Unemployment Benefits Applications Remain Near 5-Year Low, Decline Again
As reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, the number of workers seeking unemployment benefits continued to sit near five-year lows as first-time applicants for unemployment claims decreased by 6,000 to 331,000 during the week ending August 24. The four-week average ticked up by 750 to 331,250. The total number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits sat near 4.5 million for the week...

7 Percent Increase Expected for Benefit Costs in 2014
The largest companies in the nation are expected to experience an average of a 7 percent cost increase for healthcare benefits in 2014, according to a National Business Group on Health survey. The survey also found that more companies will offer consumer-directed plans (CDHP) as their sole option next year due to their lower expense but higher deductibles. However, large companies are also found...

How to Identify High-Potential Employees
Solutions to the global talent war tend to focus around the area of attracting and retaining top talent – and rightly so – but another important way to harness and utilize talent is by identifying high-potential talent from within your existing staff population and developing them for today so they can turn into tomorrow's leaders. Most of us are familiar with this process, which we know as...

Make the Most out of your Career by Improving Office Politics Skills
In the words of the German novelist Thomas Mann, "Everything is politics." While most people would say hard work is the sole ingredient for a successful career, in reality, good office politics are just as necessary. Getting good at office politics, in fact, may be the most important thing you can do to forward your career. Good office politics requires a sense of empathy, excellent...

Gen X Tops List of Most Analytical Workers, Millennials Lag Behind
The American Management Association reports that older generations outpace Millennials when it comes to analytical skills, with as many as 19 percent of the youngest working generation with few or no analytical abilities. The most analytical of all age groups in the workforce was identified as Generation X (individuals aged 30 to 50) with 58 percent of its members with advanced or expert...

Americans Want Overhaul of Performance Reviews, Says Globoforce
According to Globoforce's Summer 2013 Workforce Mood Tracker, many workers do not feel that their workplace achievements are fully accounted for by traditional performance reviews. Employees noted flaws in how performance appraisals are administered and how employers may go about fixing the problems. The survey found that job satisfaction was heavily correlated with an employee's level of...

7 Relocation Management Strategies
In an article for Harvard Business Review, Matt Ferguson, CEO of Careerbuilder, proposed that a chief reason for the U.S. market's growing skills gap is the lack of willingness for employees to "move beyond their own backyards for a new job." He supports this assertion with evidence, which shows that the percentage of Americans who changed residences between 2010 and 2011 was at an all-time low,...

CareerBuilder Shares Red Flags, Other Factors Used in Hiring Process
A new nationwide survey, conducted on behalf of CareerBuilder, has found that while skills and experience remain critical for getting a job, there are many other factors considered as well. These factors range from fashion sense and humor to knowledge of current affairs. When asked to pick between two equally qualified candidates with the following traits, employers were clear on which factors...

Preparing for Difficult Interview Questions
There is nothing scarier in the 'job seeking world' than sitting in an interview room staring at a hiring manager realizing that you have no idea what to say in response to the question that he or she just asked you. This can make you stutter, stumble, sweat, and look all together unprepared for your interview, much less for starting a new career. To make sure that the hiring manager or...

Hey Employers, your Employees are People Too
A bizarre thing happened in my personal life this past weekend that can easily translate into a lesson for the professional world. I regularly attend church. So, I went out of town over the weekend and returned home to a new pastor...with no explanation as to why. Let me give you some background: The church I attend is a satellite and there are many, many satellite churches around the world...

Mashable Relaunches Job Board with CareerCast Partnership
In partnership with CareerCast, media company Mashable has announced the relaunch of its Mashable Job Board that will provide its RevManage program and job board platform Adicio. The provisions include fully managed sales, marketing, and site administration services. The relaunch will allow employers to promote job openings to 25 million unique monthly visitors who also have access to a...

ICM Releases HR RecordView for Secure Document Access and Storage
ICM Document Solutions (ICM) has released web-based HR RecordView, software designed to securely store sensitive HR documents while providing HR professionals with fast access to these documents when needed. HR RecordView implements HR best practices to help meet compliance requirements for storage, retention, and retrieval of documents while keeping document accessibility for managers...

Commutercost Develops Website to Transform Commuting Costs into Wage Recommendations
Startup Commutercost is offering a novel way for candidates and employers to calculate the cost of commuting. Subscribers to the service receive access to a cost calculator based on a driving commute, mass transit commute, and multimodal inputs. The calculator also contains a wage component in order to help job seekers factor in commuting costs into their wage and salary negotiations. Other...

Hiring: The "if" and "when" Factors
So you think you need to hire someone into a newly opened position—whether that be by virtue of an employee vacating the seat or a necessity that has been generated by technological advances. Either way, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you embark on the expedition to find the right person to fill the void. Question 1: Do you really need this person? In...

Best Practices for Using the HR Audit Checklist
Working in Human Resources can be a challenge. You're always rolling the dice when it comes to a new hire as determining the suitability of a candidate before they hit the ground running can be nearly impossible. However, there is a good way to keep your employees on the ball and make sure that you're heading up a well-oiled machine. Regular HR Audits will ensure that not only is your...

Don't Just Quit your Job
Are you feeling frustrated over an issue that management might not have resolved? Is lack of growth making you consider leaving your current job? Or is it simply for financial reasons that you wish to move on? Before you go too far on that one-way street, have you evaluated the social, financial and other domino effects of being unemployed? Yes, being unemployed isn't easy, especially when...

Make Employers Come to You in 5 Steps
There is a lot of good career advice out there, but much of this advice is built around you actively going out and finding a job. There is not much information out there telling candidates how to make employers come directly to them. It's strange because it seems like the demand is there because evidence suggests that 74 percent of you all are known as passive job seekers, which means not...

Facing Layoffs?
In good and bad economies, layoffs happen. And when rumors of layoffs arise your otherwise pleasant coworkers can turn to backstabbing and other petty behavior to make themselves look good. But even though your office environment may begin to feel intolerable and push you to the edge of panic, by being proactive, positive, and making the best of your professional relationships you can make it...

Know when your Career is your True Passion and Life's Calling
Answering questions about finding passions is a difficult task, because they rarely, if ever, rely on simple, linear methods. No, discovering one's passion is a journey that leads from one's innermost desires to those opportunities available in the real world. Figuring out the magic equation to finding your life's calling may be difficult at best, but knowing you've found it may be a step in...

How to Avoid the 'Slacker Traps' of your Job
It's a symptom of modern living—we space out at work to read the news, shop, and play. It's okay, I'm not judging you. But there are ways to help yourself stay focused and become more productive every day. Staying focused takes effort and practice, but the gains can spell great benefits for your career and life in general. One of the easiest ways to keep your mind on track is to have...

The IRS All Up in Your Small Business
With rising healthcare costs and the burden of compliance weighing heavily on all employers, it's no secret that small businesses are scurrying to find ways to offset these costs and new responsibilities. While finding loopholes is a cat and mouse game that the IRS and small businesses have been playing for years, the IRS is stepping up its game. Loopholes and belts and are getting tighter this...

How to Choose the Best Agency Recruiter
Research from the Department of Labor tells us that candidates are taking, on average, more than 10 weeks to find a new job. So, not only is it proving a tough climate for job seekers looking to get ahead, the situation has been getting harder. This means that candidates need to be optimizing their use of all the job finding resources available to them, that is if they are to find the best...

Sales Gravy Goes Mobile with Job Search and Recruitment
Leading sales employment website and sales talent community, Sales Gravy, has announced the addition of mobile sales job search and recruiting functionality to its line of sales staffing tools. As mobile devices become more popular for sales job seekers, Sales Gravy has moved to provide a seamless mobile interface for job seekers to search and apply for sales job on the smart phones and tablets,...

Newest Ving Release Offers Free Accounts for Better Communication, Productivity
Youngstown Business Incubator (YBI) portfolio company via680 has announced the third version of its engagement tool, Ving, which now includes forever-free accounts in an attempt to improve business communications and productivity. The newest release also offers an enhanced interface for more intuitive creation of dynamic messages. Ving messages are sharable through email, social media, and...

Oversight's Insights On Demand Offers Quick Data Analysis for Travel Managers
Operational analysis software company Oversight Systems has announced Insights On Demand for corporate and governmental agencies seeking to identify policy violations, waste, and fraud. The company's first Insights on Demand releases, available as a cloud-based solution, are designed for travel managers and executives. The Insights On Demand benchmark report delivers analysis of employee travel...

Stop Procrastinating Now (not Tomorrow)
From trivial tasks to major projects, odds are that you have at least one or two things you need to get done but can't seem to get started on. This may come from feeling overwhelmed, being stuck in a routine that doesn't involve these tasks, or perhaps you feel afraid to start, but the reality is that the work must be completed. Plus, the stress you feel from putting things off only mounts...

Truth and Lies about Hiring Older Workers
As a result of people living longer and needing/choosing to work much further into retirement, the workforce is getting older. And, as the workforce and job candidate market gets older, it is creating a lot of age related issues in the recruitment process and in the workplace, which companies are not proving particularly well-equipped to deal with. For example, research from Peter Cappelli at...

360-degree Feedback Solution Launched by MTD Training
MTD Training, a company specialized in management training solutions, launched MTD360, a 360-degree feedback tool for collecting feedback on all levels of employees, performing analyses of training, staff surveys, and skill diagnostics. Complementing MTD's online management programs, the new software solution offers a new way for clients to address management-training needs with a minimum of...

Tips for Staying on Task from a Teleworker
Oh the perks of working from home. Telecommuters save on gas, enjoy more free time, and they don't even have to wear shoes. The perks are undeniable for both employee and employer. Employers save on office expenses and enjoy the perks of productive and stress-free employees. These perks only apply if actual work is getting done. It's so easy to sink into a couch with Netflix when it's right there...

How You Feel About How You Feel About How You Feel About the Job (Candidate): a 'Parity Check' on the Mind
You've got a good feeling about the job (candidate). This fit seems right, good. But feelings, like bits of evidence, are not always reliable. Sometimes, if not always, the smart thing is to hit the pause button and ask yourself how you feel about that good feeling, especially whether you feel you can or should trust it. (Old joke of mine: From the standpoint of the father of a teenage...

Dysfunctional Teams Prevalent in Workplace, Despite Importance of Teamwork
A national survey from the University of Phoenix has found that 95 percent of employees who have functioned as part of a team think that teams are an important workplace function but less than 25 percent prefer working in teams. Additionally, 36 percent of 18- to 24-year-old adults who recognize the importance of team work prefer working alone all of the time. Tellingly, 68 percent of previous...

HealthPocket Survey: Health Insurances Apps Rejected 22 Percent of the Time
A recent industry analysis from HealthPocket has found that the application rejection rate for health insurance is at 22 percent nationally. The statistic includes applications submitted for individuals and families. The rejection rate was found to be much worse in some states than in others. For example, Montana recorded the highest rejection rate at 45 percent, followed by Alabama (40...

Don't Make these 4 Branding Mistakes
Let's flip through Merriam Webster's Dictionary for just a moment: Reputation: overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general Credibility: the quality or power of inspiring belief Brand (ing): the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand Each of these words play a crucial part in your overall success as a company. Your...

How to Stay Focused when Pursuing Long-Term Goals
The idea that the first step is always the hardest isn't necessarily true in all cases. Consider your long-term goals. Even if it took you your entire academic career (or even longer) to figure out just what you want to do with the rest of your life, planning to reach goals in the distant future is probably a lot easier than actually committing your life to attaining them. Let's face it, the...

Avoid these 6 Hiring Mistakes to Land Top Finance Talent
While optimism is on the rise due to the improving state of the job market, employers are still encountering challenges when it comes to landing talented finance job candidates. As more companies begin opening their doors to new hires in 2013, how can you ensure you're doing everything you can to land talented, long-term additions to your business? Sure, hiring mistakes are bound to happen....

Employment and Recruiting After the 2045 Immortality Singularity
If AI genius and Google engineering director Ray Kurtzweil is right, around 2045—the forecasted year of "the technological singularity", the first computer uploads of disembodied human minds and immortality for them and their associated personalities, skills, cumulative experience, character, dreams and ambitions will be achieved. Let's assume that many, if not most, people will ...

Towers Watson Finds HR Structures, Service Delivery to Change Within Two Years
Towers Watson's 2013 HR Service Delivery and Technology Survey has reported that corporate HR functions will experience major changes within the next two years due to the increasing pressures to improve how HR services are delivered and their level of effectiveness. The survey also showed that companies are considering new HR technologies and will continue to invest in products such as mobile...

Applications for Unemployment Aid Apps Up After Reaching Half-Decade Low
The U.S. Labor Department reports that applications for unemployment benefits rose last week after reaching a 5.5 year low. But companies continue to lay off fewer workers and may boost hiring over the next several months. First-time benefits applications rose by 13,000 to 336,000 during the week ending August 17, up from 323,000 during the previous week. The less volatile four-week average...

Talygen Launches Advanced HR App for Windows Phone
Talygen, a leading Business Management Automation firm, has introduced a Windows Phone app that is fully integrated with the company's SaaS application. The app is configurable and allows for any type of leave, such as sick leave, parental leave, and vacation, to be set up from one integrated solution for managing most HR functions. The new tool is designed for users at multiple management and...

The Taboo of Socializing at Work
Less than a decade ago, no one talked about limited social contact within organizations unless individuals or groups became too conspicuous for the company's liking. However, social networking websites, such as Facebook, have changed the rules of social engagement in today's corporate world. Many employers see such social networks as a threat. While we cannot contest the utility of social...

How Millennials Will Impact the Workplace
Companies are having trouble recruiting, retaining and growing their millennial talent. This issue is going to become much bigger as more millennials enter the workplace in the coming years. They will become 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025. Millennials are the most educated, diverse and connected generation in history and they are going completely against normal work protocol. They...

Former PerformancePAM Outfit Announces Next-gen Talent Management Product
LightWork Talent Management (formerly PerformancePAM Talent Management) is a next generation talent management software that helps identify strengths and areas for improvement in employee performance while aiding in goal setting for corporate success. LightWork utilizes a Windows-like web-based interface that integrates with any HR system—particularly Sage HRMS. The redesigned platform offers...

International Assignments: Recruiting Without Borders
Despite ongoing financial pressures arising from a sluggish worldwide economy, it seems that most multinationals are expecting to increase their global manpower footprint. A Global Talent Mobility Survey from Towers Watson shows that many global businesses are expecting to increase their international assignments through 2014. But, not only are international assignments on the rise, assignment...

Gigwalk Launches Android App for Mobile-centric Temporary Workforce
Leading on-demand mobile workforce, Gigwalk, has announced the launch of its Android app that is expected to create hundreds of thousands of on-demand jobs. The first ever mobile-centric marketplace for temporary work now caters to both Apple and Android users and already caters to over 325,000 active users. The new Android apps gives enterprise customers access to wider talent pools for better...

How to Cope with a Job You Hate and Can't Quit
"Americans Hate Their Jobs, Even with Office Perks", a June 24, 2013 CNBC News headline declared. But do they hate them enough to quit and, importantly for the discussion to follow, what about those who, for whatever reason, simply cannot quit? There are lots of reasons—many very good ones—for being unable to quit, including heavy family responsibilities with no available alternative way...

Work4 Releases New Facebook Graph Search Whitepaper
Work4, the company that deems itself the no.1 Facebook Recruiting Solution, is offering a new, comprehensive guide to making the most of Facebook Graph Search for recruiting. The new whitepaper, "The Joy of Facebook Recruiting: Sourcing the Best Candidates with Graph Search," provides recruiters and hiring managers with an in-depth look at best practices for sourcing the highest quality...

8 Tricks to Negotiating a Higher Starting Salary
Many of you will find it difficult to raise and discuss the subject of money during interviews or contract discussions with a potential new employer. This is understandable, as money is an uncomfortable subject. But this hesitancy to broach the subject of money with an employer is both self-limiting and nonsensical. Why? Because research from a CareerBuilder survey has revealed that a...

HR Compliance Issues Continue to Create Challenges, Concerns for SMB HR Managers
ADP's survey of HR managers at small and mid-sized companies has revealed that at least half have mounting fears regarding compliance issues facing their companies. "Since HR compliance lies at the heart of effective human resource management, it is alarming to discover that most HR managers surveyed express concern about their ability to comply with HR laws and employment laws today and...