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To Boost Benefits Utilization and Improve Employee Well-Being, Learn the 3 Es:

Your benefits package looked excellent. Between the health insurance, the flexible scheduling, and your employees assistance program (EAP), you were confident that your staff would be able to manage their health. But you still haven't seen any major improvements in employee well-being. Absenteeism is high. Your staff is disengaged. Employees are burning out. The problem is simple: Your...

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Why Staying in a Job You Hate May Be Good for You

"Every day, I tell myself I want to be skinny. But what if I stopped and just accepted myself more instead?" You may be wondering what this quote has to do with you and your career. The answer is: everything. Many people haven't yet reached their professional goals, or they are stuck in jobs with which they're not happy. Perhaps you're one of these people. Rather than constantly...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 6: 'My Kids Won't Listen to Me'

In earlier posts in this myth-busting series, I've stressed that blasting misperceptions about tech careers is a professional mission for me as a technologist and technology-industry mentor devoted to drawing new generations of workers into our field. Per this objective, I've so far dismantled five delusions about technology jobs: "Technology is all about coding, math, and...

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Out-of-Town Interview? Your Travel Preparation Can Make or Break It

Late last year, there was a lot of media buzz over the "Cancun Experience Officer," or "CEO," job opportunity created by the Cancun.com travel website. It's understandable why: The job amounted to a six-month paid stint hanging out at the top Mexican tourist destination and promoting beach-related events. Sadly, most job searches involving travel aren't quite as fun or carefree. If you've...

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First Impressions Count – and You Don't Want to Appear Desperate:

Fair or not, your success as a job seeker often depends on the very first impression you make. Many interviewers make a decision about your suitability for a role within the first 5-15 minutes of an interview – which isn't much time at all. And if you're a recruiter, you don't have it much easier. A great candidate may decide not to work with you based on nothing more than a single email or...

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On Cryptocurrency, Will Warren Buffett Have the Last Laugh – Again?

Recently, the billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC, "In terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can say with almost certainty that they will come to a bad ending." In 2014, Buffet similarly remarked of Bitcoin, "It's a mirage, basically. It's a method of transmitting money. The idea that it has some huge intrinsic value is just a joke in my view." Is he right? Back in 2000,...

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How New Technology Is Bringing HR 'Full Circle'

Technology drives constant change in human resources, so much so that it can be hard to figure out what's coming next. That's why Recruiter Today contributing writer Jason McDowell recently sat down with Christa Manning, vice president and HR solution provider research leader for Bersin, Deloitte Consulting LLP, to discuss the future of HR technology. The transcript that follows has been...

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Don't Take the Phone Interview Lightly; Be Prepared for 4 Potential Problems

If you think a phone interview isn't a "real" interview, you're sadly mistaken. Phone interviews are generally thought of as screening devices, but they carry a lot of weight. In some cases, they're just as important as in-person interviews. When my workshop attendees tell me they have telephone interviews coming up, they'll often talk about it with a slightly derogatory tone. "It's just a...

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The Downside of the C-Suite

For many, becoming a C-level executive is a lifelong goal. It's understandable why: Whether you're the chief executive officer, chief marketing officer, or chief financial officer, being in the C-suite has real perks. Let's start off with recognition. Making it to the C-suite means that people respect you. Not only are you an expert in your field, but also you're a strong leader who makes...

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Managers Need Feedback on Their Feedback

By now, we all know the importance of feedback in terms of employee growth, development, and engagement. Employees want to know how they are doing, they want to know how they can improve, and they want to exchange honest words with their managers. There's just one problem: Many managers don't know how to deliver feedback in a helpful way. Many managers need some instruction and training...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 5: 'Money Is the Main Benefit of Having a Tech Job'

Interest in tech careers is rising among teens, but many don't have a role model to help grow that interest. That's what CompTIA's latest research, "Youth Opinions of Careers in Information Technology," reveals. When we surveyed more than 1000 teenagers in the 13-17 age bracket last year, we discovered most see IT careers as lucrative opportunities to do creative, innovative work. Most...

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How to Make the Most of a Veteran Recruiting Event

Veteran recruiting events might follow the same basic template as standard job fairs, but they necessitate that employers take a slightly different approach to recruiting prospective employees. The job seekers at a veteran recruiting event used to serve or are currently serving in the military. You can expect them to approach their civilian job hunts in an assertive and organized...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Going Experiential

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Your employees are stressed out. Don't take it personally; it's not all your fault. They have family concerns like weddings, divorces, and interpersonal...

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Cognitive Technology: Are You Ready for the Latest Business Disruption?

Add a new category to the never-ending list of disruptive technologies: cognitive technology, which is sometimes referred to by the broader labels of "augmented intelligence" or "artificial intelligence." "Cognitive technologies can perform and augment low-level tasks; provide evidence-based insights for better human decision-making; and create improved engagement and interactions that...

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Words of Wisdom: The Right Language on Your Resume Is Critical

Listing the proper skills on a resume is a significant factor in whether and how quickly job seekers get the jobs they want, according to LiveCareer's recently released "2018 Skills Gap Report." Moreover, the report also found that job seekers are articulating far too few skills on their resumes: Whereas the average job ad lists 21.8 skills, the average resume lists only 13 skills. (These...

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Pre-Employment Assessments: Best Practices for Consistency in the Selection Process

In order to gain a competitive advantage, organizations are beginning to embrace a scientific, data-driven approach to hiring and developing their workforces. According to LinkedIn's eBook "Data Driven Recruiting," "Data matters for finding talent faster and more efficiently. Talent acquisition teams with mature analytics are two times more likely to improve their recruiting efforts and...

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How a Graduate Degree in Accounting Really Pays Off

You've decided that graduate school is the best way to move up the corporate ladder and find a career you enjoy. Now what? The list of potential graduate degrees can seem intimidating: MAC, MBA, JD, MS, and more. How do you find the degree that makes the most sense for you? A good first step is to look at the costs involved in going back to school versus the rewards you'll gain. Real...

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Accounting Is Cooler – and More Versatile – Than You Think

There is a lot more to accounting than financial statements, audits, and taxes. If you know accounting, you can follow the money as it flows through your company. This is an extremely important skill, one that is highly valued in major corporations. Think of deep accounting knowledge as a tool that can unlock a lot of different career paths – including many outside of the accounting...

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5 Ways to Avoid the Post-Holiday Productivity Hangover

Holidays are a time for family, fun, and celebration – but the hangover that comes afterward can cause distractions at work, to the point that 62 percent of companies have reported dips in workplace productivity during the holiday season. Some employees even admit to shopping online during work hours in search of gifts and post-holiday deals. While we're midway through January, many...

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Feeling Stuck? How to Make Your Old Job Feel New:

According to a recent survey from Mental Health America (MHA) and the Faas Foundation, 71 percent of US workers are thinking about leaving their jobs or actively looking for new opportunities. An equal number of employees in the survey said they speak poorly about their company to friends and family. If you're feeling dissatisfied and frustrated at work, a common reaction is to start...

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Workers Worry About Losing Their Jobs as Requirements Constantly Change

While skills gaps grow in many verticals, workers already employed in those fields are stressed about losing their jobs as more processes are automated to meet the needs left by the lack of talent. However, technology won't solve talent shortages on its own, and companies need to focus on upskilling and reskilling existing employees to meet changing business needs if they hope to remain...

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How Applicant Tracking Systems Fool Job Seekers

If you're actively searching for jobs online, I have some advice for you. It's advice that isn't widely discussed, but it's nonetheless vital. People like myself, who have worked with applicant tracking systems (ATSs) extensively, know that ATSs are designed for employers to use. They are not designed with job seekers in mind. The ATS makes it easier for the employer to hire, not for the...

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When Will Our Hot Job Market Overheat?

The talent shortfall is likely to become far more severe in 2018. The December 2017 employment report revealed that the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.1 percent, the lowest level in 17 years. Job seekers, rejoice! For employers, the picture is less rosy. This news means it's going to become even tougher – and more expensive – to find, hire, and retain the best...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 4: 'A Tech Career Means Being Stuck at a Desk'

Seven in 10 teenagers polled for CompTIA's latest study, "Youth Opinions of Careers in Information Technology," said they are open to the possibility of a career in the tech arena. Those results show a 62 percent increase over our 2015 survey. These numbers are welcome news for our nation, as we face a looming tech talent crisis that foreshadows negative consequences for workers,...

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The Last Taboo Topic: Your Job Search

In the age of oversharing online, searching for a job seems to be the one topic no one is willing to discuss. In a recent survey of 10,000 job seekers from around the world, Indeed found that 65 percent of job seekers worry about other people finding out they're on the hunt for a new job. Twenty-four percent of job seekers said their job search was the topic they'd be least likely to talk...

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Talent 2018: 5 Recruiting and Hiring Predictions for the Coming Year

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you'd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QA! Today's Question: What do you think will be the biggest trend in hiring in 2018? 1. Gamified Learning and Development In...

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If You're a Freelancer, Your Resume Still Matters

Yes, as a freelancer, your probably have a LinkedIn profile and/or website to which you can direct prospective clients. However, many clients will still ask for your resume – which means the document still matters. That means you need to make sure your resume is professional, well-thought-out, and able to accomplish its goal: get you a meeting with a potential client. If those meetings...

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Is Company Culture Meaningless in the Freelance Economy?

As the economy has evolved in recent years, conversations about employee expectations have changed along with it. Elaborate offices boasting ping-pong tables and free lunches, many of us now agree, mistake perks for culture. There is a growing focus today on the more human aspects of work – things like alignment with the company culture, philanthropic opportunities, feeling like part of...

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Recruiters Have a Good Feeling About the Future of Automation

A sizable contingent of the workforce believes robots will replace all of us at the office, push us into unemployment, and build a global defense matrix that eventually becomes self-aware and hunts us down with human-esque robots that strongly resemble a certain former governor of California. That's probably not going to happen. Moreover, here in the recruiting sector, many recruiters...

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7 Skills You Need to Manage Remote Employees

Co-located teams are fast becoming commonplace. Technology makes it possible for employees to work from home, a café, or an airplane seat. Employers increasingly offer remote opportunities in order to reduce real estate costs and entice top talent, which often includes tech-savvy millennials eager to embrace digital nomadism. Given that millennials will soon comprise 75 percent of America's...

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To Develop and Retain Digital Talent in the Digital Age, Challenge Them

There isn't much room in today's market for businesses that don't stay in touch with the latest technologies. The problem, however, is that many companies have trouble finding and retaining the talent they need to fully embrace the era and implement digital transformations in their organizations. More than half of companies report that their digital talent gap is widening, according...

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Where Is HR Automation Heading in 2018? Take a Hint From 1960:

The relationship between HR and automation has been uneven to say the least. While functions like payroll, benefits adjustments, and recordkeeping are often handled fully by machines, human beings still play major roles in other HR functions. What can we expect 2018 to bring with regard to HR automation? To answer that question, we should turn our attention to the past. For the next...

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Why Corporate Sustainability Should Matter to Recruiters

Corporate sustainability – a strategy that takes into account how a business operates in ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic realms – can have a positive ripple effect on the environment, the economy, and our communities. In 2016, Harvard Business Review published "The Comprehensive Business Case for Sustainability," which argues the benefits of corporate...

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For a More Efficient Approach to Global Benefits Administration, Adopt a Shared Services Model

Because benefits packages differ according to a variety of factors – including locale, workforce needs, legal requirements, available technology, and organizational resources – they can be hard to administer from centralized locations. Thus, international companies have traditionally had to manage their benefits packages regionally – at least until now. HR didn't hop on the lean...

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The 4 Components of Successful Job-Search Networking Emails

During a recent resume critique, one of my clients told me about his networking efforts. He was proactive in the job market and went knocking on a company's door; as a result, something promising was now in the works. Not that he literally knocked on the company's door, although that is a viable option. Instead, this client had sent a networking email to one of the directors at the...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 3: 'It's Not a Tech Job Unless You Work for a Major Silicon Valley Company'

In the previous installments of this series, I pointed to a looming crises for the tech sector and, by extension, our nation. In brief, some analysts say at least half a million open IT positions are going unfilled. Meanwhile, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts IT occupations will grow 10 percent by 2026, when many existing tech professionals will begin retiring. In...

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Industry Certifications May Be the Answer to Skills Gaps

These days, the phrase "higher education" seems to be synonymous with "crippling life-long debt." On top of that, the skills gap only seems to grow wider every year as each new crop of graduates fails, in some way, to meet the demands of the business world. In response, some companies are increasingly looking beyond college degrees to find candidates and fill talent shortages. Instead,...

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How to Host an Industry-Specific Recruiting Event

If you're in the recruiting business, you know finding qualified talent is no easy task. It can take months and hundreds if not thousands of dollars to fill an open position. With unemployment low, fierce competition exists between employers. It can be tough to hone in on the best talent when other organizations are vying for it as well. There is, however, one often overlooked way to...

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The Visual Guide to Starting Your New Job Off on the Right Foot

It's normal to be nervous before starting a new job. Will your coworkers like you? Will your boss be impressed? Will you quickly adjust to new policies and procedures, or will you accidentally follow your old job's guidelines? Instead of letting your imagination run away with itself, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. It's going to be okay. Remember: The company chose you for a...

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Networking for Recruiters: How to Find Candidates Through Face-to-Face Connections

Job seekers often turn to networking when looking for new positions. When you need a new job, reaching out to friends, family, and your social media connections is often the best way to find one. But networking is not just for job seekers. In fact, networking can be a goldmine for recruiters on the hunt for qualified candidates in the job market. While many recruiters and hiring managers...

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Using LinkedIn to Make Your Freelance Business More Visible

If you run an independent business as a freelancer, you need to be prospecting for clients on LinkedIn. The site, when used correctly, can be your secret to getting clients chasing you. Before you start prospecting, however, you need to give your profile a complete revamp. Does the information in your work history show off the impressive results you have achieved? Do you have plenty of...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 2: 'Tech Jobs Always Require a Four-Year Degree'

In the first installment of this myth-busting series, I shared research asserting that at least half a million open IT positions are going unfilled in the US. Today's tweens and teens are a critical part of the solution to this problem, but unfortunately, a number of myths surrounding careers in technology may discourage them from exploring the industry. Last time, we tackled the myth...

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In 2018, Resolve to Improve Your Career

Look back on 2017. How many times did you think to yourself, "If only I work a little harder, my boss will recognize my value. Next year, I will get a decent raise and a promotion. I'm really not happy, but I have no other choice"? If you had these thoughts or similar ones, then 2018 is your year. Let's face the facts. Your boss may recognize your value, or they may continue to take...

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Hiring for Diversity? Look No Further Than the Crowd

Every professional, from front-line employees to the C-suite, knows diversity and inclusion are hot-button issues across industries and around the world. Diversity, in terms of both background (e.g., ethnicity, gender, etc.) and talent, is an unavoidable part of the conversation for any organization operating today. In spite of how widespread the diversity conversation has grown, the...

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6 Trends Driving Better Employee Experiences in 2018

Employee engagement is critical for a strong and productive workforce, but it's not the only important factor. Smart companies understand that providing a comprehensive employee experience that follows the employee's entire journey — one that offers opportunities for development at every step along the way — benefits everything from product quality to resource management and strategic...

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Meet VocaWorks, the Tech Industry's Next-Generation Hiring Platform

VocaWorks is a new company that is deeply involved in the development of software and services for online hiring of technology contractors. Below, we are republishing an interview conducted by business news website SuperbCrew with Miles Jennings, CEO of VocaWorks. Jennings is an industry insider in the exciting market of innovative, next-generation hiring and employment...

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How Employers Can Support Employees in Times Of Distress

Employers often expect employees to separate their personal and professional lives. Unfortunately, this doesn't account for the reality that workers are human beings. They can't just turn off their emotions when they arrive at the office. The thinness of the border between personal and professional becomes most apparent when staff members face intense distress. Common personal struggles...

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Choosing the Perfect Furniture for Your Home Office

As flexible work and work-life balance become more popular, more and more people find themselves in need of home offices. After all: If you choose to work remotely, you'll need a place to work. There are a few things you must consider when creating a space meant to foster productivity at home. In this post, we'll look at how to set up a home office in which you enjoy spending...

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