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Business Development: The Flexible Career With High Earning Potential

According to an Indeed survey, job seekers want three things out of a new job: Great compensation A convenient location Flexible work options Doing business development for Recruiter.com offers exactly these things — plus a host of other benefits. Interested in doing business development under the Recruiter.com umbrella? Join the Recruiter.com Certification Program, where you...

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To Buy or Not to Buy: An LMS Purchasing Checklist

When businesses decide to adopt learning management systems (LMSs), they quickly face a huge array of choices, with one factor capturing much of their attention: pricing. Subscription-based models with varying costs compete alongside free open-source options with no upfront costs or monthly ownership expenses. It's easy to understand why free options are tempting, as an LMS can quickly...

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How to Create a Sustainable Workplace That Attracts Talent

Building an attractive workplace is an ongoing challenge for companies of all sizes. Employers are constantly striving to stand out from the competition, and while offerings like ping-pong tables and unlimited vacation might appear to be the perks employees want, it's actually a company's internal values that attract and retain talent. Millennials make up more than a third of the American...

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Can a University Terminate for Tenured Teacher's Twitter Tweaks?

A series of Twitter posts from a tenured Fresno State English professor about former first lady Barbara Bush has once again sparked a national conversation about how the First Amendment applies in the university setting — and in particular, how it protects provocative university professors. The professor, Randa Jarrar, sent the following tweet shortly after the announcement of Bush's...

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5 Tips on Giving Effective Feedback

Feedback is a skill, and great leaders are intentional about how they deliver it. They know that for feedback to lead to higher levels of performance, it must be given properly. But what does properly given feedback look like? Here are five tips to apply to your next feedback conversation. Whether you're delivering feedback to a leader, a direct report, or a coworker, these techniques...

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How Everybody Wins With Remote Work

While many organizations still resist work-from-home arrangements, those who embrace remote work have discovered that distributing a company's workforce comes with many benefits — like substantial savings in real estate, equipment costs, and other overhead, just to name a few. Going remote also allows for organizations to hire talent from around the world, giving the business access to a...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Recruiter.com Certification Program Guest Speaker

You are a recruiting industry expert. People call you the "Queen of Sourcing," or the "King of Business Development." You're always in the know, posting articles, offering advice, and helping to push the recruiting field forward. Now, you're looking for a new opportunity to boost your brand and extend your reach. Becoming a Recruiter.com Certification Program (RCP) guest speaker is the...

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HR Technology Delivers Fast Results to Impatient Job Seekers

It's a changing talent market out there, and recruiters who fail to adapt to the technological advances within the HR industry will be left with middling or bottom talent — or worse, no talent at all. The hiring process is a potential employee's first interaction with a company, and giving the impression that your company is out of date could send candidates running for the hills. And...

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Your Best Friend Won't Help You Land Your Next Job — But a Stranger Might

A job seeker recently came to me with a problem. They'd been looking everywhere for the right job opportunity, and they had finally found it. It was just the role they were looking for, and their skills were a perfect match. Even better, a close friend had connections within the company and offered to advocate for the job seeker. It seemed to be a slam dunk opportunity — until something...

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What Do PR Firms Look for in Recent College Graduates?

For many young graduates, public relations represents an exciting career opportunity. It offers the chance to work in a fast-paced and vibrant industry with a selection of incredible clients from around the world. Unfortunately, not every graduate is well-suited to a career in communications. When it comes to sorting through the sea of college graduates entering the job market this...

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5 Reasons Your Employees Are Disengaged — and How Microfeedback Can Help

Employee engagement: It's a term we all use, but the definition can be kind of hazy. There is good reason for this — namely, what is good for one company may be a detriment to another. Engagement also varies from employee to employee, both in terms of what gets them engaged and in how their engagement manifests. The cranky sales guy who vigorously debates your new policies may be more...

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5 Ways a Video Content Management System Can Benefit Your Business Beyond Marketing

Marketing and video content now go together hand in hand, and for good reason: Research shows that video distributed through social media platforms generates 1,200 percent more shares than text and images combined and that companies using video in their marketing campaigns grow revenue nearly 50 percent faster than those that do not. The ubiquity of video has led many companies to search...

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Corporate Culture: By the Employee, For the Employee

When we talk about the importance of engaging employees, we often focus on how executives, HR leaders, and managers can enact culture changes that will make employees happy. But what if the employees were in charge of developing culture? Recently, I had the chance to pick the brain of Al Chiaradonna, senior vice president at investment solutions firm SEI, about putting corporate culture...

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Job Hopping Frustrates Employees as Much as Employers

If you're reading this publication, you've probably heard that job hopping is the new promotion. Rather than wait years for a raise or a chance to climb up another rung on the corporate ladder, today's employees — millennials in particular — seek opportunities elsewhere to advance their careers. What you may not realize, however, is that these employees don't like to job hop any more...

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Why One Company Uses Online Dating Data to Predict Team Performance — Accurately

As a digital marketing agency with a focus on HR tech, we at Red Branch Media go bananas for companies that share our ambitions and ideals around workplace inclusion, productivity, and engagement. Recently, we came across quite the unique team at Saberr, a people analytics company based in the UK. Founder Alistair Shepherd built the company with one idea in mind: Together, people are...

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5 Benefits of Being a Recruiter.com Certification Program Trainee

The recruiting industry is thriving, seeing year over year revenue growth since 2008. In 2016 alone, the recruiting and staffing industry brought in $150 billion in sales. This makes recruiting an especially good career option for today's professionals. The industry needs talent to keep up with demand, and roles in the recruiting field tend to be quite lucrative, thanks to the many...

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Salary History Bans Are Gaining Momentum — How Your Recruiting Can, Too

As of January 2018, employers in California can no longer ask candidates for their salary histories. Similar laws protecting job seekers from salary history discrimination have been appearing around the country in Delaware, Massachusetts, and Oregon, among other places. California's new bill specifically prohibits employers from asking about an applicant's previous pay orally or in...

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Spring Fling to Summer Slump? How to Keep Employees Motivated All Summer Long

The weather is getting warmer and your employees are gazing longingly out the window, wondering if the grass is greener on the other side of that pane of glass. Something about the push into summer leaves many workers feeling unmotivated, and it's up to management to discover the reasons and find effective solutions. "Many companies conduct annual performance reviews in the spring, and...

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Smoke It, Don't Sear It: How to Create and Preserve a Genuine Culture

Business bloggers glorify company cultures without any consideration of their origins. Anyone can point at Netflix, Zappos, or other cultural icons and say, "Do that." But how do you build a genuine culture if you're justing copying someone else's? You don't. Cultural imitation has a terrible track record (e.g., the whole 20th century). Cultures are specific to geography, historical...

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Correct These 9 Social Media Disasters Right Now

Assuming you care about your personal branding efforts, you should know that everything you do online is subject to scrutiny. Today, recruiters look at every candidate's social media presence when making decisions about who should advance and who should not. In part, they're looking to see how creative and impressive candidates are on social media — but they're also looking for bad...

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Does Your Recruiting Budget Take These 4 Expenses Into Account?

Every organization has its challenges, but recruiting shouldn't be one of them — and it doesn't have to be. It may seem impossible to plan for the future when it comes to hiring, but you can avoid many problems — and more easily solve that ones that do arise — if you just go into the process with the right budget. Rather than waiting for the costs to come out of nowhere, budget...

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Are Your Managers Stifling Innovative Ideas?

The other day, Braveheart was running on some cable channel or another, and I watched the last ten minutes or so. At the end of the movie, Mel Gibson's character screams out the word "freedom" as he is being tortured and summarily executed. Less dramatically — but important to your bottom line — somewhere in your company, one of your managers could be the executioner in this scenario,...

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Looking for a New Career? Recruiting May Be Just What You Need

You've been working in the same professional field all your adult life — and now you're starting to wonder if this is really the career for you. Sure, in your earlier days, you found it quite rewarding. You were making a living and doing something you cared about, something that challenged you, something that filled you with a sense of purpose. But now it's 5, 10, 15, or 20 years...

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Your Social Media Tattoo: What You Post Can Affect Your Job Prospects

Have you ever considered getting a tattoo or had a child ask about getting one? If so, you know it can be a tough decision. Getting a tattoo is a very personal choice. Tattoos are permanent. They often have personal meanings that tie back to one's beliefs or experiences. They can be socially controversial, and you have to think carefully about where you will place the tattoo. I was...

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If You Want Top Talent, You'll Need a Top Brand

Nobody wants to leap blindly into a new role just to find they've boarded a sinking ship. If you've ever applied to a startup or a company you'd never heard of, you likely felt some hesitation before accepting an interview. Maybe you dug deep into Google to learn as much as you could about the company, or you researched the leadership and their past successes. Lack of notoriety makes it...

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How to Create a Multigenerational Onboarding Program

An onboarding program is essential to the success of your new hires. It eases the new employee's transition into the organization and lays the groundwork for their employment. There are a number of ways to approach the development of your company's onboarding program, but no matter how you choose to onboard employees, your process should align with the culture and values of your...

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What's Your Headline?

Newspapers have them. So do magazines, ads, and even stories on the nightly news. A headline highlights and introduces what is to follow. Based on a headline, an audience may stick around or bail out (turn the page, change the channel, fall asleep, etc.). Maybe your resume has a headline, too. It may be a few keywords, larger or bolder than the rest. It could be an opening paragraph...

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Tell Me About Yourself: 3 Techniques to Capture the Interviewer's Attention

The day of your interview has arrived, and you're feeling confident. You've prepared by doing your research about the company and memorizing your talking points. At this point, you could talk about the organization in your sleep — right down to what your interviewer studied as an undergraduate and the exact amount of media coverage the company has had in the last year. But when the...

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Tech Sector Struggles to Find Qualified Blockchain Developer Talent

Blockchain is a new and disruptive technology, little understood by most of us who don't work in the financial sector or hold cryptocurrency. Yet in many industries  — including the HR and recruiting sector — pioneers are finding valuable uses for blockchain that extend well beyond bitcoin. "Essentially, blockchain is an open, decentralized database that is operated by more than...

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Low Unemployment Forces Recruiters to Stop Fussing About Resume Gaps

Oh no, it's the dreaded resume gap! This candidate didn't work for two whole years. Resume, meet trash can. Next! In the age of technology, recruiters must sort through dozens or hundreds of resumes to find candidates they want to bring to the interview table, so it's easy to find arbitrary reasons to dismiss an applicant. However, with unemployment at a steady low, qualified talent has...

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Why Recruiting Is the Perfect Post-College Gig

As the summer begins, many recently graduated college students are starting to plan for their lives in the professional world. It's an exciting time, but it can also be a little nerve-racking — especially if you're not totally clear on your career options. Today's college grads face a professional world that isn't always hospitable. Unemployment rates tend to be higher among young...

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3 More Reasons Why Job Seekers Should Blog

In an earlier post, I wrote about three reason why job seekers should blog. They were: to demonstrate their ability to write, to brand themselves, and to network. Today, I'd like to share three more reasons why you, as a job seeker, should blog: 1. You'll Feel More Productive — and You'll Learn From It Writing about what you know requires processing your knowledge to put it to...

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How to Train New Managers on Microfeedback

You've watched this employee for a while now. She consistently hits her goals, asks for more responsibility, and proves she can be trusted. That's why you gave her that promotion — and doing so has been great for the team. Or has it? Excelling as an individual contribute doesn't always translate to excelling as a supervisor. This employee is now responsible for the success of not just...

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In the Age of the Multichannel Workforce, Are You Ready to Deliver the Career Experiences Graduates Seek?

Nearly four million college and university graduates are entering a new world of work. Some might say it is a job seeker's market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported unemployment at 3.9 percent in April. Maybe this is true for those with the right skills, but the definition of a job is changing, as a story I recently heard illustrates. A colleague's son graduated several years ago. He...

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Your Biggest Cybersecurity Threat May Work Inside the Office

Is your biggest security threat already inside your organization? While most organizations are aware of the threats posed by outsiders — cyberattacks, security breaches, hacked systems — it's easy to overlook the very real threats that are already present in the office. Insider threats can come in all different forms, from unintentional data leaks caused by well-meaning but careless...

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How eLearning Can Help Employees Manage Their Mental Health at Work

Mental illness affects people from all walks of life. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), as many as one in five Americans is affected by a mental health condition. To further illustrate how common mental illness is, consider the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports as many as 16.1 million adults are affected by major depressive disorder. That...

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How to Craft a Meeting Agenda That Actually Works

You probably hate meetings, and who can blame you? There's a reason 71 percent of us find meetings to be wastes of time. But here's the thing: It's not the meeting's fault. Meetings themselves are not inherently flawed. No, the reason you hate meetings is because you're bad at them. Well, you or whoever runs the meetings you attend is bad at them. Meetings could be quick and...

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Kindness Matters in Your Career

We all have bad days where even little things like someone cutting you off on the way to work can make it difficult to get through the day. You know what increases the severity and frequency of these days? Having the mindset that each moment is a competition — and each person around us is a competitor — for the top spot. Why do we assume that in order for us to do well at our jobs, other...

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The Hidden Costs of Being Unemployed

In a previous article, I discussed things to do before you say, "I quit." Being unemployed has drawbacks besides the loss of a steady paycheck, so plan accordingly. Finding a new job takes time. According to career expert Alison Doyle, there is a simple way to estimate how long your job search might take: approximately one month per every $10,000 you want to earn. So, if you want to earn...

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4 Leadership Mistakes That Ruin Your Retention Rates

Recruitment is a major undertaking. It is time-consuming and expensive, and all the while you have empty chairs losing money. Once you find your perfect candidate, you want to keep them in the job for as long as possible to avoid this situation happening again. But things don't always work out that way. While the average worker stays in their job for four or five years, many leave far...

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Careers for Stay-at-Home Parents: Recruiting May Be the Perfect Fit

Many stay-at-home parents would like to work — but entering the workforce is easier said than done for people in this position. The most obvious obstacle is finding a job with enough flexibility. Stay-at-home parents stay at home precisely because they are parents — that is, they have children they must care for. Stay-at-home parents need jobs they can do on their schedules, which are...

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5 Things You Should Learn From Your Job Search Competitors

After I explain to a group of people how much work is involved in today's job search, at least one of those people, consistently, responds with, "But I don't want to do all of that." My eyes then roll several times. These people forget that dozens if not hundreds of other job seekers are applying for the same jobs. No matter the state of the economy, you'll always be competing with...

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5 Strategies for Your Most Productive Workday

Article by Amantha Imber Andy Grove, former CEO and chairman of Intel, used to arrive at work at 8 a.m. and leave by 6 p.m. every day. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, leaves the office by 5:30 p.m. every evening so she can have dinner with her kids at 6. VMware's CEO Pat Gelsinger is awarded "points" by his secretary for arriving home by 5 p.m. Regardless of whether you are a...

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7 Important Things Recruiters Can Learn From Social Workers

Employees' priorities are shifting. Gone are the days when workers chose new jobs based on remuneration, rewards, working conditions, and promotion opportunities. Today's job seekers certainly don't ignore those aspects, but recent research shows "meaningfulness is more important to employees than any other aspect of their jobs," according to Open Colleges. A new workforce that highly...

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Are You Ready for 2030? Modern CIOs Lead, Reimagine, Reinvent, and Enable a Culture of Genius to Create Value and Drive Growth

The CIO role has evolved dramatically over the past two decades. The 21st-century CIO is a value-creator and driver of strategy. The contemporary CIO has a seat at the C-suite table and serves as a trusted advisor to the organization's executive boards. Today's CIOs are key players, indispensable counselors, and prime movers in the modern enterprise. This is partly a result of the CIO's...

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Financial Wellness: The Employee Well-Being Benefit That Keeps Giving

Financial wellness programs are gaining in popularity. A 2017 survey from the National Business Group on Health and Fidelity Investments found that 84 percent of large and mid-sized companies have financial wellness programs. The previous year, just 76 percent of companies offered this employee well-being benefit. Why the jump? Because financial wellness programs are actually more than...

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Cover Your Bases With Your Next Resume by Appealing to Multiple Personality Types

How you write your resume is just as important as what you put in it. I've written a few posts on the impact your personality type has on how you interview for jobs and the stress that can come with that, and now I'd like to discuss how you can leverage personality types to draft a resume that appeals to the various kinds of hiring managers that might be reading it. You can find all...

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The Real Results of Paperless Onboarding

When a new hire joins your organization, there are always some concerns. Current employees wonder how the new hire is going to impact their work and team culture. Managers are concerned about how quickly the new hire can get up to full productivity. The talent acquisition team members want to ensure they made a good hire who will stay with the company long enough to make an impact. But...

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