Agreements Guidelines International (MAGI) Conference in Boston from May 5 to 8. The program focuses on combining assessment technology and model 17 leadership characteristics. Organizations use the evaluation data obtained by ECBD to train...

Accenture: 41 Percent of Recent Grads Underemployed
According to the Accenture 2013 College Graduate Employment Survey, 41 percent of workers who graduated from college in the past two years are underemployed and working in jobs that don't require their college degrees. The research also showed that, despite their degrees, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) reported they will need more training in order to get their desired job. The survey polled...

Hiring a Temporary Workforce: What you Need to Know
According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, 40 percent of employers plan to hire temporary workers this year, which is up from 36 percent last year. Of these companies, 42 percent also plan on offering their temporary workforce permanent work. If you're part of the growing number of organizations who are taking advantage of temporary workers, there are a few things to consider during the...

Accelerate your Performance With First100's Fiona Rawlinson
Remember when you were the "new kid in class"? You found yourself in a new environment with new faces, and all you really wanted to do was fit in and be accepted. Funny how, years later, many of us find ourselves in this same situation—only this time, in the workplace. At some point in our lives, we will all take on new roles. For some of us, being the "newbie" will occur more often...

The Five Star Qualities That Today's Employer Wants to See in Candidates
A recent and very extensive survey by Universum, the employer branding firm, (reported in Forbes) surveyed 1,200 of the world's leading employers to find out exactly what personal qualities today's big businesses are looking for in candidates. They were asking employers what they were looking for and equally what they were failing to find; so, this survey is a great up-to-the -minute snapshot of...

Making Employee Recruitment Mobile? Better Watch The Clock
By now, most recruiters know the art of recruitment is undergoing a paradigm shift--one that's putting mobile devices at the forefront of any recruitment strategy. In a world where 70 percent of job seekers report using their mobile devices to look for open positions, it's more important than ever for recruiters to create and fine-tune their mobile recruitment strategy. But there's one element of...

Job Hunting Survival Guide: Tips for the Recent College Grad
Are you or someone you know about to graduate from college? Have you start job hunting yet? It's springtime and this is the ideal time to start looking, if you haven't already begun your search. Ideally, you have a few college jobs and internships under your belt. But even if you don't, these tips should help you get started in your search for your first job after college. Attend...

College Grads: Looking to Land your Dream Job in your Dream Company? Listen Up!
The reality for many prospective graduates is daunting. In the last decade, it has become increasingly difficult to land a job directly after graduating college. The numbers are sobering: the unemployment rate for college graduates has risen to 8.8 percent (compared with 5.7 percent in 2007) and the underemployment rate is at 18.3 percent (compared with 9.9 percent in 2007). Though these numbers...

Relationship Issues: Do your Hiring Managers Trust You?
What do these couples have in common: teenagers and their parents; staff and management; recruiters and hiring managers? The common denominator is that these are all pairs with classic conflict and relationship management problems. As the recruiting function evolves, recruiters like you are becoming more stretched and faced with greater expectations. You and your hiring manager may begin as...

Create a Platform for Success in 4 Steps
They say everyone has some form of entrepreneurship in them. Okay, maybe I say that, but it's not without good reason. You see, I believe everyone has that "entrepreneurial spark" inside (whether big or small) because everyone has the power to create an idea. After all, every product, service and company that provides them started with an idea. Yet, going from idea to...

InternMatch.com Offers Second "Kill the Cover Letter" Campaign, Social Media Focus
Two years ago InternMatch.com launched its highly successful "Kill the Cover Letter" campaign, and the company is now bringing it back—this time social media style. The "Kill the Cover Letter Part 2: Social Media Interns" is a new campaign focused on helping employers creatively find social media interns. Instead of soliciting the traditional resume, companies have the opportunity to...

Only 22 Percent of Recruiters Used Facebook to Recruit
According to the 2013 North American Social Recruiting Activity Report, 98 percent of recruiters used social media in 2012, with the big three being Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Yet, although Facebook is the largest social networking site of the three, at 22 percent, the least amount of recruiters used the tool for recruiting last year. A whopping 97 percent of recruiters said they used...

Peoplefluent Acquires KZO Innovations, Launches Collaboration Video Tech
Social HCM technology firm Peoplefluent has announced the release of a collaborative video technology brought about through the company's acquisition of on-demand video tech company KZO Innovations. "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video can be an encyclopedia of compelling, relevant information with the potential to enhance comprehension with emotionally intuitive content,"...

LinkedIn: Job Board or Social Network?
There is no question that LinkedIn has revolutionized the recruiting process. There are very few areas of recruiting where LinkedIn has not made at least an incremental, if not a substantial, difference. But there is one gray area for many recruiters (and it may be theoretical) but I think it's an important distinction. Is LinkedIn a social network or a job board? Some would argue that with an...

3 Tips to Harness the Power of the Self Employed Worker
As many of you will be aware, the employment relationship has been shifting dramatically in recent years. The idea of a job for life has pretty much evaporated within the Generation X and the Baby Boomer generation, while millennials have probably never even heard of it. We are in a world of job instability, portfolio careers, multiple careers, a world where big business fails overnight, and a...

Trouble Finding Quality Applicants? Try ZipRecruiter's Customizable Quiz Feature
It's no surprise that employers are facing challenges with recruitment. Companies cannot find qualified workers to fulfill roles, more and more job seekers are using mobile search apps to apply for jobs, yet many companies don't have optimized career sites, and with cutbacks in HR departments, employers have less staff trying to handle more work, i.e. applicant overload. What oh what are...

5 Steps to Build Self-Confidence
I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman last week. We were at an event I'd spoken at, and he and I were discussing my performance. He told me that in the first 60-90 seconds he could tell I was nervous, yet, after that, I loosened up and got into the feel of it. Although he told me he believed public speaking was certainly in my future, there was one very important area I needed...

Summer Break? Get an Internship Instead
In the next couple of months, classes will be ending for millions of college students. Summer break means summer plans. For many, much needed vacations, traveling and even summer classes are the plans. But a select few of other students have made plans to forgo their break and work even more. How so? Through completing a summer internship. Internships offer invaluable "real-world"...

HealthITJobs.com Releases First Healthcare IT Career Search Mobile App
Healthcare IT job distribution service HealthITJobs.com recently launched two mobile applications allowing busy healthcare IT professionals to search for employment on their smart phones. According to the company, the two native apps for iPhone and Android "position the company as the industry leader in using mobile technology for employment search and recruitment." "As smartphone...

The 4 Moments of Truth in the Hiring Process—and how to Handle Them
The commercial world has long been aware of the idea of a "moment of truth" in the sales process. In a white paper by Mckinsey consulting, called the 'The Moment of Truth' in customer service, they describe it as the crucial moments during business customer interactions where the "long term relationship between a business and its customers can change significantly for better or worse." Therefore,...

How To Attract Big Talent To Your Small Firm
You are no doubt aware that big businesses have an edge when it comes to attracting big talent. They sweep around the campus employment events scooping up the cream of the annual crop; they dominate all the most prestigious employer league tables, gaining more exposure for their employer brand; and many of them have developed employer brand offerings to die for and which small businesses could...

Online Outsourcing Gets Fully-Managed Platform from Ziptask
The newly announced Ziptask service is a turnkey, cloud-based platform offering fully managed outsourcing through virtual project managers. Ziptask addresses the most difficult aspects of outsourcing (hiring, communications, oversight, and project management) through its fully managed service and web app. Project managers are able to prescreen, interview, and hire freelancers within the platform...

Survey Links Facebook Sharing with Job Security, Health of Workplace Relationships
A report on a new survey from Fierce, Inc. indicates that employees mixing Facebook with their professional life can risk their job security and workplace relationships. The survey found that nearly one-third of employees were aware of a co-worker who had been reprimanded for Facebook posts deemed inappropriate for the workplace. And with 40 percent of employees engaging in behaviors such as...

Salesforce Connects Social Ads and Listening with CRM
Enterprise cloud-computing company Salesforce.com has unveiled Social.com, a first ever social advertising application that connects customer relationship management (CRM) with social advertisement and social listening. With Social.com, brands can utilize social ad campaigns on major social networks using real-time social listening data. As part of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Social.com joins...

Vado Brings On-the-Job Skills Training to Mobile Devices
Vado, the newest content provider for Mastery Technologies Inc. has announced the release of a series of learning activities designed for employees at all organizational levels. The learning activities aim to help create higher productivity and overall job satisfaction in order to ultimately create more engaged and loyal employees. Vado's offerings also complement many of the courses offered on...

The One-Page Company Releases New Hiring Selection Tool
The One-Page Company recently announced that the company has built a platform designed to help corporations select the best talent at scale. The system was developed following intense research with companies including Avis, BevMo, CS Wholesale Grocers, Daikin McQuay, DirectTV, Williams-Sonoma, and The Martin P. Catherwood Library (Cornell University), to name a few. One year after receiving...

Manage your Online Reputation with Michael Zammuto
How many of us have had something embarrassing posted online about us? Even worse, something reputation damaging? For job seekers, an inappropriate photo or Facebook post could mean the difference between whether or not those people remain job seekers. For companies, this could mean a loss in revenue if consumers opt out of their services and/or products based off of a negative online reputation....

Mohawks, Tats, Piercings and Hiring
You can learn a lot about what's really happening in the minds of HR professionals by tooling around many of the LinkedIn forums and Quora questions. In fact, let me stop my writing right now to remind you that if you are selling to Human Resources or Recruiting or actively developing a product for such, you would do well to see what the pros are really wondering about rather than wandering...

No Facebook Password, No Job?
Give up your Facebook password to your (prospective) employer if you want to get or keep a job? Surely, allowing employers to legally demand or even ask for or about it would go too far—wouldn't it? Yet, according to the April 23, 2013 U.K. Daily Mail headline, "U.S. employees set to be forced to give bosses their Facebook PASSWORDS", a key legal protection from being required to share...

Women and Math Stereotypes [infographic]
"Stop acting like a girl." "Don't be wimp." "You're such a sissy." We've all heard these expressions (and many more) telling men and boys to shy away from allowing their actions to imitate that of a girl's. Acting like a girl, i.e. acting weak, soft, emotional, inferior...and the list goes on and on. Society has created many stereotypes of girls and women, and in...

Innovate CV Launches Apploi, Re-Inventing the Job Application Process
The resume is dying, and the folks at Innovate CV know just what should take its place. On Wed. March 17, 2013 the company launched a new, innovative product designed to "re-invent" the job application process —Apploi. "The resume is redundant, and Apploi is the new job application. It's mobile, interactive, and intuitive," Adam Lewis, Innovate CV and Apploi founder, said. Apploi,...

Register Today for Universum's Employer Branding Conference
Time is running out to register for Universum's upcoming Employer Branding Conference. The conference will be held May 8-9, 2013 at The New York Times Building in New York, NY. This year's conference will feature an impressive lineup of some of the industry's top experts, including Senior Manager of Engagement and Branding at Expedia Kat Drum; CEO of Work Group Inc. Ken Kane; and Global...

Job Seeking 101: Acing Your Interview
It's no secret to anyone that we're living in trying economic times where it's difficult to find gainful employment. Just having the right education, the right experience, and the know-how isn't enough anymore. Since truly great positions that really have something to offer you are hard to come by, things are extra competitive now; so, you're likely to find yourself having to outshine...

B.A. Requirement for a Cashier McJob!? No, But...
The Ph.D. taxi driver is an urban fact, no longer a legend. His problem is that there is no demand for his degree. The flip side of this is the cashier who lacks the degree suddenly required for that job. His problem is that he can't supply a degree to meet that demand. An ad specifying precisely that as a prerequisite for a cashier's job at a Massachusetts McDonald's franchise recently...

4 Ways to Use Big Data Tomorrow
How do we use big data in recruiting? That's a big question, but the folks at Futurestep think they might be able to answer it with a new white paper, authored by Dave Mendoza. In the paper, Mendoza talks about a new methodology called Futurecasting (hence the snappy headline) and how both CRM Vendors and Talent Acquisition Pros need to learn how to collect, store and analyze data...

Oil, Technology, Biotech See Salary Decreases
The recently released PayScale Index for Q1 2013 shows that the economy has experienced its first wage decreases in three years. But decreases were minor and wages remain up over the year in every industry. The industry with the highest quarterly growth was food services and accommodation, a first for the Index. Wages here grew at a rate of 1.4 percent over the quarter. Highlights from the Q1...

Survey Names Best Cities for Job Seekers
According to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey (MEOS), the best cities for job seekers through the first quarter 2013 include Cape Coral-Fort Meyers, Fla., Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz., San Francisco, Calif., Salt Lake City, Utah, and Austin and El Paso, Texas. Employment Crossing tallied figures indicating that Cape Coral-Fort Meyers has 21,732 job openings adding 17,850 jobs over the prior...

Most Workers Not in Their Dream Jobs, USA Network Poll Finds
Released alongside the premier of USA Network's new reality series The Moment, a USA Network poll has found that only a small number of Americans classify their jobs as "dream jobs." In fact, 79 percent of American workers do not think that their jobs reflect their career passions. What's more, 83 percent of respondents reported that they would quickly leave their current jobs if given a...

International Association Creates Career Center for HR, HRIM Pros
HRIM clearinghouse The International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM) has announced a new feature on its website; a career center designed for job seekers and employers in the HR and HRIM community. The aptly named Career Center will list hundreds of jobs and other means for forging career and recruitment connections between applicants and employers. "We're excited...

Business Execs Prefer LinkedIn
According to a recent survey by DHR International and Modern Survey, 73 percent of business executives prefer to use LinkedIn, a staggering difference between the 21 percent who prefer Facebook and the 3 percent who prefer Twitter. The study of 139 business executives (directors and above) questioned these company leaders about their preferences, awareness and usage of social media tools. More...

Millennial Unemployment Rate Nearly 4 Points Above National Average
Generation Opportunity's Millennial Jobs Report for January 2013 reports that Millennial employees experienced an 11.5 percent unemployment rate in December with African-American Millennials experiencing a 22.1 percent rate. Hispanics' unemployment within the group was at 12.2 percent while female Millennials saw a 10.4 percent rate. In addition, about 1.7 million Millennials are now going...

CBIZ Index Shows Employment Surge for Small Businesses in March
Even as employers added just 88,000 jobs in March, employment in small businesses grew by 1.25 percent over February, an impressive jump over February's 0.2 percent increase. The source of the data, the CBIZ Small Business Index, found that job gains in March were less than half of the average number over the prior six months; a period were nearly 200,000 jobs were added to the economy each...

"Leaning In" to the Job Search
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg is the woman of the hour after releasing her new book, Lean In. The book has been touted as a manifesto for women, as well as anybody in a leadership position that is looking for a leg up to the next rung of the corporate ladder. And as you can imagine, it has been quite controversial. Do women, especially, make decisions that will erode their ability to lead in...

The Importance of Going Mobile
You know the old saying, "Go big, or go home"? Well, in today's recruiting world, the saying has evolved with the times: Go mobile, or go home. Why the transformation? These incredible stats tell the story: - By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people. - 84 percent of people cannot go one day without cellphones - 50 percent of Americans sleep with...

9 Ways to Assess if you Were Hired by a Really Great Boss
One can only hope that managers who hire you are as good listeners and interested in your career development once you start work as they were during the employment interviewing process. Sometimes a new boss's leadership attributes are transparent; the person who seemed so invested in having you join his or her team continues to demonstrate similar supportive behaviors in real supervisory...

Job.com Launches Mobile Site Driving Qualified Job Seekers to Employers
Leader in the online recruitment world Job.com recently launched a new mobile platform, m.job.com. According to the company, this release is just the first phase of its product strategy to "bring innovation to mobile job searching." Currently, more than 20 percent of Job.com's five million unique monthly visitors originate from a mobile device. Mobile visitors to the job board have more...

The Recruiter's Guide to Successful Sourcing
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Recruiting Trends Sourcing and Recruiting Social Summit. Me and around 80 other attendees had the opportunity to gather useful information and tips from seven different sessions all the while networking with our colleagues in the field. The sessions we attended ranged in topic from sourcing automation, and attracting and engaging talent via social...

Higher Performing Employees not Typically the Most Engaged
Leadership IQ has developed a new HR metric linking employee engagement with measured performance levels; and the results are not at all what was expected. The study, entitled Job Performance Not a Predictor of Employee Engagement, found that 42 percent of companies employed low performing workers that were actually more engaged than high and middle performers. Statistics gathered by Leadership...