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When It Comes to Workplace Technology, Your Employees Expect Big Things – But Are You Prepared to Deliver?

Often, our discussions about the future of work revolve around employers and how they believe new technologies and trends will shape their industries. But what about employees? Certainly their lives and day-to-day business functions will be impacted by new advances, won't they? As it turns out, our overemphasis on employer voices in these discussions may have come at a price, according to...

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Using Video as a Recruitment and Retention Tool

At many companies, there is a disconnect between workers on the ground and the C-suite. To workers at the bottom of the corporate ladder, executives often come across as distant leaders who don't understand the problems and needs of those who keep the operation running. To executives, criticism from the lower rungs can seem like little more than vague complaints from workers who can't see...

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Business Slow? Invest in Employee Engagement

Let's get the simple explanation out of the way: Engaged employees are more productive. We're talking major increases. A study by Gallup found "companies with an average of 9.3 engaged employees for every actively disengaged employee in 2010-2011 experienced 147 percent higher compared with their competition." Still not sold? Gallup also found that work units in the top quartile in...

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Quit Waiting – If Your Boss Doesn't Recognize Your Work, Find a New Boss

Today's job market is tough. If you're trying to find a new job or get a promotion at your current job, you can probably relate. One of the most frustrating things, if not the most frustrating, is when your current boss is overlooking you. Perhaps the boss has created a new role that would be perfect for you. You've been with the organization for five years, and this job is a step up from...

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5 Lessons Graduates Can Learn From Barbie's Fractured Career Path

Life isn't easy for the average graduate. It has recently been reported that an incredible 91 percent of millennials are struggling with their job searches. They're unsure about what job to start with, they don't quite know what they want out of a job, and they aren't sure whom to ask. At times such as these, graduates might just look to their role models for inspiration – and for some,...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Pet-Friendly Work Policies

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, a new column from Recruiter.com writer Jason McDowell. Every month, McDowell will cover the most unique benefits that today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. In August of 2016, my beagle Boomer was attacked by a larger dog on the street and got beat up pretty bad. She required surgery,...

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Build a Diverse Corporate Culture From the Top Down

A lot of focus is being placed on diversity today. As more and more employers begin to see that diversity is good for their brands, their overall performance, and their corporate cultures, they are taking more interest in how their organizations treat people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and women. While we all wish diversity were simply a fact of life, for many companies in many verticals,...

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3 Ways Recruiters Can Reduce Turnover in the Healthcare Industry

HR professionals in the healthcare industry have a crisis on their hands: the spiraling turnover problem among nurses. More than 17 percent of new nurses leave their jobs after just one year. After three years, that percentage jumps to 43 percent – a staggering figure, considering that the total national voluntary turnover rate for all industries is just 11.6 percent. Nurses are essential to...

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Top 3 Benefits of AI in Recruitment

In 2016, artificial intelligence was a major topic of discussion. Does that mean it's time to move onto another hot trend in 2017? Not quite. AI has barely hit its stride when it comes to the benefits it can bring to recruiting and talent acquisition. Here are three ways AI can help you if you make it a part of your recruitment strategy: 1. Turning Quantity Into Quality On average,...

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Companies Cannot Ignore the Gender Pay Gap Any Longer

In the days after the 2017 Super Bowl, Audi generated a lot of buzz on the internet and around water coolers thanks to its commercial, "Daughter." The commercial poses questions from the perspective of a father as he watches his daughter participate in a soapbox car race. He ponders whether or not he should tell her that "despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she...

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Can't Get a Promotion? A Lack of Training May Be the Reason

Recently, we at Recruiter.com teamed up with Wyzant, the largest online marketplace for one-to-one instruction in the U.S., in order to better understand the connection between education and professional advancement. After surveying 900 currently employed professionals in America, we found out that training and development may be even more important for professional success than previously...

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A Low-Info Morning Diet: The Key to Creative Thought?

When I was a V.P. of sales, all my best earners scheduled calls before lunch – for good reason. After 1 P.M., most people get lethargic. Thoughts of heading home, coupled with that looming food coma, can do a real number on your energy. To be productive, it's important to harness your energy early in the day. After all, you just got up and are feeling excited about what the morning might...

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7 Tips for Better Group Interviews

Article by Robert Walters You're expanding the department and need to fill an entire sales division – fast! You don't have time for a long, drawn-out decision-making process. What should you do? This is a prime example of when group interviewing can save the day. Gathering key decision-makers to interview multiple candidates at once can be a very advantageous approach, as it leads to...

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Upwork Finds Companies Relying More on Freelancers for Specialized Skills

Gone are the days when freelancers were considered lazy, unreliable, or risky. As the very nature of work changes, companies are finding that a mix of standard employees and freelancers may be the most efficient path to success. In addition, freelancers can also be used to fill skilled labor gaps, reducing strain on existing workforces. "Businesses are scrambling to adapt and keep up with...

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Why Are More Companies Sending Mid-Level Positions to Search Firms?

When looking to fill a role, companies can either work with their internal recruiters, or they can leverage outside help in the form of a search firm recruiter. Usually, organizations will turn to search firms under certain conditions: The internal recruiting team is stretched too thin, possibly because there are too many roles to fill or because other tasks demand their...

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Drop That 'Cell-U-Light' to Travel Faster in the Marketplace

As I write this, I'm not too sure the editor is going to accept the title, but I assure you, this article has nothing to do with weight – except for the seven ounces of your cellular phone in your pocket. If you find yourself lamenting your difficulty in finding a job, you might be spending too much time under "cell-u-light." I'll admit, this is a late discovery for me, but I want to...

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Deloitte Finds HR Departments Struggle to Keep Pace With Digital Revolution

The digital revolution that began in the mid-20th century shows no signs of stopping. In fact, it only appears to be gaining speed. The development of new technologies and solutions happens now at a rate that's often unsettling for those in the business world. Human resource professionals need to keep pace with these constant shifts or risk losing the ability to appear competitive to top...

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4 Things Recruiters Don't Take as Seriously as You Do

As an active job seeker, you've probably experienced your fair share of job search frustrations. Looking for the right opportunity can itself be a pain, but then there are all those people out there spewing information on "job search best practices." Many of these self-proclaimed experts, college career counselors, and career coaches tell you that you have to do certain things in order to...

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Getting Stuck in Your Job Search? Consider Going Offline

Whenever I meet with a new job seeker, I always ask the same question: "Where are you getting stuck in your search?" It sounds simple, but it can shed quite a bit of light on what's going on. One of the main reasons why many job seekers struggle is because their resume isn't put together well – even after they've spent hours combing over the details, refining each word, and trying to...

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5 Steps You Should Take Immediately If You Have Been Laid Off

It's 4:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, and you've just learned your company has come under new ownership. There are some changes coming down the pike. On Monday morning, you receive an email stating there will be a company-wide meeting at the end of the month. Next thing you know, you are sitting in that meeting and being told that you and your coworkers no longer have jobs. In this...

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Maintaining Workplace Equality When Your Company Is a 'Melting Pot'

Most of our employees at Dumbo Moving were not born in the U.S. Because of this, our workforce contains languages and cultures from an array of countries around the world. We are a true melting pot. As such, we encourage our team members to prepare virtual presentations for their colleagues about their lives and things they are passionate about. There are a few other steps we take to...

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The Quick and Dirty Guide to Defining Your Personal Brand

You've heard about personal branding and know you need a personal brand – but do you really know what a brand is or how to define it? In the old days, it was called "making a name for yourself." Oh, the printer isn't working? Call Bob – he can fix anything. Bob clearly made a name for himself around the office as the go-to-guy when it came to fixing things no one else dared...

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3 Scientific Reasons Why Your Employee Turnover Rate Is Through the Roof

If you feel like you're running an employment agency with all the coming and going of staff at your organization, maybe you need a different approach to human resources that focuses more on retention than on the expensive work of endless recruitment. But first, you need to understand the problem. Here are three scientific principles driving high turnover: 1. The Law of Supply and...

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4 Pieces of Social Proof You'll Only See From Top-Tier Candidates

In today's talent wars, we make decisions about a candidate's employability quickly. After a few seconds with their resume and cover letter and a cursory glance at their online presence, we send them to the "maybe" pile or the trash can. What are we really looking for in such a short timespan? Are we being too subjective? Maybe even judgmental? Or are we looking for social proof that the...

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How Chatbots Can Create Lifelike Recruiting Conversations

Chatbots have become a hot topic of conversation. These days, they can help you do everything from ordering double decker tacos to finding your soulmate. Chatbots have grown so popular, in fact, that Gartner predicts that, by 2020, the average person will have more conversations with bots than with their spouse. Now that's a notable prophecy! What about the recruiting space? Do bots have...

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How to Attract Talented Millennials

In today's increasingly transparent job market, smart companies are reevaluating their talent acquisition strategies. Top candidates no longer base their decisions simply on salaries and company financials. With websites like Glassdoor giving job seekers a window into what it's actually like to work with potential employers, companies have to adjust their strategies to fit the situation of...

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Personal Branding Dos and Don'ts

You probably know a little something about personal branding and the general tools you use to promote it, but in our fast-paced world, there are always new strategies and new technologies to keep up with. Here are some dos and don'ts to help you get your personal brand where you want it to be: 1. Do Get Comfortable in Front of the Camera With video interviewing platforms becoming more...

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How to Hire the Best HR Manager for Your Business

Hiring an effective and experienced HR manager is essential to overall business success. You need to find a person who fits with the team, understands the ethos and goals of the company, and can be efficient in their role. In order to make sure you're hiring the right person, you need a vigilant recruitment process. Consider the following steps to make sure you hire the best HR manager...

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Intern Management for Dummies

Although the weather this past weekend made summer feel far from reach, the start of March means it's time for March Madness and..... Summer internship season!  We've done intern hiring for companies across all industries, stages, and sizes, and have seen one consistent thread throughout: there's a lot of confusion about how to successfully hire and manage interns. Interns can be...

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How to Lead a Team When You Manage From a Different Continent

A 2014 survey found that most business leaders believe half or more of their employees will be working remotely by 2020. I suppose I'm ahead of the curve. Two years ago, my cofounders and I launched a software company that today is headquartered in New York, about 6,000 kilometers (3,700 miles) from – and six hours behind – my home in Brussels, Belgium. As the sole member of the...

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Why Are Your Cold Emails Failing?

Cold emails are a common tactic for recruiters trying to attract new talent. Once your personal network is exhausted, you'll likely turn to the world of social media and other extended networks to find the talent you're looking for. That means exposing yourself to candidates you've never met before. A quick email should, theoretically, grab the attention of any somewhat interested candidate...

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What Companies Don't Get About Corporate Culture

Article by Ted Bauer Corporate culture has been a major topic of discussion over the past few years – probably for different reasons than you think. Now, however, we might have arrived at a tipping point. One of the most popular articles on Fast Company right now, for example, is entitled "Two Big Reasons Why Work Culture Is Overrated." A couple of similar articles are making the rounds...

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'But I'm Not a Creative!' You Can Still Create a Portfolio to Move Your Career Forward

If you have a "normal" job, the professional lives of your creative friends may sometimes look cushy to you. They're occasionally busy, yes, but there's also a direct link between their talents and their output. Consider the portfolio. How luxurious creatives' lives must be, with their tasteful outfits, cool jobs, and portfolios bursting with examples of just how well their past work has...

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Recruiting in 2017: How the IT Workforce and Workplace are Changing

There's no question the IT workforce is poised for some serious changes over the next year. Employers will seek out game-changing skills and expertise, and many organizations will adapt to shifting needs with new hiring strategies. Diversity in the workplace will remain front and center as job applicants come from all over the world, many with the IT expertise critical to moving innovation...

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Email and the Golden Rule

Have you ever gotten an email you just wanted to ignore? It's usually something that provides no immediate value to you – perhaps it's from a vendor you work with that wants to tell you about a new product they're selling. There's nothing you can do about it right now, and frankly, you're busy. You're so far up to your eyeballs in reports that you can barely breathe. We've all been...

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The Side Hustle Method for Boosting Your Personal Brand

"Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune." – Jim Rohn In my work as a resume writer, career coach, and senior manager, I spend a lot of time working with people on how they can improve their careers. Too often, there's a disconnect between their actions and the company's bottom line. Many feel that if they put in their 40 hours...

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5 Ways to Stay in Touch With Your 'Silver Medal' Candidates

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: It's a fairly common bit of advice in recruiting and HR circles: Stay in touch with your silver medalists – those previous...

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100 Percent of HR Pros Under 31 Believe Diversity Is 'Essential'

Waggl conducted its Voice of the Workplace pulse regarding diversity with the Northern California Human Resources Association (NCHRA), one of the nation's largest HR associations. The pulse was sent by NCHRA to thousands of HR professionals using Waggl's crowdsourced listening platform from February 3-March 8, 2017. Respondents included the attendees of the HR West 2017 conference at the...

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The No. 1 Thing People Get Wrong About Networking:

Few situations have as much power to set eyes rolling as a networking event does. Oh God, no! Hours of schmoozing people I don't know, all for the sake of collecting business cards and LinkedIn information. Count me out! But here's what people get wrong about networking: It's not about forcing relationships with strangers. It's about deepening relationships with the people you already...

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A Visual Guide to Email Etiquette:

If you're an office worker, you probably send scores of emails every single day. You probably consider yourself an email expert. But is your email etiquette really perfect, or just good enough? For most of us, it's the latter. Who among us hasn't been the guy who replied all when he really didn't have to, or the woman who marked a message "URGENT" just to get a quick reply? Small...

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Treat Your Job Search Like a Job. Set Your Own KPIs!

We've all heard of key performance indicators, or KPIs. You have probably been assessed against certain KPIs in your previous jobs, but have you ever thought about developing your own KPIs for the job search process? KPIs are valuable because they give us measurable values by which we can determine how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives. Low-level KPIs tend to...

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How Employers Can Make the Most of Facebook's New Job Tool

Just when you thought Facebook had reached its full networking potential, Mark Zuckerberg's team found a new way to enhance the platform. While job seekers have gained more and more power over the last decade, Facebook's new jobs feature hopes to address the needs of employers as well. While many employers may not be ready for yet another job posting channel, the tool could be useful for...

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The 8 Components of a Perfect Job Advertisement [Infographic]

Candidates spend less than a minute reading each job post they come across. That means you have a very small window in which to capture top talent's attention and convince them to apply. Luckily, that isn't as hard to do as it sounds. You just need to make sure your job advertisements contain all the right elements. In a new infographic, provider of credit for small businesses Headway...

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You've Exhausted Your Existing Candidate Pools. Try One of These New Sources Instead:

The success of an organization begins with the hiring process. Without quality talent, a company is dead in the water. However, talent acquisition is rarely easy. The 2016-2017 Talent Shortage Survey from ManpowerGroup found that 40 percent of employers worldwide are having trouble filling vacant positions. Worse, no one seems to be doing anything about it. The same survey found that only...

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Don't Let March Madness Cause Office Madness

March Madness is a fairly unique sporting event. Even those who aren't fans of college basketball have at least heard of it. If you aren't familiar, March Madness refers to the NCAA college basketball tournament held between mid-March and early April. Sixty-four teams play each year, hoping to survive in the single-elimination tournament and become that year's champions. The tournament...

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To Boost Productivity, Stop Doing These 4 Things:

Do you regularly find yourself sitting at your desk at 5 PM, wondering how you could possibly still have so much left to do? A few extra minutes checking social media and one trip too many to the common area for a cup of coffee, and the day's pretty much over without much to show for it. It happens to the best of us from time to time. But these distractions aren't the only productivity...

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Woman Starts Cover Letter, Accidentally Completes Her Autobiography

Article by Jackie Rae LOS ANGELES, CA — Three days ago, Jackie Rae Aubel, a perpetually unemployed 26-year-old, began writing the cover letter intended to precede her application for the role of development assistant for Amazon Studios. This morning, she woke from a zombie-like trance to learn that instead of writing a brief summation of her job history and qualifications, she had...

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How to Navigate the Roadblocks on Your Job Search Road Trip

What do a job search and a road trip have in common? A few things: Doing a little research beforehand will shorten their durations, they both sound much more fun than they actually are, and no matter what, both journeys will contain unexpected roadblocks. While we can't help you answer your burning road trip questions (sorry for the tease!), we can offer you advice on getting past the top...

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