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Why Your Wellness Communications Strategy Is Failing You – and What to Do About It

Improving employee well-being is not as simple as hanging motivational posters or hosting healthy potlucks. It requires a tactful wellness communications strategy. Otherwise, employees will ignore your wellness initiatives. Why invest in a wellness program if your employees don't use it? Every activity or benefit that isn't used is a waste of resources. It is important to understand...

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When Layoffs Are on the Horizon, Let Your Employees Go With Dignity

As part of my job, I work with professionals who have recently become unemployed. Often, the person was let go due to something outside of their control, like a company-wide reorganization or a team-wide layoff. No matter how talented an employee is, a company has to look out for its own best interests. That I understand. Most of the people with whom I work understand this, too. What I...

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The 5 Best Cities for Finding a New Job

The U.S. unemployment rate is at a record low, leaving many employers desperate to fill open positions with quality talent. For job seekers, this is good news. It means it is possible to find work just about anywhere in the United States right now. As always, however, some places have more opportunities than others. If job availability is low in your geographic area, perhaps a move is...

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5 Retail Jobs to Help Build Your Career

While the retail industry may be the focus of much doom and gloom, smart retailers are finding ways to adapt and even thrive. These retailers are creating positive in-store experiences, eliminating long lines, and improving customer service. The key to these changes? Amazing employees. Building connections with customers is still the most important part of the retail business. Salespeople are...

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First Crypto ETF: Why Mine Cryptocurrency When You Can Be a Masternode?

In most cryptocurrency systems, mining is the only way to earn new coins – aside from exchanging goods or services for coins, of course. Dash coin, however, offers another option: becoming a masternode. Setting up a masternode is a relatively simple process, and people are starting to leverage these nodes in creative ways. First Crypto ETF, the world's first exchange-traded fund for...

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The Recruiting Reel: How to Incorporate Proven Marketing Tactics Into Your Recruiting Strategy

Talent has all the power in the job market right now. Unemployment is very low, which means recruiters need to pull out all the stops if they want to convince employed candidates to leave their roles for new opportunities. Many recruiters are finding success in this talent market by incorporating smart marketing techniques into their recruiting strategies. Unfortunately, implementing...

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Mobile Video: The Next Stage in Recruitment Technology

The bridge connecting employers and candidates on an emotional level has yet to be effectively built. However, the talent acquisition arena is heading in a new direction: According to a recent study, a welcome video from a hiring manager would make a candidate 46 percent more likely to consider applying for a job and 30 percent more likely to respond to a recruiter. This discovery...

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3 Lessons I Learned in 2017 That Will Help Your Company Grow in 2018

Dreaming of massive business growth this year? Don't let it become a broken promise to yourself. Though you will certainly need to put in a lot of time, energy, and intention, you'd be surprised how much growth you can experience when you really make it a priority. For instance, ClearCompany moved up the ranks last year to 1338 on Inc. 5000 – up 205 spaces from 2016, with 304 percent...

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4 Ways to Be a Trusted Recruitment Advisor

Establishing trust with candidates and clients is critical for the success of your recruiting career. Unfortunately, many recruiters don't take into consideration how important it can be to develop deeper relationships. Maybe some recruiters see it as too time-consuming, or perhaps they don't realize how critical developing high levels of rapport can be. The more trusted you are, the more...

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Losing Top Performers? Examine Your Office Layout First

For talented candidates, it's a buyer's market out there. Given a stunningly low unemployment rate of 4.1 percent, talented workers are itching – and able – to explore their possibilities. Employees are no longer as worried about losing their jobs. They know that they could easily find replacement roles elsewhere in this economic climate. These shifting dynamics in the talent market have...

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Rebuilding Your Career After Rehab

Ten percent of American adults report being in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, and a significant proportion of them are in the workforce. In fact, addiction treatment professionals estimate 50-60 percent of people who leave rehab go back to work as early as the first month following treatment. This means that returning to the same place of work following treatment may be a relatively...

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10 Steps Freelancers Need to Follow to Build Online Brands

Salespeople have understood the importance of the know/like/trust factor for decades. In the age of social media, it is as vital as ever – especially for freelancers and consultants. Building a presence online is key to getting your name out there, which leads to you being known, liked, and trusted by potential clients. Once you're trusted, you'll be hired – but first, clients needs...

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For Employer Branding That Resonates With College Students, Follows These 3 Tips

Employer branding is not a one-size-fits-all deal. How you conduct your employer branding campaign depends on your audience. Who are you trying to reach, and what kinds of messages will most resonate with them? When it comes to recruiting college students, look no further than this handy infographic from College Recruiter. Based on an article by yours truly, the infographic outlines the...

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Starting a Career in Recruiting? 3 Quick Survival Tips to Keep in Mind

As rewarding as a career in recruiting can be, it is not without its hurdles. Such is the case with anything worth doing: There will always be challenges. If you're just starting out – or considering becoming a recruiter – here are three tips to keep in mind to help you face the initial challenges of a career in recruiting without feeling discouraged: 1. Get Serious About Time...

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Want Better Candidates? Collaborate Better With Your Recruiter

In having the privilege of working with many firms across the country on executive searches, I have noticed a distinct pattern. Many of these firms unwittingly frustrate their own ability to target and attract the best talent. The process typically starts with the client calling the recruiter and saying something like this: "Hi . Yes, I called you because we have a really important...

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18th Century Math Will Get You Your Next Job

Many of us assume that everything companies invent is brand new, but sometimes the things that make cutting edge-technology run smoothly are borrowed from centuries-old statisticians. Take, for example, artificial intelligence (AI). The initial concept can be traced, at least in part, to English theologian and mathematician Thomas Bayes – all the way back to 1763. Bayes' theorem was...

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How Blockchain Can Prevent the Manipulation of Job Seeker Qualifications

Many people embellish their resumes in order to seem more impressive, knowledgeable, or experienced. In fact, according to a survey from CareerBuilder, honest job seekers might be far more uncommon than we think. In the survey, 56 percent of hiring managers said they had caught candidates lying on their resumes. Among the most egregious lies, 25 percent of hiring managers said they had come...

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Freelancers, Coaches, Consultants: Don't Try to Be Everything to Everyone!

When I work with my clients to help them establish their presences as independent contractors, one of the first things we do is create a killer LinkedIn profile that stands out from the crowd. To do this, we start by identifying each client's unique selling points (USPs). Your USPs are the reasons why a prospective client would hire you above another contractor. I always ensure my...

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How to Look for a Job You Love

Let's start with a simple question: Do you love your job? If the answer is no, now is the perfect time to make a change. The first step is to identify what you like and dislike about your current job. Being in tune with your feelings will help you spot the perfect new opportunity. What would make you want to go to work every day? Are you looking for more meaning? Would you like a...

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Recruiting Efforts Are Evolving – Yours Should, Too

Technological advances, shifting demographics, and social and economic changes are creating new demands, complexities, and challenges for businesses. These forces are changing the workplace landscape and altering the way companies recruit new talent. In 2018, the convergence of business disruption, automation, the gig economy, and demographic and political shifts will result in complex...

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How to Develop the Workplace Culture You Want Through Effective Workplace Design

The moment either a visitor or an employee first steps into a company's workplace, they learn about two things: the company's business focus and the culture of its people, both of which are reflections of one another. What ties the two together is the workplace itself. The design and environment of a workplace amount to more than just the paint on the walls or the choice of furniture...

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6 Job Search Snares to Avoid in 2018

One of the most valuable lessons I learned as a child was learned through the Road Runner cartoons. Thanks to overthinking and a shallow approach, Wile E. Coyote always failed to capture Road Runner. But Coyote kept on trying. He continued to fail. I and millions of kids and adults alike were glued to the series. We just couldn't stop watching Coyote's incredible drive, persistence,...

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How to Turn Your Employee Schedule Into a Powerful Recruiting Tool

Culture plays a significant role in attracting talent. When it comes to hourly employees, there may be no greater influence on the culture than the schedule. It sets the foundation for the employee experience in the workplace. Try to think of another process that has a bigger impact on your employee experience. Did you come up with one? Well, your employer has to be at work in order to...

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Are They Taking Our Jobs? Automation and the Future of Work

A persistent fear permeates the American workforce. Many laborers in the United States have long worried some vague "other" would rush in and take all the good jobs, leaving the average American worker unemployed and unable to provide for themselves or their family. Once upon a time, this alarmist rhetoric was wielded almost solely against immigrants. Today, however, the focus has shifted,...

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Job Seekers, Surround Yourself With These 5 Types of People

Increasingly more job seekers are coming to understand me when I say the hardest part of being unemployed is the emotional drain. Some even tell me they've never felt worse in their life. Sure, money is an issue, but it's the fear, uncertainty, anger, and despair that affect people the most. There are also the feelings of alienation and the need for support. When I was out of work 12...

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How AI Is Becoming a Recruiter's Best Friend

Are you terrified you're going to be replaced by a robot? This fear seems common these days, especially among recruiters. Many people working in talent acquisition are both curious about artificial intelligence (AI) – it ranked as one of the top global recruiting trends in a recent LinkedIn report – and worried about what it means for the future of their profession. The concern is...

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Cryptocurrencies Are Causing a Lot of Headaches for the Regulatory Authorities

This will be an interesting year. Cryptocurrencies are becoming more mainstream, and regulatory authorities all over the world are racking their brains to figure out how to approach them. Forbidding cryptocurrencies is not viable. To do so, one would have to forbid the entire internet. The regulatory authorities are in an uneasy position. On the one hand, they need to create a framework to...

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Why in the World Does First Crypto ETF Insist on Working With a Big Four Auditor?

Think about all the ICO stories we've heard in recent months. Many share some interesting similarities. I'm sure you've noticed it: ICO advertising here, ICO advertising there. Everyone seems to be promising instant miracles. But they're speaking a language you don't understand. You have no idea what they are trying to say, no clue whether their plan is going to work – or whether there's...

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3 Fast Resume Fixes for Your Best Candidates

Imagine the scenario: You have just completed an interview with an outstanding candidate. The applicant has amazing skills that are perfect for the role and a personality that rocks. There's only one problem: Their resume doesn't have the right emphasis for the job. The only way you are getting this one through the door is with a resume that screams, "Hire me for this job!" What is a busy...

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5 Ways to Influence Hiring Managers in the Recruitment Process

When we talk about "influencing hiring managers," we're talking about having the power to compel managers to take actions, demonstrate behaviors, and share opinions to drive activities that result in finding, screening, winning, and keeping top talent. Effective influencing is about "pulling" the hiring manager to you for support and advice, rather than "pushing" the hiring manager, which...

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In 2018, Professional Women Are Still Judged by Their Appearances

I have heard from "them" – you know, the "experts" – that women who don't wear makeup don't get the job. I've heard also from "them" that overweight women earn less than thin women. More recently, I've also been thinking about the effect of "going gray" on working women. If the experts claim makeup and weight can impact a woman's career success, can gray hair also be a detriment? I...

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10 Things You Should Never Say Over Email

In some cases, having the "paper trail" of email can be a good thing. However, there are certain things you shouldn't put in writing, as they can be taken the wrong way – or worse, lead to your termination. Some might say the unwritten rules of email communication are common sense, but the fact is not everyone is aware of all these "email taboos." Below are ten tips to help you...

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A Key Leader Just Quit. Here' s What to Do:

I started my company a decade ago with my husband, a good friend, and my sister – who eventually quit. As we grew from a scrappy team of four to an equally scrappy team of 14, my sister started to feel like the company was no longer a fit for her. I was hurt. It's always hard when a key leader leaves, and it's even harder when that leader is someone close to you. My sister and I remain...

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With First Crypto ETF, a More Accessible Way to Buy Cryptocurrencies

A friend of mine has made some serious money in Bitcoin. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of him. Here I sit, watching the cryptocurrency market pass me by, while my friend is seeing excellent results – as are many other people. Why don't I just follow my friend's lead and put some money into cryptocurrency? The answer is simple: I find the whole thing overwhelming and imposing....

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The State of Diversity in Recruiting, According to LinkedIn:

According to LinkedIn's "Global Recruiting Trends 2018" report, which surveyed 9,000 recruiters and hiring managers from around the world, diversity is of critical importance to today's hiring authorities. More accurately, LinkedIn's report deals with three related but distinct categories under the "diversity" umbrella: diversity, inclusion, and belonging. As the report puts it,...

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The Challenges of Recruiting Travel Healthcare Professionals in a Heavy VMS/MSP Market

Recruiters in the travel healthcare staffing market face many challenges. One of the most significant set of challenges relates to increased penetration by vendor management services (VMSs) and managed service providers (MSPs). Arguably 50 percent of revenue generated in the travel nursing space is generated through a VMS or MSP. The penetration rates are lower in allied and travel...

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3 Ways Internal Mobility Will Save Your Medical Sales Team

Like many other businesses, medical sales companies are losing high-performing employees to the war for talent. This major – and costly – issue is the top concern for 66 percent of recruiters, according to a 2017 LinkedIn report. Recruiting for medical sales reps during a talent shortage is even more challenging than recruiting for most positions under the same conditions. You're...

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Why You Need to Offer Your Employees Time Management Training

The pace of life is frenetic for today's workers. In modern-day open-plan offices, employees are regularly distracted and often overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks they must complete and the amount of information they must internalize. Email, WhatsApp messages, teleconference sessions, and endless meetings draw employees into cycles of reaction, rather than proactivity. Employees'...

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Healthcare's Top 3 HR Challenges

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges and need to adapt to a rapidly changing industry landscape. Recently, WorkforceNEXT brought prominent healthcare leaders together for the Healthcare Summit, where attendees addressed issues in HR, talent acquisition, retention, workforce engagement, communication, and learning management. Attendees had the chance to gain a deeper...

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Why an External Hire Is Not Always Your Best Bet

Many companies jump immediately to outside hires to fill vacant management positions. Unfortunately, internal candidates are often overlooked in favor of new blood. Including interested internal candidates in the sourcing process can pay off in major ways – including a manager who already knows your operation and can hit the ground running. "There is a finite number of exceptional...

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What You Need to Know About OSHA's New 'Safe and Sound' Campaign

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSH) is the national director of employee welfare and workplace safety. OSHA is not just a policymaker that enforces the directives it authors. Rather, OSHA is always at the forefront of improving and optimizing the workplace. Recently, OSHA rolled out its new "Safe and Sound" campaign. This initiative builds upon many of the rudiments...

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Boss Baby: How to Work for Someone Much Younger Than Yourself

With life expectancies rising by about three years every decade, and many more people living to see their 100th birthdays, workers are staying in their jobs longer to support themselves. As a result, employees aren't being ushered out the door with a pat on the back and a gold watch anymore. Now that some companies have as many as five generations coexisting in their workplaces, chances...

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Apparently, the Hardest Thing to Sell Is a Sales Job

There was a time when sales jobs were coveted, sought out by smooth risk-takers willing to sacrifice steady paychecks for the promise of high commissions. Those days are ending now, according to a new survey from partner relationship management (PRM) provider Impartner. Approximately 90 percent of hiring managers surveyed report it is becoming more challenging to recruit and hire...

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Freelancers: Stop Spreading Yourselves Too Thin

People keep telling you to go to this networking event, join that networking group. They say you need to be active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. You've done it all. You've followed the advice – but nothing seems to be happening for your freelance business. I'm here to tell you to stop listening to this advice. It's wrong. What you should really be doing is getting it...

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8 Tips to Help You Study for the PHR/SPHR or SHRM-CP/SCP

I took the HR Certification Institute's (HRCI) Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) exam and the Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) exam about a month ago. Today, I want to answer some of the questions I've been asked about these exams in the hopes I can help other people: Which Should I Take?  Do I Need Both? That's completely up to...

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The Recruiting Reel: How to Guide Young Professionals Through Your Hiring Process

Before you know it, the summer will be here. For recruiters, that means one thing: preparing for summer interns. This is no easy task. Young professionals are new to the hiring process. If your hiring process is confusing, it can overwhelm young talent and drive them away from your company. On the flip side, a great candidate experience can attract fresh talent to your door. It can...

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5 Ways to Bring Your Authentic Self to Work

Are you putting on a happy face in an environment that no longer motivates you? Do you feel you're not able to be honest about your personal life at work? Are you starting to feel you're in the wrong profession but unable to share this with anyone? The longer you pretend to be fine when you're really not, the more pain you'll feel as a result. Employee disengagement is a real...

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To Find an Engineering Job, Master These 3 Skills

If you're currently in the market for an engineering job, you may be dealing with some depressing odds. Perhaps you're sending out dozens or even hundreds of resumes and hearing nothing back. If you're serious about getting the job you deserve, you must do everything in your power to increase your total value so that you can attract the right kind of attention from hiring managers and...

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