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Thinking about Wearing 'Google Glass' in a Job Interview?

Since you can  record scenes and sounds (including conversations) in public with your iPhone, why not in a job interview? This makes sense, especially since recording is going to be virtually hands-free once Google's mind-boggling—make that "mind-Googling"— "Google Glass(es)" mass-marketing blitz goes full throttle. If your fast-twitch mental-muscle response is to invoke...

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Office Location: A Bigger Talent Magnet Than Employer Branding?

I wrote recently about the effect that sophisticated employer branding actually has on attracting talent – and there was plenty of compelling evidence to show that employer branding will actually attract more, better talent. No surprises there, I guess... But one piece of data that I uncovered stuck with me and in many ways, threatens to turn the employer branding paradigm on its head. Yes,...

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Recruitment Marketing Series: Secrets from a Marketing Geek

Join Bright for our Recruitment Marketing Series Secrets from a Marketing Geek, featuring Jen Picard who shares her best tips and secrets for successful marketing - and how they relate to recruitment. Live webinars are running weekly between May 17 and June 18, 2013, and are available on-demand thereafter. The topics covered are: Building a Career Site that Attracts Candidates Friday, May...

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The 411 on Graphic Design Degrees [Infographic]

Are you creative and artsy? Do you have a knack for arranging shapes and colors? Do you simply love to design things? Well, maybe getting a degree in graphic design is for you. Now you may be wondering, "What can I do with that type of degree?" The folks at The Degree 360 have prepared an infographic to help answer this question and more. When considering a career in graphic design,...

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4 Ways to Improve Job Reference Checks

Reference checking remains a highly valuable, yet stubbornly inefficient phase of the hiring process. Given the restraints of modern-day hiring, there is little that can be done to force outcomes in this process. However, there are a number of ways to improve both the quality of references in general as well as the mode of efficiency in the collection process. Here are some of them: 1. Promote...

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I Hate my Job. When Can I Jump Ship?

With some jobs, you just know. You know that you will never receive the respect, autonomy, resources, or sense of fulfillment that you need in order to become a productive member of the team. And once you know, it is all-too-easy to focus on the fact that your current job is just a temporary stop in your career – and you simply do not want to waste another moment of your time or...

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Recruiters: Change the Way you do Email with Zoho MailMagnet

The way people communicate today has drastically changed due to the rise of technology and social media. Traditional means of communication, such as talking on the phone, sending hand-written letters, and even talking face-to-face, are slowly being replaced with technology. We Skype, Facetime, text, send Tweets and Facebook messages, but what about email? Has social media, videos, text and SMS...

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8 Key Features of the 2013 Candidate Market (Part 2)

In the first part of this article we noted the changes that were occurring in the candidate market as a result of external forces such as: globalization, the arrival of generation Y, new social technologies, economic slowdown, mass redundancies, and high levels of job instability. I stressed the importance of employers staying in tune with the candidate market so they can maximize their appeal to...

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Why you Need to A/B Test your Job Titles

What if I told you that saying "rep" instead of "representative" in your job posting title might be the difference between receiving 40 candidates and receiving 55 candidates? Or that dropping the "s" in "human resources" might cost you 20 applicants? Based on our data at ZipRecruiter, this is exactly what happens. After analyzing some of the most popular job titles posted through...

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Survey: Improved Technology Makes Companies More Attractive

A Workplace Options survey has revealed the one perk that nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of workers find attractive when considering employment is better technology. While the overall statistic is impressive in itself, among Generation Y workers (employees aged 18 to 29) it grows to 92 percent. The takeaway here is that employees want access to the latest technology at work, including not...

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Glassdoor: 66 Percent of Employees Say Direct Managers Impact Careers

According to a recent survey by Glassdoor, 66 percent of employees believe their direct managers have an impact of their careers — 52 percent say the impact is positive while 20 percent say it's negative. The Direct Manager's Influence on Employment Brand Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, polled 2,054 full-time and part-time workers who reported to direct managers. The results...

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When It Is(n't) Smart to Keep Someone Waiting

You're waiting for your interview scheduled for 2:15 pm—and waiting and waiting. It doesn't matter whether you are the interviewee or the interviewer; at some point, forced to wait long enough without any explanation or even a heads-up, you're going to start feeling negative about being iced. At 3:00 pm, you experience full-blown negativity about the person you are waiting for and...

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Mobile Job Search Increases

Over the past year, Snagajob saw its users increase their mobile job searching by 95 percent. The company recently released its second "Counter Intelligence: The Snagajob Service Industry Hiring Report," which describes hourly job seeker activity based on the data taken from its website from April 2012 through March 2013. Although the report showed that job seekers nearly doubled their mobile...

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Job Boards: Make this One Change and You Might Survive

Last year I wrote an article also on suggesting that the "job boards are dying" brigade had got it wrong. Job boards were not dying; they were doing ok. Maybe not prospering but chugging along with no imminent likelihood of them all going out of business. But now, I'm not so sure about their future long term because we recently did some job board advertising which didn't...

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6 Reasons to Love Job Interviews

The idea of interviewing used to make me uneasy. Very uneasy. I assume that's partly due to how horrendous my first job interview was. But I also know I'm not alone in this feeling. Interviews are intimidating. The stakes are high. You're so close to achieving something you want and you're being judged every step of the way. You also know that an hour-long conversation could strongly...

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6 Ways to Repel Talented Candidates

Job seekers are always hearing about what to do and what not to do to when working with recruiters. Don't misspell words on your resume; don't hound recruiters with phone calls; don't have an unappealing background with a random, irrelevant job history. We're constantly educating them on how not to annoy, turn off and disengage recruiters, because it could ultimately cost them a job. Yet,...

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Why Quit Working After Winning a Mega-Lottery?

You would think that the reasons for quitting a job after winning a mega-lottery would be more obvious than the reasons not to. Like, who wouldn't quit? But, in Part I of this analysis, "Why Keep Working After Winning a Mega-Lottery?", I reported that up to 85% of surveyed real-life lottery winners in one 2004 study continued working.   Another small-sample report about other winners,...

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Does Employer Branding Actually Bring In More Top Talent?

We live in an era of mass customization. Consumers no longer want template based, uniformed products, they want products and services that are tailored to suit their individual preferences and lifestyle needs. This more discerning attitude has also filtered through to the job seeking process; the more lifestyle conscious candidate is no longer satisfied with a one-size-fits-all approach. They...

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Infographic Details Biggest Reasons Employees Resign

Millions of Americans continue to go without jobs, but high unemployment rates and a suffering economy hasn't stopped some of those who are employed from jumping ship. Employees continue to hand in their resignations, but why? According to the infographic Biggest Reasons Why Employees Leave Your Company by Bolt Insurance, 32 percent of workers polled in a Gallup survey said career...

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Universum Releases 2013 IDEAL Employers Ranking, Undergraduates Weigh In

Employer brand research firm Universum just released its 2013 rankings of the IDEAL™ Employers. The rankings derive from a survey of almost 66,000 undergraduate students, which assessed the employers that are attracting students and why. Companies such as NASA, JP Morgan, Deloitte and Nike made the lists categorized by the top 10 in business and top 10 in engineering. Google, Apple and Walt...

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SmartRecruiters' Customers Create 200,000 New Jobs

Hiring platform SmartRecruiters is proud to announce that since its Sept. 2010 launch, its 40,000 customers have created 200,000 jobs through the platform. This includes 100,000 jobs in the last 8 months alone. "From the moment I met the company - and their vision of Zero Unemployment - I knew SmartRecruiters was a big idea to change the labor market," said CEO Founder of TalentCulture...

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12 Lessons from Mom that Apply to Hiring & Managing Employees [Part 2]

Mother's Day is here, meaning millions of people will have flocked to gift shops and picked out flower and rose arrangements to honor their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, wives and all other women who've given birth. Why? Because, these mothers have given something invaluable to their children (and grandchildren), and this special day each May is just one of the many times to recognize...

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12 Lessons from Mom that Apply to Hiring & Managing Employees [Part 1]

Mother's Day is fast approaching, meaning millions of people will flock to gift shops and pick out flower and rose arrangements to honor their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, wives and all other women who've given birth. Why? Because, these mothers have given something invaluable to their children (and grandchildren), and this special day each May is just one of the many times to recognize...

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8 Key Features of the 2013 Candidate Market

Globalization, the arrival of generation Y, new social technologies, economic slowdown, mass redundancies, high levels of job instability are several of the key forces that are sending ripples through the candidate market – causing it to change dramatically in terms of its attitudes and preferences. And in order to engage with this talent in this constantly evolving candidate market-place,...

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The Global Challenge: Recruiting and Your EVP

China and Brazil have been cited as two of the three most challenging emerging markets today – partly due to regional complexities around employment laws, but even more so to difficulties in finding and retaining local top talent. Lack of top talent is arguably the biggest barrier to organizational growth in emerging markets. Most people point to exorbitant salaries as the...

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Employers Improve HR Functions to Boost Workforce Productivity [Infographic]

Leading provider of payroll, human resource, and benefits outsourcing solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses Paychex recently released an infographic detailing how U.S. companies are boosting the productivity of their workforce by improving human resources —making better use of technology, hiring highly skilled workers, and improving their ability to recruit, train and develop...

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Career Opportunities: How to Locate a Remote Position

I've run into so many people who all wish they could work from home. The reasons are usually along the lines of: I'd love not having to wake up early every day. How great would it be to work in my pajamas? Ugh, I hate my commute and working from home would eliminate that. There's nothing better than being your own boss and making your own schedule. There are lots of reasons why a...

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The Evolution of The Internship [INFOGRAPHIC]

It's hard to believe that the predecessor of today's internship came to life in the 11th century. The interns of the past were actually apprentices seeking practical experience to grow their skill set in a trade, art, or calling. Today, students embark on internships during their college years to gain out-of-the-classroom experience prior to entering their industry. But just like the 11th...

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Facebook Lags behind LinkedIn, Twitter as Social Recruitment Tool

In its 2013 North American Social Recruiting Activity Report, Bullhorn Reach reports that just 22 percent of recruiters used Facebook for recruiting in 2012. Comparatively, Twitter was used by 27 percent of recruiters while LinkedIn dominated the social-media-recruitment landscape with a 97 percent usage rate. The study additionally showed that a meager 12 percent of recruiters were connected to...

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Small Businesses See Slow Improvement as Economy Grows

Insperity, Inc's most recent Business Confidence Survey has found that small businesses are slowly becoming more willing to hire additional staff as business activity gradually expands. Over 40 percent of small business respondents reported adding employees while 55 percent are maintaining current staffing levels, and just 5 percent are laying off employees. Comparatively, October's survey...

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CareerBuilder Survey: Number of Healthcare Workers Seeking New Jobs Spikes

According to a new CareerBuilder survey, over one-third of healthcare workers are primed to leave their jobs in 2013, up 11 percent from the 24 percent reporting the same in 2012. Almost half (45 percent), expect to be back on the job market within the next two years. The vast majority (82 percent) of respondents said they would be open to a new position despite not actively looking for a job....

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Paperless Onboarding Introduced by HR Strategies

HR firm HR Strategies has announced their new electronic new-hire onboarding system doing away with the requirement of a paper-based process. The paperless system reduces the time of onboarding by eliminating the need for employees to manually fill out employment forms and for employers to enter data into a HRIS or payroll system. Some of the primary features of the electronic onboarding system...

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5 Reasons to Hire People Who Don't Fit the Culture

Hiring for culture fit is one of the key hiring mantra in the modern recruiting world. In fact, there are studies that show that one of the main reasons that new hires fail is due to a lack of culture or attitude fit in one form or another. But, the more that I have looked at the hiring for culture fit paradigm the more uneasy I become with it. I think the term has been oversimplified and I...

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What Working Mothers Need

Before you go off on some, "What about the working dads" tangent, we should establish that according to a 2011 census on families and living arrangements conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, there were just about ten times as many single-parent families that were maintained by a mother than by a father. The number of mothers in the workforce is at an all-time high. A reported 70.6 percent of...

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7 Ways to Build Trust in a Team

The day you've worked so hard for is finally here. You have a new office, a new title and a new standing in the company. You are a brand new manager. And with all the "new" things you'll be receiving, let's not forget about the most important ones—your new staff. New faces, new personalities, new ideas and skills: If you aren't careful, the seeming glamor of all this newness will...

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CareerBliss Names Top 10 Happiest Cities for Young Professionals

CareerBliss has released its list of the "Top 10 Happiest Cities for Young Professionals," with four of the 10 hailing from California. According to the company, a young professional is someone with less than 10 years' experience in a full-time job. The list derived from surveys completed by employees over the last 12 months. The survey evaluated key factors that affect work happiness,...

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7 People to Include in your Job Search

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, a job search is not something you should do alone. It is similar to rock climbing for the first time: You'll need someone to spot you, hold the rope, look out for birds, and help to manage any other potential dangers. In today's competitive job search, who you know may be equally important as what you know. Here are the seven...

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Why Keep Working After Winning a Mega-Lottery?

How many reasons are there to stay on the job or, instead, to quit after winning a mega Power Ball lottery—say, $100 million? Those who believe that we are all special, different, etc., will say "as many reasons as there are people". The more scientifically, statistically or category-minded will say "not that many". Dodging that squabble by setting it aside, it may nonetheless be...

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Recruiting with Social Media? 10 Tips to Stand Out

What does your Facebook page say about you? Up until this point, you've probably used your social media pages to build up an image of yourself as a fun, cool person outside of work. However, if you then find yourself suddenly out of a job, you may find yourself in the uncomfortable situation where your personal life suddenly becomes public when your prospective new company runs a Google search...

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5 Really Dumb Interview Gaffes

Everybody makes mistakes, even dumb ones, which are generally among the worst kind and create some of the worst interview impressions. After all, don't you have to be dumb to make a dumb mistake? Maybe not. But tell that to the interviewer who thinks, "Dumb is as dumb does" (or as Forrest Gump put it, "Stupid is as stupid does!"). I've worked as a recruiter—but only on an ad hoc...

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How to Increase Employee Engagement by Adopting BYOD Policies

In today's increasingly connected world of instant responses and non-stop communication, employees should not be bounded by 20th century time constraints. E-mail introduced a new standard to workplace interactions; the rising popularity of BYOD in the workplace provides even more convenience and ease to work activity completion, at the same time speeding up response-time...

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Launching Employee Referral Programs

Employers, listen up! Stop tearing your hair out trying to find the best employees. We know where they're hiding and they're closer than you think -- Look no further than your own network. Referrals are used by many organizations to source and hire the best employees.  In addition, when used properly, referral programs can result in stellar employees and an even stronger organization. Plus,...

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5 Ways To Ruin a New Hire

According to figures presented in a Human Capital Institute research piece, around 70% of new hires decide whether to stay or leave an organization within six months of joining. This shows how important it is to effectively engage new employees, in the first days weeks and months of joining, with an effective on-boarding and engagement strategy. But, where exactly should you focus this effort...

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12 (Snarky) Questions That I Really Want to Ask the Hiring Manager

I've never enjoyed jumping through hoops. There's something about it that's too in-genuine for my taste. This is why my favorite job interviews are those where you sit down and have an unforced conversation (that's how I got my current job), and my least favorite are those that require you to give a perfectly rehearsed performance. Speaking of rehearsed, let's move on to my least favorite...

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Work-Life Balance: Can Americans Learn a Lesson from European Nations?

A woman works with analytics at a PR firm. She's up and out the door at 6am and doesn't return home until 9pm. On weekends, you'll find her nose stuck in her laptop doing more work. A man holds a senior-level communications position at a Fortune 500 company. He comes in at 5am and often doesn't leave his office until well into the evening. Every other week he's traveling out of the...

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Survey: Companies More Focused on Mobile Employee Referral Programs

Employee referral platform company GooodJob  just released the results of  its  "Mobile Recruiting – 2013" survey, examining the recruiting strategies of 150 companies. The survey focused on referral programs and mobile optimization. The study showed that employee referrals are socially driven, i.e. they take place outside of the office. When employees interact with family and friends...

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How To Recruit A Diverse Fleet of Interns

Recently, there's been a lot of buzz surrounding the topic of diversity in the workplace -- and rightfully so. We live in a diverse world; it only makes sense that our workplaces readily encompass the same type of inclusion and diversity. But unfortunately, this isn't always the case. According to InternMatch internal data, only 10 percent of companies with 250 employees or more feel the...

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CareerBliss Reports Happiest/Unhappiest Jobs of 2013

CareerBliss recently released its survey, Happiest and Unhappiest Jobs in the U.S., revealing data ranking the occupations leading to the most and least job satisfaction among employees. Top jobs are typically those involving sales and finance while the least happy jobs include teachers, nurses, and attorneys. The complete top 10 list of happiest jobs in the country for 2013, ranked from first...

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