What Does a Candidate's Social Media Profile Reveal about their Personality?
Although resumes are not dead in the water, their importance in the hiring process is diminishing as recruiters can get the same information (and much more) simply by searching a candidate's social profile. Research from Jobvite shows that 92 percent of U.S. recruiters are using social media to find and screen talent, which shows how much recruiters are supplementing resume information with...

7 Ways to Feel Content when Ending the Workday
Reaching a state of contentment doesn't come in a big, momentous wave of happiness but is a matter of making small adjustments in your life that help you feel better at the end of each day. Don't settle for feeling physically and mentally beaten down at the close of your work day. Commit to making a list of minor changes in your life to help you feel better about yourself when the work day is...

5 Workforce Management Theories
There are several powerful and dynamic forces that are disrupting organizations and driving them to be constantly finding new and more effective ways to manage their work-forces—not just to gain competitive advantage but, in some cases, to simply stay afloat. You can probably guess what forces I am referring to: global competition, aging population, global talent wars, demand for flexible...

How to Handle Office Criticism
Life is full of criticism, be it from yourself or others, and the workplace is no different. While most criticism from your employer is intended to help you improve your productivity, it is sometimes difficult to swallow without feeling defensive or even insulted. But being able to accept criticism for what it is and using it for self-improvement is a testament to your character—even more so...

Intelligent Working Women Leaning Back? [Infographic]
"We must not ignore the real obstacles women face women face in the professional world...but women can dismantle the internal barriers holding us back today." This quote comes from "Lean In," MBA Harvard graduate Sheryl Sandberg's latest book on women, work and overcoming obstacles to career advancement. And in lieu of Sandberg's highly-publicized concept of women taking the reins...

10 Great Benefits to Send your Employer Brand Viral (Part 2)
In the first part of this article we outlined five benefits that would not only please your employees, but perks that would also make them the envy of their family and friends and ones they would be compelled to talk about and publicize "virally." These benefits would market themselves in the candidate arena and help to send your employer brand viral. We cited Google as the employer with...

SVM Survey Highlights Employee Incentive Market Trends
Incentive and motivation solutions provider SVM, LP has released the initial results of its survey of HR professionals seeking to gain insight on their attitudes, needs, and trends regarding employee incentives. "As part of our new marketing campaign, Solutions that Motivate, we wanted to explore how HR professionals are driving positive behaviors," explains Jim Leroux, president of SVM. "We...

Job Seeker? Use ZipRecruiter to Correct Bad Job Search Habits
If you've been out of work for a long time it's important to understand the pitfalls that can come along with work absences on your resume if you're not careful. As is the case with any other situation in life, it's possible to fall into a less-than- productive routine. There are numerous bad habits that could be keeping you from landing that next big gig. Check out the following...

4 Tips to Avoid Distraction at Work
There is a hilarious skit from Mad TV that depicts a young woman working behind the counter at a fast food joint. She's chatting away on her phone when a customer comes up and tries to place an order. Bon Qui Qui puts her lacquered fingernails over the phone and gives the customer a death stare saying: "You see I'm on the phone? Okay then. Don't Interrupt. RUDE!" and goes back to her...

Older Job Seeker? Sell Yourself in 3 Steps
It seems like it's tough enough to stand out in today's competitive job market as it is without having to deal with additional obstacles that other candidates may not have to face. However, if you're an older job seeker, you may already realize that this is the unfortunate reality of your situation in many cases. The increasing prevalence of layoffs, job cutbacks, and other similar...

Cloud-based HRIS SaaS Released by EnterpriseAxis to Streamline Business Operations
EnterpriseAxis, LLC has announced the worldwide launch of its cloud-based Software as a Service Human Resources Information System platform, EnterpriseAxis Office Network. The platform allows companies to streamline business operations for labor cost savings and an improved bottom line. Integrating with key intra-organizational functions, the platform offers a global view of all internal...

Peoplefluent Unveils TalentUnity Workforce Acquisition Solution
Leading social HCM technology firm Peoplefluent has announced Peoplefluent TalentUnity, a unified workforce acquisition solution combining recruitment and contingent sourcing workflows into a single interface. With TalentUnity, managers, HR professionals, and recruiters have comprehensive access to a total workforce talent pool in support of strategic decision making. TalentUnity helps to...

Paradoxical Competition: A Gopher Strategy for Agents?
When you think about competition and cooperation, you probably imagine they are like black and white. Even though there may be occasional shades of gray between them, basically, in any given specific single situation, action and moment, if you choose competition, you imagine you have to give up cooperation (and vice versa). But, maybe that's a misconception. Visible Fist and...

HR.com Offers Two New Cost Efficient Options for Cert and Re-cert Prep
HR.com, the largest social networking and resource site for HR professionals, has announced an expansion to its product line for members seeking a more affordable way to ensure PHR and SPHR certification. In collaboration with The Human Recourse Certification Preparation (HRCP) Program, HR.com is offering 30 to 36 hours of individual instruction to guarantee passage of the PHR/SPHR online exam....

What to Do if you Have Unwittingly Hired a Psychopath
I wrote recently in an article "How to Avoid Hiring a Psychopath" how academic research studies had shown that between 3 and 4 percent of the corporate management population have a tendency for psychopathic behavior. That is, they appear outwardly normal, but have no empathy, remorse or guilt and can destroy team morale and entire companies – they were termed 'psychopath lite' or 'Seductive...

Monster Shares Biggest Job Challenges for the Next 12 Months
In its recently released Monster Workforce Talent Survey, Monster.com has reported that 79 percent of job seekers feel confident in finding employment within the next 12 months, while 77 percent also feel that finding a job is more challenging than one year ago. Survey findings also indicate that job seekers continue to feel that employers have an upper hand in the hiring process as only 20...

Job Search tips for the Disabled
Workers with disabilities compose a substantial chunk of the national workforce. The most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the U.S. has more than 26 million workers aged 16 and over who have disabilities. And while all applicants must prove their abilities in order to receive a job offer, candidates with disabilities have to work even harder in gaining the confidence of...

Partnership Forges New Nationwide Organizational Performance Management Solutions
The announced partnership between performance management solutions provider BullseyeEvaluation and consulting firm FutureSense is set to provide comprehensive employee performance management and organizational development solutions across the country. The companies seek to combine their talents to align employee engagement and development with initiatives benefiting the bottom line. "We advise...

5 Steps to MakeTraining Less Horrible
The underlying reason companies spend time and money on training programs is to increase sales and boost performance. Those two things are what you're supposed to get at the end of the training rainbow. Training software, programs and systems are a billion dollar industry. Training companies are making their money, but the real question is if companies are getting a return on their...

Adding your Real-World College Experience to a Resume
Many of the employers who will decide whether or not you get a particular job feel that relevant job experience is the most important aspect of a recent college graduate's resume. And while landing an internship during school is excellent experience and looks great on a resume, it isn't the only measurement of a grad's experience. In fact, a lot of the work involved in getting through school...

Why you May Lose Key Staff in the New Year – and What to do About It
Recent research by Glassdoor has revealed several interesting insights into the thoughts, aspirations and mood of U.S. workers entering the new year, which talent management professionals should be aware of, and which you may need to offer some kind of response to. In their survey of more than 2,000 workers during early November, they found that 32 percent of respondents said that their top...

How to Avoid Hiring a Psychopath
Now let's be clear, the candidate job market is in no way scourged by a plague of psychopaths. Studies such as the one, titled Corporate psychopathy: talking the walk, has revealed that just 1 percent of the general population qualify as a psychopath to a greater or lesser extent, compared to 15 percent in prison populations. But, what may be of potential interest to hiring managers and...

Degree vs. Experience: Which one Truly Benefits Job Seekers?
It's an age old debate: having a degree or certain level of education versus having experience. Which is more beneficial to an employer in the long run? I've heard cases where many employers will look at a candidate with a degree behind his/her name before considering another candidate with no degree, yet ample work experience in the field. An example? My mother is a special...

Unemployment Benefits Fall for Week Ending June 8
Even as the unemployment rate ticked up last week to 7.6 percent, the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell by 12,000 to 334,000, suggesting recent job gains should continue. The four-week average also decreased by 7,250 to 345,250, still near the five year lows reached in May. Since January, layoffs have fallen 6.5 percent suggesting a decrease in job cuts. Hiring has also...

Two Important Steps for Mass Recruitment
Mass recruiting is very challenging simply because of its wide coverage and the immense competition for talent acquisition all over the world. The world might not just be in your reach, but that of your competitor's. Attracting the best people today hasn't gotten easier; it's much harder. What can you do to get over the blunders of mass recruiting? How can you get out there and solidify...

5 Ways to Maximize your Job Search
You are ready for a career. Maybe it is your first, maybe it is a new one. Either way, it's time to start searching for that perfect job opportunity. Now you are scared. Most of us will come to that moment at one, if not more than one, point in our lives. It can be incredibly intimidating to look out into the world and think to yourself, "There's a career out there for me, I just have to...

Collaborative 3Cheers Project to Revolutionize Online Rewards, Recognition
To address the issue of creating a cost effective reward and recognition program with impactful rewards, Maritz Motivation Solutions and global digital agency Brandmovers have collaborated to develop 3Cheers, an online recognition and rewards program for companies of all sizes. The self-service program helps to better engage employees through meaningful recognition and rewards. 3Cheers offers...

New Book Offers 3,000+ Appraisal Phrases to Help with Employee Evaluations
When conducting employee evaluations, do you ever get tired of saying the same, boring, routine phrases? Ever wish you could leave new and exciting feedback for your staff during the performance review process, but just cannot seem to find the right words? Well, international developer and author Patrick Alain can help you with that. Alain aims to help employers "say goodbye to surface...

Despite Employer Restrictions and Doubt, Employees Want Social Tools at Work
Even as almost half of employees think that social tools at work increase productivity, nearly one-third of companies have reported that they are uncertain of the true value of social tools and thus restrict their use, according to new Microsoft research. The survey found that 39 percent of employees feel that there isn't enough workplace collaboration and 40 percent think that social tools...

Social Media Advice from Scorned Travelers
Branding through social media allows for instant feedback, personalization and a two-way dialogue. Before now, companies engaged their audience in a one-way conversation. It was more of a "We'll call you" relationship. Now that social media is so heavily engrained in our society, the audience is taking center stage. Customers and employees now have a voice, and it's a loud one. This...

The "Why" Behind an Unsuccessful Promotion
Getting passed over for a promotion is similar to being turned down for a job; you lose confidence in yourself and are left wondering just what to do next. And many times, it can be difficult to get a straight answer from your boss on why things didn't swing your way. There are, however, several broad reasons why many candidates for promotion just don't engender the type of confidence...

3 Research Proven Ways to get More Followers on Twitter
We all know that the most effective way to get more followers on Twitter is to be famous already. Just ask Justin Bieber. But, for the rest of us—be that employers, recruiters, job seekers, entrepreneurs or sales and marketing folks—who have to beaver away, hour by hour, day by day, to build our twitter following, we need to rely on the latest tactics and strategies to build our...

4 Steps to Write Professional Post-Interview Thank You Letters
The chances are excellent that by now you already know that writing and sending a follow-up thank you letter after a big job interview is a great way to make a solid impression. However, what a lot of people still aren't sure about is how to make sure theirs is professional, personable, and impressive without being overbearing. Let's take a closer look at how you can write thank you letters...

Sending your Employer's Money Up in Smoke
Ah smoking and the workplace, such a conundrum. Does anyone remember that Friends episode where Jennifer Aniston pretends to be a smoker to get in on all of the conversations that go on during smoke breaks? Well if you don't, that's the gist of it. "Rachel Green" chokes down smoke because she's sick and tired of missing out on the gossip, the office politics down low, and even work trip...

These Interviews Were Cut Short—For Good Reason
The awkward interview. Most of have participated in one, either as the candidate or hiring manager. I've been a party to a couple, though none are nearly as outrageous as those that follow. Have a story of your own? Of course you do. Please share it with us in the comments when you're done reading. I. Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll Before Andrea R. Frayser authored "The Pennywize...

A 5-Step Approach to Secure Top Talent
When it comes to hiring the best possible people for the job, you can't expect the real stars and the most accomplished go-getters to simply fall into your lap. In many cases, you have to do a little digging to find and impress them. A perfect example of this is college football. Like the pros, we all know just how important it is for coaches to get the best and most talented high school...

Survey Identifies Customer Loyalty Best Practices
A survey conducted by Impact Learning Systems, as part of Customer Loyalty Month, has collected and composed a list of the strongest trends in customer loyalty practices, which includes customer connection and maintaining open lines of communication. Perhaps, unsurprisingly, traditional methods were reported to net the best results regarding customer loyalty. For example, the survey found that...

Towers Watson finds Social Media Effectiveness Questionable at Most Employers
In a study of the effectiveness of social media tools in the workplace, Towers Watson has found that despite the growing prevalence of social media as an internal communications tool within organizations, most employers are unsure of its effectiveness. Specifically, 56 percent of survey respondents said they use social media tools for internal communications while between 30 and 40 percent...

SaaShr Enhances Workforce Management Suite of Applications
SaaShr, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kronos Company, has announced a set of enhancements to its workforce management platform. SaaShr's suite of workforce management apps caters to small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), bringing enterprise-level applications through a network of service providers. Enhancements to the workforce management suite include: • The capability for mass...

ConnectEDU Releases New e-Book Offering Solutions for Talent Acquisition Challenges
Education and employment web-based solutions provider ConnectEDU recently released "Modern Ways to Fill A Talent Gap," a new e-Book that outlines solutions for employers to overcome talent challenges, i.e. the lack of available qualified candidates. "The biggest talent issue companies face is finding enough qualified workers to fill jobs, but oftentimes a region and the companies that...

How to Recruit a Liar
Interested in hiring a liar—either a liar to hire for your company or a professional liar who, for a fee, will help you get a job by faking vital application information for you? You would think that unintentionally or intentionally hiring liars as employees would be easier than hiring a professional liar to lie for you so that you can snag a job. As every recruiter knows, job seekers lie all...

A Test of Will: Tips on Overcoming a Never-Ending Job Search
In our economy, it is neither abnormal nor shameful to be among the millions of job seekers who have been out of work for months at a stretch. And while the necessities of life require you to find employment as soon as humanly possible, many times your own approach to the job search can hold you back. In these cases, it's most helpful to step back, examine what you've been doing, and make...

Survey Reveals HR Opinions on Millennial Job Seekers
According to a new survey from career networking company Beyond.com, job seekers from the Millennial generation are having a difficult time overcoming stereotypes in the eyes of veteran HR professionals when looking for a job. And even while 84 percent of Millennial job seekers express optimism about their employment prospects, their self-image differs greatly from how HR pros perceive them. For...

Contingent-Workforce Recruitment Program: What it is and why your Company Needs One
Corporations often segment initiatives as part of their comprehensive recruitment plan. These initiatives are intentionally designed to operate separately from the typical external recruitment process, although there's a certain degree of collaboration among recruiters allocated to support these specific functions. The success of each program is measured and often hinges on the budget and...

Tips for Writing a Stellar Resume
When it comes to landing a great new job, there are several ways you can make sure that you stand apart from the rest of the competition. Your interviewing skills are naturally an important part of doing this, as is your level of experience. Whether or not the interviewer considers you to be a good fit for the company on an interpersonal level is a factor, too. However, never underestimate the...

Create a Telecommuting Program that Works
When implemented correctly, telecommuting can be a mutually beneficial tool for both management and the workers. The (sorta) new practice of telecommuting has come under fire recently. Major companies like Yahoo and Best Buy are either eliminating, or cutting back on their telecommuting and ROWE (results only work environment) programs. Is this a sign that telecommuting doesn't work, or maybe...

Flypaper CMS Offers Full Range of Digital Content Solutions
Flypaper Studios has announced the addition of a content management system to its leading content creation platform, Flypaper CMS. Flypaper CMS is a comprehensive set of digital signage solutions enabling users to manage, schedule, and monitor multiple digital display screens and networks from one workstation. Flypaper CMS relies on three fundamental elements to produce a single, unified...

How to Handle Retirement
It sounds weird, I know. Why do you need help with "handling" the one thing most people have dreamed about all their working lives? It's been a long road in life, and you have worked every day to get there. The time, effort and money spent on furthering your career has brought you, for better or worse, to this moment: retirement. For most, this comes at a late stage of life where the...