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Breaking the Rules to Find Your Perfect Job

In your career, things don't always work out the way you plan them to. I first learned this lesson myself in college. I went to one of those fancy private schools to study computer engineering in the late '90s. I knew that an investment in such a degree would guarantee me a job – and not just any job, but a great-paying job – when I graduated. I couldn't have been more wrong. The...

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7 Tools Every Recruiter Should Have in Their Arsenal

Recruiting often requires constantly and efficiently switching between tasks, which can be a bit too much for an individual to handle. Even if you are very organized, there can be times when you struggle to get it all done in the stipulated time frame. In these instances, having another cup of coffee simply won't cut it. The key is to maintain your productivity and efficiency without...

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The Top 5 Mistakes Employers Make When Managing Interns

For young professionals, internships can be critical steps on the path to career success. This year, employers plan to hire more interns than they did last year, and it's important for these companies to understand how to best manage their new interns. In my time at Jibe, Percolate, and now at WayUp, I've learned that great intern managers are patient, approachable, and positive. I've...

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Moments of Insight: How 6 Entrepreneurs Found Their Career Focuses

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How did you find focus in your career – and do you have advice for others who feel lost? The answers below are...

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4 Steps You Should Start Taking Now to Prepare for the September Hiring Season

  If you're planning to make a few hires this fall, you should know that your competitors probably have the same idea. As Monster reports, September is one of the most popular months for hiring, right up there with the post-holiday/first-quarter rush of January. Fall is generally a busy hiring season because the lazier, vacation-laden months of summer are coming to an end. As...

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How Companies Are Failing Their Millennial Managers

Today, more and more millennials are taking on leadership responsibilities. By one estimate, 41 percent of millennials already have four or more direct reports. At startups and tech-oriented companies in particular, it's not uncommon to see young superstar employees rising through the ranks and amassing large teams – despite never having received any kind of formal leadership coaching....

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Bye Felicia: This Is Why Your Employees Quit

It was the best of managers, it was the worst of managers. No, this isn't the start of the most boring Dickensian fanfic ever – it's the tale of the disappearing employee. Whether you're the world's coolest boss or you conjure up thoughts of Office Space in the minds of your employees, you've had someone quit before. About one-third of new hires quit their jobs within six...

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America's Top CEOs, According to Glassdoor Reviews:

When people review their employers on Glassdoor, the site asks them whether they approve, disapprove, or are neutral about the CEOs of these companies. Every year, Glassdoor uses this information to compile a list of the top CEOs in the U.S. and elsewhere. This year's crop of most-approved executives was announced last month – check out some of the results below, or head to Glassdoor's...

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10 Tips to Write a Better Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter can be one of the hardest parts of the job search. No matter how many times you've written one, it's easy to doubt yourself. The good news is there are specific, concrete tips you can follow to write cover letters that will get you hired. Here are some of the most important pointers to know: 1. Write a New Letter for Each Position This sounds incredibly...

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8 Ways to Ensure Hiring Authorities Will Read Your Resume

Hiring authorities don't enjoy reading resumes – especially not many resumes in one sitting. I know this because I often ask former hiring authorities in my workshops to raise their hands if they've read numerous resumes in the past. While their hands are still raised, I then ask how many of them enjoyed reading all those resumes. Almost every time, 100 percent of the hands drop. But...

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9 Rules for No Excuse Business Traveling

I have published two books – one just hit bookstores – and have had several plays produced. I fly for a living, so most of that writing has been done on planes and in hotels. I knew I was in danger. Biz traveling is exhausting. If I didn't write while I traveled, 20 years would go by in a blink and I'd be "that guy" – the guy with the novel, essay, memoir in his head that never...

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Look After Your Top Talent – They're Looking to Leave

According to a recent Gallup poll, the odds that your employees will jump ship are growing. Today, employees are largely optimistic about the job market, spurring many to leave their jobs to search for better positions elsewhere. In August 2012, two million Americans voluntarily left their jobs. By August 2016, this number rose to three million. Millions of employees are opening their eyes...

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The Line Between Software Company and Recruitment Agency Is Blurring – and That's a Good Thing

One of the questions I get asked a lot is, "Is WeFind a software company or a recruiting agency?" I hate this question, mostly because it assumes you have to be either a software company or a recruiting company. For me, this raises further questions: What's the difference, and does it matter? Traditionally, there has been a very clear distinction between software companies and recruitment...

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Give Your Employees a Voice With These 10 Employee Feedback Tools

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Employee Feedback Tools In this...

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Interns: They Do More Than Get Your Coffee

Summer is here, and you know what that means: Students from high school and up through to graduate school are looking for work – or at least ways to gain experience in and knowledge about the industries they want to pursue. That's where smart companies come in. There is a lot of valuable talent out there just waiting to help you, even if you don't have the budget to hire a full-time...

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How A.I. Can Help Remove Bias From the Recruiting Process

Whether they know it or not, everybody is influenced by some degree of bias. That bias can become an especially big problem during the recruiting process. On average, every corporate job opening receives 250 resumes. That is a significant number of candidates to screen and compare. When unconscious bias enters the mix, recruiting and hiring pros may pass over perfectly qualified candidates...

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7 Red Flags to Watch for When Assessing Tech Talent

So, you're looking to make a new tech hire? Just as important as finding someone with the rights skills, experience, and personality is finding someone who doesn't exhibit certain warning signs. It's a lot easier to recognize good signs than bad ones, but it's not impossible to catch red flags as soon as they pop up – as long as you know what to look for. CodeFights, a platform that...

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How to Use Facebook Ads to Recruit Your Industry's Brightest Minds

In today's high tech society, there are more ways than ever to reach out to top talent in your industry niche. But are job boards like Monster and Indeed or career-focused social media sites like LinkedIn your best bet? There's a good chance these resources consume a big part of your recruiting budget, but the sad truth is that the many people actively searching for employment on these...

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Workforce Trends: 85 Percent of Workers Have Side Hustles

I know a financial advisor in Minnesota who moonlights as an Uber driver. Another friend of mine works full time in IT and fixes computers on the weekends. At least three of my graduate professors edit literary journals on the side, and I can name at least a dozen more for whom teaching is actually a side job. When I browse blogging gigs online, many specifically ask for lawyers, doctors,...

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Don't Make These Cringe-Worthy Interview Mistakes!

Summer is officially here! If you're like us, your steps are lighter, your mood is better, and even Monday mornings seem just a little more pleasant. You probably also care a little less about the small things. But you know who hasn't stopped caring about the little things? The interviewer you'll be meeting at your next job interview. It's easy to throw your cares away, but don't make...

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5 Techniques That Help You Winnow Out Unqualified Job Candidates

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question on jobs data you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How do you screen applicants to weed out the qualified from the unqualified? The answers below are provided by...

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The Way to a Candidate's Heart: Care About the Things They Care About

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Austin, Texas, to meet a number of folks who work at the job website Indeed. If you've looked for a job in the last ten years, there's a good chance you've visited Indeed: In 2010, the website surpassed Monster to become the highest-trafficked job site in the United States. In May, a report from SilkRoad found that, in the U.S. in 2016, 72 percent...

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41 Unusual Career Tips from a Recruiter

There is no opening act. Let's just get started: 1. Don't Ask How  Don't ask how you can help. Do your research and figure out a way to help. When people email and ask how they can help, it creates more work for me. Now I have to think of how they can help. I don't know them or what they are good at. I've emailed senior people before with the same question. The web holds more...

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From Michael Scott to Miranda Priestly: Which Famous Fictional Boss Are You?

And now for a little hump day fun. The folks at cloud communication advisory firm GetVoIP recently crafted what has quickly become one of my all-time favorite infographics: a flowchart that helps you determine which famous fictional boss you would be. Including James Bond's M, Gilmore Girls' Lorelai Gilmore, Harry Potter's Dumbledore, and a slew of other fan favorites, this...

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These Statistics Will Change the Way You Apply to Jobs

According to Glassdoor, every corporate job opening attracts an average of 250 resumes. Only 4-6 of these candidates will be interviewed, and of course, only one will receive a job offer. In terms of percentages, this means that only about 2 percent of candidates for a job will ever get called to interview. What This Means for You These stats should remind you to keep things in...

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5 Tips for Job Seekers Who Want to Work for a Nonprofit

Whether you are a recent graduate or looking to make a career change, working in the nonprofit industry can be incredibly fulfilling. Most of us will ultimately spend the majority of our waking hours at work, so why not spend those hours passionately engrossed in a job where you can do your part to impact humanity? At least, that's how I felt after I left a three-week-old job in the...

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HR Departments Talk About 'Innovation' – But Few Are Actually Innovating

For many of today's workers, the days of the nine-to-five workday and the cubicle are long gone. Modern technology has forced savvy companies to change the way they hire and do business. Ask any HR executive, and they'll tell you: Faced with a more flexible, evolving workforce, HR departments must innovate to recruit and retain top talent. But talking about it isn't enough. HR departments...

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The What, Why, and When of Payroll Outsourcing

Running a business means juggling a variety of administrative responsibilities. Outsourcing payroll could make your job easier. Most successful entrepreneurs know how to delegate. To maintain a certain standard of service, roles and responsibilities must be passed to the right people in the business. In a larger sense, this is how outsourcing works: A third-party organization is engaged to...

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Workplace Sexual Harassment: It's About Time We 'STOPit'

Employees often learn to ignore casual sexual harassment by necessity. Even especially serious incidents often go unreported or unaddressed. Those who report behavior that makes them uncomfortable have all too often learned that in today's corporate world, those reports can lead to harassers retaliating by whatever means possible – even to the point of getting the victim...

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For a Punchier Resume, Use the Active Voice

If your resume is full of phrases like "was responsible for ...", then you're using the passive voice. A lot of people make this mistake. If you want a stronger resume, you need to replace the passive voice with the active voice. The Difference Between Active and Passive Voice: In a nutshell, the passive voice describes things that happened to you; the active voice describes things...

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How to Navigate Flexible Employee Benefits in a Mobile World Without Compromising Security

Flexible, mobile-enabled benefits are critical to helping your employees better engage with and adopt the packages you offer them. Your company works hard to provide employees with a range of benefits that allow for flexibility and freedom, so why not make it easy for them to access company benefits through their smartphones? A Benefits App Would Make Employees' Lives Easier While...

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4 Ways to Get a Promotion

Everyone wants to get ahead at work, but many factors have to align for a promotion to come about. Timing, performance, and office politics all play a role. You may work in an organization with limited room to grow. Your boss may not be going anywhere for a while. If you're starting to feel concerned about your professional future, don't start searching for new employment opportunities...

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Hey College Grads: Here Are the Best and Worse Places to Start Your Career

If there's one thing recent college graduates are beginning to figure out right about now, it's that their hometowns may not be the best places to find jobs where they can apply the degrees they just earned. It would be nice if we could all land high-paying entry-level gigs a few blocks from the homes we grew up in, but it usually doesn't work out that way. Instead, graduates from...

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Top 10 Tech Tools for Remote Workers and Distributed Teams

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting in the job market! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Tech Tools for Remote...

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Business Psychology Meets 'Game of Thrones': Who Should Lead Westeros?

Whether people are in it for the violence, the dragons, or the complex characters, the widespread love for Game of Thrones is undeniable. Six years after its first episode debuted, it continues to be a spectacularly popular television show. With the seventh season coming this July, we'll all be glued to our seats yet again to find out who will take control of the Iron Throne. For those of us...

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Your Employees Probably Quit Because of Something You Did (or Didn't Do)

No company can ever entirely prevent employees from quitting. Even the most employee-friendly business will see a worker quit and move on at some point. However, if your company suffers a higher-than-average turnover rate, it might be time to connect with your workers and figure out what you can do to get them to stay. Until you take steps to locate and fix the problem, you'll continue...

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How to Spot a Bad Recruiter

Recruiters often get a bad rap, but the industry is just like any other: Some people are great at what they do, and others – not so much. But while consumers often have recourse when treated poorly in other fields, there's very little job seekers can do when they've been burned by a bad recruiter. The best protection against bad recruiters, then, is being able to identify them and...

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To Make Better Hires, Treat Job Seekers With Respect

While I usually write for an audience of job seekers, today I'd like to address a question I've received many times from many employers: "How can I hire better candidates" This question may seem fairly straightforward, but the answer isn't so simple. There are a number of factors you need to consider, which I'll outline below. The internet has changed the job search game. In...

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Reduce Turnover With These 8 Ways to Convince Your Employees to Stick Around Longer

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: The average length of job tenure seems to be shortening every year, and reports suggest 2017 will be a particularly bad year...

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Flexible Workers: The Best Way to Close Your Company's Skills Gap?

Remote workers just want to sneak in extra breaks and take naps all day. Freelancers only freelance because they don't have the skills to get real jobs. Working outside of the office is too distracting. Working at home means that employees have no direct supervision, so they take longer to complete tasks. These are the rumors that have surrounded remote and flexible workers for decades, but as...

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Emotional Intelligence: Where Do You Excel – and Where Do You Need a Little Work? [Infographic]

Emotional intelligence: It's all the rage in the business press today, and for good reason. Your EQ can have a significant impact – positive or negative – on your workplace performance, not to mention your life in general. But just how emotionally intelligent are you, and could you stand to improve a little? These are questions that online lender NetCredit hopes to help you answer...

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Employers and Employees Should Team Up to Leave Work at Work

It's just a phone call or two on the drive home. A few emails after dinner. An extra hour or two on a big project before bed. And you had to cancel plans a few times. That one time on vacation the kids went to the beach without you so you could finish up that report your boss needed. Oh, and that was your first vacation in five years. Is this how workers behave at your company? Many...

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Hackers Posing as Job Candidates: What Employers Need to Know

The internet is no longer as safe as it once was, and it's not just consumers and average Joes who need to worry. Employers, too, are now at risk. Recently, hackers have been posing as job candidates in order to plant ransomware inside business networks. Do you know how to spot and avoid these scams in the job market? How Hackers Are Using Fake Applications to Attack...

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Why the Ideal HR Tech Suite Must Include a Crowdsourced Communications Platform

It seems like everyone is talking about the "ideal HR tech suite," what it would contain, and how it would make the lives of HR professionals easier. The ideal combination is often said to include a mix of software for recruiting, hiring, onboarding, tax forms, document management, PTO tracking, benefits management, and payroll management. Indeed, all of these are mission-critical...

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The Digital Migration Is Paving the Way for the Global Labor Force of the Future

The laws surrounding physical immigration have tightened recently in the United States and abroad, and that makes it difficult for companies to source talent on a global scale. But what if instead of bringing employees across borders into the office, we could send the office across the border virtually to employees? That's exactly what's happening with the latest trend in remote work:...

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An Introduction to Jobs in the eSports Industry [Infographic]

If you are looking for a new job, you might consider joining the eSports industry. eSports have come a long way, developing from a collection of small, casual tournaments to a multimillion-dollar empire. According to one estimate, eSports will generate roughly $700 million dollars in revenue in 2017 alone. Today's eSports tournaments are world-class events where the biggest brands sponsor...

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4 Secrets to a Standout Resume

Team player. Results-oriented. Self-motivated. You already know where this is going. These are some of the most generic terms anyone could use on their resume, and yet everyone uses them. Why? Because we've been trained to think that this is what companies want to hear. To really stand out and grab a reader's attention, your resume needs to tell your unique story. Skip the clichés...

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5 Ways to Enhance Your Company's Performance Review Strategy

As a human resources professional, I think we should approach performance reviews more like we're driving a car. Let me explain: If you find yourself veering off into a ditch, you make the correction right away instead of waiting until the last minute. Traditionally, however, performance reviews have been last-minute affairs. They have long been held on an annual basis, requiring managers...

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