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How to Spot a Company With Genuinely Happy Employees

It's always nice to find a job opportunity that comes with a significant pay increase, but salary isn't necessarily the most important factor for the average job seeker. Today, many professionals are evaluating less quantifiable metrics as well, such as work/life balance and employee satisfaction. If you really want to find a job you'll love, you should work on finding companies where...

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5 Reasons You Should Hire a Veteran

Moving from the military to the civilian workforce can be exceedingly difficult, and most veterans don't expect the challenge to be so big. Members of the military are paid based on their rank, so many have never had to negotiate a salary before. The skills veterans spend years developing often don't seem to translate directly to roles in the civilian workforce. Even the way that civilians...

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3 Ways Leaders Can Boost Workplace Sanity

As I write this, it's spring cleaning time at our house. Here at 8400 feet above sea level in the Rocky Mountains, we're thrilled to see warmer temperatures and to spot plants blooming through the remaining snow. We've put the snow blower back into the shed. Geese and mallards are roosting on our pond. My wife is anxious to start planting bright flowers in our backyard. Spring is also a...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Implementing Wellness Programs in Company Meetings

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, a column from Recruiter.com writer Jason McDowell. Every month, McDowell covers the most unique benefits that today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Oh no. The dreaded four-o'clock meeting. Your employees have worked hard all day interacting with clients, implementing ideas, and...

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One-Minute Interview Tip: Review Your Own Work History Before the Interview

One of the first things you need to do when prepping for an interview is review your own work history and experience. It's hard enough to remember what you did two weeks ago, let alone two years ago. Specific examples of workplace wins over the years won't come back to you as easily as you might expect when you're sitting across from an interviewer, especially when your nerves kick in. It's...

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How to Find Work/Life Balance in the Job Search

Work/life balance in the job search? Doesn't that concept only apply to employment? When I ask my clients about what they look for in their future employers, a majority of them cite work/life balance. If they value work/life balance so much, why shouldn't they also look for it in the job search itself? Recently, I posed a question to my LinkedIn followers: "How many hours a week should one...

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3 Things Job Seekers Hate About Your Hiring Process

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: We know the hiring process is far from perfect. To help make it better, we posed a question to some job seekers: What do you...

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Empower Your Teams by Putting Learning Programs in the Palms of Their Hands

Mobile content consumption is more prominent than ever in today's business world. Influenced by faster data speeds, consumer apps, and shifting consumer behavior, businesses are embracing mobile to improve productivity and empower employees through learning and information accessibility. Shifting corporate learning programs to mobile is a natural outgrowth of the need to empower employees,...

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On the Job Hunt, Don't Forget to Say 'Thank You'

When we were children, adults reminded us over and over again: "Don't forget to say thank you!" Yet somehow, as adults, we often forget this simple lesson. Do you always send thank-you notes after interviews? Chances are you don't – and that's hurting your shot at landing a great job. I have also noticed that fewer and fewer people are thanking employers for their time in the cover letters...

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Corporate Diversity Should Mirror Both Population and Customer Base

The corporate world has come a long way in terms of diversity initiatives, but there's still a long way left to go. While many companies have taken significant steps toward recruiting and retaining diverse workforces, many others have failed to address the issue. Often, executives expect that their workforces will grow more diverse organically as time passes, but if there are unaddressed...

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The War for Top Talent: Top 6 Hiring Mistakes

In the past decade, the business world has realized something that the Lakers, Yankees and Patriots have known forever: talent wins games. More than ever, a company's ability to attract and retain top talent serves as a major factor in its long-term success or failure. In other words: the war for top talent is on. These days, it seems that 'Keeping up with the Joneses' requires more than...

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End the Painful Annual Performance Reviews

Few people look forward to performance reviews. Even for HR pros and managers, performance review time can be painful – especially if they work at one of the 52 percent of companies that conduct annual reviews. How are you supposed to remember everything Tim from financial operations has done since this time last year? You only see the guy once a month! When you have to repeat this...

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How Do We Fill the Lack of Skilled Construction Workers?

Up 3 percent from January 2016, construction spending in 2017 totaled $1.180 trillion (seasonally adjusted annual rate). Between March 2016 and March 2017, private residential construction increased by 5.9 percent, while multifamily residential construction jumped 9 percent year-over-year. Additionally, there is a potential boost in demand for construction that will support broader economic...

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Why It's Time to Stop Vacation-Shaming Your Employees

For some employers, a perfect world would be one where employees could work week after week without burning out. Nobody would ever want to take their kids to Disney World or need time off to travel for the holidays. But we don't live in that world. People do burn out, and they need time off for the reasons above and countless others. Despite these simple facts, companies around the world...

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Support Your Employees' Mental Health (Infographic)

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S., which makes it the perfect time to assess the ways in which your company supports – or fails to support – employees' mental health. Not only is providing employees with resources to manage stress and other mental health challenges the right thing to do from an ethical perspective, but it also makes good business sense. When...

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What's New in the Changing American Workforce? A Lot

The American workforce has been reshaping itself in recent years, and it hasn't always been easy to keep pace with all the change. Manufacturing and the blue-collar labor force were the backbone of the U.S. economy for decades, but many of those jobs have now been automated or shipped overseas. Thirty years ago, job seekers knew they could look to manufacturing to provide a good living, but...

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3 Ways to Get Inspired

Article by Michael Pietrzak The entrepreneurs I know are well acquainted with "The Dark Side." The setbacks that come with the lifestyle can lead to financial crisis, destructive habits, and despair. A phone call that undoes months of hard work can send you into a rage, or you might wake up one day unable to get out of bed. Thankfully, the struggle is balanced by the reward of the...

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7 Steps to Hiring a New Employee

Need to make a hire? Want to be sure you do it right? This brief guide will give you a quick, but substantial, step-by-step overview of the hiring process: Step 1: Figure Out What You Need in a New Hire Before you hire anyone, take some time to determine exactly what you're looking for in a new employee. Get input from your colleagues if appropriate. Consider questions like: What...

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12 Ways to Reorganize Your Desk for Maximum Productivity [Infographic]

Productivity is a matter of more than natural disposition or sheer willpower. In fact, your environment plays a key role in your level of productivity. Think about it: Would you get more work done in a noisy, crowded, distraction-filled space, or a space that's quiet, calm, and conducive to focusing? If you find yourself struggling to get work done – or you simply want to take your...

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Improve Your Personal Finances to Become a More Confident Candidate

It feels terrible to fail at something and not know why – for example, when you're on the job hunt and can't seem to get past the interview stage. A number of factors may be responsible for your interview troubles. The usual suspects would be an anemic resume or answering questions poorly. Sometimes, it just doesn't work out. Usually, there's a specific reason why your interviews...

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Interested in Cybersecurity? 5 Possible Career Paths to Take:

Cybersecurity is a major concern today for organizations in all industries, and the types of jobs available in the field span many different sectors, including the federal government, nonprofit organizations, private companies, and freelancing opportunities. With technology becoming more and more and integral to life and business, the need for cybersecurity specialists will only increase...

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One-Minute Interview Tip: Do Your Research

When prepping for an interview, you'll probably spend a lot of time making sure you know the job description inside and out so that you can sell yourself to the interviewer. However, for your interview to be truly successful, you'll want to be sure to spend just as much time researching the company and the interviewer. Companies aren't simply looking to hire candidates who can do the job –...

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One-Minute Interview Tip: Always Be Specific With Your Interviewer

Before any job interview, you should know exactly why you want to work for the company and why your experience makes you a perfect fit for the role. You should also know how to answer interview questions in the most effective manner. Believe it or not, your communication style and how you present information is just as important as the information itself. Your interview is not an...

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Are Curated Online Talent Platforms Running Recruiters Out of Business?

Curated online talent platforms are on the rise. Frustrated with behemoth job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed, many job seekers are now turning to talent platforms tailored to their specific industry or role. At the same time, companies are increasingly utilizing these niche talent platforms in order to find the specific talent they need far more quickly than they could on larger job...

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The Limits of Loyalty in the Workplace

Loyalty binds friendships and holds teams together – but it does have its limits. Many of us were taught to be loyal to our employers. To some degree, this makes sense. We should all be truthful, we should keep trade secrets private, and we should put in an honest day's work when we're at the office. We have a duty to be great employees each and every day. In the past, loyalty at...

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6 Ways to Curb Unconscious Bias in Your Hiring Process

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How do you keep unconscious bias out of your hiring process? The answers below are provided by members of FounderSociety,...

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A Brief Guide to Critical Hiring Process Documents

So, you're ready to make a hire? That's great – but before you do, you should make sure you have a thorough understanding of all the documents you'll need or could need. To that end, this article will break down some of the common forms, agreements, and letters needed to hire candidates. Let's dive in: 1. The Offer Letter What is it?: The formal, written job offer extended to a...

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5 Tips to Ensure Smooth Onboarding for New Hires

Few things are more rattling than feeling like you've been tossed into the deep end with no guidance when starting a new job. To ensure long-term success for new employees, it is imperative that your company has the right onboarding processes in place. This is true not only for large corporations, but also for small and midsize businesses as well. Effective and efficient onboarding...

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Choose Who You Want to Be: Isaac Lidsky Talks About His New Book, 'Eyes Wide Open'

You could choose to read Isaac Lidsky's new book, Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can't See Clearly, as the story of one man's experience with blindness, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice. You'd also be directly contradicting the express intentions of the author. "One thing I really try to emphasize is that this book is really...

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Let's Talk About Men in Tech

There has been a lot of talk recently about "toxic tech bros." The phrase has been particularly ubiquitous in our neck of the woods, the San Francisco Bay Area. Despite repeated convincing studies that have proven organizations are most successful when they are committed to fostering diversity, a disturbing trend of discrimination and sexism in the workplace remains rampant. Such cultures,...

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Inspiring a Generation of Tech Champions: How Gen. Z Can Become Future IT MVPs

At the time of writing this, it's late April and the NBA playoffs have commenced. We won't have a champion until mid-June. As a basketball fan, I find this two-month span feels agonizingly long. Let's just have Cleveland and Golden State start the rubber match of their championship series, which is what most fans expect and want to see. As the CEO of a philanthropic organization in the IT...

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How to Get the Most Out of Social Media Background Checks (and Avoid the Pitfalls)

We all have friends who get a little trigger-happy on Twitter, but should what they post online count against them in job interviews? The answer is a resounding "maybe." Social media is ubiquitous now in both our personal and professional lives. However, people forget that what they post doesn't always stay in the social sphere for which it was intended. It's easy to keep posts...

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Before Accepting That Job Offer, Have a Lawyer Take a Look

After a long and often arduous job search, you've received an offer from one of your top choices. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line, and you'll be gainfully employed at an organization with a culture and values you can get behind! But hold on there – before you sign that contract, did you have an attorney look it over? Probably not. Aside from those of us in the highest...

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As Banking Jobs Shift to Infrastructure and Tech, Job Seekers Need New Skills to Keep Up

Getting a job at a bank used to be seen as a wise career move and an easy path for anyone with a business degree. For those without degrees, a job as a bank teller still carried high status and decent pay. While these jobs required some business skills, they were mostly high-touch roles centered on customer service. Today, your friendly teller has been replaced by an ATM, and your loan...

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4 Reasons Why Your Candidate Sourcing Efforts Let You Down

If you were to ask a candidate sourcing specialist about the key challenges preventing internal recruiting teams from producing strong sourcing results, what do you think they would identify as critical issues? I recently raised this question with James Chapman, managing director of recruitment research firm BRS Global. Chapman regularly runs web-based QA sessions on sourcing, so...

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4 Ways to Earn Income in While You're Waiting to Get Hired

You just got out of college, and now you're looking for a job. You were told all throughout your childhood that the key to success is to "go to school, get good grades, and get a job." So you did exactly that – only to find out upon graduating that the reality is not that simple. No matter how good your grades are, you're highly unlikely to get a job immediately after graduating college....

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3 Ways to Get the Job You Want, Regardless of Your Skill Level

Interviews can be tough for both parties. Both sides want to find the right fit in the employment market. As a candidate, you want to determine whether or not this is a place at which you can build your career and grow. Meanwhile, the employer wants to make sure you will not only be a great employee, but also bring something unique to the company. The question is: How do you figure out fit in...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Networking

The word "networking" makes many people cringe – but others light up at the possibility of making new connections. The difference between these two groups of people? The ones who cringe don't fully understand what networking really is or how to go about it the right way. Simply put, networking is about perspective. It's about what you think networking is and knowing what it isn't. To...

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Mobile Recruiting Is the Present: Top 10 Mobile Tools for Recruiting and Hiring Pros

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Mobile Tools for Recruiters According...

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Looking for Professional-Level Part-Time Work? These 50 Companies Are Hiring:

Part-time jobs are becoming an increasingly common work arrangement, with more than one in six U.S. workers holding such jobs. While we might traditionally associate retail, food and beverage, and other similar industries with part-time work, these kinds of jobs are also proliferating in surprising fields like healthcare and education. "Professional part-time jobs are definitely on the...

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Why We Should Do Away With Employer-Based Healthcare – and 5 More Reforms to Fix American Healthcare

Having spent 25 years as a hospital executive, I've seen the country's healthcare system from two perspectives: as healthcare chief executive officer and as a consumer of healthcare. There is a lot that is right with healthcare in the United States. Our country is home to some of the finest doctors, nurses, medical facilities, and allied health professionals in the world. And yet, health...

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How to Turn Your Workplace Into the Best Recruitment Tool Ever

Workplace environment has recently become a pretty important piece of the whole employment package. Job seekers scour career sites and social media pages to get a glimpse of the offices and dress codes at potential employers, and candidates take time to scope out the hallways and look for personality clues when called to interviews. Cultural fit plays a major role in an employee's...

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How to Scale Your Business Tenfold

There is much for young entrepreneurs to learn as they strive to scale their businesses. It helps to have great mentors – like I had in my partners Radni Davoodi and Raymond Y. Davoodi here at Sharestates. Here are some of the lessons I learned from these mentors and other sources during my own scaling journey: Executing Your Plan It is much easier to formulate a business plan on...

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So You Didn't Get the Job – That Doesn't Mean Your Relationship With the Company Needs to End

You attended a series of interviews. You took time off of work. You bought a new suit. And you didn't get the job. After all that hard work, rejection stings especially badly. It's pretty awful when a company puts you through the ringer just to toss you aside in the end. Sometimes, they don't even notify you. They aren't shopping for a new pair of shoes. You're a person, and they should...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Outplacement Programs

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Layoffs are the last thing any employer wants to think about, but with the Great Recession just behind us and relations between the U.S. and several of its...

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3 Creative Benefits That Attract and Retain Top Talent

It's amazing how the employment market can shift so dramatically in less than a decade. During the Great Recession, companies were focused on simply staying afloat. Many instituted hiring freezes that lasted months or even years. Growth and hiring weren't top of mind – survival was. Today, however, many companies are recruiting top talent from around the country. Skilled workers have the...

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7 Ways to Fast-Track Your Hiring Process Without Sacrificing Quality Candidates

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question on jobs data you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How do you keep the hiring process moving along quickly without sacrificing the quality of your hires? The...

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Procurement Executives Will Have to Get Creative to Fill Talent Gaps

As digital innovations drive key industry changes, chief procurement officers (CPOs) see their organizations playing bigger and bigger roles in company digital strategies, according to Deloitte's "Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey 2017." In fact, 75 percent of respondents said procurement's role "in delivering digital strategy will increase in the future." There's just one problem:...

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