Recruiter Pride: Nothing Like Vanity
Chet's parents are proud of his acceptance at Harvard. A Bronx taxi driver is proud of his Yankees. A Marine's sister is proud of her medal-winning brother who braved cross-fire to rescue a wounded buddy. CNN's Anderson Cooper declares he is proud to be gay. Tyson is proud of his knockouts. A gang-banger is proud of his tattoos. Apple takes pride in its product line. Recruiters are...

Most HR Leaders "Overwhelmed" by Increasing Complexity of their Roles
A research study conducted by Personnel Today has found that 61 percent of Human Resources leaders strongly agree that their roles have become more complex within the past several years and 52 percent said that they lacked the ability to fully cope with the deluge. In addition to increasing complexity, 60 percent of respondents also reported that they did not have full confidence in how their...

Fired? Take these 5 Steps to Recover
It happens to many people, and more especially during a downturn economy. Companies look for little ways they can let go of employees, and sometimes, it can come as a sudden shock for those employees. In fact many have no idea its coming until they are sitting in the office and hearing the ax fall. So what do you do when you suddenly find yourself fired? 1. Go home and freak out (a little)....

ADP Shows Age a Big Issue in Health Care Benefits
The recently released 2013 ADP Annual Health Benefits Report has revealed that older employees are experiencing an ever increasing rate of enrollment in health care benefits while enrollment for younger workers is declining. Such shifts are likely to prompt employers to change their benefits plans in order to lower health care costs in the wake of provisions of the Patient Protection and...

Survey: 61 Percent of Employees Worry about Job Loss
According to a recent survey from the University of Phoenix,® more than 60 percent of working adults (61 percent) worry about losing their jobs in today's economy and one-in-five (20 percent) think about this at least once a week. Nearly 1 in 10 think about it at least once per day. The survey of 1,600 working adults also showed that 44 percent of respondents identified how the current...

Gen Y Workers Believe Extended Careers of Older Workers Stymies Career Progression
Nearly half of young respondents to a KPMG study on generational relationships in the workplace agree that the presence of older colleagues hampers their careers and lowers productivity. The survey of 1,500 workers indicated growing tensions between Gen Y employees and those from the Gen X, Baby Boomer, older generations. This was found to be largely due to the increasingly longer tenure older...

Why your Company Needs a Wellness Program [Interview]
A happy, well-balanced employee makes for a happy, well-balanced company. Take Care.com, the largest online care destination in the world, for example. Chris Duchesne, VP of Global Workplace Solutions for the company, said that, three years ago, Care.com started offering its full suite of services to institutional and corporate clients giving their employees and their families access to child...

The Right Mindset to Land a Job
It can be difficult to distinguish, among the myriad of so-called expert job search advice, the proven and the unproven advice, and to separate the wheat from the chaff. But a collection of recent studies of top employers from all over the world are helping to reveal what most employers want to see and hear from a job candidate most of the time. What that research has revealed is that the mindset...

Updated Office Bleepster Increases Productivity with Better Management of Interruptions
Free iPad app Office Bleepster has been updated to version 2.0, representing improvements in handling office interruptions through organization-wide communication channels and pre-scripted messages. Office Bleepster uses wifi networks, Bluetooth, and Twitter to connect users around the world. The new release also now supports background notifications. Office Bleepster comes with 25 pre-made...

CIPD Survey Finds Competition for Talent Increases Threefold
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development's (CIPD) CIPD/Hays Resourcing and Talent Planning Survey 2013 has revealed that the number of employers reporting increased competition for top talent has jumped from 20 percent in 2009 to 62 in 2013. Furthermore, about 60 percent of organizations reported experiencing difficulties in filling vacancies over the past year. Positions reported...

4 Skill Sets to Set you Apart From the Competition
In today's competitive job market, it's no longer enough to simply locate open positions, apply, and make a killer impression at the interview. You have to have something special to offer that puts you ahead of the competition in all the right ways. Specialized skill sets are one of the best ways to do this. Having the right background or the training employers are looking for can...

Video Interviews on the Horizon [Infographic]
Did you know it only takes 7 seconds to make a first impression? And that you can accurately judge someone's personality from a 3-minute conversation? At least those are the facts according to a new infographic from online video resume and interviewing platform SparkHire. The infographic, "Video Interviews on the Horizon," shows how staffing companies are getting "futuristic" to nab...

10 Great Benefits to Send your Employer Brand Viral (Part 1)
It is hard to imagine a more challenging time for recruiters and employers trying to attract top talent. This year's Global Talent Shortage survey by Manpower Group has shown that 35 percent of employers are having difficulty finding top talent – and figures have been steadily increasing over the past four years. So, what can employers do to both attract and close the deal on top...

CareerBuilder: Majority of Employers Undermined by Costly Poor Hires
Brand new research from CareerBuilder has revealed that most employers report being hit hard in the pocketbook by bad hires, leading to costly negative impacts on those companies. A list of top consequences of making bad hires include revenue loss, decreased productivity, declining employee morale and client relations. So far in 2013, 66 percent of U.S. employers say a bad hire has led to...

'Superman' and 'Clark Kent' Employment Tips
With the latest "Superman" movie, "Man of Steel", soaring to box-office receipts heights faster than a speeding bullet and hotter than exploding Krypton, the Superman persona has been reinvigorated as a super-hero archetype, role model, ideal boyfriend, savior, and vicarious power-hunger fix for males of all ages. But what about Superman as an employee icon? After all, the caped...

What if Most Jobs Become Permanently Temporary?
For anyone among the millions of workers, including the virtually unskilled, who need more than a low-paid and unstable temporary job, there is at least one prospect that is more painful and scarier than that combination: that their plight is going to be permanent. Another, more widespread, fear is that their numbers will only grow. (For a startling up-close look at their dismal lives in the...

4 Reasons to Hire The Unemployed – The Unemployed Value Proposition
Many of you have heard the expressions, "It's a job getting a job", or "It's easier getting a job when you have a job", but few of you may have heard the expression, "Not having a job is seen as worse than having a criminal record by hiring companies trying to place candidates." The sad thing about the latter statement is that it is not just an expression, but has been proven to be the...

6 Ways to Make Time for Job Searching
What's the one thing (besides money) most people wish they had more of? Time. Most people I know feel like there just aren't enough hours in one day to accomplish all their daily goals and requirements. And this ranges across most areas, from work to home life. According to a recent "Put the World on Ice" survey, 98 percent of Americans surveyed feel that balance in everyday life is either...

New Product Helps Veteran Job Seekers Apply Military Skills to Civilian Roles
According to PAR, psychology print and software tests publisher in the field of psychology, 69 percent of veterans indicated that finding a job is the most difficult part of their transition to civilian life. To help with this issue, the company recently released a new product to assist veteran job seekers—the Veterans and Military Occupations Finder™ (VMOF). The new tool works with the...

Cut these Filler Phrases from your Resume
Hiring managers may see hundreds of applicants for one position. To sort through the towering stack of resumes, it is important to work quickly to separate the wheat from the chaff. Your resume has around 30 seconds to make a good impression; here's how to cut the meaningless filler and get straight to the good stuff. The Filler: "References Available Upon Request" This stock phrase...

TEKsystems: Mature In-House Mobile Strategies Lacking in Organizations
IT staffing solutions firm TEKsystems has released a new survey examining mobile strategies of organizations in 2013 and has found that a shortage of in-house talent, and a lack of mature mobility strategies, are the primary drivers of project outsourcing to IT service providers. Key findings include: • Nearly 80 percent of survey respondents ranked their organization's mobility strategy...

It's Not Me, It's You: Why Employees Call it Quits
All too often the approach to turnover is to aim your hiring process toward employees with higher retention probability. Hopefully, we can all see the problem with this. Employees will leave an organization for a number of reasons, but at the core of each of these reasons there will be fixable commonalities. Instead of changing your hiring strategy, perhaps you should take a look at what can be...

What the Employer Mandate Postponement Means for Employers
One of the biggest requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the employer mandate, has been postponed until 2015 amid widespread confusion and complaint over the provision. The mandate will require employers with at least 50 full-time employees to determine and report whether or not their workers are eligible for health care under the PPACA. Also known as the...

Retention & Engagement Gain Strategic Importance as Job Market Improves
TalentKeepers' ninth annual Employee Engagement and Turnover Trends report for 2013 has shown that as the economy and employment improves, employee retention is reasserting itself as an issue of major strategic importance for most employers. The report found that 82 percent of organizations have increased funding for retention and engagement initiatives so far in 2013, up 11 percent from 2012....

A Look at Online Job Interviews
The job market today is more competitive than ever and with good reason. These are tough economic times we're living in and there are a lot of people out of work and looking for gainful employment. That said, it's more important than ever before that you understand the ins and outs of acing the different types of job interviews that are becoming more and more prevalent with each passing...

How to Get More Satisfaction From a Less-Than-Ideal Job
Setting high, but realistic, career goals are part of any successful career plan, but the fact is that sometimes you've got to take advantage of the job you have while pursuing the job of your dreams. Even if you hate it and dread even the sight of the building, you still have to pay your bills, save for retirement, and fund the path to your ideal life. To this end, it is necessary to stay...

Infographic Reveals State of Engagement in the Workforce
Employee recognition and incentives program provider Michael C. Fina has released a new infographic, Engaging Today's Workforce, to highlight how employee recognition can help positively impact organizational culture, performance and bottom line. With employee engagement levels at all-time lows, the chart identifies the top drivers of employee engagement and how formal and informal recognition...

Research and Markets adds HR File Builder Employee Records Software
Research and Markets, the world's largest and "most respected Market Research resource," recently added the "HR File Builder Employee Records Software" subscription. The HR File Builder has an intuitive "file folder design" that allows managers to automatically organize and update records. Each file has an employee photo for personalization and instant recognition, and the "Activity Notes"...

New Research Recommends Beefing Up Recruiting and Motivation Tactics
As employees continually expect more from HR regarding recruitment and innovation, when staffers refuse to engage them in these areas, employees are jumping ship even if they enjoy their jobs. Indeed, over half of employees would consider leaving their employers if another company approached them in an innovative way, even if they were happy in their current position. Even more employees...

Why I Hate Recruiters
I went ahead and did it, I Googled, "Why I hate recruiters". Just to see? Self loathing? Nope, I just needed an idea for a post and a light bulb turned on (in more of a dimmer knob fashion). But it turned up some interesting stuff on both sides of the fence. Have you ever been dumped and left with the question, "why?" Why did they leave? What did I do wrong? What could I have changed?...

Latest Talygen Business Management App Offers Enhanced Expense Tracking
Talygen's flagship Business Management Automation software application has been expanded to include an enhanced version of its Expense Tracking Model. The feature-rich expense tracking app allows businesses to enter in and manage reimbursable expenses for varying projects and business trips. Employees can attach receipts via smartphone by simply taking pictures of each necessary document. The...

The 5 Fatal Flaws of Interviewing
When seeking employment, there is nothing more exciting than receiving an interview – well, next to actually getting a job. However, landing the interview is just half the battle. While your resume may have taken you to the top of the candidate list, your interview is what will actually get you the job you desire. If you are looking to land the job, be sure to avoid the following five flaws of...

How to Successfully Hire, Manage and Engage Remote Workers [Part 2]
The days of sitting behind a desk are fading fast—a desk inside an office, that is. More and more Americans are turning to the telecommuting lifestyle with an estimated 13.4 million now working from home. And studies predict that by 2020, more than 40 percent (60 million people) of our nation's workforce will be freelancers, temporary and contract workers. How should employers approach this...

Unemployment Rate Stagnant as Economy Adds 195,000 Jobs
June saw U.S. employers add approximately 195,000 jobs as April and May job figures were also revised upwards. The robustness of the year's job creation suggests an ever strengthening economy even as the unemployment rate sits at 7.6 percent. But, unlike the causes of recent unemployment rate fluctuations, the current rate is stagnant due to more people looking for jobs—a positive...

3-Piece NLP Toolkit for Recruiters
I recently read an interesting article on how candidates can use Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to build rapport with their interviewer in order to create a stronger impression and increase their chances of being identified as a suitable candidate. (In case, you weren't aware, at a high concept level, NLP is the science of modeling patterns of our behavior. In our context NLP is a...

PPACA Mandate Unexpectedly Delayed until 2015
The Obama administration has announced that the employer mandate under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has been delayed from January 1, 2014 to 2015. The mandate requires mid-to-large-sized employers to offer health insurance coverage to eligible employees and is one of the primary pillars of the reform. The delay comes after many employers expressed concerns over the...

Randstad: Employees Now More Confident in the Economy and Employers
Randstad's Employee Confidence Index has reported worker confidence levels reaching pre-recession highs as employees' attitudes toward the economy and their employers took a 2 percent jump since May. The Randstad Index now sits at 56.8 points. "Our Index figures align with the June Consumer Confidence Index, which saw the most promising signs in five years," Jim Link, Managing Director,...

Could your Facebook Profile be Keeping you From Landing a Job?
We're living in a day and age where social media is becoming an increasingly large part of our daily lives. This is especially the case when it comes to such an important and widely used site, such as Facebook. Your Facebook image honestly says a lot about you to those who haven't yet gotten to know you—and not just when it comes to your social value. Your image on sites like Facebook,...

Paychex Highlights Top Compliance Issues Impacting Businesses Over the Summer
Paychex, Inc. has released a list of the top five regulatory issues of the summer that could affect most small and medium sized businesses. "Health care reform continues to be a major issue on the minds of businesses large and small," Martin Mucci, Paychex president and CEO, said. "Couple that with other hot topics such as immigration reform and the marriage definition, and it's clear...

Be "More Than Enough" to Advance your Career
The main personal characteristics of those people who excel in their careers and easily advance through the ranks are easy enough to identify: they always do their best, actively work to get noticed, and keep an active, and growing professional network. You know it, your peers know it, and since everyone is seeking the same goal, these characteristics alone are not always enough to differentiate...

Is It Time To Bring Your Benefits Offering In Tune With The Modern Age?
Most of us are very familiar with the traditional arrangement of employee benefits: 401K/Pension, Medical/Dental and Life Insurance. In the old days, these were the established mainstay of benefits, and employers simply had to offer these three things to satisfy employees and present themselves as an employer of choice in terms of their benefits offering. Dare, I say it, they were simpler times...

Startup Offers Pioneering Social Network for the Workplace
Tomfoolery, Inc., recently found by former executives at AOL and Yahoo!, has announced a new mobile social network for work. The first of its kind, Anchor is currently available as a web-based app or on iOS devices. Anchor was designed first and foremost as a consumer-quality communications tool, rather than focus on more typical fare, such as task lists, productivity tools, and document sharing....

The Do's and Don'ts of Preparing for Phone Interviews
As more and more potential employers embrace the idea of remote job interviewing techniques, phone interviews are becoming more and more prevalent. At first sound, "we'll be interviewing you over the phone instead of in person" might be music to a job seeker's ears—and with good reason. After all, you won't have to stress over putting together the perfect outfit for your...

Infographic Details Best and Worst Intern Candidates
Taking on an intern who's just good enough doesn't cut it if you're looking to add value to your company. But not every student or recent graduate applying for your internship role is going to knock your socks off with his/her skills, experience, and fresh perspective. Let's face it: Hiring "the right" intern can be challenging; successful recruitment, even at the intern level, can...

The Secret Ingredient to Better Entry-Level Hires
Finding entry-level candidates packing both the experience and cultural fit is nothing short of challenging—not just anyone will do. But the secret ingredient for finding better entry-level hires may actually come down to who you know. A strong network is the essential foundation for making better entry-level hires. This is due to the fact that many recent graduates are using their personal,...

Most Americans Support Employer-sponsored Benefits for Same-sex Couples
A new poll undertaken by Workplace Options, an employee effectiveness and work-life services provider, has discovered that the majority of American workers are proponents of providing same-sex couples with employee-sponsored healthcare benefits, but also don't believe that their employers offer them. The poll, which studied workplace perceptions toward homosexuals, revealed that 54 percent of...

Paychex Mobile App Enhanced with Health and Benefits Information Access
Paychex, Inc., a provider of payroll, HR, insurance, and benefits outsourcing solutions for SMBs, has announced the availability of an enhanced version of its Paychex Mobile app for iPhone and Android. The app now includes mobile access to health and benefits information and, for employers, access to company-level FSA information. "As we continue to develop our mobile technology and expand...

Flaming Pants and Other Lie Indicators
The candidate shows up to an interview for a reason, he/she wants this position. The person either needs a job, or wishes to leave his/her current position. The goal is clear, and there's a pretty easy way to help improve the person's chances, lying. We all do it; we call them fibs, lies and tall tales based on the severity of our falsification. According to a recent study by the Association...