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6 Ways Remote Work Is Changing HR Software

In 2016, about 43 percent of the workforce spent at least some time working remotely. The steady growth in remote work in America is due to several factors, including better work-life balance and higher productivity. Overall, remote work leads to a happier workforce. While leaders and managers used to fear that remote employees would lose engagement with their teams, advances in...

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10 Great Podcasts About Recruiting and Hiring

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Recruiting and Hiring Podcasts The...

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5 Tools to Keep Your Employees Motivated and Engaged During the Summer

For many companies, summer means lower productivity and a lack of engagement. With many employees either working remotely or on vacation, it can be challenging to get your team operating as a cohesive unit. Whether you're in sales, marketing, tech, finance, or another sector, it's imperative that you provide best-in-class work for your customers and clients, no matter the season. How can...

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Eye Contact, Part 2: You've Got Their Attention – Now What?

In my previous article on eye contact, I focused on getting and keeping someone's attention. Today, we'll explore some of the psychology behind certain eye gaze behaviors. Generally speaking, when someone looks you in the eye and maintains relaxed contact (no frowning or squinting), they are signaling that they respect you – maybe even like you! If a person doesn't make eye contact,...

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Avoid Misclassification by Understanding the Role of the Gig Worker

In my capacity as both a regular contributor to Recruiter.com and a freelance writer, I spend a fair amount of time cruising job postings. In doing so, I've noticed a dangerous trend cropping up over the past few years: Employers commonly blur the lines between various types of gig workers, which can have nasty repercussion for both the workers and the companies themselves. The freelance...

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Are 'Snaplications' the Next Big Recruiting Trend?

When most job seekers think of using social media to apply for a new job, they think of networking websites like LinkedIn. But McDonald's recently pushed the boundaries of recruiting by partnering with Snapchat to hire new employees through what it calls "snaplications." McDonald's aimed to fill 250,000 summer jobs through Snapchat, mostly front-line customer service roles targeted at...

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5 Ways to Keep Your New Hires for the Long Haul

Recruiting and onboarding new hires are some of the most expensive aspects of employee relations. There's the search, the interview process, winnowing down candidates, more interviews, training, training, and more training. Sure, a new hire may have the skills you're looking for, but you'll still need to teach them your business culture and protocols. The worst part: After you've invested...

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The Way We Work: How Technology Has Radically Altered Our Work Processes

A lot of attention gets paid to where we work, whether in impressive office complexes or at our dining room tables. The rise of mobile and the advent of collaborative and productivity-oriented software have opened up all kinds of possibilities for enabling teams to engage from wherever they are. People have simply grown accustomed to working from anywhere. But this discussion about...

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7 Recruiting and Hiring Experts Weigh in on Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting:

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) will change recruiting and hiring? How so? Or, do you think the effects of AI are...

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The 6 Types of Bosses – and How to Work With Each One

You've heard the saying before: "People don't quit their jobs; they quit their bosses." While it may border on cliché at this point, it's true. Roughly half of workers have quit a job because of their boss at some point in their career. Anyone who has ever worked for a bad boss before knows just how frustrating the experience can be; the stat really comes as no surprise. However, not...

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Ain't No Cure for the Summertime Slump ... or Is There?

Look at that beautiful blue sky out there, and all those puffy white clouds. I wish I were kicked back on a beach somewhere with that novel I've been trying to find time to read since January. Well, only two more weeks until my vacation, and then I can finally get in some much-needed relaxation time! Maybe I can take a long lunch today, go on a walk for some fresh air. I wonder if anyone will...

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How Today's Market Is Redefining the Role of Sales Professional

The impact of accelerated change in the business environments of most companies is undeniable. Disruptive technologies, lower barriers to competitor entry, shifting needs and expectations of customers, macroeconomic conditions, and the impact of geopolitical events are some of the variables that now require companies to be in a state of constant evolution. This change impacts just about all...

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14 Powerful Networking Tools and Strategies to Adopt Now

The way networking operates is similar to the way a little yeast works through a batch of dough: Both require time, a little massaging, and consistency. Given that, in certain circumstances, 85 percent of all jobs are filled through networking, it behooves every professional to learn how to network. The successful networker understands that it's about giving more than taking for the long...

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Stop Pretending Candidates With Criminal Records Are Dangerous

On most job applications, there's a little box that says: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Check Yes or No." Countless candidates have been denied employment because they checked "Yes." Countless more have been fired because they lied and checked "No." There's usually a little space to explain the circumstances of the conviction, but do hiring managers and recruiters even read...

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5 Ways to Have More 'Best Days' at Work

Article by Teala Wilson Think about the last time you had a "best day" at work. What happened? For some people, these best days involve being a problem-solving hero. Others like being a valued contributor of a team working on a particularly challenging project. A really great day at work could even be one when someone is given a new level of responsibility on their team. Whatever the...

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There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Transparency at Work

Do you want your workplace to be transparent? We're willing to bet the answer is "Yes," given how many companies today boast about their transparent policies and cultures. It makes sense that transparency is so popular, given that 46 percent of employees in one study cited a "lack of transparent leadership communication" as a driving factor behind their decision to look for employment...

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Pay and Demand on the Uptick for Corporates Recruiters

With the national unemployment rate holding fairly steady around 4.3 percent, it's often said that candidates hold all the power in today's job market as skills gaps spin out of control and disruptive technologies change where and how we work. Nobody understands this candidate-empowering environment better than corporate recruiters. So what happens when the recruiters themselves are the...

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How Employers and HR Managers Can Better Incentivize Voluntary Benefit Registration

Voluntary benefits (VB) are the puzzle pieces that complete your core benefit offerings, thereby comprising a fully developed financial wellness package. Just like core benefits, many VB programs provide the incentives of additional financial savings, reduced underwriting, and ease of enrollment when purchased through an employer. Aligning core and VB programs as a unified package will help...

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Boost Your Resume by Working Abroad

Whether you just finished high school, are graduating college, or would simply like a change of pace, a working holiday abroad could be just the boost your career needs. Working holidays not only encourage cultural exchange, but are also great ways to skill up, step out of your comfort zone, and make new connections the world over. According to the American Gap Association, people who go...

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10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Company Culture

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Company...

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How to Hire the Best Talent From the Newly Graduated Developer Pool

While recruiting is tough for us all, tech sector employers face an especially difficult battle for talent. The pool of qualified, eligible applicants for tech roles always seems to be too small. As a result, graduation season is especially important to tech companies, as it gives them access to a fresh pool of talent. Unfortunately, these graduates don't always make it easy to hire them....

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The 7 Fatal Mistakes of Female Launchers

I've had the pleasure of working with more than 3,000 female entrepreneurs over the last 10 years. During this time, I've recognized a pattern of challenges new entrepreneurs tend to struggle with. These challenges tend not to result from lack of skills or access to capital; rather, they are matters of mindset and approach. Thus, they can be avoided. Here are seven common mistakes that...

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3 Ways to Create an Engaged Workplace Through Smart Recruiting

Gallup's "State of the American Workplace" report doesn't paint a pretty picture of employee engagement: Only 33 percent of employees are engaged at work, and a whopping 51 percent are actively looking for new employment. Worse, a significant number of employees are so unhappy at work that they're willing to sabotage their employers through active disengagement. Given that companies with low...

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Who Wants to Work Where? SurveyMonkey and Fortune Team Up to Determine America's Favorite Employers

In our dramatically divided days, I may not be calming the culture clash by asserting that Trump voters and Clinton voters can't even agree on which companies have the most positive impact on the U.S., but it's true. Well, sort of: There is some overlap, but the lists are far from identical. What I'm talking about is a new survey from SurveyMonkey and Fortune that aimed to find out...

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Why an After-School Job May Not Be the Best Way to Gain Experience

A reader recently wrote to me with an interesting question. He was seeking advice on how his teenage daughter might find an after-school job. He wanted her to learn discipline and develop a strong work ethic, both great qualities for a young student to develop. Though I respect the after-school job as a method of gaining these qualities, I suggested to the reader an alternative path. When...

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5 Steps to Getting Any Job You Want

While growing up, I was told that businesses weren't hiring and jobs were moving overseas. While there was some truth to this, these days, I'm noticing the opposite problem: Businesses can't find the employees they need. I recently led a panel of three successful entrepreneurs. When asked what their most pressing business challenges were, all three said the same thing: recruiting. The...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Volunteering Makes Employees More Competent and Engaged

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, a column from Recruiter.com writer Jason McDowell. Every month, McDowell covers the most unique benefits that today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. We all want to volunteer for a good cause, but let's be honest: After a 40+ hour workweek, a long commute both ways, and finding time to...

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You Are Only 1 or 2 Degrees of Separation Away From Your Next Job

We've all heard that it's not what you know, it's who you know. While there is definitely truth to that, having the knowledge and skills employers are looking for is a must. What's even more important is positioning yourself to be ready when opportunity knocks. If you're fairly new to the job market, this may seem to be quite a challenge, especially if you're a college student hoping to be...

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What to Do About a Toxic Corporate Culture

When sexual harassment or discrimination become widespread problems, it's usually because an organization incidentally developed a corporate culture that overlooks these behaviors. As Uber continues to weed out employees who don't behave in responsible or ethical ways, other executives should be taking a hard look at their own organizations to make sure they aren't enabling similar bad...

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To Succeed in Retail, Find a Career Where You Create Experiences

Think about the times when you've been turned off by an in-store shopping experience. Has a disorganized sales floor or a rude associate ever dampened your day? Now, think about the times you've been impressed by an in-store shopping experience, like an unforgettable display or an associate who had all the time in the world to assist you. Did you feel much more loyal to the store...

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20 Ways Job Seekers Can Speed Up the Hiring Process

Today, the entire hiring process takes about 23 days from start to finish, which can be frustrating for job seekers eager to make career moves. However, the good news is job seekers can do their part to speed things up a little bit. Here are 20 ways to get hired fast: 1. Get Specific Time is precious when you're looking for a new job. Don't waste it by filling out a bunch of...

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The Introvert's Guide to Starting a New Job

Most, if not all, of us get a little anxious when starting a new job. Will we be able to handle our new responsibilities? Will we make a good impression on our coworkers? Did we make the right choice? Should we have stayed at our old job? The nerves can be especially debilitating for introverts, who tend not to be big fans of meeting a lot of new people at once. To help make the...

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How Blockchain Could Change the Way We Work and Do Business

Standard business models typically place power and decision-making capabilities in the hands of a few executives who then delegate responsibility down the corporate ladder. The blockchain movement seeks to change all that, even as the technology fights its way into the mainstream in the face of regulatory issues and a lack of public understanding. One of the most imposing obstacles to the...

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It's Not for Everyone: Thoughts on Working for a Startup

I've enjoyed a 40+ year career that has spanned multiple job functions and sectors, including business development, consulting, and business solutions in technology, pharmaceuticals, accounting, and more. However, it wasn't until four years ago that I ever considered the idea of working at a technology startup. I'm happy that I did: For the last four years, I've worked for the data...

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4 Tips to Ensure Your Next Performance Review Is Actually Productive

Employees and managers alike often dread performance review season, and for good reason: One poll found that only 2 percent of HR pros think reviews are useful. This raises an important question: Why are we still carrying out performance reviews if they're so useless? The truth is annual reviews don't have to be wastes of time. Done right, they can be powerful tools for everyone...

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8 Things That Motivate Recent Grads to Excel

As recent graduates enter the job market, this time of year is an exciting one for companies around the globe. Graduates are cost-effective, eager to prove themselves, and generally easier to manage — but recruiting and retaining these talented young candidates is far from a walk in the park. Now that job hopping has become increasingly common, companies will have to go the extra mile...

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Hey, Recruiters – Do Your Part to Rehab Our Reputation

I spent a little more than five years recruiting for multiple organizations, and in that time, I learned a lot about what's going right in the industry. More importantly, I've also learned about what's going wrong. For me, the most meaningful takeaway of all was this: You don't have control over everything, but you do have control over your impact on the recruiting industry's reputation...

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Outsourcing Risks Drive American Businesses to Reshore IT Services

At some point or another, most of us have called tech support and received assistance from an agent who was thousands of miles away in a different country. Outsourcing IT services to countries with cheaper labor forces became commonplace over the past twenty years, but now, many U.S. companies are moving IT support back to the United States. Though offshoring was once seen as an automatic...

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10 Employee Recognition Stats You Can't Ignore

Plenty of blogs and news sites have recently floated the idea that employers should start showing employees more appreciation and recognition. Employees want recognition and appreciation, but do these things actually improve the bottom line? Check out these stats to learn why employee recognition could be just the thing your company needs: 1. 58 Percent of Employees Think Leaders Can...

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The Dangerous Role of Subjectivity in Your Company Culture

Uber has changed the way we view transportation, and recent events at the company have also begun to change the way we view company culture. While there has been a lot of media coverage of Uber's cultural problems, not much has been said about the roots of the culture that caused those problems. We ignore these roots at our peril. What sits at the root of a culture? Humans do – humans...

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The 4 Traits of Naturally Skilled Recruiters

Recruiting doesn't come naturally to all of us. If you're a recruiter who isn't so innately talented, try cultivating in yourself these four traits of naturally skilled recruiters: 1. Empathy If you cannot put yourself in both the hiring manager's and the candidate's shoes, you will lose at recruiting. As employment specialist Amy McDonald writes, recruiters "have to get to know...

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Real Estate Partnerships: The Secret to Successful Recruitment Initiatives

Savvy HR departments, recruitment firms, and relocation professionals know that in order to recruit the best of the best, it's often necessary to look outside of your geographical box. But what happens when you are filling a job in St. Louis and your top candidate lives in sunny San Diego? She has a husband who is hesitant to let go of his West Coast roots and children who have grown...

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What to Do When You're Dealing With Workplace Bullying

Growing up, it always seemed like one of the perks of being an adult was the lack of bullies. Bullying stops after high school graduation, doesn't it? Unfortunately, as it turns out, that isn't always the case. A few bullies sneak through life without giving up their bullying ways. Often, these meanies resurface at work. Maybe they're unhappy with their own lives, or perhaps there are...

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5 Traits That Differentiate Impressive Hires From the Average Employee

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: What can a new hire do to impress you quickly and prove their worth? The answers below are provided by members of...

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When It Comes to Recruiting, Sourcing Key Players Is a Team Sport

In recent years, sourcing top-notch candidates has become increasingly challenging. Market demands and a global shortage of qualified workers have increased competition for top talent across industries. The old way of relying entirely on headhunters or recruiting agencies to source candidates is no longer enough. In order to meet the challenges of today's talent market, sourcing key...

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What Jobs Would 'Game of Thrones' Characters Have in the Real World?

Now that the season seven of Game of Thrones is here, it's time to answer the burning question on everybody's mind: If the characters had to schlep it in the real world, how would they find gainful employment? Thanks to a new infographic from the resume-builder Novoresume, you don't have to rack your brain too hard puzzling it all out. Check below to see what jobs GoT's cast...

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How Recruiters Can Grow Their Practices With Their Own Books

As a recruiter looking to grow your business, you face two main bottlenecks: Can you find more businesses to hire you? Can you find the right candidates for those businesses? As every recruiter knows, both of these bottlenecks come down to the same thing: relationships. In order to grow your customer base and candidate database, you need to find more businesses and candidates....

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How SMBs Can Win In Today's Hiring Climate

Since 2010, more than 15 million private-sector jobs have been added to the economy. As the economy continues growing and the talent market gets tighter, employers will have to compete in new ways in order to survive. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) could be hit especially hard during this time. Unable to offer compensation and benefits on par with larger competitors, these...

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