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Are Millennials Really Looking to Job-Hop?

Each year, Scouted helps thousands of candidates find their dream jobs. To ensure our candidates' success and happiness, we match them with employers who share their values. We know what's important to our clients in their job searches, and we find employers who meet our candidates' expectations. So, what are those values and expectations? We dug deep and found out. Long-Term Job Security...

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Job Search Got You Down? 15 Podcasts to Boost Resilience

Looking for a job can be very stressful. Rarely does the first interview lead to a dream job offer, and it can take weeks or even months to get results — but it is important to be resilient and keep going. Your attitude toward finding a job can not only impact how you come across in interviews, but it can also affect your tone in cover letters, applications, and emails. That's why it is...

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4 Strategies to Build Talent Pipelines the Right Way

With the unemployment rate falling to a new low of 3.9 percent in July, the job market is growing increasingly competitive. That's good news for job hunters, but it has made it more difficult than ever for HR professionals and recruiters to attract the right employees. So instead of working harder, work smarter: Build a sturdy talent pipeline that keeps potential candidates ready and...

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Pregnancy Discrimination: An Employment Lawyer Tells All

Each year, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) receives thousands of complaints of pregnancy discrimination. With many American companies today working hard to improve their images as equal opportunity employers that value workers equally regardless of race or gender, these number may come as a surprise. Despite the introduction of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, a...

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How to Network With Comfort and Ease

You want a new job — but what's the best way to find it? Networking, of course. Networking is hard, however. You have to go out and meet people, and then you have to ask those people for help. It's a daunting task — but it doesn't have to be. You can become more comfortable with networking if you learn to view it as honest communication between people. The Old View of...

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6 Signs You Need Performance Management Software

Simply put, performance management software is technology that helps companies better understand employee productivity. It allows leaders and managers to track, analyze, and evaluate workers' performance in order to ensure goals are met and problems are addressed proactively. The data collected by performance management software can inform decisions about compensation, career trajectory,...

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The Critical Importance of Properly Welcoming a New Employee

When beginning a new job, you approach it with a lot of intentionality. You check how long your commute will take. You select your outfit and make sure it's freshly pressed. You understand that you are starting a new chapter and want to put your best foot forward. However, that level of purpose is often not matched by your new employer. Onboarding is a critical — and often overlooked —...

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How Important is Autonomy and Meaningful Work to Millennials?

faEach year, Scouted helps thousands of candidates find their dream jobs. To ensure our candidates' success and happiness, we match them with employers who share their values. We know what's important to our clients in their job searches, and we find employers who meet our candidates' expectations. So, what are those values and expectations? We dug deep and found out. Autonomy and...

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Data Literacy in the Workplace: What's Your Data Personality?

We all know our colleagues each have their own unique personality, but what if I told you that everyone on your team also has their own "data personality," too? Data literacy is the ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data. Having this skill set is more important than ever before. We're in a highly competitive business landscape today, and data needs to be at the...

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4 Ways to Build Confidence During Your Job Search

Searching for a job is tough, and it can really take a toll on your self-esteem. A lack of confidence can hold you back from getting the job you really want, creating a vicious cycle in which a difficult job search lowers your confidence, which makes your search more difficult, which lowers your confidence further, and so on. However, approached properly, a job search can also be an...

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How Technology Reignites Passion in Disengaged Employees

HR teams are tasked with the difficult job of establishing strong workplaces staffed by happy, engaged employees. Of course, a positive workplace culture all starts with a compelling candidate experience that gets the right people in the door — but once a new hire has settled in their role, HR must offer an equally compelling employee experience. In order to do this, HR pros...

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The Risky Business of Searching for a Job

I recently heard a stand-up comedian make a joke about dating. They compared the experiences men have on Tinder dates versus the experiences women have. The comedian joked that when a man gets ready for a blind date, his biggest worry is it will be boring. When a woman prepares for a blind date, her biggest worry is a bit different. In her worst-case scenario, she may be in danger of...

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How to Make Software Development Outsourcing Work for Your Company

"The most important single aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build." - Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++ There is a reason why software outsourcing is on the rise, especially in startups. When you organize a project with support from outside professionals, you can improve outcomes, enhance efficiencies and sustainability, and save on a range of...

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7 Tips on Being the Ultimate Professional

Recently, I've been hearing about candidates "ghosting" employers — that is, not showing up for interviews or first-day onboarding without notice. Similarly, recruiters are ghosting job candidates — and have been for quite some time. In fact, some argue that candidates have only started ghosting employers because employers have been ghosting them for years. Regardless of the...

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6 Ways to Annoy a Recruiter — and Lose the Job Offer

Recruiters are very busy people, short on time and patience. With hundreds of applications to sift through for every vacancy they advertise, they are always looking for quick and easy ways to sort the best candidates from the time-wasters. Attention spans are short and time is of the essence when they're looking to fill vacancies, so recruiters will often spend just seconds making snap...

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Biomimicry: The Natural Way to Drive Innovation

Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker, an evolutionary biologist and anthropologist, is on a mission to change the way people work. "When cities grow in size, per capita innovation and productivity explodes — but when a company grows, productivity and innovation per employee decline," she muses. "What's the difference? And what can we do about it?" Dr. Woolley-Barker has a unique answer to this...

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3 Business Benefits of a Strong Workplace Health and Safety Culture

According to the United States Department of Labor, 14 people are killed on the job every day. Workplace health and safety concerns are truly a life and death matter. All workers want to feel safe in their workplace. People want to know the organization for which they work is looking after them. When your employees feel your company truly cares about their well-being, they'll pay you...

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How to Tell If You're a Great Leader

Leadership is not for everyone. In fact, even some people currently in leadership positions do not belong there. Having worked for numerous leaders during the course of my 25 years in the business world, I can tell you there is a wide array of leadership types and levels of competency. I have learned from both the amazing and the not-so-great leaders — and one thing I've learned is that...

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Why Companies Should Offer Employees Mentorships, Certifications, and Personal Growth Opportunities

Each year, Scouted helps thousands of candidates find their dream jobs. To ensure our candidates' success and happiness, we match them with employers who share their values. We know what's important to our clients in their job searches, and we find employers who meet our candidates' expectations. So, what are those values and expectations? We dug deep and found out. Learning Opportunities...

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8 Advanced Tech Trends Changing the Employee Relocation Process

Given the jaw-dropping advances made in modern technology over the last few years in areas such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI), it's important to consider which of these advances can be leveraged to make the moving experience as seamless and efficient as possible — for both employer and employee. Many new technologies in the employee...

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How Do You Inspire Employees to Manifest the Company's Vision?

"A lot of us look back and say, 'That was one of the finest memories I have of my career.' We were on fire. The business results were great," said Chip Bergh, reflecting on his experience as president of Procter Gamble's (PG) Asia operations. One of the "finest memories" of his career? That is impressive, considering Bergh went on to lead Gillett after it was acquired by PG...

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How to Be a Pro at Teleworking With a Disability

Many people currently collecting social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits want to return to work, but to do so, they require accommodations to help them perform at their best. One of the most common and simplest accommodations employers can offer to individuals with disabilities is the opportunity to work remotely for at least part of the week. Not only does this help employees of...

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What Is Onboarding Software and How Does It Work?

The benefits of an organized employee onboarding process are no secret. Consider the statistics: Organizations with standardized onboarding processes see, on average, 54 percent greater levels of productivity among new hires. Onboarding programs can increase retention rates by 25 percent. It's not ignorance of the obvious benefits of onboarding that hold organizations back from...

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How to Calculate the Quality of a New Hire in 3 Easy Steps

Every company strives to make informed tactical decisions based on the data available at any given moment. Once a strategic afterthought, HR departments are increasingly turning to their own data and analytics to prove their ROI and earn their seats at the corporate strategy table. While most HR departments track KPIs aligned with their recruitment pipelines, few know how to calculate the...

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Infographic: What You Need to Know About Millennial Loyalty

Millennials are officially the largest generation in the workforce — and while this is simply a matter of demographic inevitability, it has nonetheless caused what you might call "excessive hand-wringing" among corporate leaders. Millennials, after all, are chronic job hoppers. What's a company to do when the largest cohort of its workforce by age is loathe to stick around for the long...

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5 Refresher Courses Your Employees Need to Take

In the workplace, learning something once isn't always good enough. In order to ensure your A players stay on top of their game, your organization must provide continuous learning opportunities. As an HR leader, your duty is to ensure all employees — including your own HR staff members — have access to such opportunities. Not sure where to start? Here are five areas where your...

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What Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Can Teach You About Sales Recruiting

Being a sales recruiter is a rewarding but high-pressure career. You have to adapt to changing hiring needs while juggling relationships with hundreds of candidates. This is why it's always important to be on the lookout for reminders of why your job is fantastic. In May, Facebook COO and bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg delivered a commencement speech to the MIT class of 2018. There...

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Don't Make Hiring for Diversity Harder Than You Need To

You'd be hard-pressed to find a recruiter or company leader who isn't concerned with diversity these days. The news is full of high-profile companies failing to diversify their staff. Google, for example, is 70 percent male, and just 2 percent of its tech employees are Hispanic, while 1 percent of them are black. Yet with multiple studies — including an analysis by MIT researchers —...

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Swing for the Fences: Mentorship Matters in Your Sales Career

Bottom of the ninth inning. Two outs. Full count. Score tied. Runner on third base. I stepped up to the plate, planting my cleats into the clay. Getting into my batting stance, I faced the pitcher — glaring at his eyes as I loosely gripped the wooden bat and anticipated the pitch. Would it be a fastball, careening down the middle, or would it be a curveball, spinning toward home plate?...

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Ghosting: Why the Dating Phenomenon Has Hit Recruiting

A term typically used in dating, "ghosting" happens when the person you've been seeing stops responded to all communication with no explanation. They suddenly stop returning calls, texts, or emails. It's as if they disappeared — hence the name. But ghosting is not limited to failed romances. These days, the number of companies reporting candidates ghosting them is on the rise. Of...

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5 Reasons Why Millennials Crave Ongoing Feedback

To many baby boomer bosses, the world of millennials is completely alien. You may not be up to date with the latest fashion trends or understand the emoji code, but you need to understand the changes millennials are making to the workplace. Failure to do so could have drastic consequences for your business. Millennials are changing the demographics of business. Today, a third of American...

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5 Reasons Internship Programs Are Valuable to Your Business

Internships offer potential and opportunity to both students and businesses. These programs don't only give interns valuable new experiences, but they also bring fresh ideas and energy to the company. Here are five advantages a great internship program can bring to your organization: 1. New Energy Students are young and eager — and they can bring a lot of new energy to the...

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Why Every Business Should Offer Voluntary Benefits

Does the world of voluntary benefits seem like a black hole of endless products? Does it leave you wondering which voluntary benefits are right for your employees? While no single voluntary benefit is a solution for all employees, using micro-strategies and offering voluntary benefits that appeal to multiple, diverse employee groups will ensure you craft a package that meets all your staff...

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Blockchain Is About Security. What Does That Mean for HR?

No longer just the ledger for Bitcoin, blockchain is an innovative network that uses cryptography to allow records and information (the "block") to be securely stored and linked to other records (the "chain"). One thing that sets blockchain apart from other peer-to-peer sharing networks is the level of security. Once stored, information in a block cannot be easily altered or edited, since...

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How Your Seemingly Random Interests Can Actually Benefit Your Career

I keep busy overseeing an insurance agency, but my interests aren't confined to the skills and topics related to my industry. Over the course of my career, I have realized that all of my seemingly unrelated interests and habits — from collecting antique hood ornaments to studying 18th-century explorer Captain Cook to managing a company — complement one another to make me a more powerful,...

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4 Tips for Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace

Drug use and abuse is strikingly common the United States. If you have more than ten employees in your business, statistics show that at least one of them has used an illicit drug at some point in their life. Keeping this in mind, do you have a policy in place to ensure your workplace is a drug-free zone? It can be tempting to believe that your employees are living up to the expectations...

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7 Signs You Should Accept That Developer Job Offer

You nailed the job interview and aced every tech question — and now the employer is ready to make you a job offer. But are you ready to accept it? Taking — or declining — a job is no small decision. A career choice can be tough, as you have to factor in a lot of things, from income to commute time to career opportunities. A workplace that doesn't align with what matters to you can...

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Can't Find Good Candidates? Take a Long, Hard Look at Your Brand

"Where have all the good (wo)men gone?" Ever heard a someone say something like this while in the dating scene? I certainly have. And I have heard the same kind of complaint in recruiting, too — from frustrated job seekers who say there are no more good companies out there, and from business owners who feel the pool of great candidates has simply dried up. I have felt this way...

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Ongoing Training: 4 Astounding Benefits for Your Employees

No job remains the same forever — and even if it did, your employees would rather not stagnate. Research shows that employees want to learn and grow in their careers. Eighty-seven percent of millennials say professional development and career growth opportunities are very important factors in their employment decisions — which helps to explain why companies spend a combined $70...

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Solving the Employee Engagement Challenge

Leaders everywhere are scrambling to find solutions to their employee engagement challenges — and with good reason. Per Gallup, engagement levels are still abysmal: Only 33 percent of employees are engaged, and engagement levels only increased by 3 percent between 2012 and 2016. The conclusion is clear: Engagement hasn't yet been addressed in a way that leads to lasting change. We've...

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4 Interview Questions That Will Shine a Light on Top Sales Candidates

Sales employees are the face of your company. Obviously, the importance of hiring the right reps can't be underestimated. You know it's critical to find top sales reps — and you also know it's a challenge to recruit them once you do. With unemployment at an all-time low, it's especially important to make every interview as effective as possible. Take a deep breath. You can do...

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Tips for Talking Gender Identity in the Workplace

As conversations related to gender identity become more common in a variety of settings, including the workplace, it is important for everyone to learn how to talk about this subject in a thoughtful and supportive manner. As legislative protections for LGBTQ+ rights are rolled back in some places, more companies are stepping up to take care of their employees. In 2017, more than 500...

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The Unpaid Internship: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In January, the US Department of Labor (DOL) released new guidelines clarifying the requirements an unpaid internship must meet in order to be legal. Unpaid internships have always sparked controversy, as having anyone do anything labor-wise for free seems unethical — unless you truly understand the benefits and purpose of an unpaid internship. The Good I think, implemented...

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When Are We Going to Close Down the Open Office?

I hear from hesitant job seekers every day. They've been searching for a new job for ages. When they finally receive an offer, they're not sure whether to take it — not because of the money, but because of the office setup. For years, open offices have been all the rage. Many managers say the environment fosters collaboration and connection. But collaboration and connection don't seem...

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5 Questions to Ask a Benefits Broker Before Signing On

According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI), benefits packages are key factors when employees consider whether to remain at their current jobs or leave for new roles elsewhere. In today's tight labor market, employers need to build attractive benefits packages not only to win the war for talent, but also to retain employees so they don't get poached by competitors. In...

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How Internships Make Great Sourcing Opportunities

Internship programs can solve a variety of problems. Many startups love hiring interns because they don't have the funds to hire enough full-time employees, while others might want top talent straight out of college. Additionally, many companies of all sizes view internship programs as great ways to expand their talent pools without much risk. Students have their own reasons for seeking...

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10 Best Tips for Not Blowing Up Your Job Interview

Congratulations! You've gotten through the door and landed yourself an interview. Now, you must sell yourself. Close the deal by demonstrating why you are the best choice to meet the employer's needs. Last year, Entrepreneur published a list of interviewing mistakes to avoid that I think offers a good place to start — but I don't think it covers everything. That's why I'd like to...

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Did the California Supreme Court Poison the Gig Economy?

The landscape of the freelance economy is bound to change following a recent decision from the California Supreme Court. The resulting decision from Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court has made it much more difficult for employers to classify individuals as independent contractors. Now, companies of all sizes may have to reclassify many of their independent contractors as...

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