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The Return on Talent Management Systems

Companies are switching up their talent management software in droves. Industry leaders don't try to keep up; they set the standard, and the new standard is better TMS. The talent management software industry is booming because it has proven to be a sound investment. What makes a sound investment? You guessed it –a return. According to a recent Forbes article on the ROI of talent...

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Negotiating Salary During the Hiring Process

Let's be honest. You are trying to get a great career because you need to earn money to live. Of course, there are exceptions to this—some people don't need money but work because they are passionate about it, and others are willing to accept a low salary for a job that they love. Yet, for the most part, your potential salary will be an important part of the consideration process of...

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Recruiters and the Excuses We've Never Heard Before

As I write this note to all the candidates out there, I would like you to realize a couple of things. One, I just had two interviewees pull a no show with a new client this morning. And two, calling 10 minutes before an interview does not qualify as cancelling with appropriate notice. In any case, I wanted to provide a quick rundown of excuses that any Recruiter who has been working for, oh say,...

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4 Mobile Apps to Help Your Job Hunt

For many years, online market researchers have divided their research web panel audiences up into two main universes—that is at work and at home—as a way to model and understand the different ways that people behave when surfing during the office and at home. Clearly, people are likely to view , well, "different" sites at home than they might ordinarily view at work, and might buy different...

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Zalp Releases First-Ever Global Employee Referral Index

We all know the value of employee referrals. In fact, according to the Career XRoads 2013 Source of Hire report, a job candidate who has acquired a referral is 3-4 times more likely to be hired. Utilizing employees and their networks can drastically reduce cost-to-hire, which is just one of the reasons many companies are investing in these types of programs. And to help with this, Zalp, the...

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Raise Employee Morale in 5 Steps

Companies invest time and other resources in the acquisition of talent and it makes perfect sense for them to do so. However, day in and day out routines can bring the most prolific of people down a notch or two, and that's where managers and CEOs need to step in and take charge. All successful companies realize the need to keep their employees' spirits high in order for them to perform at...

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Universum Releases "The World's Most Attractive Employers 2013" List

Global leader in employer branding, Universum Global, just released "The World's Most Attractive Employers 2013" list. The annual rankings reveal which businesses have a competitive edge in employer reputation. The list is compiled from the rankings of nearly 200,000 business and engineering students from top universities who detailed the companies and employer characteristics they found...

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Have Skills, Will Travel

Transferrable skills are a valuable asset in today's uncertain job market. New graduates, in particular, may find themselves facing the age-old conundrum: to get the job, you need experience, but you can't gain experience without first getting the job. This Catch-22 can feel completely paralyzing, but never fear: chances are, you already have at least some of the skills to break into the...

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Recruiters are People Too

Last week I was walking through the offices of one of my best clients.  Waving, saying hello, shaking hands and just checking in with the Managers, the leadership and my consultants.  I love doing that. It's a positive way to end the week, find out about new opportunities and overall just take it light and easy. One of the Managers called me over. He smiled, we chatted and then he caught...

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Job Hunting? Honesty is the Best Policy

I've been working with my younger brother to help him find a job. From re-writing resumes to mock interviews, we've pretty much gone over "all things job search." And after applying for multiple jobs online and even filling out applications in-person at temp-agencies, I'm happy to report he finally found a job! The way he ended up landing the job stemmed from a tricky, but common...

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Preparing for 5 of the Most Common Interview Questions

Have you ever gone to an interview and found yourself staring blankly at the interviewer or rambling aimlessly because he or she asked an unexpected question that you didn't know how to respond to? Hesitation and/or stalling when answering can quickly turn an interviewer off because it can make you look unprofessional, unprepared, or even dishonest. When you are preparing for an interview it...

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Recruiting 101: Knowing Your Candidates

When I first started in this business, candidates were the product...and they were treated like it.  I was taught to know my candidate inside and out; their likes, dislikes, family situation, interests and most importantly, their career goals.  Over the last decade, it's safe to say that the Candidate First model has gone by the wayside, at least in the big shops. And while that certainly...

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A Small Checklist for your Next Résumé

Most people start off at some point during their college lives at composing and compiling their first résumés. From here on, the race begins for landing the best jobs and earning the highest salaries. While different people view résumés with varying interests, there's one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt— your résumé is your first impression. Of course the traditional résumé has...

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How to Entice a Freelancer Back In-House

Reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics tell us that there are 14.5 million self-employed people in the U.S., and although this is 2.1 million lower than peak 2006 figures, this still represents 10 percent of the nation's population and a sizable resource pool. Figures for the UK are similar with Office for National Statistics figures telling us that there are just over 4 million...

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5 Ways to Gently let Candidates Down

When you are under the gun trying to hire staff in a very tight candidate market, with your time-to-hire, cost-to-hire and turnover all going in the wrong direction, that is 'North', it can be hard to see the importance of providing a fluffy, dream candidate experience. Your focus is on hard factors such as: placing ads, renewing ads, scheduling interviews, negotiating and getting real bums on...

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We Need a Policy for That?!

Ah common sense, a tricky term. Common sense is pretty relevant, what might be very obvious to one person, can completely escape another. This is why we have rules, guidelines and policies, but have workers gone too far under the guise of lack of common sense? We have always created policies and considered the rest taken care of by common sense, but this is getting trickier. Did you ever get...

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8 Employment Testing Providers for 2013

Hiring was on the uptick this past holiday season and it is true that the most expensive time for an organization to take on a new hire is the first 90 days of their employment.  In a time where businesses are tightening their belts, we need to be more careful about our hiring strategies and take the necessary steps to ensure that when recruiting, we get it right the first time. If you...

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New Interview Scheduling Software Reschedge Reduces Scheduling Process to 10 Seconds

We all know how time consuming scheduling interviews can be, but they're a necessary component of the hiring process. Schedulers often have to juggle interviewer and candidate availability; line up panel and manager interviews (if necessary); reserve conference rooms and deal with last-minute changes. This process can take hours to complete, but a new solution aims to help you do this in less...

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7 Ways to Become more Recruitment Visible

It's a dog-eat-dog world out there and although some analysts and economists seem to believe that the economy is back and bullish, competition for top jobs is tougher than ever. That's why it helps to keep a few aces up your sleeves the next time you are job hunting. Not sure if you're playing the right cards? Try these during your next job search: Location While hiring trends seem to be...

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Ending Your Reign as the "Go-To" Person to Lower Stress and Improve Productivity

There are many reasons your job may lead to mental burnouts and dismal productivity. But if you find that your days are frequently lost to helping others with their technical woes and other office uncertainties, it's time to take some action to take your time back for yourself. You may or may not enjoy your role as the unofficial office troubleshooter, but if you are unable to keep up with...

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Prove You're Raise Worthy in a Few Simple Steps

There is only one reason to ask for a raise—to make more money. And holding a short conversation with your boss in order to obtain a financial boost that will carry into the indefinite future should not be seen as a true obstacle standing between you and a better standard of living. One of the main problems is that most people think that asking for a raise is all about timing and presentation....

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Ways to Transition from Worker to Management

"Leveling up" your career path from detail-oriented worker bee to leader can mean many things— some good, some confusing, and some frightening. Initially, a manager title means an increased salary, a new boss, a new workspace, and new authority. But it also means a shift in your duties and responsibilities. Where once you were focused on the details of your work, now your job requires you...

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Benefits of Attending a Job Fair

When was the last time you visited a job fair? Or should I rephrase the question and ask if you've ever been to a job fair? I have visited two; one as a journalist covering the event and another by chance as it happened to be part of a bigger technology exposition. However, job seekers should be encouraged to avail every opportunity to get out there and meet prospective employers. Many...

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Social Profiles more Honest than Resumes, says LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman

LinkedIn Founder Reid Hoffman has opined that candidates are typically more honest in their LinkedIn profile page (and social media profiles in general) than they are when sending their resume in to employers. His logic goes something like this: Resumes are read by only a handful of people within a given company, and each reader usually has no prior knowledge of the candidate. But on LinkedIn,...

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Are these Really the 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting?

I came across a article called (yes, you guessed it), "7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting." And after reading it, I wondered, "Are these practices/habits really deadly sins?" Let's take a look, shall we? Sin #1: Not following the 'Google Rule of 5' – Up to a few years ago, Google would have employees go through a 12 – 14 meeting process. This would result in dreadfully...

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Do Men or Women Make the Best Leaders?

Last year, Talent Innovations, the 360 degree feedback specialist, conducted a survey of leaders and found that men and women had different leadership strengths. This was no straw poll—which is why I felt it deserved much more attention— as they took in the views of almost 14,000 leaders.  So, the survey was expansive, including a large and statistically significant data set. The...

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National Benchmarking Survey: Health Costs Increase Due to Out-of-Pocket Expenses

The 2013 UBA Health Plan Survey has found that in 2013 employers paid more for individual premiums but required employees to pay 3 percent more for family coverage, while decreasing in-network coverage for both groups. The average family premium was $492 per month as the average worker saw increases in out-of-pocket costs, including higher in-network deductibles, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket...

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New Insala Website Offers Mentor Solutions for Talent Management Support

Insala, a leading provider of SaaS talent development solutions, has announced a new website dedicated to mentoring software. The site,, features a streamlined interface designed to help make it easy to find mentoring solutions for specific talent management initiatives. The site provides improved access to research and resources to employers and administrators including...

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Survey: Recruiters and Students Disagree on Appropriate Facebook Content

Recruiters and college students differ on what is and is not appropriate to post on Facebook, a recent survey from Persona, Inc. reveals. The company is a social media tool that helps users protect professional reputations online. The survey of 500 U.S. college juniors and seniors showed that 57 percent of college students don't believe they have inappropriate content on their Facebook, yet...

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Advertising Contradictions: Icons of Our Jobs and Minds

Look at this spoof-ad I've created, on the left—a close replica of a real bank ad I recently and randomly encountered online. Embedded in its innocuous-looking content are complex contradictions, analyzed below, designed to motivate and reflect our individual and culturally-defined dreams, while tapping into our fears—personal and professional. At first glance, there is nothing...

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Recruiters, Demand Your Big Data Insights! (Part 1)

When I was growing up, we did old-school road trip planning. My father would gather all the appropriate maps, spread them out on the kitchen table and pour over them to find the best route to our destination. He'd write down that route step by step. Even so, at some point during that trip, we would inevitably end up on the side of the road with one or more of those maps spread across the...

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4 Questions to ask Yourself Before Starting a New Job

So you've made it through the interview and have been offered a job, but should you take a little time off before starting to relax and unwind or jump right in to maintain a continuous income? Depending on your mindset and place in life, each option might be tempting in its own way. Here are several questions you should ask yourself before making your decision and some tips on how to answer...

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The Perfect Personality Components of a Great Team

In any workplace, teams are the critical component in getting things done. Tasks are completed through cooperation and communication among individuals who are best suited for particular roles within the team. Selecting a good team is not a simple matter and doesn't happen spontaneously. Good teams are composed of key personality types that mesh in a way that makes high-level communication and...

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Towers Watson: Just 25 Percent of Employers Sustain Change Management Gains

The 2013 Towers Watson Change and Communication ROI Survey reveals that only 25 percent of organizations keep the gains forged by change management initiatives, despite the initial success reported by most employers. The inability to sustain these gains is blamed primarily on companies' inability to train managers as successful change leaders. Over half of respondents (55 percent) reported that...

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Fast-Food Employee Wage-Strikes: a Public Health Crusade?

While wishing that they "have a nice pay!", I don't have to take the employees' or management's side on the issue of wage-hike demand's by McDonald's, Wendy's or other fast-food industry workers to see the implications for the health of Americans. There are several, including more subtle ones, beyond the obvious implications for trying to sustain any lifestyle, especially a...

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Infographic Gives Employers the Candidate's Perspective

Do you really know what candidates want? Do you understand the who, what, when, where, why and how when it comes to job seekers? Well, the folks at SilkRoad aim to help you get a better understanding of top talent by giving you an exclusive look into the minds of job candidates with its recent infographic "The Employment Marketplace Survey: From the Candidates' Perspective." The...

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6 Critical Don't's for Your Resume

Your resume is going to be a key element of your career search. It is vital that you produce a resume that shows you in the absolute best light and will encourage the recruiter to see you as the ideal candidate for the position you desire. Unfortunately, zeal for a position can sometimes cause those in the quest for a career to completely forget what things are appropriate and inappropriate, what...

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How Fall Recruiting for Retail is More Efficient with Video Interviewing

Video interviewing is not just the latest fad in human resources, there is a detailed past, present, and future to video interviewing. One study suggests that 60 percent of companies with 20 or more employees are conducting video interviews with some frequency. Implemented in the right ways, video interviewing can be an extremely useful tool for the retail industry. It is possible to address some...

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Peoplefluent RMS/VMS Updated with Mobile Device Access, New Compliance Tools

Social HCM technology company, Peoplefluent, has announced a list of enhancements to its recruiting and contingent workforce management solutions. The company's recruitment management system (RMS) now features an improved mobile career site with expanded mobile capabilities. The vendor management system (VMS) has received enhancements to its Service Procurement module for improved management of...

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Study Finds 2014 Salaries to Increase at Levels not Seen Since 2008

New research from Aon Hewitt suggests that salary increases in the U.S. could reach rates at their highest levels in six years. However, average increases should remain modest as many employers reserve much of their compensation budget for high-performing workers, performance awards, and salary increases based on merit. The all-time low for year-over-year increases occurred in 2009 when the rate...

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CEO Jeff Weiner and the Importance of Employee Recognition

Employees are the backbone of any organization; without them a company just wouldn't be what it is. Whether it's the drive-thru worker at McDonald's or the chief marketing officer at Google, employees are the people who make an organization successful (or even failure). So, because employees are such a vital component of a company, it's important that these people feel valued....

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How to Make Agency Recruiters Work Hard for You

I recently wrote a feature on the importance of using recruiters to help you to get a job. It was titled How to Choose The Best Agency Recruiter to Market You. I highlighted figures from CareerXRoads which showed that recruiters accounted for nearly 10 percent of job placements, meaning that they are a crucial gateway to jobs for job seekers. The article gave advice on the sort of things you...

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Got Ideas? Transition them from Paper to Real-world Possibilities with a Great Plan

The workplace is full of bureaucrats and stubborn proponents of the status quo, so it's common to feel like the great idea hatched in your fevered mind one insomnia-plagued night will never find its way to reality. But even in dealing with short-sighted bosses you can rise to the challenge of transitioning your idea from writing pad to drawing board through careful preparation and presentation....

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3 Tips to Survive a Dreaded Business Trip

Travel, even for recreation, has its inconveniences and frustrations. Flight delays, unaccommodating hotel rooms, security checks, and annoying travelers all add to the hassle of spending time away from home. But with business trips, all of those inconveniences you experience with family and friends that are made worth it in the end become mixed with the awkwardness of being in constant company...

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SmashFly Makes It Easier to Gain Big Data Insight with Recruitment Marketing Analytics Solution

SmashFly Technologies is attempting to rid the world of fear of Big Data through the release of the newest iteration of its recruitment marketing analytics (RMA) solution. Like all RMA, SmashFly's platform offers recruiters, recruitment managers, and senior management actionable analytics to make recruitment marketing more competitive. However, SmashFly's RMA allows organizations to capture...

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When to Go Over a Recruiter's Head

Job seekers tend to have a certain "fear" of recruiters and hiring managers, and I mean fear in the reverence and respect contexts. These types of people have the power to drastically affect their professional lives, i.e. making the decision to hire an applicant or not. So, with their roles comes a certain level of respect, a certain level of understanding that you must conduct yourself this...

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The Perfect Job

Having long ago dealt with the "perfect resume" namely God's, in a previous article of mine, it makes sense to consider the perfect job for the perfect candidate—again, God. So, with these twin perfections and deep theology in mind, it's going to be fun to ask, "What is the perfect job?" On the assumption that the job is fit for God or a god (hereafter and maybe in the hereafter,...

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Slicing Your Turnover Rates in Half

Starting a new job is usually a time for excitement, but there are times when a new hire (even one with the best of intentions) quickly becomes a has-been. Employee turnover has always been a headache for HR Professionals, but with the rise of the contingent workforce and the shifting priorities of a changing workforce, many feel that it's getting worse. The issue with turnover, especially...

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