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7 Features Every Company Should Look For in Recruiting Software

According to some research, 98% of Fortune 500 companies use recruiting software. When many companies are struggling to recruit talent, using software to find qualified candidates could be the answer to your company's recruitment problems. But if you're going to invest in recruiting software, you need to ensure that you choose the right solution for your business. Keep reading to...

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Build Loyalty, Break Down Hierarchies, and Recruit Better Talent With Mentorship Programs

"Employees want to be part of something that is bigger than a company. The business culture is internally based, but the philanthropy is external. That volunteer ethos provides more than a quarterly return on earning — it stretches employees beyond their day-to-day jobs." — Rick Luftglass, Former Director, Pfizer Foundation's Education Volunteer Program Do executive skills primarily come...

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The Importance of Value-Based Hiring: Why It Matters for Your Business

According to some findings, 45% of new hires leave their jobs in the first year. 50% of hiring managers feel like they could have hired a better candidate. These astounding statistics encompass the sad reality during the ongoing pandemic.    In an era with work from home gaining more and more traction, the importance placed on hiring has never been greater. Sourcing, recruiting,...

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How Recruiters Should Spend Their Time During a Hiring Freeze

What do you do if you are a recruiter and your company is on a hiring freeze? How do you spend your time? While it's tempting to hang out and watch Nextflix all day, there are many ways you could be improving your process. When the hiring freeze is over, the hiring managers will have all kinds of positions that they want to fill. However, you may potentially have fewer resources than...

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The Best Guide on How to Find a Recruiter for Your Business

According to some LinkedIn research, the volume of open positions for recruiters has tripled since January 2019. This means that more and more companies need recruiters and struggle to find them. If the Great Resignation has impacted your business, you are probably familiar with the race to find recruiters. But how do you find one that will be a match with your business?  There are a few...

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What Is Headhunting and How Is it Different From Recruiting?

Today, more than 69% of companies in the US struggle to find the right talent for their vacant positions. To find the solution to this persisting problem, companies across the country have shifted their focus to implementing effective recruiting and headhunting strategies. Many companies rely on recruiters and headhunters to help them find their ideal candidate to fill an open...

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Working Virtually: How to Build Trust in Remote Teams

According to the Harvard Business Review, 40% of surveyed supervisors said they weren't confident in managing remote teams. In addition to that jobs data, two-thirds of managers still don't trust remote team members. However, with more and more companies shifting to a remote environment, managers are being forced to trust their employees. But how do you navigate the new normal and...

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Recruitment Videos: An Often Overlooked Employer Branding Tool

According to Gartner, almost half of all SP 100 job postings in 2018 were targeted to fill just 39 roles, mainly in IT, research and development, marketing, sales, and customer service. Competition for top talent in these fields, it goes without saying, is stiff. And it doesn't help that it often takes more than a month to fill a single open requisition. Employers should have all the...

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How to Ace Candidate Screening When Dealing With High Volumes of Applications

The pandemic has shifted the recruiting narrative from a war for talent to a war for jobs. On one side, companies have struggled to survive, and large numbers of employees have been let go. On the other side, the pandemic era has also brought forth new opportunities, and a huge number of active candidates are vying for them. For recruiters, this all translates to higher volumes of...

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Why Virtual Hiring Is the Future of Recruitment

The Covid-19 pandemic affected the economy in a way people could not have anticipated. As a result, many of us are still battling to get back on our feet and make a living, while others have already tapped into the global market to find opportunities. One such opportunity is virtual hiring. Virtually hiring candidates was never employers' primary choice; however, it's opening up a wealth of...

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How to Create a Virtual Company Culture With More Than Just a Zoom Happy Hour

As we all know, the pandemic shifted the way life works and how we work. This shift calls for companies to rethink their relationship with employees while physically not being together. According to a Gallup poll, 45% of employees worked remotely last September. With almost half of the workforce working hybrid, it is safe to say that the future of the workforce is virtual, in whole or in...

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Valentine's Day: How to Foster Good Candidate Relationships

This Valentine's Day, many recruiters will be sending out emails to possible candidates, writing the perfect job posting to start attracting talented candidates, and rejecting a candidate who unfortunately didn't get the position.  If you take a step back, the recruiting process can often feel like dating. According to one survey, about an average of 118 people will apply for one...

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3 Recruitment Strategies for Companies Targeting Growth

Growth looks different for every company, and there is no such thing as the "right" recruitment strategy.  Every organization recruits candidates differently since many factors such as industry, geographical location, and company culture affect their efforts.  They are also affected by the number of open roles, urgency of the hire, and time of year. Rather than define a specific path...

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Employee Relations Aren't Just HR's Problem: How to Empower Managers to Help

Many companies do a great job of upskilling their leaders and managers so they can function effectively — but managers don't always receive training in employee relations. That can cause trouble, as employees don't always turn to HR when issues arise in the workplace. In fact, many employees go to their managers first. According to HR Acuity's 2019 Employee Experience Survey, 67 percent...

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Finding Your Perfect Match: A Recruiter Considers Valentine's Day

Let's face it: Dating is a lot like looking for the perfect candidate for a job. You have an idea about your ideal match, and you look for ways to find the most desirable catch. I can't guide you on how to fall in love, but as a professional recruiter, I can share some tips on finding the perfect professional mate. This is a relationship you will both be in for many years. Why leave it to...

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9 Potential Negatives to Using Social Media to Recruit New Hires

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What's one potential negative you see to companies using social media to recruit new hires? Why is it negative? These answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young...

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How Do Small Businesses Get Funding? Your Questions Answered

Growing, managing, and evolving your business has a learning curve. Funding your small business is no different. Finding the right funding program begins with understanding what's out there. Next, it's all about research. The most appropriate business funding solution will vary depending on your specific circumstances. In this article, we run you through some frequently asked questions...

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Reduce 80 Percent of Recruiter Workload With Recruiting Automation

It's 2021! A decade ago, many of us thought our world would be filled with flying cars, space tourists, and convenient robots by now. Instead, we have a virus outbreak and staggering workloads, and remote recruiting only makes it all harder. This is a taxing time for recruiters around the world. They're under pressure to find superstars, facilitate virtual interviews, onboard new hires, and...

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7 Toxic Workplace Issues That May Be Causing High Turnover

For all business leaders, driving high employee engagement and keeping employee turnover in check are the most complicated challenges. An organization is only as good as its people, defining competencies and not the machinery. It becomes imperative for organizations to retain their best talents and keep them engaged. Speaking of employee turnover in the US, the Bureau of Labour Statistics...

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The Most Common Recruiting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

According to some research, a bad hire could cost your business up to $240,000. That's why it's so crucial that recruiters try to refine their process and avoid making costly mistakes whenever possible. Bad hires will happen now and then, but there are ways to minimize the risk of making one. Recruiters might make some common mistakes, whether they've been in the field for two or twenty...

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How to Take Care of Your Employees When They Work Remotely

Remote work is not a new concept, particularly for those working as freelancers and contract workers. However, 2020 showed us all the importance of being able to facilitate and thrive when working remotely. A spotlight has been thrown on all industries, all companies, all employees, and all employers, highlighting the good and the bad of working remotely. For example, supporting employees...

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How to Build a Data-Driven Recruitment Strategy

Post and pray has long been dead, and the uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 only killed it further. Companies, especially those in the scale-up phase, need to build solid data-driven recruitment strategies right from the word "go." Terra Carbert, founder and CEO of SHEops Talent, a recruitment firm that helps companies hire great talent, spoke with us about why you should build a data-driven...

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The Ultimate Guide to Create a Social Recruiting Strategy

Over the years, recruiting has become competitive. These days, employers use CV parsing API to conduct recruitment using an AI tool. In addition, businesses are also taking advantage of social recruiting.  Whether you want to establish a new business online or find ways to upgrade your business, a solid social media presence can help you with an effective marketing opportunity. However,...

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Why Relationship With Temporary Workers Are Vital: And What You Can Do To Attract Them

Almost every company needs temporary help at some point. Sometimes, these hires come aboard because a short-term project needs a particular skill set for a limited time. Other times, temporary workers help fill gaps when employees are out for extended periods. There are also those occasions when you must regularly rely on hiring a seasonal workforce to get you through busier times of the...

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The Gender Pay Gap Has Deeper Roots Than You Think. Here's How to Tackle It

The gender pay gap has been a widely discussed topic for a long time now, and nations worldwide have been trying to reduce disparities in pay based on gender for a long time now. While the pay gap has narrowed in the job market since the 1980s, women are still not making salaries equal to those of men. That makes us wonder: How did the gender pay gap arise in the first place? This article...

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Tweeting Through It: 11 Things to Look for on a Candidate's Social Media Profiles

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: You're getting ready to hire someone — but first, it's time to check out their social media accounts. What are you looking out for when you browse their profile pages? Why? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only...

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Vice President, People & Culture at Sponsors for Educational Opportunity

Propel human potential with this new recruiter job. Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) recruits and trains high-achieving Black, Latinx, and Native American college students for challenging summer internships that lead to coveted full-time jobs. They are looking for a Vice President of People Culture to help build and lead this new team. In this role, you will ensure the...

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The Role of the Recruiter During the Global Crisis

Now we are witnessing a serious global crisis. A crisis that has gone beyond political sanctions and strained relations between states. This is a crisis where people far from politics and military conflicts are involved. It is referred to as interpersonal communication, readiness to accept and understand another person's view, attitude toward certain people and even nations.  A recruiter...

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3 Exceptional Technological Innovations That Can Help HR Leaders in Hiring for Culture Fit

If you're wondering why most companies struggle to acquire top talent — and why keeping top performers often becomes a losing proposition — the answer could be as easy as hiring for culture fit. According to a Cubiks survey, 82% of respondents thought gauging cultural fit was an essential aspect of the hiring process. Yet, just 54% stated their companies had a clearly defined business...

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3 Crucial Considerations Every Employer Should Consider Before Hiring a Corporate Recruitment Agency

Being an employer isn't easy in the present-day labor market, mainly because candidates have more leverage than they once did. Retaining good employees is now a more significant challenge than ever. So, what exactly can business owners do to ensure that they land the best hires and overcome the various business and resourcing challenges and manage to retain high-quality candidates amid...

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5 Ways to Attract Great Applicants Without Breaking the Bank

Attracting top talent can be hard if you don't have a big budget to fuel benefits, perks, and commissions. That doesn't mean small companies, which typically have less budget than large corporations, can't attract top talent. If you really want to compete with big corporates while still operating as a small business, you have to commit to the advantages small companies have over big ones....

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To Hire Better Talent in a Virtual World, Get the Candidate Experience Right

Obviously, with the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, hiring has changed completely. Companies have gone remote to continue their regular operations, which has necessitated a shift to virtual hiring. While we're coming up on the first anniversary of the pandemic's onset, many organizations are only now starting to embrace the one thing that can ensure the success of their virtual hiring...

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Top 6 Benefits of Working with a Specialist Recruitment Agency

Recruiting new employees can be costly and time-consuming, with no guarantee that you'll find the right individual for the role. Suppose you are an employer or a hiring manager looking to fill open positions at your company. In that case, you may be confused about finding recruits on your own and managing the entire recruitment process or working with a staffing agency specializing in...

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Want to Make Your Company an Employer of Choice for Executive Talent? Do These 4 Things.

While the recruitment landscape is constantly evolving, the fundamentals of recruitment marketing never change. When hiring competition is high and the number of qualified candidates is low — which we are experiencing in executive recruitment today — those fundamentals become even more important. If your organization is actively hunting executive talent today, it's necessary to take a...

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Hybrid Work Is Here to Stay: 7 Tips for Maintaining A Strong Company Culture & Preventing Burnout

By now, it's clear that remote work is here to stay. This presents companies with new challenges as they navigate how best to structure and implement a longer-term hybrid work model and plan.  In an increasingly competitive market for candidates, where most employees are accustomed to working remotely at least some of the time, flexibility and adaptability are no longer a...

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The Hidden Value of Candidates With Unconventional Career Paths

You've probably heard the idyllic stories of people who have had successful, linear career paths, landing their first big jobs straight out of college and continuing from there. What you've probably heard more of, though, are those stories of people who have pursued multiple careers and changed fields numerous times in pursuit of the work they enjoy. Conventional career paths are no longer...

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Post-Military Employment: The Most Common Jobs for Veterans in the UK

Employment prospects are typically good for those leaving the military. People retiring from the armed forces can enter a wide range of jobs and industries. Here's a look at some of the most common career paths of veterans, according to army price comparison site Forces Compare. Working-Age Veterans In Great Britain specifically, forty percent of veterans leave the army at working age...

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It Starts With a Three-Way Handshake: What Computers Can Teach Us About Candidate Outreach

No, I'm not here to say computers will replace recruiters. Instead, I want to offer my vision of how to make sourcing more structured and streamlined, using the operations of computers as a metaphor. I promise this is going to be easy. Recruiters often face challenges while contacting candidates. Before initiating outreach, they ask themselves many questions: How can I write better...

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8 Proven Ways to Improve Candidate Experience

About 67% of job seekers have had at least one bad experience during the hiring process in the past few years. In that same study, 58% of those candidates said they had turned down a job offer due to a bad experience. This is why focusing on the candidate experience is so important. If you want to attract top talent in this competitive job market, you'll need to ensure that you have a...

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4 Philanthropic Benefits Your Employees Want

If you're looking to improve your hiring efforts and appeal to a wider range of candidates, offering the right benefits is critical. You might think of benefits as things like health insurance, paid time off, and 401(k) matching — and these are excellent recruitment and retention tools! But there's an entire category of employee benefits you might be overlooking: philanthropic...

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Understanding the Role of a Business Development Manager

The role of business development manager is a relatively new one in the business landscape. Here, we explore what this job really involves. What Is a Business Development Manager A business development manager (BDM) is the person in charge of generating new business for a company. Essentially a sales professional, a BDM's day-to-day role involves pitching the business to potential new...

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Using Nontraditional Health Benefits as a Cost-Effective Way to Attract and Retain Key Talent

The most valuable asset of any business is, undoubtedly, its workforce — particularly its key employees who strategize and execute the company's vision, growth, and success. Not surprisingly, today's top candidates make employment decisions based not only on salary but also on health insurance benefits. In fact, a survey conducted by America's Health Insurance Plans shows that 56 percent...

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The Art of Recruiting Great Employees for Startups

Recruiting and retaining great employees is essential for any startup to be successful. However, it has become a tremendous challenge in the last decade as major companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and others have skyrocketed. You must create a significant amount of buzz for your company and show meaningful traction to attract high-quality employees. The best candidates are never on...

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Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave and What to Do About It

In 2021, according to SHRM, an average of 3.9 million workers quit their jobs each month. As the Great Resignation and the Job Hopper economy wreak havoc on the job market, companies struggle to fill open positions and prevent their current employees from leaving.  One way to do that is by figuring out the top reasons for employee resignations. By understanding why so many employees...

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3 Signs It's Time to Hire a Recruiter for Your Startup

There comes a point in the journey of every startup founder where simultaneously performing the roles of administrator, problem-solver, publicist, hiring manager, and strategist isn't feasible. It starts to do more harm than good to you and your business. According to a recent survey conducted by CBInsights, close to 14% of startups fail because the right team wasn't right. At that...

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I Tried Recruiting With AI and Here's What Happened

A few years ago, we interviewed Saunghee Ko about using our AI software. She graduated from Princeton University and entered the business world. Before that, she interned in HR and recruiting departments in past summers, and while she liked it, she learned pretty quickly that the space had a lot of room for innovation. So, she went into the job search to find an innovative role in top talent...

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Here's How Unconscious Bias Affects Your Company

Recruiters want the best talent for the company. They scout for the ideal candidate everywhere around the world and are unwilling to settle for anything less. They post and advertise jobs in multiple places. They update their career sites regularly to ensure candidates have all the information they need. But all of this raises an important question: What does it mean for a candidate to be the...

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One Wrong Hire Can Ruin a Small Business. Can Preemployment Assessments Help?

Although it's difficult to think of anything more integral to a business's success than the quality of its employees, many selection processes are fraught with risks and challenges. Hiring and onboarding employees requires significant resources and all too often results in failure: new hires who take an excessive amount of time to ramp up, are ultimately unsuccessful on the job, and turn...

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