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How Choking Under Pressure Can Be a Good Thing

Article by Stephen Aartsol Have you ever been a part of something memorable, but for all the wrong reasons? That's kind of how my pitch on Shark Tank went down. The wheels came off when my slideshow stopped mid-presentation. Stressed, frozen, and unable to recover, I stumbled through the rest of my pitch, all while being teased by the Sharks. Although it wasn't my most positive...

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It Turns Out People Like Their Jobs a Lot More Than You Might Think:

We may be facing a worldwide employee engagement crisis, but at least employees seem to by and large like their jobs. That's according to a recent survey from the pre-employment specialists at EBI, which found that 53.3 percent of employees love their jobs, 36.9 percent of employees are neutral about their jobs, and 9.8 percent hate their jobs. In general, older workers (35+) were...

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3 Recruiting Metrics to Start Tracking Today

If you've been in HR for any amount of time, you know that metrics are the talk of the town. Whether it's a vendor telling you about their metric-heavy dashboard, a V.P. of talent acquisition spouting off the metrics she watches, or a recruiting admin trying to make sense of the numbers his boss is throwing at him, metrics are a big deal for a lot of people. Like marketing, recruiting has...

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7 Steps to Building a High-Performing Company Culture

In today's hyper-connected environment, each of us is made instantly aware of both the company culture don'ts (like UploadVR's "kink room") and the highly coveted dos (like Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky's push for a more transparent customer feedback experience). If you are a business owner or executive, it's almost certain you want to differentiate your company in order to draw in and keep top...

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Change Is in the Air. Is It Time to Reinvent Yourself?

Are you feeling restless? Does a nagging voice in your head keep saying, "This isn't what you're supposed to be doing"? Do you crave more but have trouble figuring out what "more" is? My 35th high school reunion just passed. I did not attend it. Reflecting on the event, I remembered that I could not escape my hometown fast enough when I was 18 years old. I realized it is okay that I have...

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3 Recruiting Strategies to Find the Right Candidates With Security Clearance

Government security clearances are a notoriously complicated process for HR professionals to navigate. There are multiple clearance categories, and the rules governing each often change during presidential transitions. Individuals with security clearance are perpetually in high demand due to funding limitations and the lag time necessary for gaining clearance. About 70 percent of security...

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10 Great Performance Management Software Platforms

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Performance Management Solutions Do...

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15 Ways to Improve Performance Evaluations

Given that only 55 percent of employees feel performance reviews are effective, leaders and managers have to start asking themselves: What can we do to make them better? Performance reviews and relevant feedback are essential to employee development and growth. Without them, workers wouldn't know whether or not they were doing a good job; as a result, the company would suffer...

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Talent Pools: Pursuing the Passive Candidate

The best workers are engaged, productive, valued by their managers and peers, well compensated, and happy where they are. And they are the exact people I want to hire. To paraphrase an old joke about the dating pool: If desperation were attractive, the world would be a much happier place. By the same token, we all want to find and attract the best candidates. In this world of social...

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What Do Working Parents Want? Flexible Work Options

Today, dual-income families account for 46 percent of two-parent households in the U.S., according to Pew Research Center. In single-parent households, 76 percent of single mothers work and 85.1 percent of single fathers work. And for most working parents, striking a health work/life balance is difficult, no matter their household arrangements. Perhaps that explains why so many...

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Your Future Is in the (Business) Cards

According to a Microsoft study, a goldfish now has a longer attention span than you do. Hey, over here — there's more! Microsoft found that the average human's attention span is now eight seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000. The goldfish clocks in at nine seconds. Why does Microsoft care, and why should you? Because shorter attention spans affect concentration, comprehension,...

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5 Tips to Help HR Beat the Talent Shortage in 2017

Skills gaps and leadership shortages can be hugely detrimental to a company. Unfortunately, such shortages are considered by many to be among HR's biggest problems in 2017. This means we need to ask ourselves: Are we really doing all we can to beat talent shortages and ensure great company performance? Let's take a look at five strategies companies can utilize in the employment market to...

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9 Ways to Boost Your Productivity Today

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How do you keep yourself – and your team – operating at maximum productivity? 1. Insist on...

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Job Search Anxiety? Everyone Experiences It:

The job search is a grueling process. You pour hours into applications and never hear back. You go through rounds of interviews that lead nowhere. Looking for a job is both frustrating and disappointing at a bare minimum. It leaves smart, accomplished professionals feeling "less than." It leaves them wondering, "What's wrong with me?" Too old? Too young? Wrong college degree? If this...

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A Handy Graphical Guide to Saying 'No' at Work:

Do you feel like you're doing way to much at work – like your task load is simply unsustainable? Does it seem like every time your schedule gets close to manageable, another project gets dumped on your plate? Then it's time to start saying "no." Of course, many of us are nervous about saying "no." We worry that turning down any requests – especially from superiors – will make us...

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Show Employees You Value Them – or Risk a Summer Exodus

The business world doesn't usually consider summer to be a threat to retention. Employees are typically more active in their personal lives during this time of year as they take advantage of warm weather for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and trips to the beach; go on vacations; or enjoy company benefits such as summer hours. The tide may be changing, however, according to...

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The Case for Corporate Social Responsibility in Recruiting Top Talent

Implementing a holistic corporate social responsibility (CSR) program in an organization brings with it a number of business benefits beyond simply checking the "good corporate citizen" box. As many in-house recruiting professionals on the job market front lines will attest, robust CSR programs that include employee giving and volunteering opportunities are becoming increasingly important in...

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5 Reasons You May Not Be as Influential as You Think You Are

You may not be as influential as you think you are. This may come across as a bold statement. After all, I don't know you. But what if I'm right? Have you or your team ever considered how you and your message come across? Have you wondered about how people perceive the experiences they have with you? Have you ever thought about how your communication may be sabotaging your...

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What Makes a Great Interview? Lessons From the 'Best Places to Interview'

Last week, Glassdoor released the 2017 Candidate's Choice Awards list of the 100 Best Places to Interview – and it looks a little different from the Best Places to Work list. While tech giants like Facebook and major consulting firms like Bain dominate the latter, the former contains more than a few less-fawned-over companies, like the healthcare nonprofit Dignity Health and the CRM...

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3 Things Google Can Teach You About Recruiting Budgets

No matter what stage your business is at – a newly launched startup, a massive corporation, or something in between – budget is a top priority. If you want your outfit to be profitable, you have to budget and spend wisely. But how do you prioritize all your costs – the salaries, training, payments to vendors, recruiting, etc? According to Google, recruitment comes first. The...

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3 Ways to Build Trust Through Body Language

Article by Melissa Balmain People tend to overestimate their ability to read others' faces or bodies for trustworthiness, psychologists say. Practiced liars can be experts at genuine-seeming eye contact and gestures. As unreliable as body language is, it can still be a powerful factor in trust. We're more prone to like or help people who subtly mimic our nonverbal behavior,...

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Generation Z Is Breaking Into the Job Market – But What Do They Want?

When it comes to the multigenerational workplace, millennials get all the attention – but that's about to change. As Gen. Y settles into middle management positions and employers finally get a hang of what this crop of talent wants from a job, Generation Z is on the rise; soon, it'll shake everything up all over again. You, however, don't have to be blindsided by this generation, nor...

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6 Resume Missteps That Can Derail Your Job Application

Your resume is the first impression you'll make on a hiring manager. As such, its goal should be to capture the recruiter's interest long enough that they read the document to the end. Unfortunately, silly mistakes can get in the way. Did you know that hiring managers spend six seconds reading a candidate's resume before making an initial decision about fit? Or that one in five recruiters...

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Young Talent: Why Your Professional Network Is as Important as Your Social Network

As the summer months come to an end, many upperclassmen and recent college graduates will be entering the first stages of their professional lives. Whether starting fall-semester internships or joining the workforce full-time, these young professionals face an exciting, pivotal moment that can also bring a little anxiety, uncertainty, and even fear. It's natural for young adults who are...

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Turn Your Internship Into a Full-Time Job

Getting a job is stressful for everyone, unless one of your parents is president of the United States. When I graduated college in 2009, it was the worst economic time of my generation. Somehow, I still managed to find a job – by turning an internship into full-time employment, with a 401(k) and everything! For those of you currently at internships or starting them soon, here are a...

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1 Smartphone, 5 Ways to Show You're Qualified for the Job

Speed matters when you're applying for jobs. If you're always waiting to get to a laptop, it might be too late. That's one reason for you to get comfortable with using your phone for more than Facebook videos and Instagram posts. Your phone is the most important communication tool you own. It's time to unleash its potential in your job search. Ready to use your smartphone to land a...

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16 Ways to Start Engaging Employees Today:

In a survey conducted by personality assessment firm Psychometrics, 58 percent of respondents said that if leaders want to improve employee engagement, they need to give more recognition. So, what can your organization do to recognize and engage employees more regularly and powerfully? Below are some simple steps you can start taking immediately to show employees how much you appreciate...

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10 Underrated Recruiting Tools You Should Start Using Today

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week: Top 10 Underrated Recruiting Tools We all...

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Where Are All the Skilled Workers Migrating To?

With all the recent clashes and controversies regarding immigration in America, it might be easy to forget that skilled workers have plenty of options when it comes to migrating. If they can't come to the U.S., there are other countries that want them. Recently, the folks at KDM Engineering analyzed data from the United Nations and the Global Talent Competitiveness Index in order to rank...

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5 Perfectly Good Job Applicants You Won't Consider for the Role

As recruiters widen their reaches, they seem to get more rigid with their screening processes. In theory, rigid screening could be a good thing, but that assumes the process screens for the right things. Today, I'd like to talk about the potentially stellar candidates who often get booted out of the running for insignificant factors. Are these five candidates really all that bad? 1....

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5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Internship

Whether you're a fresh college graduate or going through a career transition, internships can help fill the gap between education/acquired skills and real-world experience. An annual survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found 91 percent of employers say candidate experience is a factor in hiring decisions, and half prefer new grads' experience come from...

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Thinking About Working With Your Spouse? Consider These Four Things:

We spend so much time discussing work/life balance. The prevailing theory is that, in order to live a happy, healthy life, you need to keep your personal and work lives separate. But some people don't keep their worlds apart. What happens when a married couple decides to take the plunge and start working together? While probably not preferred in most situations, opportunities for...

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On Blind, Anonymity Leads to Camaraderie and Recruiting

On the internet, anonymity generally leads to trolling, hate speech, and maybe, if we're lucky, a funny meme or two. But things are different on Blind, the exclusive, anonymous communication app where the employees of tech giants congregate to trade stories and share news. There, anonymity leads to transparency, camaraderie, and even the occasional job offer. A Workplace Tool Employees...

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Career Advice for My Younger Self

Two interesting things have happened to me in the past week. First, I was asked the question, "What advice would you give your younger self?" Second, I attended my high school reunion. Needless to say, both moments made me think about the past and the advice I would give a young person today. First and foremost, I'd tell myself – and any other young person listening – to focus on...

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5 Experts Discuss Their Biggest Hiring Challenges Ever

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question on jobs data you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: If only every hiring process went smoothly! Unfortunately, recruiters and hiring managers know that challenges...

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How the Gig Economy Is Changing the Definition of a 'Job'

The gig economy has grown significantly in recent years. In fact, one study found that 94 percent of the net job growth between 2005 and 2015 occurred in the realm of "alternative work," which includes the gig economy. This growth has given many people the opportunity to let their hair down, so to speak, and earn income without the stress of a traditional 9-5 job. Workers used to...

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5 Resume Tips for Salespeople and Business Development Professionals

Top sales professionals are always in demand – but they're also notoriously difficult to recruit, screen, and hire. The market is glutted with salespeople who talk good games but don't have the accompanying track records of delivering results. Your resume is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd and show hiring managers why they should bring you on board. Salespeople, set...

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To Lead, First Listen

Anyone who is even remotely interested in business literature has, at some point, read an article on how to develop good leadership qualities. Focus, confidence, integrity, passion, and competency often top the list, and for good reason. All great leaders need to possess these characteristics, and they need to consciously cultivate these traits on a continuous basis. These qualities are...

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Why Are Extroverts Linked to Career Success? Because They Have Mentors

A recent study from the University of Missouri found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that extroverts and people who exhibit proactive behavior are more likely to find career success. But don't take this as condemnation to a life of low success, introverts. See, extroverts aren't inherently successful in ant mysterious, ineffable way. Rather, they simply tend to engage in certain behaviors that...

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Toyota, Kaplan, and 9 Other Companies Hiring for Flexible Schedule Jobs

Besides a handsome salary and a cool company culture, there's one thing that job seekers are looking for: flexible work options. According to a survey conducted by FlexJobs, flexible schedule jobs are the second most popular type of workplace flexibility after full-time telecommuting jobs, with 73 percent of job seekers saying they're interested in flexible schedules at work. "Flexible...

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Your Top 7 Questions About Applicant Tracking Systems, Answered

If you've been through a job search in the last five or so years, you probably know all about the importance of using keywords to tailor your resume for applicant tracking systems (ATSs). Chances are, however, that those keywords are just about where your ATS knowledge ends. For being such commonly used hiring tools – 98 percent of Fortune 500 companies use them – ATSs are still a...

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The New Employee Checklist: What Your Onboarding Process Needs to Include

It's not enough to hire talented people who fit your company's culture. In order for your hires to thrive and give you their full productivity, you need a strong onboarding process to integrate them into your organization. In fact, onboarding may be the most critical piece 0f any hiring process. Consider the following: - Employees who go through a structured onboarding process are 58...

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How to Create Healthy Parameters for Failure:

There has been a lot of buzz about the importance of encouraging failure in the workplace and how it can lead to great ideas that may not have otherwise come about. This is not a new way of thinking. Asked about his failures, Thomas Edison is purported to have said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." While it is true that failure can play a role in the...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Addressing Negative Employee Reviews

Glassdoor and other employee review sites are both a boon and a curse for employers today. Boon: Employers can build strong employer brands and attract top-tier talent by showcasing authentic employee voices. Curse: Eventually, every employer is going to have to deal with negative feedback. Negative feedback is one thing when it's given and discussed within the office, but when...

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Lessons on Finding the Career of Your Dreams from Stephen Hawking

When you're seeking the ideal career for your talents, skills, and interests, it can be challenging to amass the necessary motivation and experience to succeed. Following your dreams isn't easy, especially if you run into physical and mental obstacles along the way. However, no matter the challenges you face, you can look to the world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking as an example of...

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4 Things Your Job Interviewer Is Looking For

It is hard enough to keep yourself calm during an interview, let alone try to figure out what's going on in the mind of the interviewer sitting across from you. However, with so many other candidates fighting for the job aside from you, it's not enough to simply keep your composure. If you really want to have a chance, you have to understand what the interviewer is looking for – and then...

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What Does Jeff Bezos's Resume Look Like?

Jeff Bezos was, for about four hours, the richest man in the world. (He's still in the top three, so there's no point in shedding any tears.) At this level of success, Bezos seems less like a human being and the more like the walking, talking manifestation of sentient business acumen, the avatar of the most outlandish reaches of career achievement in 2017. But Bezos, for all his...

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8 Big Job Interview Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

Job interviews – aren't they just the best? They're your chance to really strut your stuff, dazzle your interviewer, and leave 'em begging for more! I bet you go on job interviews in your spare time just for the sheer fun of it, right? No? Did I guess you wrong? Do you feel like you've been interviewing for forever but have yet to receive a job offer? Do you get tied up in knots just...

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