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Are You Giving Yourself the Credit You Deserve?

Nearly everyone has a side hustle these days, but few take credit for being an entrepreneur. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, in 2014 only 2 percent of millennials claimed to be self-employed, compared with 7.6 percent for Gen. X-ers and 8.3 percent of baby boomers. While many people are both self-employed and traditionally employed, people will often only claim the...

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If You're Looking for a Job, Go Mobile

There was a time when a cellphone was mostly just a phone. If you were bored on the subway or bus, maybe you'd play that old snake game. When tablets came out, people used them for reading books or playing solitaire. But things have changed, and they've changed quickly. Now you can take your phone from your pocket and watch a movie, order a pizza, buy groceries, download an app to change...

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Startup Life: 3 Tips on Making Your Very First Hire

Running a startup is simultaneously exciting and exhausting, especially during the early days, when you have to be a jack of all trades – and probably a master of only a few. If yours is like any other growing startup, you're probably juggling dozens of tasks a day. Those that you don't finish today get added to tomorrow's list. Eventually, you'll arrive at a point in your startup's...

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Get Productive, Stay Productive: Top 10 Workplace Productivity Tools

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Workplace Productivity Tools We've...

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How to Take Charge of Your Career and Land the Job of Your Dreams

Want to take charge of your career and land the job of your dreams? It's easier than you might think! That isn't to say it's a walk in the park. Snagging your dream job will take some work, but if you follow the right steps and put in the effort, you can absolutely make it happen. The idea is to mold yourself into the perfect candidate in the employment market. Once you've done the research...

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Do Hobbies and Interests Have a Place on Your Resume?

Whether you have limited work experience or are an industry vet looking to breath more life into a dull resume, adding your hobbies and interests to your resume may be the perfect way to woo recruiters. These elements can give employers a complete picture of you beyond the skills you'll bring to the role. Plus, showing a potential employer that you are a well-rounded person can get your...

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4 Tips to Help Your Employees Adjust to Change

Marketplace disruptions and transformations are facts of doing business for organizations today. New competitors are using superior technologies and models to meet customer demands, eroding conventional business models in their wake. Seismic shifts in consumer tastes – e.g., sugar is now demonized in many circles as "the new tobacco" – are catching industry segments...

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HR Tech Is Booming, Thanks to the Gig Economy

There are so many tools available today to help you streamline your life. Productivity apps, remote working platforms, smartphone-based banking – all have helped people stay on top of things in this fast-paced world. In the workforce, people are working harder and faster to reach their goals – especially in the gig economy. Gig workers see their employment status – working gig to gig...

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How to Get the Job-Hopping Generation to Settle Down

Gone are the days when employees were loyal to their organizations, committing to one company for 25, 30, or 40 years. Today's skilled and driven professionals, specifically of the younger generation, are eager to quickly climb the ladder of success. They seek opportunities that are immediately gratifying – both financially and emotionally. In fact, a study from Gallop indicates that...

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Why Did You Quit? 3 Professionals Share What Drove Them Away

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: What drove you to quit your last job – or any previous job? What mistakes do you hope your future employers never...

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It's Okay to Reject a Job Offer

This is going to sound strange, but bear with me. After coaching hundreds of folks on their job searches, I've noticed a pattern – and it's not one I would have expected. Believe it or not, one of our No. 1 fears when we're on the job hunt is that we will get the job! That's right: Many of us are afraid of being offered a job. Why in the world would that be the case? Before we can...

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How to Retire on Time and Still Earn an Income

Last October, Recruiter Today ran an article about why baby boomers won't be retiring as soon as everyone expected. In it, the author cites a survey of executives who believe "boomers will retire at least five years later than previous generations did," with 31 percent of respondents to the survey expecting "it to actually be 10 years or more later." The article mentions a number of...

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The Dangers of a Desk Job – and What You Can Do About Them

Eighty-six percent of Americans work at jobs that require them to sit at desks and stare at computers for most of the day. Unfortunately, this isn't so great for their health. Now is the time to start initiatives to keep yourself, your colleagues, and your employees happy and healthy at their desks while also attracting talented prospects. According to the experts, sitting is the new...

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Want to Kick-Start a Beauty Career? Here's How:

Whether they'd like to be behind the scenes at fashion week or in the corner office of the LVMH headquarters, a lot of people covet careers in beauty. While these jobs may sound like dreams come true, it's tough to know where to start when you're new to the industry. One way to get going is with a career path you've never considered before. If you've ever taken a weekend stroll through...

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5 Things to Do When Negotiating Raises With Your Employees

Companies predict that the average raise in 2017 will be about 3 percent, which is similar to previous years' averages. Is your company prepared to give out these raises? When compensation talk comes up with any of your employees, do these five things: 1. Ask Employees to Document Their Achievements and Prove Why They Deserve a Raise Open the communication channel up with your...

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A Look at Facebook's New Job Board

Businesses large and small have a new reason to encourage traffic to their Facebook pages: The social media network recently rolled out a new job board feature in the U.S. and Canada. With this new feature, candidates can search through a list of potential employers on Facebook and apply directly through the site. They can also communicate with these employers through Facebook's Messenger...

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The Best Ways to Hire – So You Don't Have to Fire

Firing someone is never easy. It can be complicated, and it leaves your company one employee down. Sometimes, however, it's a sign of a deeper problem. If you regularly find yourself having to fire your employees, then your hiring process may need a tune-up. Let's dispel some hiring myths and take a look at what it really means to successfully hire an employee. That way, we can make better...

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Women in the Workplace: Why Our Femininity Is Actually an Asset

Lately, I've been reading a lot of stories about why women need to be more assertive and powerful in the workplace. Often, these stories encourage women to eliminate words like "should," "just," "actually," and other qualifying statements from their vocabulary. As women, we are told that we need to adopt "power words" and "power stances" in order to be taken seriously as leaders. We need to...

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What to Do About Identity Thieves Posing as Recruiters

There was a time when you could put a padlock on the dumpster to keep identity thieves at bay, but in the age of the internet, stealing personally identifiable information (PII) or money is easier than ever before. As financial institutions come up with more ways to prevent fraud, scammers respond by getting more creative. From December 2014 to December 2016, malicious impersonators on...

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4 Ways to Get Back Into the Workforce After Extended Time Off

Figuring out how to get back into the workforce after extended time off can be frustrating. Many employers want to hire candidates with recent work experience, and if you don't have that, the job hunt can be extremely daunting. While it may appear as if you're stuck in a perpetual state of unemployment, there are many ways to get back into the workforce after extended time off. Here are...

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Thank-You Notes: The Secret Weapons in Your Career Toolbox

Sending a handwritten thank-you note after a job interview is the No. 1 secret weapon in your career success toolbox. A simple thank-you note could be the icing on the cake for you, giving an employer another reason to consider you for that coveted position. You may think that sending a handwritten note will make you look desperate, but the truth is many employers are expecting such notes...

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The Pros and Cons of Recruiting Strategies When You're on a Tight Budget

Stellar recruiting strategies are key to company growth, but sometimes, recruiting solutions do not align with recruiting budgets. According to LinkedIn's Global Recruiting Trends 2017 report, 35 percent of businesses cite "limited budget" as one of the biggest talent acquisition challenges they face. To make budgetary matters worse, a November 2016 CareerBuilder survey found the...

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Stay in Touch: Top 10 Communication Tools for Recruiters

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Communication Tools for...

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The Ultimate 'Should I Quit My Job?' Checklist

Jobs are a little bit like relationships: You have natural chemistry with some, while others take time to feel "right." Many get dull after a few years, and while they might be super into you, you're not always into them. As with a relationship, it can be hard to know if you're going through a rough patch with your current job or if it's time to break up and move on. Check out this "Should...

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Stop Struggling With Retention – Start Engaging Your Employees [Infographic]

According to Quantum Workplace's latest report, "2017 Employee Engagement Trends," 2017 will be a year of great struggle for employers when it comes to retaining employees. While Quantum Workplace found that engagement levels are up slightly, it also found that employees aren't happy overall and many are feeling less and less loyal to their companies. Pay is a factor here, with only 68...

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How to Be Less Bored at Work

Depending on your personality, you probably fall into one of two categories of workers: those who thrive on habitual tasks or those who crave change and associate routine with stagnation. If you find yourself bored to death at work, you're most likely in the latter category. And if you are bored at work, what's the reason? To find out, start by asking yourself a few questions: 1. Are...

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Risky Business: Are Risk-Takers More Successful?

Is playing it safe your best bet at work? Should you sit in the same spot, do the same things every day, and stay at the same company for years and years? Or would you be better rewarded if you were to change things up a little, if you were more willing to take on different tasks and challenge yourself professionally? Could taking risks be good for your career? Let's take a...

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Parents, Stop Conducting Your Child's Job Search for Them

Today's young people are more thoughtful and kinder than many of the older job seekers they're competing against. They care about making a difference more than their own personal finances. From the outside, it seems that parents are pouring more of themselves into these young hearts and minds than ever before. This effort is incredibly admirable. But Mom and Dad, can I make a plea to...

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Want to Go Further in Your Career? You May Need a 'Mindshift'

Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., runs the most popular massive open online course (MOOC) of all time. Roughly two million people have enrolled in it, which is about equal to the enrollment in all of Harvard's MOOCs combined. Oakley developed this wildly successful course in her basement. It cost less than $5000. The subject? "Learning How to Learn." When you think about it, it makes a lot of...

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5 Tactics HR Reps Can Use to Increase Employee Productivity

Most human resources departments focus on improving workplace productivity through positive employee relations. When your employees work together under a series of well-meaning guidelines, they can create a more efficient workplace overall. But productivity can be affected by a variety of external and internal factors. The workplace atmosphere, office layout, temperature, company goals,...

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5 Different Ways to Let Your Employees Work Remotely

You want your employees to come into the office, but you also want to be understanding of their needs for work/life balance and offer remote work options. Thing is, your flexible work policy doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing scenario. Giving your workers the ability to work remotely doesn't mean that you have to pack up your office and let your employees work full-time from home....

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The Major Opportunity Recruiters Are Missing: Company User Bases

People often say that recruiting and marketing are more similar than not, but we don't always take this to its logical conclusion. If recruiting talent and attracting customers are so alike, why don't more companies try to source talent from their customer bases? It was this question that spurred former marketer David Sokolow to found WeFind, a recruiting software company that helps...

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How to Leave Your Ineffective Job Descriptions Behind in 2017

Hiring and recruiting are rarely easy tasks, and according to a survey from Jobvite, 95 percent of recruiters believe they will only get more competitive in the coming years. For this reason, it is critical that our job descriptions — some of the most basic tools in a recruiter's toolbox — evolve along with the changing climate. It isn't just a matter of switching up what you put in your...

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3 Ways to Make Sure Tech Doesn't Kill Your Employees' Productivity

The workday begins. Your employees enter the office. They check email, answer messages, shift files. Then they take a quick peek at the news. Then they jump over to YouTube for a hilarious two-minute video. Next it's a sneak peek at the latest iPhone on TechCrunch, followed by the holy trinity of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. With smartphones at arm's reach and the internet loaded with...

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How to Learn About a Company's Culture Before You Interview

Despite all the talk about work/life balance, Americans still spend a lot of their time at work. Isn't it important, then, to not only like what you do but also enjoy the people and environment that come with your job? Before you send out that next resume or fill out that long online application, stop to think: What do you actually know about this company? It's difficult to fully...

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5 Habits That Are Killing Your Career

You aren't stalling out in your career because you lack skills. Rather, it's more likely that bad behavior is to blame. A recent survey from training company VitalSmarts found that 97 percent of employees have some career-limiting habit that hinders their progression at work. VitalSmarts approached 973 managers to ask them which habits were most derailing their direct reports' careers....

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How to Increase Employee Participation in Your Retirement Plan [Infographic]

You offer employees a pretty great retirement plan — but the problem is that few of your employees are actually making use of it. Even many of those who do aren't taking full advantage of the opportunity. If you're wondering just what you can do to boost participation in your company-sponsored retirement plan, try starting with the five tips provided below by CPA firm Mowery and...

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Do What Makes You Happy

There's never a reason to feel stuck. Change is always possible. But before considering a career switch, it's important to understand what makes you happy at your core. You don't want to find yourself in a situation where the only thing that's changed about your job is the location when your job satisfaction depends on much more than your commute. Take the time to do some real...

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I Want to Be a Rockstar When I Grow Up — and So Does Everyone Else

When I was a kid, I wanted to play baseball professionally. By high school, I realized I wasn't very good at baseball, so instead I wanted to be an actor, or possibly a pop singer. Or a police officer. Or a writer. Or an astronaut. Or join the Army. (I did eventually join the Army and later became a writer, but none of those other things worked out.) Twenty percent of today's teens want...

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How to Get Your Boss to Promote You

According to a 2015 Randstad survey, a lack of career options is one of the top reasons why people leave their jobs, if not the top reason. But a lack of advancement opportunities is not always the employer's fault. In more cases than you might think, people fail to advance their careers because they lack clear visions, effective strategies, and mentorship. People also fail to advance because...

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12 Tips on Giving Negative Feedback [Infographic]

No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. Well, almost no one. But when you're employed, there's a good chance you're going to have to give negative feedback to someone at some point. Maybe you're a manager who needs to have a tough conversation with a struggling team member, or you're a worker addressing concerns with another worker during a peer-to-peer feedback session. Whatever the...

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8 Little-Known Laws Governing Flexible Work

Many types of workers engage in flexible work, including freelancers, contract workers, telecommuters, and employees who work on alternative schedules. These employees often find themselves misunderstood by companies and underrepresented in the law. 1 Million for Work Flexibility, an organization that advocates for flexible work options, recently launched a new policy page detailing...

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On the Job Hunt, Always Question the Hiring Manager

Sometimes, getting a job depends more on what you ask than what you answer. All too often, however, job seekers spend all their time preparing for how to answer the hiring manager's questions, putting very little thought into the questions they'll ask in return. I often compare the job search to dating. I don't know about you, but I've never been on a first date where I hoped that the guy...

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5 Big Mistakes You Are Making on Your Resume

Crafting a resume that stands out from the crowd is no easy feat. To do so, you must first understand the principle objective of any resume: not to land your next job, but to open the door for your first interview. Having your resume's primary purpose clear in your mind will help you focus on what is really important in a resume. Believe it or not, many candidates still make some very...

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7 Tips for Hiring Top-Tier Marketing Talent

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question on jobs data you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: What's your secret to hiring the best marketing talent? 1. Look at the Aesthetics of Their...

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10 Words and Phrases to Watch Out for on Resumes [Infographic]

Are you a detail-oriented team player who thinks outside the box to develop synergy between departments? If so, please don't write that on your resume. Words and phrases like "team player," "synergy," and "think outside the box" have become so overused that they mean virtually nothing anymore. As every student of creative writing knows, the key is to show, not tell. So stop telling...

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5 Things to Do If You're Not Happy at Work

Unhappy at work? Whatever your reasons are, it's best to tackle them straight on. You don't want to make any rash decisions, of course, but letting things simmer won't do you any good, either — it'll only lead to an explosion eventually. With that in mind, here's a five-step plan for addressing your unhappiness in the workplace: 1. Determine Whether You're in a Slump or Facing...

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Silicon Valley Must Address Sexism in the Workplace

Accusations of sexism in the technology sector are nothing new and sadly unsurprising, considering the male-to-female ratio in the industry. However, a viral blog post from former Uber employee Susan J. Fowler recently forced tech companies to examine their corporate cultures to ensure their female employees not only are treated fairly, but also feel safe coming to work. Sixty percent of...

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