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SaaShr Adds HR and Payroll Answerforce, Offers Virtual Library of HR-Related Resources

SaaShr, a Kronos Company, recently announced the company is including HR and Payroll Answerforce—powered by Wolters Kluwer Law Business—to its Ancillary Product and Service Marketplace. This new tool will allow service providers that are resellers of SaaShr solutions to provide clients with access to a virtual library of HR-related resources. According to the company: Many small...

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12 Steps to Make your Job Ads Go Viral (Part 2)

In the first part of this article we outlined how research from Millward Brown suggests that only 15 percent of ads go viral online, yet it is the goal of almost every HR professional to get their job postings to go viral. In that article, we outlined the first 6 of 12 steps that recruiters could take to help perform this very difficult task of making their jobs ads go viral and these...

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5 Life Lessons Only an Idiot Needs a Month Off to Learn

Gentle Reader, You may have heard that I recently took a month off. While you didn't see a drop in my articles here on (because of a stockpile of drafts and the hard-working Red Branch Media team), my sabbatical was chronicled in Forbes (ahem) and I wrote a bit about it on Marenated, my home on the Interwebz. I got a lot of questions about my time off from colleagues, family...

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Is There Really such a Thing as the Perfect Job?

We always start a job search with high optimism, motivation, and a sense of the ideal world we wish we lived in. But can a job truly make our lives perfect or is it a mistake to chase after a job due only to the popular perceptions of the position, its title, its pay, and its prestige? "If only I snagged this perfect job, my life would be complete," you may tell yourself as you begin a new...

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Best Practices for using Embedded BI for Business

Embedded Business Intelligence (BI) isn't simply a trendy buzz word for the tech savvy but is a way to enhance business operations through receiving factual insights from real-time reporting of transactional and operation data. There are many popular uses for BI and the following list highlights just a few: 1. Customer service and sales if perhaps the most popular current use for BI since it...

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Is Traditional Recruitment Dying?

The recruiting world has changed along with everything else in the last decade or two when word of mouth referrals were the modus operandi and professional networks were limited to friendships, one-on-one contact and face-to-face interaction. So the question now is will traditional recruiting (as we know it today) die a slow, natural death in the next decade or even sooner? Some recruiting...

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Can a 90-Second Video Adequately Reflect a job Candidate?

In a world where technology is making things more convenient almost every day, cutting time spent on doing particular tasks and making us lazier than ever before (like it or not) it has become absolutely essential to join the bandwagon or be left out looking like the uninformed village idiot. Okay, technology also has its advantages and time is money. A website by the snazzy name of...

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Time for End-of-the-Year-Evaluations? Use a 360 Evaluation Process

While many people dread the time of the year that performance evaluations are conducted, it should be the opposite!  After a year of stellar performance, the evaluation is something that should be looked forward to. What better opportunity to grow as an employee within the organization and measure your overall success? Before you get started, figure out what kind of evaluation you intend to...

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Recruiter Primer: How to Help your Recruiters Help You

Everybody knows that recruiters help job seekers land jobs, but frequent applicants are unsure of how to leverage the skills and services of a recruiter to their best advantage. The central function of a recruiter is to work with hiring companies to help you get a job with a particular job description, but recruiters are also involved in tasks such as resume reviewing, candidate selection,...

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Best Practices for Using a Disciplinary Action Form

When it comes right down to it, the progressive discipline process can be incredibly difficult. Chances are if you manage employees, you've had to, at one time or another, discipline an employee for a work related infraction. We've outlined a comprehensive action plan that you can follow when you're required to attend a disciplinary hearing. Being prepared is the key to both a successful...

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Being Honest with Pre-employment Credit and Background Checks

As tools for background checking become easier, more prevalent and less expensive, more and more businesses are turning to such measures to ensure the appropriateness of job candidates and to confirm the honesty of all applicants. According to Mary Massad, vice president of talent acquisition and retention strategies at Insperity Recruiting Services, "The trend toward greater use of background...

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Don't let the Daily Grind Rob Your Sense of Job Fulfillment

When you arrive at work each day you probably experience one of two sensations—a sense of purpose, or a sense of futility. The average U.S. citizen spends about 80,000 hours during their career working, more than virtually every other activity save sleeping. If you endure the drudgery of your job simply for the paycheck, you likely view it as a chore, and an empty waste of your time. However,...

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Using the DOL's Occupational Outlook Handbook to Help your Job Search

The Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is a treasure of useful information that can help guide the development of your career path. But most people don't even know this resource exists. Contained within the OOH are rich descriptions of nearly 300 jobs in the U.S. market, which discuss the type of work, work environment, and outlook for each position through 2018. The...

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How to Ensure a Comfortable Workspace

It should go without saying that office workers spend a lot of time sitting at desks, and while the degeneration may be gradual and subtle, your workspace environment can wreak havoc with your body, making your desk area an uncomfortable and uninviting place to be. Many times it is difficult to recognize just how inefficient and deleterious your workspace has become until issues, such as...

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Job Rejections: Why You Were Overlooked and How to Move Forward

Finding a job can be a full-time endeavor in itself. Scouring job boards, filtering out the best opportunities, creating an effective resume, filling out applications, and attending interviews requires tremendous amounts of time, effort, and nerve. In an ideal world, everyone would work their dream job and never have to compete for their ideal position. But in reality, job opportunities are...

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Job Worn Out its Welcome? Know When it's Time to Go

One of the most sought after traits in a job is security—the knowledge that your job will be there for as long as you need it. And it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to see how moving jobs can be a major life stressor even if an employee's potential is higher at another company. But sometimes it is impossible to remain at a job for a number of reasons, be it related to...

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Introduce Yourself to a New Way of Introduction

Having a well-developed professional network almost inevitably leads to occasions for connecting people you know with new opportunities. Sometimes you may find yourself as the catalyst for a relationship between a contact looking to fill a position and an ideal candidate who you know would be a great fit. This a positive development for all involved as it helps out the people you know, builds...

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Have a Unique Job-Hunting Strategy? Consider This First

With the purpose of the job application process being not only to prove your academic merit and professional accomplishments, but also to distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowded job market, it can be tempting to opt for a more memorable and unconventional application strategy. But many strategies designed to help you stand out may actually cause more harm than good and be considered...

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Understanding your Career Identity to Find a Better Job

The job application process can be long and arduous with no guarantees or success or satisfaction. And now, more than ever, traditional advice regarding job placement has become outdated and potentially damaging. Consider the old adage about taking any job available to get your foot in the door of an industry. While this may have been valid advice 40 or 50 years ago, today it is obsolete. In...

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Graduate School may not be the Best Course to Get a Job

Although the economy is slowly recovering, more than 7.5 percent of Americans are still out of work according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For young adults aged 20-24 (in other words, recent college graduates) the statistics are even grimmer – with 13.5 percent unemployment. During an economic downturn, the un- and underemployed often return to the safety of academia to weather the storm,...

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Automated Resume Builder, RESUMAX, Released by

The new resume-building solution, RESUMAX, is a pioneering service that gives job-seekers the ability to instantly measure the impact of a resume through a score received based on industry standards. Users are also provided detailed feedback with resume-specific improvement recommendations. RESUMAX is the first online solution offering instant and customized feedback and scoring services that...

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12 Steps to Make your Job Ads Go Viral (Part 1)

It's not easy to predict what will go viral. If it were predictable the social network infrastructure would meltdown as viral sensation after viral sensation totally overloaded the system. Yes, making things go viral is a combination of skill, luck, timing, trial and error and intuition. And most people get it wrong, that is according to research from Millward Brown which suggests that only 15...

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Randstad Finds Women Don't Feel Constant Connectivity Improves Productivity

Randstad's most recent Engagement Index study has revealed that the constant connectivity of the workplace does not imply higher levels of productivity for women. The study found that 42 percent of women think that there is now more difficulty in disconnecting from work when at home and 68 percent don't believe that blurring the "work-home boundary" is leading to increased...

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Why this guy will Never get a Wife...or an Employee

I was apparently out of the office when this email from "the networking surgeon" was making the rounds on the internet. It's actually super hilarious and it's possible I may print it out in scrolly font and frame it for the office. But I digress. Go read the post in its entirety so you can get a sense of what I'm about to do. Once you have, come back here...go on....seriously, I won't paraphrase...

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Kronos Makes its Workforce Analytics Available to Public and Education Sectors

Kronos, a leader in cloud-based workforce management solutions, has announced the new availability of its public sector Workforce Analytics applications. The app provides state and local governments, K-12, and higher education organizations with access to on-demand reports on labor hour and costs. Kronos helps government agencies and educational institutions track real-time labor-related expense...

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Workplace Spying and the 'Prisoner's Dilemma'

Should you spy or have to spy on your coworkers? Will that benefit or harm you or your company? What's the rational thing to do when given the choice or pressure to spy and snitch? You may think that "it depends". But you're probably not thinking that it depends on what elementary mathematical game theory has to say about the costs, benefits, outcomes and rationality of...

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4 On-the-Job Blunders We can all Learn From

Knowing I'm always in search of content for my next article, a friend sent me this story: "People who have stuffed up at work more than you." The article details a range of on-the-job blunders, and after reading, I realized there are a few lessons we all can learn from these terrible mistakes: Mistake Number 1: Failure to Watch Language at Work WHAT NOT TO DO OVER THE PA This is a...

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Dear Wanna-be Entrepreneurs, Don't Scare Yourself out of your Dream Job!

Entrepreneurs are the life blood of the American economy, but many would-be small business success stories are never written because the ones with the ideas are too afraid to start a company. There are several common excuses you may find yourself using to convince yourself you do not have what it takes to create a startup: it's too risky; your idea isn't "good enough;" you lack the...

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Steak Fridays and Other Benefits Musings

Can we talk about benefits for a minute? I know that they (benefits) fall squarely under the purview of HR but as talent acquisition starts to broaden (in both word and deed) smart recruiters take the attraction pieces of the puzzle into account when planning their hiring strategy. When we start talking about a trend, there are two things to consider (actually there are a lot more than two...

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Know When to Say, "GTS"

Because this is a professional site, we'll say that GTS stands for "Google That Stuff". This term became popular in the early 2000's among those of us who were fed up with answering everyone's questions. We've all been there: someone asks us a question that he/she could just as soon Google. You know people have a smart phone in their pockets; you know they have the same access to information as...

Read More Poll: 11 Percent of Americans Would Commute 1 Hour for Dream Job

A recent poll conducted by worldwide job board site, revealed that while nearly 90 percent of respondents want their commute to the office to take less than an hour each way, 11 percent would be willing to travel for more than an hour each direction for their dream job. "It's no surprise that workers would prefer to spend less time traveling to and from work—even for their...

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Liberty Mutual Adds New Features to its Mobile Group Benefits App

Policy holders of Liberty Mutual Insurance's group life and disability plans now have access to the new View Status feature within MyLibertyMobile, the company's mobile application for smartphones and tablets. Additional functions now accessible to employees of policy holders include reporting intermittent time away from work, activating benefits following child birth, and view the status and...

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Becoming a Successful IT Recruiter

The trouble with recruiters is that the pool is quickly becoming diluted. We are now in a situation where the market is so vulnerable, as far as employment is concerned, that job seekers are oblivious to the fact that the IT recruiter that they are dealing with isn't even an industry professional and may not have worked in the sector before. What needs to happen is a trend back toward IT...

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A Conspiratorial Perspective on Job Creation

Although environmentalists sometimes (rightfully) cringe when they hear announcements about "job creation in the Amazon"—viewing such projects as the tip of a corporate glacier inexorably sliding south, crushing any resistance in the form of jungles or tribes in its path, in general "job creation" sounds like a good thing. Except to conspiracy analysts, a.k.a., "conspiracy...

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How to Deal with a Terrible Boss

Everyone, at some point in their life, has had to deal with this situation. You wake up every day dreading work; not because of the job, or the colleagues, or the customers—but the boss. How do you deal with him or her? For many, the answer is simply quitting. In fact, there's a well-known saying about how people don't leave companies, they leave managers, and this is extremely true. I had a...

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7 Tips for Successful Video Interviews

If you haven't experienced a video interview yet, then it may not be long before you find yourself doing one. Why? Like video usage in general on the internet, which has moved from a nice to have to a key marketing device, the idea of conducting interviews via video is taking hold of the marketplace, to the extent that job seekers need to raise their head and listen. If you don't believe me,...

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Online Workers See Huge Boost in Employer Interest

A study by Genesis Research Associates and found that nearly 60 percent of businesses expect to double budgets for online workers in 2013, further expanding the $250 billion virtual economy for freelancing. "American workers are now finding their greatest career opportunities in online virtual marketplaces such as," said Matt Keener, author of Executive in Sweatpants: A...

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Venture Capital Firms get the Value of Recruiting

You might not readily associate venture capitalists with recruiting, but one recent anecdote on the Wall Street Journal blog tells us that Venture Capital (VC) firms are realizing the significance of recruiting talent quickly and cleanly. For those who might not be experts in the world of finance, lots of startups that don't have enough financing rely on VC firms to provide the cash needed...

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EmploymentCrossing: Increasing Number of Employees Abandoning Current Jobs

EmploymentCrossing has reported that the 2.2 million employees who quit their jobs in January, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is an indication that workers are gaining more confidence in the economy. The more confidence the American labor force has in the economy, EmploymentCrossing maintains, the more Americans will voluntarily leave their jobs. Indeed, the recent major...

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Integrating Social Media into your Employee Referral Process

Recruitment professionals have long been interested in the best ways to recruit potential employees. This interest stems from two main ideas. The first idea is that certain recruitment methods will yield higher numbers of acceptable applicants, thus making the recruitment process less expensive. For example, if a $200 newspaper advertisement results in 50 applicants for a job compared to two...

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5 Strategies for Retaining Key Staff During a Merger or Acquistion

Merger and Acquisitions (MA) used to mean very little to the average person on the street; it formed the backdrop of movies like Wall Street and Trading Places. They even dedicated a movie to the subject, Mergers and Acquisitions, which apparently was quite good. But, despite us knowing about the idea of MA and that it happened a lot at the box office, it didn't really form the...

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Web-based Retirement Prospector Launched by Judy Diamond Associates

Judy Diamond Associates, a provider of lead generation and market intelligence tools for the retirement industry, has announced the launch of Retirement Plan Prospector, a comprehensive online sales prospecting and plan analysis tool for the DC and DB markets. All tools and features available within the suite are based on research conducted using Judy Diamond Associates subscriber data including...

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What Recruiters (and Everyone else) Need to Understand about Millennials

As a millennial, I'm constantly reading articles that aim to tell the world (specifically the working world) about: what millennials think and feel; how we tend to act and why; what we do and do not need. And most often, this "how to" comes from people who don't even fall into our generation. Well, to be honest, I'm getting annoyed with this trend. Imagine someone telling others...

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Developing your Skills without Work Experience

One of the most prevalent obstacles for job seekers looking for their first professional job is work experience. In one of the biggest workforce catch-22s, candidates need work experience in order to get a job, but they first need a job in order to get the work experience. It's a bizarre and frustrating paradox to be sure, but not one that has banned you from entering the professional workforce...

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Grievance Tracking Software to Help Companies Manage Investigations

i-Sight has announced an update to its grievance tracking software that helps companies track and manage internal investigations to reduce legal risks. The software lets companies act quickly to document employee complaints of harassment, discrimination, or other misconduct and investigate each case. The updated i-Sight interface streamlines the investigative process and shields against potential...

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Manage your Employee Lifecycle with Sumtotal Systems

Do you know where the majority of your investment as a business owner lies?  It isn't in the building that you lease (or own) or the equipment that you use or the services or products that you provide. Any organization's biggest investment is its human capital, and managing that capital is integral to the success or your organization, regardless of its size. Big name brands with proven...

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TalentCircles Questionnaires Help Employers Build Large-Scale Talent Pools

TalentCircles, a cloud-based candidate engagement and management solution, now offers a new Questionnaires module that enables employers to screen pre-qualified candidates in order to build large talent pools based on skill set and culture fit. With the new TalentCircles module, employers can customize any number of pre-recorded interview templates and questionnaires that can include many...

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Should you Conceal Negative Job Aspects From Candidates?

No business, department or team is perfect; employees will always have some level of frustration about their job or their company. In fact, recent research from Aon shows that around 58 percent of employees worldwide are engaged with their firms and happy with the way the business is operating. This, of course, means that 42 percent of employees are disengaged and seriously concerned about some...

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