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How Location Data Drives Better Candidate Recruitment

Recent research has found that 70 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates before making a hiring decision. However, social activity alone does not provide a thoroughly accurate representation of a candidate. Companies that are serious about using data and insights as recruitment resources need to look toward various types of behavioral data for a deeper understanding of...

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Hello, I Must Be Going: Today's Job Hoppers Have No Time for a Gold Watch

Your parents and grandparents likely had only a few jobs before settling in with one company until retirement. For you, that's probably not the case. According to a PwC report, millennials – those born between 1980 and 2000 – comprise a quarter of the workforce. They are the largest generation since the soon-to-retire baby boomers, and they have very different goals from previous...

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Expand Your Definitions: The Key to Identifying, Drafting, and Developing Talent

Every one of your team members has talent and potential. It's your job, as a leader, to identify that talent and help those team members realize their potential so they can maximize their contributions toward the achievement of company objectives. The same is true of people who don't work for you yet. Business leaders at many organizations complain about the difficulty of finding top...

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How to Evaluate a Job Ad

When searching for a job, you should never haphazardly apply to every opening that bears the same job title you're looking for. Instead, take the time to read the job ad to see if you are truly qualified for the position. Below are some key sections to look at when reviewing job posts to determine whether you should proceed with sending in your resume: 1. The Company Behind the...

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Adjusting the Definition of 'Creatives' : Artist Adam J. Kurtz on His New Book

Artist, author, and designer Adam J. Kurtz made a name for himself thanks to a unique sensibility that blends mordant wit, candid vulnerability, and warped optimism, all expressed through playful visual objects like the "I'm sorry I'm such an a**hole" balloon (NSFW, of course) and the interactive book, Pick Me Up. Today marks the release of Kurtz's third book, Things Are What You Make...

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Hiring for Curiosity, the Overlooked Key to Business Innovation

As curiosity becomes increasingly important to business success, employers must grapple with a difficult question: How do you recruit for and create a team of highly curious individuals? Many environmental factors inside an organization can nurture or suppress an individual's curiosity, but very little has been done to help hiring managers identify curious candidates. Moreover, we see...

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3 Steps to a 21st-Century Talent Strategy

The foundation upon which corporate recruiting was built has been crumbling over the past few years. Traditionally, most companies considered themselves desirable employers while recruiters identified and selected the best and brightest talent to add to an organization's roster. In today's world, however, companies need to take a marketing-based approach to recruiting. They need to learn...

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Workplace Diversity Doesn't Happen By Accident

    Diversity is becoming a top priority for many organizations aiming to recruit the best and brightest. A growing body of research shows that companies with more diverse employee bases accomplish more when it comes to creativity, performance, and productivity. More Creativity Creativity is essential for innovation, and diversity is key to creativity. According to a...

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Nailing the Interview Process, Part 3: Research, Research, Research

You've heard it over and over again: You need to do your research before an interview. Why? Because: - When you do your research, you're more prepared. - When you're more prepared, you'll be more confident. - When you're more confident, you'll do better. The last thing you want to do is wing it in an interview. You'll fail, especially if the interviewer is good at their job. What,...

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Why Disengagement Is the No. 1 Problem in Our Culture

According to Gallup, 85 percent of the world's workers are disengaged to varying degrees. With engagement so low, how do we get anything done? But this figure represents more than a business problem. It's a tragedy. The "Great Disengagement" destroys customer relationships, kills patients, comes home to our children, and infects the thinking of our youth. Disengagement is closely...

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'Always Have a Reason Beyond Financial Gain': The Necessity of Vision in Startup Success

One downside of the much ballyhooed gig economy is its reliance on reviews. When the system works as intended, reviews can be a valuable source of information, allowing organizations and individuals alike to find everything from freelance writing services to rideshares based on a provider's past performance. Sadly, though, the system doesn't always work as intended. Some reviews are...

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4 Cringe-Worthy Career Moments (and What I Learned From Them)

The other day, I was looking through a bunch of old photos in my attic. I cringed at my short, poofy '80s hair and laughed at my first pair of bifocals (yes, I had bifocals at 10, like a weirdo). Those cringe-worthy moments are sort of a given for all of us. You thought you were so cool at the time, but later on, the photographic evidence proves you so patently were not. Even so, those...

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10 Browser Extensions Every Recruiter Should Install

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Browser Extensions for...

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5 Ways You're Hurting Your Chances of Landing Your Dream Job

Finding a job opportunity you're really excited about can feel like a miracle, especially if you've been stuck in a job search rut for a while. However, when chasing your ideal job opportunity, you need to do more than apply and hope for the best. It's time to overhaul your approach and adopt a more targeted, strategic method for finding the next step in your career. Let's take a look...

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Managing Toxic Leaders: HR's Role in Mitigating the Impact of Toxicity at Work

HR professionals, employees, leaders, academia, and leadership scholars conclude toxic leaders increase stress on employees, organizations, and other stakeholders. Left undetected, toxic leaders lower morale, retention, and productivity rates. In extreme cases, toxic leaders create hostile work environments. In all cases, workplace toxicity creates an economic burden. Employees and HR...

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9 High-Paying Part-Time Jobs for Students

Back when I was a college student, I made money by working as a resident assistant. Basically, I sat in the dorm hall from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. on the weekends while all my friends were out partying, checking the ID of every drunk kid who wandered in to make sure they actually belonged there. I earned a measly $10 an hour for this privilege. Luckily, you don't have to sacrifice your...

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To Recruit Top Talent, Check Your Preconceived Notions at the Door

If you're in management at a professional services firm, you don't need anyone to tell you how hard it is to recruit top talent. Competition for the best people is hotter than ever as markets rapidly evolve and the supply of top-quality, experienced professionals tightens. In response to the increasing importance of recruiting and retaining top professional talent, the Hinge Research...

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3 Steps to Finding a Job in a New City

When a job seeker is having a hard time finding a job in a difficult market, I often recommend they go look in another place. That being said, searching for a job in one city while you live in another can be a challenge. In a new city, your professional network is probably fairly weak. You won't have the same number of friends or contacts you can ask for referrals. When you get an...

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The Effects of Stress on Your Body

Stress. It's just part of having a job, right? Maybe – but perhaps it's time we stop taking such a blasé approach to the amount of stress we all experience in our careers. Forty percent of workers report their jobs are are very or extremely stressful, and a quarter of workers say their jobs are the No. 1 stressors in their lives, according to the American Institute of Stress. This...

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Why Employees Love Feedback But Hate Reviews

Employees want feedback – especially millennials. With millennials set to comprise 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025, the desire for feedback among workers will only grow. Given how much employees crave feedback, you may be surprised to learn they're not so keen on performance reviews. What's going on here? Generally speaking, the problem is that employees are asking for...

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5 Reasons Why Feedback Is Integral to Job Search Success

When my oldest son was about five years old, he used to put a small piece of toilet paper in the toilet water when he had finished his business. It didn't register as odd to me at first. As a father, I was concerned about accuracy and aim (you know what I mean). After all, you want your children to be functional, right? But after seeing him do this a few times, I decided to ask him why he...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Nailing Your Phone Interview

The principles of acing a phone interview are roughly the same as acing an in-person interview. So why do phone interviews feel so much more uncomfortable? To help you navigate this often nerve-racking interaction, here are some dos and don'ts: Dos: 1. Do treat the phone interview like an in-person interview. It is important that, as an interviewee, you see the value in the phone...

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3 Ways Staff Turnover Can Actually Be Great for your Business

The war for talent is getting brutal. It's becoming more and more difficult to retain staff these days, and recent stats are putting fear in the hearts of employers everywhere. A survey from Gallup found that 51 percent of employees are currently thinking about looking for a new job. Millennials in particular are more likely to change jobs every few years, compared to their...

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The Recruiter's Dilemma: How Do I Look at a Candidate's Social Media Presence Without Creating More Risk?

Looking at a candidate's social media footprint presents recruiters with a real dilemma. On the one hand, social profiles give recruiters the scope to uncover far richer pictures of their potential hires. However, the mere act of looking at a candidate's social media presence may have recruiters crossing certain boundaries and even give rise to claims of discrimination in the hiring process....

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Employers Are on the Hunt for 'Informed Candidates' – But They Can't Seem to Find Many

A new survey from Glassdoor has found that the No. 1 challenge faced by hiring decision-makers today is finding quality candidates, with 76 percent of survey respondents citing this as a major obstacle. What makes for an elusive "quality candidate"? According to 88 percent of respondents, a quality candidate is an informed candidate – that is, a candidate who prepares for the...

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Quick Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Some people are natural-born orators, while others feel more comfortable listening. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, it's likely that you've have to give a presentation or two during your professional career. At the very least, you'll probably have to speak in front of a group at some point. While the thought of public speaking may be daunting, there are certain things you...

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Nailing the Interview Process, Part 2: Know Thyself

Interviewing for a job is tough. If it were easy, people like me wouldn't have to write articles like this one. One of the biggest challenges of the interview process is knowing yourself – really knowing yourself. A great way to know yourself is to do a SWOT analysis. Some of you have probably done SWOT analyses at work, so you're familiar with the concept. For those who aren't, the...

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15 Ways to Write a Better Job Description, According to Science

Face it: No one likes reading your job descriptions. They're boring. They're self-centered (or should I say, company-centered). They're generic. Your post sounds like the other guy's, which sounds like the other guy's, which sounds like the other guy's – ad nauseam. You'll never attract top talent with a job description like that! Luckily, writing a great job description isn't...

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As the Nature of Work Changes, So Must We

The daily dose of vulgarity continues to distract us all from very real solutions to our very real problems. We stand at one of those fundamental turning points in history. How people live and work are changing rapidly. This process is creating quite a few casualties, but the biggest may be the casualty of thought. Twenty-two million American workers characterize themselves as...

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5 Lessons Learned From Failing in Business

Once upon a time, I stood in an audience listening to a soon-to-be-friend of mine, Jason Seiden, announce his newest book, Fail Spectacularly. I was happy for Seiden and interested in the premise, but I didn't really think all these stories of missing by a mile or focusing on the wrong thing applied to me. I was in my mid-twenties and had turned a failure of a company into something that, at...

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The War for Stars: Is Your Company Jedi-Worthy?

If you have been sensing a disturbance in the talent market lately, you're not alone. Companies wise in the ways of the Force are no longer settling for A-players, mere stormtroopers. They want Jedi, professionals with the skills and motivation to start being productive right off the bat. Companies know Jedi will continue making valuable contributions autonomously across the employment...

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10 Great Tech Tools for Managing Employee Perks and Benefits

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Tech Tools for Perks and...

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It's American Business Women's Day; Thrive by Starting a Business You Love

In thinking about American Business Women's Day on September 22, I'm filled with gratitude and inspiration. The U.S. certainly has its share of gender inequality, but as a former school teacher turned women's entrepreneurship coach and CEO of my own company, I know it is possible for women to transform their entrepreneurial visions, aspirations, and energy into reality. And yet, according...

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4 Subtle Changes That Will Boost Employee Morale

Organizations put a lot of effort into boosting employee productivity, often by offering perks like free food or coffee. Unfortunately, companies tend to pay a lot less attention to what really matters: employee morale. According to The Engagement Institute, disengaged employees cost organizations up to $550 billion annually. It also doesn't help that 51 percent of employees are looking...

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3 Questions Niche Industry Employers Ask About Candidates

The job search is a tough endeavor, especially if you work in a niche industry. For example, if you want to work in sports, your potential employers might be sports teams or fitness apparel companies. These organizations see a lot of highly competitive talent come through their doors. Every job seeker wants to be seen as a one-in-a-million hire. You very well might be "the one" for a...

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Want a Great Culture? Get Creative With Your Perks

A few years ago, just having a ping-pong table was enough to attract young talent; now, it's just a gimmick to a talent pool that demands more. Today, employers have the opportunity to become innovators through their perks – and they'd better take that opportunity, if they expect to attract the best and brightest. Meaningful Perks Create Strong Bonds Between Employees and...

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Is It Time to Leave Your Job? Look for the Signs

Many job seekers struggle with the decision to leave a company. When is the right time? Does it really make sense to leave one good job for another? It becomes much easier to make a decision about leaving if you pay attention to the signs. If you wait too long to leave, you may create a tough situation for yourself. You may end up limiting your choices or taking a job that doesn't pay...

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The Sad State of Trust in Modern Leadership

For years now, people have been preaching the importance of trust in leadership and the negative repercussions of ignoring it. Has all this talk actually translated into notable improvements? Are workplaces fostering more trust? Unfortunately, much research into the matter suggests a sad reality: Trust is not flourishing between leaders and those they lead. In one study by Willis...

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The Million-Dollar Recruiting Risk: How Behavioral Benchmarks Take the Danger Out of Hiring

Increasingly, more and more business, HR, and recruiting leaders are recognizing that it's not just a candidate's experience that matters. Making a great hire is about more than what someone has done; it's about their behavior – how they have done things and how they will do things in the future. Getting behavior wrong can be a huge risk, especially in high-visibility, high-impact roles...

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How to Manage the Unmanageable: Dealing With Workplace Rebels

Some employees are great at taking direction. They're team players, eager to check in and update their managers on their progress, struggles, and accomplishments. Occasionally, however, you'll encounter an employee who is a bit more independent. These employees want space to develop and experiment on their own. Many leaders find these individuals difficult to manage. Some sources refer...

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Rising Pink Tide: Gendered Informal Job Networks Revisited

Using networks, such as friends and family, during a job search has long been recognized as an effective strategy, yet job seekers typically utilize same-gender contacts more than cross-gender ones. This results in men typically directing other men to higher-paying, male-dominated jobs and women directing other women to lower-paying, female-dominated jobs. Consequently, the existing gender...

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The 4 Faces of the Alternative Workforce

Managing organizational culture is getting harder as the alternative workforce continues to rise. While it may be difficult to define and tricky to manage, it can have a powerful impact on individual and corporate performance. Research shows that organizations that cultivate a positive culture around a set of shared values have an advantage over competitors: Workers who perceive their very human...

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Nailing the Interview Process, Part 1: Be Mentally Prepared

Succeeding at the interview begins before you sit in the hot seat. The first step is being mentally prepared. This means overcoming the negative feelings that came with losing your previous job. To lose a job for any reason can be a blow to your self-esteem. Even if you were let go simply because the company had to cut costs, you may feel like you've failed. It can be particularly...

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The 5 Habits of Great Managers

Whether you just landed a promotion or have been managing teams for a while, it's always a good idea to asses yourself against the tried and true habits of good managers. Everyone has off days, but if you're able to generally stick to these five key behaviors, you'll be the best boss around: 1. Accept That, Sometimes, You Won't Communicate Clearly Do you consistently have to repeat...

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The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Interview Questions We've done...

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Why Regular Feedback Is a Leader's Best Conflict Management Tool

Between project delays, technological glitches, and good old-fashioned human error, problems are bound to arise in the workplace. Sometimes, those problems will manifest themselves as conflicts between employees. Businesses can't afford to have poor conflict resolution practices. On a bad day, a small matter can make a big dent in productivity. One word, phrase, or action can set someone...

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Recruiters, This Is How to Email Developers

Recruiting for any role can be challenging, but finding great developers is uniquely difficult. Not only is the demand for technical talent at a fever pitch, but most developers aren't even actively pursuing new job opportunities at the moment. While the talent pool is mostly passive, 75 percent of developers surveyed for Stack Overflow's 2017 "Developer Hiring Landscape" report said they...

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How to Help a Frustrated Job Seeker

If someone close to you is currently hunting for a new job, there's a decent chance you're concerned about them. This is especially true if they are currently unemployed. If they're upset with their situation, you probably feel upset, too. You may secretly wonder what they're doing wrong and what you can do to help. Figuring out how to proceed can be tough. One thing to keep in mind is...

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