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2018: A New Approach to the Employee Journey

According to Randstad, HR's top challenge today is finding and retaining employees in an increasingly competitive talent market. To meet this challenge, HR leaders are adopting new ways of thinking about processes and policies. In 2018, the employee journey will undoubtedly be a major concern for HR leaders. To win the war for talent, these leaders must create employee experiences that...

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Need Some Resume Inspiration? Check Out Elon Musk's

Well, not Elon Musk's real resume. We don't have access to that – and at this point, Musk frankly doesn't need a resume. Everyone already knows who he is and what he does. There's not a meeting room in the world where Musk's reputation fails to precede him. That said, the folks at resume-writing firm Novoresume have put together a mock-up of what Musk's resume might look like. It's...

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All the Best Leaders Are Great Learners

"What do all of the most successful leaders of our day have in common, and how can I follow in their footsteps?" This is a question many executives and entrepreneurs ask themselves. While many expect the answer to be complicated, looking for big gestures to match major productivity – like organizational culture overhauls or fundamental changes to the hiring process – it actually...

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What Being a Solar CEO Taught Me About Workplace Energy

In my time as the CEO of a solar company, I've learned a lot about energy. I know how to manage home electricity usage, how to help people reduce their power bills and establish energy independence. I've internalized a whole set of technical concepts and jargon. I know conduits, alternating currents, direct currents, PV, kilowatt hours, and transduction like the back of my hand. I could...

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Online Applications Alone Won't Get You the Job

Looking for a job? You're probably applying online, aren't you? That makes sense. Online applications are everyone's go-to option these days. The last time you reached out to an HR person directly, they probably said, "Apply online. If you're a good fit, we'll call you!" They may have even explicitly told you not to reach out to them directly. Don't be fooled. In most cases, the HR...

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What to Expect from the Future of the C-Suite

It's no secret that baby boomers, Generation X-ers, and millennials all have their own leadership styles. With boomers unable to retire as soon as they'd hoped, all three generations are meeting up in boardrooms across corporate America – and their unique leadership styles don't always mesh. This can be an opportunity or a disaster, depending on how the leaders involved approach the...

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How to Build the Career Roadmap That Leads to the Job of Your Dreams

I started my current career journey when I was 25. I had a prestigious job at a highly regarded company analyzing potential acquisition targets for the executive team, regularly discussing our findings with some of the most important people in a very sexy industry. I worked with smart, cool people, and my parents were proud. But something about the job, deep down, didn't feel right, and it...

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Make Better Hires: Adjusting Your Interview Practices to Include Neurodiverse Talent

Every business looks for ways to improve the bottom line. This is often achieved by hiring the most capable and qualified candidates. A strong, talented workforce sets your company up for ultimate success. What few companies realize is that they can find more great talent if they open up their talent pools to include people with all types of disabilities, including those who are...

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What Netflix and Employee Development Have in Common

Disruptive technologies regularly shake up our workplaces, changing everything from the way we perform simple tasks to how we communicate with one another. To keep pace, companies need workforces who pursue continual education in order to meet new demands as they arise. However, it's up to employers to provide the resources workers need to develop those skills. That old training VHS training...

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How Real-Time Feedback Improves Employee Performance

Why wait for the annual review to give performance feedback to employees? Seems almost ridiculous to wait a whole year before giving an employee to feedback they need to succeed, but a lot of companies still do this! Thankfully, the annual performance review is rapidly becoming a thing of the past – but is that happening fast enough? Sixty-one percent of employees would like...

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What's Your Greatest Weakness and 4 Other Useless Job Interview Questions

Interviews come in many shapes and sizes. Some over the phone, some are in front of a panel, and some feel similar to The Hunger Games taking place with a group of candidates. Even though every interview is unique, there are some things that never change. Things like useless questions that come up time and time again; but we have to ask ourselves, "Why?"  Below, we've come up with a list...

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Fundamental? Technical? What Just Happened to the Stock Market?

Between January 26 and February 9, the Dow lost more than 2,400 points, a 9 percent decline. This rapid fall in a short period of time has taken many of us back down memory lane to the financial crisis of 2008. Are we headed to a new crisis? A recession? When the stock market starts spiraling downward for more than a couple of days, we understand there is something more to the story than...

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Can't Find a Job That Suits You? Don't Worry – It May Not Exist Yet

New technologies aren't just changing the way we get work done – they are changing the types of work we do. As we march into the future, some positions will be phased out or replaced by technology solutions, while new types of jobs we haven't seen before will began emerging in the job market. In fact, that's happening already. What's most surprising is that some of these brand new jobs...

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More Employers Are Seeking Tech-Savvy Candidates for Non-Tech Jobs

Considering the myriad ways technology has changed the world of work, it should come as no surprise that traditionally non-technical jobs have begun demanding technical skills from candidates. Even the least computer-y job you can think of will probably require at least some sort of tech knowledge in coming years. About two-thirds of the highest-paying and fastest-growing jobs in fields...

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Networking for Introverts: 15 Tips to Help You Navigate a Crowded Room

As an introvert myself, I know how panic-inducing the prospect of a networking event can be to some of us. In fact – and I am not proud of this – I've bailed on more than a few such events at the last minute because I was simply too darn anxious. My fellow introverts, please don't follow my example. Networking is one of the best things you can do for your career. By some estimates,...

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Freelancers, Coaches, Consultants: Your Website Stinks

I'm just being honest with you. Yes, you can shoot the messenger – but before you do, take a minute to think about your website. What is the purpose of your website? Have you ever really considered it before? Are you trying to get yourself noticed? Are you trying to find clients? Are you trying to generate sales? Now, think about whether your website, in its current form, really...

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Why Personality Assessments Are Great Interview Prep

Who doesn't cringe at the thought of taking a personality assessment during the hiring process? It seems so awfully clinical! But then you take the assessment, and you're shocked at how accurate it is. Rather than resisting this part of the hiring process, why not embrace it?  The better you get to know your authentic self, the better you'll be able to sell yourself in an...

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AI in HR: Surveying 4 Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting and Hiring

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic among recruiting pros. Experts are clamoring to comment on the possibilities, raise concerns, and even downplay AI's abilities. But put aside the controversy and excitement for a moment. The question that really matters for our industry is this: In what ways can AI truly meet the needs of talent acquisition professionals? Below, we survey a...

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How to Prepare for a Video Interview (Part 2)

Yesterday, I covered preparing for your video interview in the days leading up to the interview. Today, I'll offer some advice on what to do the day of your video interview. Let's dive in:  1. Put a Sign on Your Door: 'Do Not Ring the Doorbell or Knock' Reduce the risk of intrusive background noise by notifying others not to disrupt you. Be mindful of where you choose to set up for the...

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10 Leadership Lessons From Leslie Knope

When you think of fearless leaders in pop culture, chances are you that you think of Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. How could you not? Though Parks and Rec officially ended in 2015, the show maintains an intense base of loyal viewers and fans, many of whom see Leslie as a role model thanks to her work ethic, her passion for parks, and her love of waffles. Leslie is also known for her...

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How to Prepare for a Video Interview (Part 1)

Video interviews are, in many ways, different from in-person interviews. While they may be more convenient for both you and the interviewer, video interviews also pose their own unique challenges. Below are some things to consider before you sit down for your next video interview: 1. Prepare Your Webcam Set up your computer so that you have a blank wall behind you when sitting down....

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College Students: Move Beyond the Classroom to Make an Impact on Employers

If you're in your senior year of college, you're probably thinking about your post-graduation job opportunities. While your professors may not admit it, your GPA doesn't matter to your future career nearly as much as you might think. Extracurricular Activities and the Well-Rounded Student Back in in high school, guidance counselors and college admissions officers were constantly...

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Let's Dispel the Myth of the 'Perfect Resume'

If you had 100 hours to use on your job search, how exactly would you divide up your time? You and many others might devote 95 of those hours to your resumes. Job fit is determine by experience, and your experience is outlined in your resume. Therefore, if you spend hours and hours making your resume perfect, you ought to get a job faster – right? Not exactly. In reality, many job...

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5 Fantastic Apps to Help Your Company Stand Out to Candidates

Finding great talent for your business can be tougher than it sounds. It's not that there's a lack of promising candidates out there. The real problem for many up-and-coming enterprises is that there is simply too much competition between employers for the most promising talent. The best candidates know their own worth and are willing to go the extra mile to find the perfect fit for...

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Redefining 'Loyalty' in Search of Great Candidates

Every organization wants loyal employees, but such employees seem difficult to find in the employment market. To make matters worse, you can't identify loyalty by looking at a resume, and there's no candidate out there who wouldn't describe themselves as "loyal" during an interview. Perhaps what makes finding loyal candidates difficult is that many employers are operating with an...

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4 Reasons Why Transparency Is Critical to Business Success

Your employees are the backbone of your company. Things wouldn't run without them, and your company relies on their happiness, engagement, and productivity. In order for your workers to give you their best, they need to know what they're working toward. They need to know what your company's mission is and how they can contribute. Here are four reasons why transparency matters for...

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The Visual Guide to Great Onboarding

Believe it or not, but onboarding can be the make or break factor in a new hire's success at your company. Great onboarding processes give new hires the tools, resources, information, and connections they need to get up to speed and start producing value for your company. Bad onboarding processes, on the other hand, leave new hires confused about where they fit in and how they can be of...

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5 of The Top New Hiring Trends to Expect in 2018

Whether you're searching for new talent or you're the one hoping to be the new talent, the age-old, resume-cover-letter-interview-waiting-game hiring process can feel daunting, ineffective, and flat out long. However, we're more than happy to say that new trends in hiring are making the talent acquisition process way easier and more efficient for both job seekers and employers. While...

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8 Ways to Handle Negative Thoughts at Work

Even if you love your job and work for a great company, you're bound to have the occasional bad day. Tight deadlines, a grumpy coworker, a dissatisfied client – every job has its stressors. When these and similar stressors hit you just right – or perhaps the better word here is "wrong" – they can leave you feeling dazed, depressed, and unable to function at your best. In order to...

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6 Areas on Your LinkedIn Profile You Should Optimize in 2018

If you're wondering how an optimized LinkedIn profile will help you in your job search, the answer is simple: Your profile needs to be found by hiring authorities (recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources reps). These people cannot find your profile unless you utilize search engine optimization. Hiring authorities approach LinkedIn similarly to the way they approach their applicant...

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5 Ways to Use Social Media to Land Your Dream Job

Standing out as a top candidate in the job market can be difficult when your resume is one of several thousand being submitted online to the same job post. Fortunately, it isn't impossible. In fact, job seekers have the very tools they need right at their fingertips. It's all about social media. To stay one step ahead of the competition, use these tips to ramp up your social media...

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In Your Next Job, Look for a Coach Instead of a Boss

I recently attended an interview with Aly Raisman, Olympic gymnast and multiple gold medal winner. As Raisman talked about her overwhelming love for her sport, the lady next to me leaned over and said, "I wish I loved anything that much." She is certainly not alone in that feeling. There is a reason why many of us hold athletes up as heroes. They represent a drive and determination...

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Here Are the Best Places to Work in 2018

Do you love your job? If not, don't worry. There are options out there for you. Each year, job site Glassdoor pores over its database of company reviews to determine the "Best Places to Work" in the year to come. If your boss is a jerk, your company doesn't appreciate its workers, or you just need a change of scenery, you may want to check out the list. "Glassdoor's 'Best Places to...

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5 Things Art Taught Me About Being a CEO

As the CEO of peer-to-peer investing platform Fast Invest, I use my training in business and knowledge of technology to make the company a success. Before I was a tech CEO, however, I was an artist. I have a degree in fine arts from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, and you may be surprised to learn my experience in art has been very useful to my work as a CEO. Art degrees may seem like they...

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Does Anyone Understand Bitcoin?

You can't deny that you wish you had a piece of the action. For an asset class to provide a return of 1700 percent on an investment over a ten month period – or for investors who have been in for a little over four years to receive a return of 170 times their initial outlay – is almost unprecedented. Despite our wanting stable and understandable investment returns, it is hard not to...

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7 Helpful Hacks for Business Travelers

To those who don't do it often, business travel can seem quite glamorous. Who wouldn't want to get paid to visit exotic locations and stay in fancy hotels? For regular business travelers, however, the reality is less exciting. Flying can be an unpredictable experience, and things don't always go as planned. Flights get cancelled, and luggage gets lost in transit. While these things are...

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Busting Tech Career Myths, Part 7: 'Tech Jobs Are Going Overseas'

A recent survey of 1000 teens in the 13-17 age bracket conducted by CompTIA found that most teens turn to teachers and career counselors at school for information about potential careers. The fact that most teens rely on interacting with people for direction about jobs is heartening in the Digital Age. The deluge of content without context that makes up much of the internet isn't news;...

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Empowered Employees Are the Front Line Against Cyber Threats

For many companies, their biggest security vulnerabilities are hiding in plain sight: their employees. Willis Towers Watson claims data shows that two-thirds of cyber breaches are caused by employee negligence. Companies make significant infrastructure investments to defend against external cyber threats, yet our data shows that only 18 percent of cyber breaches are driven by external...

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How to Manage 'Opportunity Overload' While Job Searching

In the last half of 2017, I noticed a major change in the average job search. Many people seem to have gone from struggling with not enough options to struggling with too many options. At first glance, the latter may seem like a better problem to have. The truth is that both scenarios often result in the same thing: A person not getting the right job, the job they actually want. When you...

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HR Predictions for 2018: 3 Workplace Trends

In our always-connected, increasingly globalized world, the way people work and the way we hire employees are rapidly shifting. In my 15+ years working with background-screening company Sterling Talent Solutions, I've had the opportunity to keep my finger on the pulse of the hiring landscape. As a result, I have noted tremendous evolution in this field over the years. I expect 2018 to be no...

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Who Are the Happiest Workers in America?

It's a weighty question to be sure, but it's one career-finding platform Sokanu set out to answer with a survey of workers across the country. The survey looked at happiness by location and by job. Oddly enough, it seems like the further west you go, the happier workers get – with the exception of Oregon, which sits in the bottom five states in terms of satisfied workers. "What's going...

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6 Things Managers Don't Get to Do

When I was a young, entry-level worker, I sat in my cubicle, convinced I was the most important person in the company. I worked my tail off for the 500+ person organization. Without me, I figured, the wheels would definitely come off. And yes, I silently seethed while my manager went out to frequent lunches with her manager, leaving us (talented) peons to handle all the grunt work they...

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4 Tips on Establishing a Strong Culture at Your Company

Free snacks. On-site massages. Ping-pong tables. Napping pods. Trendy perks like these are often associated with positive company cultures, but a truly great culture is about more than having a playground at your office; it is about who you are at the deepest level. A great company culture is what makes you speak with pride about your workplace and the people with whom you...

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Building a Real Estate Investment Team Is a Lot Like Hiring Freelancers

In real estate investment, you depend on a team of people: inspectors, real estate agents, plumbers, electricians, fumigators, painters, and handymen. At any given time, you might need all of these people, five of one kind, or none of any. It doesn't make sense to put any of these people on payroll because the work you give them is intermittent. In a nutshell, building a real estate...

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9 Ways You're Still Job Searching Like It's 1999

Still adding onto your old resume and chasing job postings? Struggling to leverage LinkedIn? You might be among the masses of applicants running 1990s-era job searches. Here are some signs you might be using seriously outdated techniques, along with ideas for changing your thinking: 1. You Still Think Your Resume Is About You Employers care about what you offer, but they care about...

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How Nonprofit Hiring Differs From the Corporate Process

In 2017, 50 percent of nonprofits reported they anticipated an increase in staff sizes, the third year in a row of healthy hiring for the nonprofit sector. While there is great demand for nonprofit employment, this line of work has particular characteristics that job seekers should keep in mind if they wish to enter the nonprofit world. This is doubly true for those job seekers who have...

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The Cover Letter Gambit That Paid Off Big

It's not uncommon for a hiring managers to receive dozens – if not hundreds – of applications for just one open position. Even if you're a perfectly qualified candidate, you may still struggle to stand out from the rest of that pack. This is where a cover letter can help. A great cover letter grabs the reader's attention, gives a few quick highlights on your professional value, and...

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8 Ways to Leverage Underemployment to Your Advantage

We know underemployment is hard to measure. Even the government has difficulty measuring it. But that said, you certainly know when you are unemployed. It's when you have a job, and it pays the bills for the most part, but your talents are worth so much more. Getting out of the underemployment trap requires a shift in mindset. You have to understand your day job as the one that produces...

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