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Benefits on the Fringe: 8 Companies With Above-and-Beyond Job Perks

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Most of us are pretty happy with good healthcare, fair retirement packages, and a few weeks of vacation annually. But hey – who hasn't wished for a nap pod in...

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6 Ways to Turn Your Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: We know how important employer branding is to landing top talent, and we know that one of the best ways to advertise your...

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What Does Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi's Resume Look Like?

There's a new CEO in town over at Uber. But who is Dara Khosrowshahi, and does he have what it takes to turn the company's culture around? A new infographic from the professional resume-builder Novoresume aims to answer that question – or at least shine some light on Khosrowshahi – by presenting the CEO's hypothetical resume. Take a look below to get an idea of who Uber's new leader...

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3 Ways to Engage and Retain Salespeople Before They're Hired

Not everyone is cut out for sales – and that's truer than ever. Today's salespeople are in a category all their own. Companies are looking for the most highly skilled professionals to add to their teams, demanding salespeople be entrepreneurial, determined, tech-savvy, and great communicators. Unfortunately, the challenge isn't only in finding top sales talent. Holding onto that talent...

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How to Shout Your Company Culture From the Rooftops

In a 2015 study, 92 percent of North American CEOs said they believed improving their company's culture would improve the value of their company. Culture, far from being a diversion, was a bottom-line-friendly facet of business to these executives. But let's back up a step. What exactly is company culture, and why are so many people pursuing great company cultures with such frenzy these...

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Generation Z's 3 Biggest Workplace Needs:

While student populations in certain countries have varying concerns, most of Generation Z wants to make good money, to have a fair work/life balance, and to have access to professional training and development, according to "World's Most Attractive Employers," a survey of nearly 295,000 global business and engineering/IT students conducted by international employer branding firm Universum...

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Today's Talent Economy Is Texting. Are You?

In 2015, millennials became the largest generation in the workforce. By 2025, it is estimated they will account for 75 percent of the workforce. While millennials may be quick to send snaps to friends, post their brunch on Instagram, or scour Twitter for the latest news, they're even faster to hit "decline" after the very first ring of the phone. As a result, recruiters are having trouble...

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Quality of Applicants Versus Quantity of Applies

We can all agree on at least one thing: The ultimate goal for any hiring manager is to make a good, quality hire and fill the position as quickly as possible. The ideal hiring process entails opening a position; interviewing 3-5 qualified and interested applicants; ranking those qualified applicants according to factors like experience, cultural fit, attitude, hunger, and potential; and then...

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How to Give a Pitch That Gets Your Boss's Buy-In

You have a totally stellar idea that will boost the whole department's productivity, or streamline workflows, or land a new client. Whatever it is, your idea is great, and it will have a huge positive impact on the company's bottom line. All your teammates agree: This is an excellent plan. It should be implemented right away. Just one thing stands between you and the chance to become a...

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Your Single Biggest Competition for Talent Isn't a Competitor Company – It's Self Employment

Having trouble recruiting talented professionals? The best place to look may not be at competing companies but among the growing freelance workforce. My colleagues and I at Nation1099 recently conducted a literature review of studies and surveys regarding the gig economy and freelancing, the highlights of which are summarized in the infographic below. Collectively, this data documents an...

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Do These 7 Things If You Want to Become a Leader

Article by Susan C. Foster How do you get noticed as an up-and-coming leader, one who is a key member of their team? How do you set yourself apart so that you will be identified for career success ahead of others? With a few consistent actions, you can develop your leadership potential, set yourself apart from the ordinary employee, and be noticed as a future leader ahead of your...

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By the Numbers: The State of Women in the C-Suite

Just 32 Fortune 500 companies are led by women. While that amounts to a meager 6.4 percent of Fortune 500 companies, it still represents a solid increase from 21 companies in 2016 and is the highest proportion of female CEOs on the list in the history of the Fortune 500. As recently as 1995, there were no female CEOs on the Fortune 500 list. A recent Associated Press/Equilar analysis of...

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The 'World's Most Attractive Employers' All Have One Thing in Common: Employer Branding

A couple weeks back, employer branding leaders Universum Global and online careers resource DHI Group, Inc., released the 2017 edition of the annual "Employer Branding Now" report. Based on a survey of roughly 2,500 HR managers, marketing managers, talent acquisition managers, recruiting managers,and resourcing managers from 50 different countries, the report found that employer branding...

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What Makes a Successful Remote Work Initiative? We Asked 4 Experts to Weigh In:

As companies of all sizes begin recognizing the benefits of remote work programs, telecommuting rates are skyrocketing. More than 3.9 million U.S. employees, or 2.9 percent of the workforce, work from home at least half the time, according to the "2017 State of Telecommuting in the U.S. Workforce" report from remote work advocates FlexJobs. To explore the growth of remote work a little...

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What Social Media Influencers Can Teach Us About Personal Branding

Do you ever scroll through your Instagram feed and marvel at those users who have reached rapid, stunning success? Whether it's the fashion blogger who now appears on international magazine covers or the food photographer who has published a bestselling cookbook of their own, you have to wonder: "How did they do that so quickly?" The success of these people ins't random. They –...

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5 Uncool Things to Do When Workplace Conflicts Arise

Sometimes, the heat can get to you – and I'm not talking about the weather. We don't always handle things in the best way when office conflicts arise, and minor issues and frustrations can grow out of hand quickly. Here are five things you should never do if you want to keep your cool in the office: 1. Exclude a Colleague If someone who works closely with you is getting on your...

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Does the Department of Justice Seek to Remove Protections for LGBTQ+ Workers?

Part of maintaining a diverse workforce means providing equal protections for employees regardless of gender, race, creed, age, disability, or sexual orientation. When a government fails to offer these protections to its citizens, a truly diverse workplace cannot exist. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) traditionally interprets Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which...

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Ageism: The Disgrace of Generational Generalizations

Recently, I spoke to someone a few years younger than I am who blamed ageism for his unemployment. I responded quite strongly, "Well, of course, you're not getting a job when you are carrying around that energy." Resignation is usually driven by the belief that our lack of success is due to circumstances beyond our control. We can't succeed because we are too old, too fat, too young, a...

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10 Recruiting Myths We'd Like to Bust

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Recruiting Myths It's Time to...

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To Address Talent Shortages, Get Smart About Tech

Businesses in myriad industries are struggling with skills gaps, spurring executives to seek new methods and technologies for acquiring talent. Unfortunately, the tactics recruiters and hiring managers use to plug talent holes don't always address the larger problem of the nationwide talent gap. While businesses can leverage freelancers and contract workers to make up for some weaknesses...

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There Is No Automatic Way to Stay Employed Today

Everyone wants the job of the future and a recession-proof career. Unfortunately, the robots are coming for us – or are they? A study from the McKinsey Global Institute that measured the "automatability" of more than 800 jobs found that some jobs may be completely automatable, but many more are only partially replaceable. Jobs that require high emotional intelligence, creativity, and...

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3 Job Search Tips for Introverts:

I have to confess: I'm an introvert. People are often surprised by this. They assume that my public speaking and networking skills mean I must be an extravert. However, introverts can excel in these areas, too. If you're an introvert struggling with your job search, here are a few tips to help: 1. Practice Networking Don't wait until it really counts to go to networking events....

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To Get a Fuller Picture of a Candidate, Talk to Their Coworkers

Checking references after an interview has been standard hiring practice for a long time – but what if this method fails to give hiring managers the full picture? When asked for references, most job seekers will provide lists of former bosses who can speak to their hard skills and successes. Instead of only talking to managers, it may be in the best interest of prospective employers to...

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7 Things We'd Like to Change About Recruiting

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: If you could change one thing about the way recruiting is done, what would it be and why? 1. Trash Those...

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Don't care About LinkedIn? You Should

Don't think LinkedIn matters for your job search? Think again. A 2016 Jobvite survey found that 87 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to source and vet candidates. Times change. No longer can you make a zillion copies of your resume and cover letter, then walk door to door dropping them off around town. That's no way to get a job in 2017. Hiring managers are reviewing LinkedIn and...

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3 Valuable Lessons for College Grads Still Hunting for a Job

If you're a recent grad still struggling to find that first post-college opportunity, never fear! You don't have to move back in with your parents. You don't have to resort to eating nothing but ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese (the off-brand stuff, not the good stuff). You don't have to scrape your way through the rest of the year in an unpaid internship just to "get experience" and build...

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The Recruiting Reel: Signs Your Recruiting Process Needs a Makeover

Recruiting is a fast-paced and quickly evolving career field. It's exciting, but all the new technology and changing job seeker expectations can leave recruiters a little lost. On this episode of The Recruiting Reel, Alysse Metzler talks about how to identify when your recruiting process needs a little change – and what that change should be. Metzler is the owner of resume-writing and...

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Less Is More: Don't Overthink Your Wellness Program

Today, many employers are tasked with preserving and promoting the health and happiness of their employees. As a result, much attention is paid to perks beyond healthcare and 401(k) benefits. Wellness leaders are responding, offering a wide variety of lifestyle improvement and chronic disease management programs while exploring everything from flexible work arrangements to pet...

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Is the Career Advice We Give Our Children Crushing Their Futures?

Once, during the question and answer session following a keynote speech of mine, a rather dignified and well-dressed gentleman vigorously raised his hand. His body language seemed uncomfortable and angry. Of course, he was my first pick. The man asked, "What do you have to tell these young people who want to pursue a 'feel good' degree like environmental science?" I paused for quite a long...

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The Surprising Benefits of Negative Feedback

When we talk about feedback, we often focus on the positive side of it all. That makes sense, considering that happy workers are 12 percent more productive than unhappy ones. So, we focus on how feedback can improve engagement, how it's good for job satisfaction, and how younger generations of employees crave regular feedback from managers. However, there's another side to feedback that no...

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5 Ways the Gig Economy Can Work for Working Mothers

For years, mothers have faced a tough choice: to work or not to work? However, this seemingly simple question fails to convey the sacrifices women are asked to make. Many working women have long yearned for a hybrid choice, some option that could exist if only the world of work were structured differently. With the rise of the gig economy, working women may have finally found that...

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Benefits on the Fringe: 11 Weird or Amusing Benefits

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Employers can choose from a laundry list of perks and benefits for their employees, and this column has covered many of them. For this edition of Benefits on...

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To Recruit and Retain Top Talent, Focus on Work/Life Balance

With a million jobs added since January, the American job market currently belongs to the buyers. Candidates have more options to choose from, which means your company must offer roles that appeal to both their financial and emotional needs if it wants to win over top talent Free lunches and 401(k) matching are no longer enough to attract the best talent. In fact, research...

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How to Tell If You're Overqualified for Your Job – and What to Do About It

Does your job fail to make use of your full potential? Do you find yourself twiddling your thumbs all day or constantly distracted because your work is too easy? Have you been stuck in the same role for years with little to no chance for advancement? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," it's possible you're overqualified for your job – and you're not...

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How to Break Out of the Frenzy Trap

Frenzy is one of the major obstacles preventing people from leading engaged, happy, and fulfilled lives personally and professionally. Between our increased workloads and the constant access we have to one another thanks to technology, we're too busy to really connect in meaningful ways or take care of ourselves. As a result, we don't listen intently, pay attention to our peers, (genuinely)...

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Collaboration and Soft Skills: The Secret Sauce for IoT Careers

Organizations like Coro and Service Year exist to create cadres of socially minded, collaborative leaders to lead us into the future. Big brands like Starbucks, LinkedIn, and Airbnb are also investing in similar initiatives. Today's high school and middle school students are drawn to such programs and organizations. Many of them seek to be high achievers – accomplished athletes as well...

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5 Improvements You Can Make to Strengthen Your Recruiting Process

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: What one simple thing did you do to take your recruiting process to the next level? The answers below are provided by...

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Think Outside the Box: Can You Develop the Next Big Disruptive Recruiting Technology?

Recruiters and their IT support teams know a thing or two about keeping up with technology. Sometimes, it seems like professionals in this industry can't take a day off without coming back to find some brand new must-have technology has launched. In such a fast-paced environment, it's important for both recruiters and companies to stay on the cutting edge. Such thinking is what motivated...

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Leverage Industry Events to Find Talent Before You Need It

Where do you go to connect with talent? According to Korn Ferry, 52 percent of executives turn to their professional networks, and another 28 percent say they turn to LinkedIn. What if you could build relationships with talent face to face before even needing to make a hire? If you want to be more proactive in your recruiting efforts, consider going where the talent goes: industry events....

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Why Engagement Has to Start With the CEO

Given that 87 percent of workers globally are disengaged, there's a good chance our CEOs are disengaged, too. The global disengagement problem can only be solved if everyone from the entry-level worker to the CEO deals directly with their own engagement. Engaged CEOs lead their cultures. The very word "engagement" suggests connectedness and transparency. The failure of most engagement...

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How Long Should My Job Search Actually Take?

One of the most common questions I get from job seekers is, "How long should my job search really take?" It's a good question: Knowing what's "normal" can help you determine whether you're on the right track or in need of a course correction. Unfortunately, there is no normal when it comes to the job search. Some job offers show up in days, others may take months, and for a few, it...

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The 10 Types of Recruiter: Which One Are You?

Recruiters are, by necessity, a diverse lot. Sourcing top-tier tech talent in Silicon Valley is a whole different ballgame from chatting up designers in New York City. Recruiters must respond to their contexts by adopting the tactics and strategies that make sense for their situations. Plus, recruiters are people, just like the rest of us. (Shocker, I know.) That means they all come to...

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What the Most Engaged Companies Do Differently

Employees aren't the only ones who benefit from being more engaged at work. The organization as a whole performs better when employee engagement levels are high. In fact, the latest report from my company, Culture Amp, found that the top 10 percent of engaged "New Tech" companies also have higher Mattermark Growth scores and CEO rankings on Glassdoor. The employees at these companies...

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The One Ingredient That Ensures You Will Survive a Professional Crisis:

"Survival" and "predictability" were the primary career standards in the obsolete workplace. In that setting, it wasn't necessary to adopt a vision beyond getting a job that provided these basic requirements. Today, this mindset continues to undermine the potential for greater engagement. But there is also another, more pressing reason why we need to change out personal visions. We need...

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There's a Good Chance Your Managers Are Taking Credit for Employees' Successes

Step into any bar across America at about 5:30 p.m. and you'll probably find at least one patron drowning their work-related sorrows and complaining about their boss. Few things can bring a worker down as fast as a bad manager can, so it's important for companies to keep tabs on their supervisors. Forty-four percent of respondents to HR software developer BambooHR's "Bad Boss...

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Lessons From the Sea: What Fishing Taught Me About Overcoming an Unsuccessful Job Search

When I moved to Oregon from California a few years ago, I decided to learn how to fish. I grew up in a family for which fishing wasn't very popular; I can only remember fishing once in my entire childhood. I don't recall learning anything aside from putting the worm on the hook. Back to Oregon: After some trial and error, YouTube videos, and the kind support of friends and local...

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Your Best Salespeople May Not Be Who You'd Expect:

My wife Rhonda used to drive a small Mercedes-Benz C-Class. She loved that car, and even though it was six years old, it always looked showroom new. Despite my explaining that there were more affordable options, Rhonda always took her car to the Mercedes-Benz dealership for maintenance. Why? She insisted on the care she received from her service adviser, Barbara. Barbara and Rhonda's...

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The Grass Isn't Always Greener – But Your Employees Are Still Looking at the Other Side

The corporate world doesn't always warm up to the idea of change, but change can certainly be good. Corporate cultures change. Outdated policies change. Occupants of those big comfy chairs in the boardroom change, sometimes. Even people well into their careers seek change every once in a while. According to "Time for a Change," a survey conducted by the University of Phoenix School of...

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