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If You Plan to Recruit and Retain the Best Talent, It's Time to Get Creative

Employers are convinced that finding talented workers has become a frustrating game of hide-and-seek. To be fair, they're partially correct. Star performers are out there, but not in the numbers companies would like to see. Consequently, 40 percent of employers report having a tough time filling seats with key players, according to a ManpowerGroup survey. It's only going to get worse:...

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How to Start a Career in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a hot field, and it has been for more than 10 years. While I don't often write about the field, I do get many questions about it because I spent a large part of my career as a digital marketer. Digital marketing is a career path that attracts entrepreneurial people. Advertising on the internet changes quickly, so those working in the field must constantly grow their...

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6 Ways to Improve New Employee Onboarding

Whether your company is trading on the New York Stock Exchange or a startup working out of a garage, training new employees is absolutely crucial to your business's success. And yet, companies often fail to realize this. Many organizations devote months and months to the hiring process, pouring over applications and sitting in interviews. When a new hire comes on board, however, they are...

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5 Types of Keywords to Never Include in Your Resume

It's no secret that keywords are a job seeker's most valuable tool when building a resume. They are important because they make you stand out to recruiters who only have a few seconds to skim your document. Plus, resume robots love them. Keywords are, well, key to a strong resume. But here's the thing: Not all keywords are created equal. An effective resume will get noticed by a...

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The Benefits, Tactics, and Metrics of Data-Driven Recruiting You Can't Ignore

Is your recruiting team stuck in a rut? It's time to shake things up with a more data-driven approach to recruitment. Leveraging jobs data to inform your recruitment strategy has many benefits, like improving diversity initiatives, opening talent pools you didn't know existed, and hiring top talent before your competitors do. To help you think more about how data-driven recruiting can...

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Sales Teams Are Wildly Successful When Recruiters Do This One Thing

Employees are the lifeblood of your company — and sales representatives are, arguably, even more valuable than your average hire. Sales reps are the faces representing your products. They interact with and change the lives of customers of every race, culture, religion, and ethnicity. It's no wonder 78 percent of recruiters view hiring for diversity as extremely important, according to a...

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20+ Skills That Will Look Great on Your Resume

Given that we just published an article about the skills you should not list on your resume, it may be helpful to present the opposite side as well. Just what skills, exactly, will make your resume stand out from competitors? This new infographic from online resume builder Novorésumé comes at exactly the right time, containing as it does a list of more than 20 skills you may want to...

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5 Ways to Entice Candidates to Your Job Opportunities

I can't stress enough the importance of making sure your job opportunities are attractive to candidates. While I don't necessarily recommend padding your job posts with flowery descriptions of how wonderful the company is, I do believe you must do more than share a link to your corporate website. According to Forbes contributor Mark Murphy, candidates often turn down jobs due to bad...

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5 Lessons on Job Search Success I Learned in College

For mass communications majors at the university I attended, getting a television or radio reporting gig was a major career stepping stone. I was not one of those mass communications majors, but when I saw a job posting for a reporter position with a radio program, I decided to apply. I knew the competition would be substantial, and that I would be at a disadvantage. I was a...

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7 Tips to Help You Get Hired at a Startup

Have you ever wanted to work at a startup? If you come from the corporate world, then there are a few things you should know about working in a new business and how the hiring process might differ from what you are used to. The first, most significant difference is that when you apply to a startup, you'll probably be interviewed by the CEO rather than an HR team. This is because startups...

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How to Motivate Yourself When You Really Don't Want to

It's not always easy to get going. Even with your boss breathing down your neck and a deadline looming, there will be times when you simply can't bring yourself to buckle down and get the work done. Or so you think. Really, however, you can find motivation — even when it feels impossible. For proof, look no further than this new infographic from personal lenders QuickQuid. Thanks to...

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How to Improve Your Business's Website in 2018

A website can serve many different purposes for your business, depending on the industry in which your company operates and the primary objective of the site itself. Many companies gain revenue via eCommerce sites, whereas others rely on their websites to maintain their online presences and market themselves efficiently. No matter what purpose your website serves, there is always room for...

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How to Create Your Own Career Development Plan as an HR Professional

As an HR professional, you know firsthand how important career development plans are to both employee engagement and happiness. However, when you work in HR, it can be all too easy to focus on every other employee's development without ever thinking of your own. Your career development as an HR pro is just as important as anyone else's. While your leaders won't necessarily be the ones to...

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How to Turn Negative Employee Feedback Into a Positive Opportunity

If your organization has implemented 360-degree feedback, you're likely seeing effects like better communication, stronger team development, and more. While 360-degree feedback does produce many benefits, it is not without its challenges. For example, it can be hard to hear negative feedback from your employees regarding your performance as a manager or leader. However, negative feedback does...

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Master the New Norms of Global Mobility Management for Recruiting Success

Global mobility is becoming a critical strategic differentiator as companies increasingly look to expand into new markets and tap new international talent pools. By 2022, the global mobile workforce will number 1.87 billion people, accounting for nearly 43 percent of the entire global workforce. In response, the market for global mobility management (GMM) solutions is expected to surge 31...

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Coworking: What Is It Really Like?

Coworking spaces can be plenty beneficial to a business owner. For example, they tend to cost less than traditional office rentals or purchases. But what about the workers themselves? What is coworking really like for them? Below, we'll explore the pros and cons of setting up in a coworking space: The Benefits of Coworking 1. Convenience Coworking spaces are ideal for sole...

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3 Common HR Mistakes in Multicultural Teams — and How to Avoid Them

Thanks to advances in communications technology, even a small business operation can have clients and team members all over the world. While this is in many ways a good thing, cultural differences between team members can cause uncomfortable and expensive HR blunders. It has long been common practice for companies to consider cultural differences when developing marketing and sales programs....

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4 Secrets Recruiters Won't Tell You

Applying for a job seems like a pretty fair, straightforward process. You send in your application, and if you're a good fit, the company will give you a call. You'll go for an interview and show off your expertise. Then, the company will carefully decide who the most qualified person is. When you don't land the job — despite being extremely qualified — it can leave you wondering what...

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5 Ways to Foster Productivity in Remote Workers

Despite research that suggests telecommuting improves morale and lowers stress, many employers still fear that allowing employees to work remotely will harm productivity levels. These employers may need reassurance that remote workers are doing both the quantity and quality of work expected of them, rather than kicking back to watch Netflix. To establish a work-from-home program that...

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To Recruit and Retain Talented Employees, Fix Broken Workplace Processes First

From jammed printers to setting up a new employee's email, office tech issues are a pain in the neck. Many organizations have accepted these as unavoidable occurrences, but according to a new study, these seemingly insignificant issues might actually be frustrating employees to the point of quitting. The survey, which was part of a broader corporate processes report conducted by Nintex,...

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What Type of Manager Are You?

As all leaders know, there is always room for improvement. If you are a business leader, it is probably because you are a driven and dedicated individual who is constantly looking for ways to improve your leadership game. There is no one right way to lead a team, but as we'll see below, there are some things to keep in mind in order to help your team members be the best they can be. I've...

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Amid a Talent Shortage, Some Recruiting Agencies Hesitate to Invest in New Tech

Quality talent can be difficult to find in the best of times. With many industries experiencing shortages of qualified candidates, it becomes even harder still. A lack of applicants with the right skill sets leaves companies little choice but to poach talent from competition or to hire and train underqualified workers. Forty-one percent of recruiting professionals say that the talent...

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How to Keep Your Best Employees

In today's business climate, many organizations feel they have to recruit constantly in order to ensure they have steady supplies of employees to handle increasing volumes of work. While bringing in new faces can help to re-energize teams, the perpetual search for new talent often leads to a revolving door effect. New hires aren't fully utilized, and existing employees don't feel truly...

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4 Ways Employee Divorce Can Disrupt the Workplace (and How to Avoid Them)

A successful business relies on its employees to be productive, creative, and efficient — all of which can be difficult for an employee having issues outside of work. Legal or personal problems such as divorce can lead to a wide range of disruptions in the workplace that can have severe repercussions. Going through a divorce is undoubtedly one of the most stressful, distracting, and...

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The Recruiting Reel: How to Find a Long-Term Employee During a Time of Rapid Growth

Hiring enough talent is hard on its own, but it becomes especially challenging when your company is experiencing unprecedented growth. You need to hire and onboard quickly without sacrificing quality. In fact, it's even more important than normal to find candidates who are in it for the long haul during these times of rapid growth. Otherwise, as the business scales, your employees could...

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4 Tips for Preventing Identity Theft on the Job Hunt

We all want to be someone else occasionally, but what happens when someone else wants to be you? With so much of life happening online, we have all become more aware of the threat of identity theft. We've been schooled on the risks associated with online banking and shopping, and most people wouldn't dream of sharing their credit card number or social security number on an unsecured...

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Is Your Job the Best Job in America?

Sure, you have a great job. Your boss is cool. You have a good salary and benefits package. Nobody complains when you take vacation. But is it the best of all possible jobs? If you're wondering how your job stacks up against the best jobs across the country, you'll want to take a look at this year's "50 Best Jobs in America" list from job site Glassdoor. "This report highlights jobs...

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10 Ways to Get People Interested in a Not-so-Hot Job Opportunity

I present quite often on how to get people interested in jobs, also known as "employer branding." When doing these presentations, I usually get some variation of the following question: "How do I get people interested in a dead-end job?" Maybe the job pays peanuts. Perhaps there are no real benefits. It might even be a job most people would simply rather not do. I try to help by...

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Resume Storytelling Strategies That Attract Recruiters

Building a storytelling resume isn't about holding story time to lull the reader to sleep. Instead, storytelling resumes are akin to miniature action movies. They include a beginning, a middle, and an end – or "rising action," "climax," and "falling action" in storytelling terms. The problem with most resumes is that they leap from rising action (challenge + action) to falling action...

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Speak Up, Introverts! How to Get Your Voice Heard in Meetings

It's tough to be an introvert sometimes. I'm speaking from experience here, being a proud member of that less-socially-brash clan myself. One of the toughest situations to be in as an introvert is the company meeting. Meetings are necessary – they're how collaboration happens, how people stay informed. But for introverts, meetings can also be super stressful. It can be hard enough to...

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Flexible Work Is Changing – Your Business Had Better Change, Too

Many employers have learned to incorporate flexible workers – freelancers, contract workers, temps, etc. – into their business models in recent years. Once considered second-rate, these flexible workers now constitute the backbones of countless organizations. Of the estimated 162 million gig workers across the United States and Europe, 44 percent do gig work as their main source of...

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3 Things Every Recruiter Should Know About Gen. Z

According to The Huffington Post, Generation Z consist of people born in or after 1995. Gen. Z-ers make up about a quarter of the US population. By 2020, they will account for a third of the population. Gen. Z's large numbers mean recruiters had better start paying attention, as more and more members of this demographic set will be entering the workforce in the coming years. Recruiters...

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Busting 5 Persistent Myths About Gig Workers That Shouldn't Still Exist in 2018

Given that almost half of US workers will be employed in gig work in some capacity by 2020, now might be a good time to bust some of the myths surrounding the gig economy. Jason McDowell, well-versed in the art of freelancing himself, walks us through five pernicious misunderstandings that still get touted as fact. Myth No. 1: Gig Workers Can't Find Real Jobs The truth is most gig...

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The New World of Social Media: What Should You Be Sharing?

Social media used to be fun. We could use it to stay connected with friends and family around the world. We could even expand our friend circles by meeting new people and rekindling old connections. For example, social media helped me reconnect with friends who date back to kindergarten. Before the internet, this would have been much more difficult. Fast forward to today. Social media...

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5 Tips for Better Restaurant Recruiting

Hiring and retaining top talent is tough in the restaurant business. For casual and mid-tier restaurants, the talent pool is often full of candidates who aren't really committed to the business. For fine-dining establishments, it can be even harder to find the qualified, highly trained talent necessary at an affordable price. And once a restaurant does make a hire, it has to worry about...

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All by Myself: How to Survive and Thrive in the Gig Economy

Gig workers now make up 34 percent of the American workforce, and that number is expected to reach 43 percent by 2020, according to a recent report from CNN Money. However, many of these workers struggle to maintain their well-being. Life in the gig economy is quite different from traditional employment, posing new sets of challenges for many who choose to go that route. Marion McGovern...

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Shake Like You Mean It!

The handshake is a lost art. We fist-bump, high-five, chest-bump, give thumbs up, kiss cheeks, hug, and wave – but our etiquette has so devolved that shaking hands is now rare. The handshake may be forgotten by many, but it's not obsolete, nor is it extinct by any means. It is still the way professionals greet each other. It's also great when you're making a first impression to convert...

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2018 Should Be the Year That HR Takes a Stand Against Workplace Abuse

The stereotype of the powerful male executive acting inappropriately with his female secretary is ingrained in American culture and media. There's a reason for this: For decades, this sort of behavior was commonplace. Even worse, it was not considered inappropriate at all. In recent years, however, victims of workplace sexual harassment have begun to take a stand. Whether they've undergone a...

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Today's HR Training Fails to Reflect Evolving HR Roles

Human resources professionals are in the unique position to influence every employee and touch every department while overseeing organizational initiatives. As the HR function evolves, however, many organizations are struggling to keep pace. According to a 2015 Korn Ferry survey, 47 percent of organizations do not offer HR-specific leadership development programs. Among those organizations...

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3 Actions to Take When Coworkers Can't Co-Work

Article by Simon Slade Business owners, entrepreneurs, managers – anyone in charge of a team – will be required to mediate conflict at some point in their career. Even if your team has great rapport, there will come a time when two or more colleagues can't see eye to eye. Mediation is not a responsibility one can take lightly. Unresolved conflicts don't only affect the involved...

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Your Recruiting Process Before and After AI Integration

In HBO's acclaimed series Westworld, patrons pay top dollar to live out their wildest fantasies in a futuristic Wild West-themed amusement park staffed by android hosts powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Over the course of the series, these hosts slowly begin to learn emotion and evolve sentience. Then, they start to retaliate for the treatment they've endured. While this...

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How I-9 Changes Could Threaten Your Business in 2018

You may not realize that changes were made to Form I-9 during the last six months of 2017, but now is the time to get caught up. Form I-9 is used to verify an employee's eligibility to work in the United States, and fines for failed regulatory compliance have increased to a range of $256-to-$2,156, doubling from previous years. As a result, multiple fines resulting from I-9 errors can...

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The 3 'Mini-Habits' of Productive People

Have you ever wanted to change the way your work impacts your life? If so, you're not alone. At VitalSmarts, we recently asked more than 800 people this same question. We found that three out of four people have wanted to be more productive, less stressed, and more present. Despite this prevailing desire to change the way work impacts our lives, less than one-tenth of the people we...

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12 Ways to Connect With Your Community During Your Job Search

For some job seekers, attending an organized networking event is like meeting your future in-laws for the first time. In other words: It's downright frightening. One job seeker once told me she always hyperventilates before she goes to such an event. Perhaps you feel similar symptoms of dread when you have to attend organized networking events in the job market. It's understandable if you...

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Why Your Attraction and Retention Rates Are Terrible (and How to Fix Them)

With many industries facing talent shortages and unemployment at record lows, it's a candidate's job market out there. Workers are job hopping for raises and promotions, and competing companies are glad to snatch talent up as soon as it enters the market. These factors, among others, drive high turnover rates in many organizations and verticals. Even with a need to fill a wide range of...

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Telecommuting Increases Profitability and Productivity

One of the greatest conveniences I have at my firm is the ability to telecommute to meetings. As a real estate investor, I spend a lot of time driving to see and show properties. Commuting to the office would be an unnecessary inconvenience for me, as it can be for people in many industries. While I've found telecommuting to be convenient, many brokers – and employers in other...

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Now, You Can Have Artificial Intelligence Deliver Qualified Candidates Straight to Your Inbox

Entelo, makers of one of the most powerful talent search engines available, recently announced the release of Entelo Envoy, an automatic sourcing solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to surface qualified candidates with little input from recruiters. Recruiter.com writer Jason McDowell recently had the opportunity to speak with Mike Trigg, chief marketing officer of Entelo, about...

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5 Ways Your Job Search Can Capture the Spirit of March Madness

Not everyone enjoys college basketball, but the NCAA's March Madness tournament is an exciting thing to watch. I, personally, get hooked on the enthusiasm of the fans. I also love those last-minute game-winning shots, especially when the home crowd rushes the court to celebrate. In stark contrast to the spirit of March Madness, your average job search is rarely a celebratory affair. The...

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