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3 Reasons You Need an Executive Search Consultant for 2018

If you know that you're going to be filling an executive position in your company in 2018, your best bet is to invest in an executive recruiting firm or partner with an executive search consultant. Despite all the automated job-posting platforms, the prevalence of social networks, and the many referral-based programs, partnering with the right executive search team is still the most...

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3 Steps to Help You Tackle Unpleasant Grunt Work

  Article by Mary Carlomagno Every job has some degree of grunt work: those repetitious, uninspiring tasks that can often be boring and exhausting. Most people dread tasks like stuffing envelopes or filling out expense reports, preferring more fulfilling and stimulating work instead. As a professional organizer who encourages people to find the joy in tidying up their desks,...

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Establish an Office Culture the Whole Team Can Agree On

Money isn't everything. These days, the old adage rings increasingly true in the workplace. Although 89 percent of managers believe the No. 1 reason employees leave companies is because they are dissatisfied with their pay, only 22 percent of employees who have left a previous role cite pay as a driver of their decision. Issues of trust, stress, poor communication, and recognition are all...

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5 Signs You Need to Rethink Your Pre-Employment Assessment Strategy

"Increased productivity. Bolstered performance. Lower turnover." Sound familiar? These are all promises made by many pre-employment assessments. Do these big promises actually lead to real results? Here are five signs it's time to rethink your assessment strategy: 1. Your Hires Aren't Getting Any Better If you invest in a lengthy, expensive assessment, you need to make sure that...

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Do Employee Referral Bonuses Lead to High-Quality Referrals?

Offering a referral bonus of some kind yields a measurable increase in the percentage of hires coming through referrals, according to the 2017 Referral Programs Benchmark Report, authored by the referral network Drafted. The report looked at data from 145 companies and found companies that offer referral bonuses make roughly 30 percent more hires through referrals than companies that...

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Perception Is Reality: What Is Your Hiring Process Telling Candidates?

If hiring were a T.V. talent competition, it would be more The Voice than American Idol. On the latter, contestants have to impress a panel of judges. Fail, and the judges can laugh you off the stage. But The Voice is a two-way street. A contestant has to impress, sure, but then they have a choice – with which judge do they want to work? In today's candidate-driven hiring landscape,...

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How to Succeed at Work Without Kissing Up

That promotion you were hoping for just went to the guy in the department next to yours. He is nowhere near as qualified as you are, and you're pretty sure his I.Q. places him just below the plant you have sitting on your shelf on the office intelligence scale. How could this have happened? No, wait – you know exactly how it happened. Marvin is the best suck-up on the fourth...

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Productive Much? What's Your Secret?

Productivity and I are not easy bedfellows. In fact, we're downright enemies sometimes. For example, if I have an amazing day at work and totally nail all my to-dos, I can virtually guarantee I will not have a similar day tomorrow. Working out, getting great sleep, following a regimented schedule – none of these things seem to make a difference to me. Add in 20 employees, three kids,...

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Are You the Office Grouch? How to Get Along at Work

One of my very first clients called me to say he had committed career suicide. He had yelled at everyone in his office and kicked the trash can. He needed help rebuilding his workplace image. Every workplace seems to have that one person who is known for not being a team player. You know the person – the grouch, the gossip, causing discontent wherever they go. Everyone avoids this...

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Job Board Knockout: the Showdown Between Well-Known and Niche Job Boards

You can probably name a few job boards right off the top of your head – probably well-known boards that have been around for years. However, there are hundreds if not thousands of lesser-known boards out there you may not be aware of. Some of these job boards can be phenomenal places to find new employees. The question is: What kind of job board is right for you? A giant in the...

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11 Steps to Becoming a LinkedIn Power User

"Get on LinkedIn!" It's advice you've probably heard over and over again, both when you were on the job hunt and when you were settled in at a company you liked. It's understandable why LinkedIn is such a big deal: It can help you find a new job, make powerful professional connections, and establish yourself as an authority in your field. LinkedIn is basically the digital center of...

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Get Into the Zone: 9 Ways to Hit Your Productivity Sweet Spot

Ah, the elusive "zone" – that psychic space in which you operate effortlessly at peak productivity. If only you could enter it on demand, anytime, anywhere – you'd become a legendary A player at your company. You may not be able to get into the zone through sheer force of will alone, but there are a few steps you can take to promote an environment more conducive to your zone. That's...

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What 30 Days of Productivity Taught Me About Finding Time

Article by Lydia Sweatt When I was 8 years old, I took piano lessons and singing lessons, and I played violin in the school's symphony – all at the same time. Except for the symphony, I didn't care for any of those extracurricular activities, but I especially hated learning piano. Twice a week, always on a school night, my mom would drive me to the piano school, hoping my music...

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4 Ways to Ruin Your Job Search

For most of us, the job search seems pretty straightforward: You come across a job posting that looks like a good fit, apply for that job online, potentially get called in for an interview, and hopefully land the job. Unfortunately, this seemingly straightforward process is riddled with the potential for wrong turns. The jobs you choose to apply for, how you construct your resume, and the...

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The 10 Most Important Factors That Help Me Determine Candidate Fit

You may have heard the adage, "Hire for fit; teach skills." It's popular because it's true. I speak from experience: Now that I am running my own company, I find it's not the world's greatest coder I'm after, but the person willing to bring a smile to a difficult job every day, look at issues in totally new ways, and take feedback regularly. Also speaking from experience, I know there...

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Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Light of #MeToo

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're well aware of the #MeToo campaign that recently took the world by storm. The hashtag's explosion on Twitter and Facebook highlights the fact that we still have a long way to go when it comes to gender equality. Sexual harassment and sexual assault are still pervasive issues we need to address both in our lives in general and in the workplace...

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How Machine Learning Can Connect Employers to the Best Recruiters

A lot has changed since The Monster Board, arguably the first-ever internet job board, went live in 1994. Between then and now, the massive adoption of job boards, search engines, job aggregators, LinkedIn, social media, and online job applications have radically transformed how candidates find and land jobs. Along the way, HR and recruiting teams dealt with their own deluge of new...

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15 TED Talks to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? How do you come up with creative solutions when you're feeling stalled out? Maybe you get outside to recharge. Maybe you take a break to watch videos of cute animals. Maybe you're unsure where to begin. One great place to look for inspiration when you're in need are TED Talks. Featuring a wide range of professionals speaking on various topics,...

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5 Times When Work Experience Beats Skills

Are technical skills a substitute for experience? Not necessarily. Even the most technically skilled candidate may pale in comparison to a candidate with a lot of work — and life — experience. Military veterans are a good example of this: They may not have the specific skills that a civilian role calls for, but their experience in the military can give them massive advantages in certain...

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10 Tech Tools Your Staffing Company Should Adopt

Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.com's weekly rundown of the best of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Tech Tools for Staffing...

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3 Recruiting Strategies We Should Stop Using

It has been exactly one year since I decided to stop recruiting so that I could give all my time and attention to coaching, writing, and speaking engagements. However, I still work indirectly with many recruiters and actively coach job seekers throughout the entire recruiting and hiring life cycle. In my experience, it is without exception that all companies utilize several recruiting...

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4 Ways to Get the Message Right and Optimize Benefits Enrollment

Employee benefits programs are major investments for any organization, especially for smaller businesses. To get the most out of that investment, companies must get their benefits communication and enrollment strategies right. An effective benefits program drives both better health and stronger engagement in your employees. Make no mistake: Employee engagement plays a major role in your...

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Why Your International Assignees Are Repatriating

The hiring of international employees and the relocation of employees for overseas assignments are common practices for HR departments across the globe. From sending trusted managers abroad to oversee operations, to onboarding foreign workers with desirable skill sets, there are many beneficial reasons for establishing an international assignee program. However, these processes can come...

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You're Fired! How Losing a Job Pushes You Forward

The day began like any other. You went to work, sat down at your desk, logged onto your computer, and started planning for the day. Then your boss called you into his office. You sat down. His face was expressionless. You couldn't tell what was coming. The buildup was agonizing. "You've done some great work here," he said. "Your projects really pushed this company forward. We thank you...

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Get With the Times: Social Media Must Be Part of Any Job Search Today

In order to find a job, you only need a resume, business cards, and a nice suit, right? This may have been true in 2001, but in today's wired world, many more options are available to you. Why not try them? After all, submitting your resume blindly in the job market just doesn't work. If you want to try something new with your job search, social media is a great place to start. Hands...

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This Is Why Your Employees Tell All Their Friends Your Company Sucks:

We all have that friend who hates their job. Maybe you've even been that friend yourself. Whenever you hang out, you know that friend is going to spend at least some of the time complaining about the horrible treatment they receive from their employer. You nod along, but inside you wonder why they don't quit already – or whether it's really as bad as they say. If you're a manager,...

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5 Progressive Practices Every CHRO Should Adopt

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast," a famous quote attributed to business management guru Peter Drucker, remains relevant decades after it was first allegedly spoken. If the people within your organization don't feel connected to your company's strategy or change initiatives, those ambitions will never be realized. Strategies that are designed in isolation at the top level of an...

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4 Secrets of Recruiting Every Candidate Should Know

What's worse: being rejected from a job and receiving honest feedback regarding why you were not selected, or getting no response at all from an employer? As a career coach, I find that most of my clients feel no reply is worse than an honest, if negative, reply. While I understand it is hard for companies to respond to every application, I think failing to respond at all is unethical. It...

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The Right and Wrong Ways to Manage People Through Technology

As we progress further into the Digital Age, many of us fear that the automation of processes through technology and the movement of HR into the cloud may cause us to lose the human relationships that lie at the heart of all good HR practice. What we need to realize, though, is that technology is useless unless there are people around to apply it. The outcome of any technology, good or...

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Recruiting Is About More Than Putting Warm Bodies in Desk Chairs

When it comes to recruiting, there's an easy way and a hard way to get the job done. The easy way focuses on volume: Place a lot of candidates into jobs for which they are vaguely qualified, kick your feet up, and wait for the money to roll in. The hard way – and the right way – takes more work: Truly get to know clients and roles, spend time matching the right candidates to the...

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Finding the Perfect Work/Life Balance to Amplify Employee Success

When it comes to enhancing employee success, supporting work/life balance is a great place to start. Although this delicate dance is important for all generations, millennials emphasize the need more than most, and today's workforce is filled with such Gen. Y-ers seeking better balance. Here, we'll dig into some key strategies to help you encourage the perfect work/life balance for your...

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Using A.I. to Pinpoint the Right Talent in the Gig Economy

The global workforce is changing as the number of freelancers in the gig economy skyrockets. Simultaneously, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is growing rapidly in both its capabilities and the scope of its use across the world. As employers increasingly rely on skilled, on-demand talent instead of traditional employees, A.I. can help them successfully integrate that talent into their respective...

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Mobile Tech in the Multigenerational Workplace: What HR Needs to Know in One Infographic

As an HR professional, you know the importance of effective communication in the workplace. While new technologies have made it easier to keep employees informed on important and urgent matters, the rise of mobile hasn't been without its complications. One issue stands out in particular: different generations' varying attitudes toward and expectations for mobile technology. To help...

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For Gen. Z, Millennials Make the Best Managers

The millennials have a mixed reputation in the workforce. While they have introduced new ways to work – including healthier work/life balances and more emphasis on making a difference in the world – they have also publicly shamed baby boomers and Generation X-ers for handing them an unfair world marked by student loan debt, shady business practices, and a ruined environment. Boomers...

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Do You Hate Your Job? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions:

While many young people enter the workforce bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, that enthusiasm can wear out quickly. According to one study, workers over the age of 35 are twice as likely to hate their jobs as workers under 35. The likelihood is even higher for workers over 55. Regardless of your age, you don't need to stay in a job you hate. If you find yourself unfulfilled at work, assess...

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Commanding Growth: Creating New Market Categories in Shrinking Markets

How can your organization grow in a market that is itself not growing – or in a market that is in fact shrinking? That was the challenge my marketing, sales, and research and development (RD) teams faced with our emergency medical services (EMS) equipment business at the turn of the millennium. Our parent company, Stryker, launched the RUGGED ambulance cot in 1994. Sales grew...

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It's Not You, It's Me: Why You're Not Getting Hired or Promoted

Whether it's not hearing back about the job for which you applied, being politely turned down after an interview, or being passed over for promotion, rejection hurts. It would be understandable to get angry, depressed, and/or apathetic about it. Eventually, you'll move on. Or, you could reflect on the situation to analyze why you were rejected. This is the harder path, but it is much...

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More Enterprises Using Freelance Platforms to Source Gig Workers

There are many reasons to hire a freelancer. Perhaps a talent gap has left critical positions unfilled, or maybe a specific project requires particular skills that nobody on staff has. Whatever the reasons, many employers are turning to freelancers these days, and the gig economy is booming. Gig workers were once found through word of mouth, direct pitches, staffing agencies, or in...

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The Challenges and Opportunities of the 2017 Holiday Hiring Season

The holiday hiring season is here! Across industries, employers are gearing up for surging holiday business by hiring temporary workers. No holiday hiring season is without its complexities and obstacles, and 2017 will be no different. Low unemployment rates mean smaller talent pools, which in turn mean more competition between organizations as they scramble to recruit the best ahead of...

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How to Survive and Thrive After a Layoff

Losing your job in a layoff is one of life's most significant challenges. However, like death and taxes, losing a job at some point in your life is inevitable. You'll feel a lot of feelings when you're laid off, but one you don't have to feel is hopelessness. You will get a new job. In fact, according to a study by Jobvite, it will only take you about six weeks to do so, on...

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The Truth About a Broken Executive Recruiting Process

There is a dirty little secret that executive recruiters would like you not to discover. It's one that experienced managers have known for a long time but are apt to ignore: Most newly recruited executives fail to live up to expectations. Despite the fanfare and high hopes a new executive appointment brings, 30-40 percent of executives joining new companies fail after 18 months. The...

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Office Life Captured in 10 Haiku

Despite being a traditionally nature-oriented form of poetry developed in pre-modern Japan, the haiku may be the perfect verse form for life in the modern workplace. Think about it: At 17 syllables a pop, these little gems are about the length of your average text message. They're short, sweet, and to the point. In our increasingly time-crunched offices, do we really have the luxury of reading...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Bend Over Backward to Provide Primary Care

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Have you ever had a job where you couldn't get a sick day or time off to see the doctor unless you were on your deathbed? Even then, you probably needed a note...

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Will a Robot Take My Job?

Thanks to rapid technological advances, the way we do business is changing at a record pace. Some change is good, of course, but some is also quite painful. One concern many professionals have is that robots may soon take over their jobs. In truth, there is a reasonable chance your job may be impacted over the course of your career. A study from the University of Oxford found that...

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5 Ways to Remove Unconscious Bias From Your Hiring Process

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: How does your company ensure its recruiting and hiring processes are as bias-free as possible? 1....

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Recruiter 3.0: Why Emotional Intelligence Is the Future of Recruiting

According to Caroline Stokes, the executive coach and headhunter behind The Emotionally Intelligent Recruiter, a podcast and training program focused on teaching recruiters emotional intelligence (E.Q.), we're on the cusp of a new age in recruiting. Call it "Recruiter 3.0" "Recruiter 1.0 was when an ad would go into the paper and people would apply via snail mail," Stokes explains....

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11 Jobs You Can Do From Home

Flexible and remote work only grow more popular with each passing day. In one recent survey, 90 percent of respondents expressed a desire to work remotely at least part of the time. Furthermore, 68 percent of Americans said they expect to soon start working remotely instead of commuting into an office every day. Despite the benefits of remote work to both organizations and employees, it...

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3 Ways You Sabotage Your Job Interviews Without Realizing It

A colleague recently referred a candidate to me for a job opening. The candidate was a great fit, had a strong story and was well-dressed for the interview – but he also walked in with a big, sweaty cup of Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee, which dripped all over his tie and made rings on the conference room table, completely turning off the hiring manager and the team. There are times when...

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