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Is Compensation No Longer King? It's Complicated.

  It's a seller's talent market, and the question on every recruiter's mind is: How do you get candidates to choose your roles over all the rest? If you believe the hype, financial compensation isn't the answer. But is it true that candidates now value the intangibles — like flexibility, a positive culture, personal development — more than cold, hard cash? The answer...

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4 Ways to Turn Candidates On to Return-to-Work Options

Most companies have introduced their return-to-work plans as the country moves toward restoring workplace normalcy. Granted, many employers are open to hybrid work settings, and the new state of ordinary will look very different from before the pandemic. However, the work-from-home experience employees garnered in safely maneuvering the pandemic's impacts has shifted candidate...

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The Stay Interview: All You Need to Know

In 2021, the Great Resignation wreaked havoc and caused millions of employees to leave. In fact, in October 2021, a record number of 4.2 million Americans quit. With all of these employees quitting, more companies are trying to figure out how to get their employees to stay. One way to do that is to conduct a "stay interview."  But what is a stay interview, and how do you do it?...

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Remote Work Changed the Recruiting Industry Forever

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced numerous changes into every facet of the way we live and work. As the world has gone digital, the recruiting industry has followed suit. Now, the industry's best practices are unrecognizable from their pre-COVID days. Perhaps the biggest change of all is that many recruiters are now working with national and even global talent pools, as the prominence of...

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How to Pick Up the Hiring Pace Without Skimping on Candidate Quality

The year 2020 changed the way we work, live, and run our businesses. For HR professionals in particular, the pandemic sparked a dramatic shift in perspective. Following a period of record-low unemployment, we were suddenly thrust into a brand-new world: Remote work is now the norm, employees face constant burnout, and joblessness is high. The labor market as we knew it is no more. As...

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Breaking Into the Loan Industry: 5 Jobs You Can Get

In the UK, the loan industry is a multimillion-pound business, and it's similarly large in the US. With thousands of people relying on loans to fund their everyday lives, the sector is poised to continue growing. Loans are becoming more and more ubiquitous as people look to mortgages, auto loans, and student loans to help them finance their needs. To meet this growing demand, many roles are...

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How to Automate New Employee Onboarding

Have you ever had to send notifications about training manually? Or struggled to count the exact number of participants during a month? Or maybe you've gotten lost in the lists of interns and forgotten who attended what training? Things would be much easier if you automate such routine tasks, and that's when a learning management system (LMS) comes in.   This is a platform where...

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Working in eCommerce: 4 Jobs You Can Get

Fundamentally, "eCommerce" refers to any commercial transaction that takes place online. The transaction could be for a financial service or purchasing items on a fashion site, for example. When money and data are transferred through the internet to buy and sell goods and services, the activity is eCommerce. Now is a great time to think about finding a role in eCommerce, as the growth of...

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How to Hire the Right Talent When Conducting Virtual Interviews

Close to 81% of talent professionals worldwide say that virtual recruiting will continue post-COVID. Nearly 70% say it will become the new standard, according to LinkedIn's report. Businesses like the considerable cost and time savings of conducting virtual assessments and interviews and the scheduling efficiency and flexibility they get.  Virtual interviews are now routine for some...

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Cut Through the Noise: How Recruiting Agencies Can Land New Clients in Volatile Times

We are living in a critical time for the recruiting industry. Tomorrow's jobs are in a painful pruning process today. The economy has lost 22 million jobs since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States, only regaining about 42 percent of them to date. A staggering 965,000 workers filed for unemployment benefits the week of January 4, 2021. While today's news may paint a gloomy...

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How Recruiters Can Evaluate Candidates With a Skills-Based Lens

Not only has the hiring landscape changed for job seekers, but it's also changed for hiring managers and recruiters on the business side. When managers are deciding their approach on whether or not a candidate is a right fit for a job, traditional talent management standards like college degrees or past employment experience are no longer the only applicable qualifications to consider. Instead,...

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How to Excel at Employer Branding to Attract and Retain Top Talent

In today's rapidly transforming economy, the competition among employers to bag top talent is becoming more fierce than it ever has been, and companies now have to furnish engaging work experiences to make employees stick around.  The internet, too, has transformed the modern hiring process.  Your company's reputation on social media channels also acts as your brand's voice these days...

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Top Recruiting Challenges and What You Can Do to Fix Them

According to one survey, 72% of candidates have difficulty finding skilled candidates for open positions. Thanks to the Great Resignation, this problem is one of the most common recruiting challenges, but it's not the only one, especially in a competitive candidate market. Thankfully, so many tools and technology can help these HR professionals overcome these obstacles. Keep reading, and...

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5 Keys to Implementing a Development-Centric People Strategy

Your company may be among the growing number of employers today that have incorporated learning and development conversations into their hiring strategies. If so, you likely understand that millennial and Generation Z candidates see an employer's commitment to their professional development as a key consideration when weighing job opportunities in this very highly competitive labor...

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Welcome to the Outcomes Era. It's Time to Update Your Management Methods.

The pre-2020 workplace is no longer sufficient for employee success — nor is it sustainable. Indeed, far too many businesses are stuck in the Industrial Era, where managers obsess about the details of their employees' days. But the most successful organizations have embraced the Outcomes Era, in which leaders forget those meaningless details and focus on results. Those businesses that...

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How to Stand Out to Steal the Best Talent

It's not just you — hiring in this job market is no joke, and the numbers back it up.  In August 2021, the number of job openings increased to 10.9 million. At the same time, a record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs. Suffice to say, people are leaving their jobs in record numbers for other opportunities.  While there is no doubt that the candidate has the upper hand in this...

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8 Must-Have Tools for Successful Employee Onboarding in a Remote World

If you are still using manual methods to onboard your new hires, think again. It is more important now than ever to make use of smart tools to give new hires an excellent onboarding experience, given that 72 percent of new hires onboarded worldwide in the past eight months have been onboarded remotely. Carrying on with all the usual onboarding tasks manually is physically impossible in a...

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Sales Jobs Are Changing: How to Keep Up and Keep Talent

A 2020 Gartner survey predicts that 80% of B2B sales interactions will be virtual by 2025. Another study by Forrester shows that 40% of B2B reps planned to modify their sales tactics to include online sales in 2020.  The future of sales will be virtual, labor data indeed indicate. Sales teams will need to learn new tools and tactics and keep up with evolving trends in sales...

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Why AI Isn't Something Recruiters Should Be Scared Of

According to some research, 24% of companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) to acquire new talent. But if AI is so beneficial, why isn't that percentage higher? Some recruiters and businesses are hesitant to use AI for concerns that AI might take their job and replace humans. Or they're worried that it won't be able to replace human interaction fully and could hurt the...

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Recruiting for a Board of Directors: What You Need to Know

The individuals you choose to serve on your board directors will be responsible for providing strategic guidance and making high-level decisions that will alter the course of your organization. Because of their importance, you need to approach recruiting them with the utmost care. Here's how you can execute an effective recruitment process for your board of directors: 1. Determine...

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Become a Recruiting Pro by Understanding Hiring Managers Better

Hiring managers and recruiters come from two very different worlds. The former runs a team and looks for candidates when the necessity arises. The latter's entire day revolves around looking for great candidates and turning them into star employees. Yet they share one common goal: Finding perfect candidates. On the one hand, the recruiter is tasked with ensuring candidates are engaged and...

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Visionary Leadership: Developing Your Personal Problem-Solving Method

To be a leader is to be called in some way. Whether through strength of spirit or strength of the community you are part of, the vision is there. In ways great and small, you are asked to shoulder the burdens others can walk away from. For this reason, a leader needs a problem-solving approach that can be used for every organizational or individual challenge. Problem-solving can be a...

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Boolean Search: A Comprehensive Guide for Recruiters Looking to Excel at Hiring

You will find numerous guides on recruiting the best employees, what job boards to post on, and what questions to ask when you first meet them. However, finding a guide in the job market that tells you how to hire the right person for a job is tricky. Lucky for you, this post has a simple idea at the core, i.e., to take your recruiting process to the next level with the help of Basic...

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4 Effective Tips for Mastering Remote Onboarding

The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for change in the recruitment industry and the labor market. While some companies used to offer work from home as a perk to the employees, it has become a norm in the current scenario.  According to a recent survey, the number of permanent remote workers is expected to double and comprise 34.4% of the companies' workforce compared to 16.4%...

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Are Employers Overlooking the Very Solution to Their Talent Shortages?

  For months, the business press — particularly in recruiting and employment circles — has focused its attention on the ongoing Great Resignation. Amidst the worst talent shortage in 10 years, employers are justifiably fixated on the threat of massive turnover, making it even more of a challenge to get back up to pre-pandemic speed. But what if the Great Resignation is only...

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Talent Acquisition vs Recruiting: What's the Difference?

According to a SHRM survey, 75% of HR professionals have noticed a skills gap in their pool of applicants. If you notice the same thing, you can fix this by implementing a talent acquisition team to find the best candidates with the most talent. When you have a strong talent pool, you'll also be able to fill positions more quickly. But what is the difference between recruitment and talent...

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How One Pixar Film (and a Few Free Chrome Extensions) Can Make You a Better Recruiter 

After watching the Pixar film Ratatouille about 15 times in the past year, I've learned two things. The first is that I desperately need to get out of my house. The second is that recruiters can up their talent acquisition games with the right tips and tricks. How did I come to that latter conclusion from an animated film? In the movie, there's a famous scene where veteran chef Collette...

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How to Make Your Recruiting Email More Effective

Cold emailing isn't a simple process. You gather and process the data of multiple individuals, search the highs and lows of the internet for suitable talents, and finally, you send your mails. But most of the time, your email gets no response, or even worse, it bounces back (invalid email) — all in the day's work of a stressed talent acquisition manager. Don't worry; this article will...

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7 Ways to Reduce Bias While Hiring Employees

According to one survey, 60% of recruiters and hiring managers will decide on a candidate in just fifteen minutes of meeting them. However, if a decision is made that quickly, it might've been made with some unconscious biases. These unconscious biases can be challenging to a company focused on promoting a diverse workforce.  But having a diverse workforce starts when recruiters hire...

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TikTok as a Recruitment Tool? Here's What You Need to Know!

If someone told you that a trendy social media platform for uploading dance snippets would become the most downloaded application in the world, you probably would have shrugged it off as a far-fetched idea.  But then, TikTok happened. Initially dominated by Gen Z, TikTok now boasts more than one billion monthly active users from all age groups exploring its app, including businesses...

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6 Extraordinary Recruitment Technology Trends Shaping Talent Acquisition

According to the State of Talent Acquisition 2019 annual report, one of the most significant problems organizations confront is talent acquisition. With technological advancements sweeping the employment market and a greater emphasis on skill evaluation, identifying high-potential talent before the competition has become a marathon. Additionally, as the recruiting process evolves from...

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Challenges of Using AI in Recruiting and How to Work Around Them

According to some research, 84% of business leaders anticipate that artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment will help make companies more competitive when it comes to hiring. However, even though these leaders think that AI is the way of the future, many people are still concerned about AI's challenges. While these concerns are essential, there are ways to address them. Keep reading...

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Modern Business Doesn't Happen in a Silo: Using Transparency to Build a Better Work World

If there's one thing businesses should prioritize in 2021, it's transparency. Transparency is good for everybody. It leads to more efficiency and more diversity, and to a world that is more egalitarian and more connected. It's also good for business. As founder and CEO of a growth-stage tech startup, I quickly realized the power of transparency for my own company. My team has insights...

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3 Tips for Improving User Experience at Virtual Job Fairs and Other Hybrid Events

The pandemic has had an impact on just about every person, job, and industry in one way or another, but the events industry has been hit particularly hard. That said, the industry has adapted, in large part by embracing virtual and hybrid event experiences. If your business relies on events for engagement, programming, recruiting, or revenue generation, you may have already considered...

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7 Benefits of Using Recruiter Software for Enterprises

With the competitive labor market today, recruiters cannot afford to be bogged down with paperwork and manual processes. The average recruiter spends nearly 14 hours per week on administrative tasks. Companies that are wasting their time on administrative tasks are being outmaneuvered by other companies that are using software to make automated and data-driven decisions for their hiring...

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13 Tips for Attracting Top Candidates When They're Already Employed

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: We've all been there: You find the perfect candidate, but they're already employed at a bigger company paying a higher salary. How do you convince candidates to leave their existing roles and take a chance with you? These answers are provided by Young...

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The 4 Stages of a Relationship Between a Recruiter and Their ATS

Relationships are never easy. If you've been in one for a few years, you understand better than anyone that disagreements, mistakes, and mishaps are inevitable. While those issues are difficult enough to deal with on their own, public awareness of these problems creates further complications. Over the past decade, one relationship in particular has had its fair share of public spats. You...

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Most DEI Programs Exclude People With Disabilities. Here's How Your Company Can Change That.

More companies than ever are creating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to recruit and retain the best employees from the widest talent pool. But one group often goes overlooked in these initiatives: people with disabilities. Currently, only about 18 percent of people with disabilities are employed. That leaves a lot of untapped talent ready, willing, and able to work. By...

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How Craigslist Can Give You the Upper Hand in Your Job Search

Are you looking for a job? If so, you're probably familiar with Craigslist job search. It's a great resource in the labor market for finding jobs, and can even give you an edge over the competition. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of Craigslist when seeking employment. Thanks to the social job search and sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, you don't hear much about job boards...

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The Ultimate Guide on How to Pursue a Recruiter Career

In June 2021, over 380,000 open recruiter positions were posted on LinkedIn. The number keeps growing as recruiters become more in demand as companies try to grow post-pandemic. The BLS also anticipates that there will be a 9% increase in recruiting jobs from 2020 to 2030.  Right now, with a competitive market, there's never been a better time to switch careers or find your dream...

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The Simplest and Most Effective Way to Onboard New Hires

One of the most searched-for questions on the internet during the pandemic has been "how to onboard new hires remotely?" This is a difficult task to carry out, especially when it comes to giving new hires a sense of belonging. But what if we told you that most of your remote onboarding problems could be solved by simply writing good emails? Well-written employee onboarding emails can shoot...

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9 Ways to Leverage Data to Make Better Recruiting and Hiring Decisions

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What's one way you use data to inform and back your recruiting efforts, and how does this help you make the right hire? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young...

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Top Places for Recruiters to Source Candidates

The world of recruitment can be a challenging one. With a reported 63% of recruiters citing talent shortage as their most significant hurdle, it is clear that finding the right candidates can be daunting, especially during the Great Resignation period when the market is fiercely competitive. But fear not, as there are numerous channels you can explore to source candidates for your...

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It's Quitter's Day! Here's How to Tell Whether Your Candidate Will Actually Stick to Their New Year's Resolutions

It's perfectly natural for candidates to put on their best faces during the recruitment process. People often present themselves how they want to be perceived in the interview — but as you assess talent, it's your job to distinguish each candidate's calculated best impression from their genuine self. This becomes especially relevant in the first quarter of the year, when many...

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How to Find a Recruiter That is the Right Fit for Your Company

Finding suitable candidates for a company is getting more daunting for a hiring manager since unemployment rates in the United States are at a  50-year low, and good talent doesn't stay on the market for long. These unprecedented times are the reason why you need a good recruiter for your business now more than ever. All recruiters are matchmakers of a sort, bringing together hiring...

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3 Ways to Make Your Technical Interviews Work in a Virtual Hiring World

Done well, technical interviews follow a consistent process to identify the most qualified candidates for your team and leave candidates with a positive impression of your company. Done poorly, technical interviews can negatively impact candidate experience, produce inconsistent results, and even raise compliance issues for your company. For companies that have well-established processes...

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Interviewing? 9 Tips to Translate Your Qualifications From Your Resume

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: Even when a candidate is more than qualified on paper, they may not do well at impressing during an interview. What advice would you give them for better translating that qualification during their interview? These answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur...

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7 Strategies to Be a Successful Recruiter

According to some research, there is a 90% recruiter turnover rate within the first year. If you're a recruiter who wants to do the best in their position, there are some strategies you'll need to use to do a great job. Keep reading to discover seven strategies that you can implement into your process to recruit the most experienced candidates. Be Personal Whether you're trying to...

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