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3 Best Practices for Managing Your Retail Staff During the Holidays

If you work in the retail industry, you know we're heading into the busiest time of the year. To accommodate for the surge of holiday season shoppers, American retailers are expected to hire between 585,000 and 650,000 temporary workers, according to The National Retail Federation. That's a ton of new workers — and if you're a manager, they're all your responsibility. You need to be...

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How to Cut Your Time to Hire by Recruiting Ahead of Demand

The exact number varies from industry to industry, but the average time to hire across all sectors is 42 days. That means 42 days of a vital role in your organization left empty. This is far too long. Not only are you losing revenue, but imagine how many offers aside from your own a top candidate could field in the space of 42 days? Is it possible to eliminate hiring delays and avoid...

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How Managers Can Embrace Data-Driven Decision-Making

Every organization claims to be data-driven. That makes sense, considering data is the new oil: It's the resource every enterprise needs to control in order to keep the wheels of production turning. Indeed, data is fundamental, especially when it comes to business strategy. Way too often, however, "data-driven decision-making" just means that data operations end up driving everything....

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5 Ways to Give Your Digital Marketing Career a Boost

Digital marketing is a relatively new industry, which means there is little in the way of uniform, established methods for improving your digital marketing career. In general, that's the case for any career in any field. Our careers depend on our individual personalities and capabilities. They develop at different paces according to a wide range of factors, some within our control and...

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Why You Should Join the 'YouEconomy'

Article by Amy Anderson They can't fire you — you quit! Congrats, and welcome to the "YouEconomy," the growing movement of passion-pursuers and dignity-defenders making money on their own terms. In an era when the relationship between employer and employee has changed from a paternal one to a transactional one, those who embrace the YouEconomy are ahead of the game. As...

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How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace, Part 1: Project-Based Work

We can all agree that increasing workforce productivity is a general business goal — and that "increasing productivity" doesn't just mean "doing more with less." Rather, it means actually trying to improve outcomes for both the business and its employees. Search the internet and you'll find a wide range of opinions on how to boost productivity, from improving recruitment efforts to...

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My Journey to the C-Suite as a Millennial Executive

If I had to summarize my career in one word, it would be "exhilarating." Over the course of 13 years, I've had opportunities to mentor aspiring leaders, establish overseas operations, and run the global sales organization for the one company I've been working for since graduating college. I started my career at global recruitment technology provider Bullhorn as an entry-level sales...

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How Addressing an Alcohol Problem Now Can Boost Your Professional Success Later

If you're looking to get ahead in your career, going to rehab for an alcohol problem is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. Time spent in inpatient rehab for any mental health problem — especially for a substance addiction, which can carry a heavier negative stigma than other mental health conditions — is not exactly a big resume-builder. What many people don't know,...

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10 Signs You're Running a LinkedIn Marathon

The running joke where I work is that I need a LinkedIn intervention, though I prefer not to think of my LinkedIn engagement as an addiction. Rather, I think of it as a marathon. Marathon runners are relentless — as am I when it comes to LinkedIn. Are you running your own LinkedIn marathon? That depends. Do these 10 signs apply to you? 1. You're on LinkedIn Every Day My...

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Why It's Time to Embrace to 'Accidental Networking'

Networking is a loaded topic for many job seekers. Everyone knows they need to do it, but a lot of us hate it. But what if you could start networking in your everyday life without thinking twice about it? So-called "accidental networking" is a real phenomenon. Basically, it's what I used to call "being a people person." It isn't meant to replace more traditional networking, but it can...

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How to Get Unstuck and Achieve Your Personal Goals

Setting personal goals is easy — but sticking to them can be tricky business. Distractions, instant gratifications, and a calendar of obligations can all derail your plans. When you find yourself stuck on the path to your goals, getting yourself moving in the right direction again can seem like a bigger hurdle than actually achieving your goals — but it's not impossible. Here...

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How HR Can Help Drive Green Business Initiatives

Every year in the US, more than 5.3 billion tons of carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere. That's the same weight as 24 million Statues of Liberty or 6 trillion baseball bats! On a similar note, 51 percent of Americans wouldn't work for a company that doesn't have "strong social or environmental commitments," according to a Cone Communications survey. As an HR pro, you...

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5 Tips for Women to Ensure Equity in Total Compensation

And the hits keep coming! Just when it looked like salary disparities were the primary factor behind the gender wage gap, the ADP Research Institute has released a groundbreaking study that shows bonuses may be even worse offenders. Not all jobs offer bonuses or incentive pay, but in those that do, bonuses can make up a hefty portion of an employee's compensation package. Bonuses...

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How Automated Workforce Management Can Address the Healthcare Skills Gap

The vast majority of nurses are overworked because of an ever-growing skills gap in the healthcare sector, and nursing managers are not immune. The more time spent on administrative tasks, the less time spent on critical patient care. Without an efficient labor management plan in place, it is ultimately the patient who suffers. When scheduling healthcare workers, managers must account for...

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Happy Holidays! It's a Great Time to Find a Job

Conventional wisdom has it that the end of the year is the worst time to look for a job. Many view that Bermuda Triangle period from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years as a waste of time, since yearly budgets have already been spent and decision-makers and HR folks are out on vacation. However, I'd like to propose that now is actually the best time to turn up the heat searching the...

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How SMBs Can Compete With Large Companies in the Talent Market

Even when the talent pool is plentiful, small businesses find themselves locked in fierce competition for talent against larger companies equipped with more resources. As the US unemployment drops below 4 percent and the economy hums along, that struggle may only get tougher. To contend with the major corporations of the world, small business owners need to get creative. Here are nine...

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LinkedIn Is a Lot More Than a Professional Networking Site Now

I recently attended LinkedIn's annual human resources event, Talent Connect. Held in Anaheim, California, the event showcased everything LinkedIn has been working on in 2018 and its plans for the future. LinkedIn presented on everything from its new applicant tracking system to how it is expanding online learning systems with LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as Lynda.com). Today,...

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Is It Taking Too Long to Fill Roles? Here's What to Do About It:

Did you know only 30 percent of companies are able to fill their vacant roles in less than 30 days? For most other companies, the process can take 1-4 months! Taking too long to fill a role doesn't just increase the cost per hire — it also increases your risk of losing high-quality candidates to other offers. According to one survey, 57 percent of job seekers will lose interest in a job...

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The Top 3 Characteristics of Underrated Rock Star Sales Candidates

Your top sales employees have sales goal numbers to prove their worth. Some may even have awards, or they regularly land new major accounts. These are obvious signs that a sales rep is successful, but they aren't the only characteristics that define leading pros in the field. Unfortunately, recruiters typically look only for the obvious signs of success in sales candidates. This leaves...

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What Your Student Loans Can Teach You About Job Hunting

If you're on the hunt for a new job, you're likely aware of how overwhelming it can be to pay off student loans while you're looking for work. Many new graduates face this challenge, considering the average student leaves school owing $39,400 in student debt. While student loans can put a strain on your budget, they can also teach you valuable lessons that can help with the job search. For...

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How Retailers Can Hit Seasonal Hiring Quotas in Today's Competitive Job Market

For retailers, the fall means it's time to kick off seasonal hiring efforts — and retailers have big plans for 2018. Target hopes to hire 120,000 additional workers for the holiday season rush, Kohl's is seeking 90,000, and Macy's looks to add 80,000, according to CBS. These are ambitious targets, given the current 3.7 percent unemployment rate. Competition for good candidates will...

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How to Find a Side Hustle That Works for You

If you're between jobs or feeling unfulfilled in your current role, you may want to consider taking up a side hustle — a flexible gig that allows you to manage your own schedule and explore new creative or business avenues while earning money. Many people are dissatisfied or, frankly, bored with their current jobs. Side hustles can provide a creative, and even social and emotional,...

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Benefits on the Fringe: Paid Time Off for Voting in Elections

Welcome to Benefits on the Fringe, the monthly Recruiter.com column where Jason McDowell covers the most unique benefits today's employers are using to woo talent, as well as advances and innovations in the employee benefits realm. Voting is arguably the most important civic responsibility of any citizen living in a democracy, yet voter turnout in the United States is typically much lower...

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Are Collaborative Goals the Key to Employee Motivation?

Managers have long understood the importance of effective goal-setting for employee motivation. Much more than a means of quantitatively measuring employee performance, goal-setting combines clear deadlines and established objectives to help employees work in a more structured and effective manner. When done well, goal-setting can increase employee engagement, boost employee performance,...

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How Inclusion Can Lead to a Healthy Workforce

I recently delivered my first TEDx Talk, "The Exclusive Nature of Inclusion," which saw me talk openly about my childhood experiences of bullying through a variety of perceived "differences" and the emotional challenges I faced around feeling safe, belonging, and having a contribution that mattered. Given that inclusion is so connected to mental health and well-being, I find myself...

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Will a New Hire Work Out? 6 Signs to Watch For

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: After 90 days, you should have a good idea whether a new employee will work out. What is the top trait you look for in new hires when evaluating whether to keep them on board? Why is that trait particularly important? The answers below are provided by...

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3 Things to Keep in Mind During Your Career Transition

Many of us dream of making a career transition, but actually making the change can be a daunting task. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you navigate the rough waters of a career change: 1. Anxiety Is Normal Once the excitement of landing a job in your new career has worn off, you may find yourself lying awake a night, wondering if you're really up for the challenge. Know that...

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7 Best Practices for Building Client Relationships

Everyone has had bad customer experiences, and few of us return to do business with companies that treat us poorly. The success of any company, including a recruiting firm, hinges on strong, positive client relationships. A recent study found that 13 percent of customers will tell 15 or more people about a negative experience with a brand, while 72 percent will share a positive experience...

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5 Data Security Measures Your Employee Onboarding Software Needs

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) originates in the European Union (EU), but its implications regarding the collection and management of personal data stretch far beyond the EU's borders. While the GDPR emphasizes consumer information, this regulation also affects the way companies maintain employee data. Organizations must now operate with greater transparency and ensure the...

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The Importance of Informal Leaders

In today's continually evolving markets, rapid change has become a fact of life. Unfortunately, at many companies, senior management fails to realize how threatening change can be for middle management and line employees, the key personnel who are ultimately tasked with implementing the dictations and vision of top management. Middle management and line employees have built up ways of getting...

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How to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions

You've been invited to an interview. Now what? In addition to researching the company, you also need to be sure you are prepared to answer the questions you're likely to face. Let's review some of the most common interview questions and how to answer them: 1. Tell Me About Yourself The interviewer doesn't really care about how many children you have, where you grew up, or your...

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When Should You Choose a Generalist Recruiter Over a Specialist?

If you're thinking of hiring a recruiting firm, you're probably wondering whether to hire a firm that specializes in your industry. You've probably heard a lot of pretty convincing reasons why you should choose a specialized recruiter over a generalist, but that doesn't mean generalists can't be valuable partners. Full transparency: I run a generalist recruitment firm. Full...

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Are Employers Playing Chicken With Your Salary History?

You want to feel like your work means something, like a professional performing their craft. Unfortunately, looking for a job can make you feel like a discount item on a shelf at a big box store. This is especially true during salary discussions. During your first phone call with a company's HR department, the rep will ask you how much money you make — or how much you want to...

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Planning a Perfect Performance Management Process From Start to Finish

Mention performance management, and employees and managers alike will wrinkle their noses in disgust. This is because many don't understand the true goals and benefits of great performance management processes. Performance management is an ongoing process designed to benchmark and improve employees' work results and, by extension, the company's overall success. That's why so many...

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Are You Selling Yourself Short on Your Resume?

Modesty? There's a time and a place for it, but trying to land an interview for your dream job is certainly neither. Your resume is your personal marketing tool. If it's not selling your skills, achievements, and experience effectively, it's putting the brakes on your job search. Want to know if your resume is selling you short? Check out the following tips: Are You Holding...

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Avoid These Mistakes When Building Your Personal Brand

When you want to build a name for yourself, taking time to focus on your brand is crucial. What is a personal brand? In short, it's who you are, what you are good at, and what people go to you for. It's your reputation and your unique set of skills, values, and strengths. Your personal brand represents your value to your target company. In today's digital world, boosting your brand...

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How to Write a Resume That Wins Interviews

Recruiters only spend about six seconds reading your resume before they make a decision about your qualifications, which means you have very little time to catch and retain their attention. In my experience as a resume writer, I have noticed my clients making the same job-costing mistakes over and over. These mistakes are usually made in the professional profile, work experience, and...

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What Does Artificial Intelligence Think of Your Resume?

When you think of artificial intelligence (AI), what comes to mind? Do you imagine some sort of master computer that knows all? Do you think about films like I, Robot or Ex Machina? Science fiction has warped our expectations of AI and robotics. We're a far way off from a robot apocalypse, but AI has slowly entered into our everyday lives in a number of small ways. Over the past decade...

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How to Stop Turnover Before It Hurts Your Company

It's no secret high employee turnover hurts your bottom line. It is estimated that the average cost of a lost team member is 38 percent of the employee's annual salary. Considering the average income in the US is $50,000 a year, that's $19,000 per person! Turnover is typically calculated by dividing the number of people who have left the organization by the number of people currently...

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5 Tips for More Efficient Recruiting and Sourcing

Much like people, every business is unique, and this extends to how companies source, engage, and hire candidates. Some businesses do group interviews, some prefer to use text messages, and others enjoy more traditional methods like posting on job boards or advertising in newspapers. But no matter what a company does, no talent acquisition process is perfect. There's always room for...

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How Does Your Company Define a 'Diverse Workforce'?

As the "melting pot" country, America is an amalgamation of many cultural backgrounds, providing a strong foundation for openness and inclusion for people of all lived experiences and abilities. As Disability Employment Awareness Month, October is a particularly appropriate time to renew the commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace. It has been proven time...

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4 Innovative Trends in Online Recruiting

With the unemployment rate sitting at a steady low, many companies in the US are no longer able to rely solely on incoming applications to fill their roles. There's more pressure to be proactive in your hiring efforts than ever before, especially if you want to source the best talent. While proactive hiring may sound like a lot of work for talent acquisition pros, the good news is new...

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Ensuring a Great Candidate Experience in High-Volume Recruiting

As of recent, candidate experience has become a primary concern in the world of HR. It's a reasonable development: Today, it's a candidate's world. We're just working in it. As the job market shifts in the candidate's favor, employers need to dive deep into their recruiting processes to make sure applicants are enjoying their experiences with the company from the very beginning. This...

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Wages for Nannies Are on the Rise in America's 'Child Care deserts.' Here's How to Make the Most of the Opportunity:

Across the country, there's a growing demand for quality child care professionals. It's a great profession. Working with children provides a rewarding career path, rising wages, and flexible hours. Researchers say automation will affect 47 percent of American jobs in the next 20 years — but child care jobs will not be among them. And there's plenty of opportunity in the field. In state...

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The Reality of Being Underpaid

Have you ever heard that just getting your foot in the door with a target employer is enough? The theory is that if you get your foot in the door, even at a low level, you can work your way up over time. I understand the reasoning behind this career strategy, and it has been common wisdom for quite a while. In today's professional environment, however, this approach can backfire. Many...

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How to Be an HR Partner, Not Just a Paper Pusher

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, HR managers are meant to "oversee the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organization's management and its employees." Unfortunately, the day-to-day reality of working in HR often means duties like handling onboarding paperwork and managing changes...

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Goodbye, Swivel Seat: LinkedIn Pursues a More Holistic Approach to Recruiting

Despite its high profile as one of the most well-known and widely used sourcing solutions, LinkedIn Recruiter suffers from a bit an image problem. It's not that LinkedIn Recruiter is held in poor esteem — but rather that many talent acquisition pros don't totally understand the tool's real goal. "A lot of people kind of misunderstand what Recruiter does," says Dan Reid, group...

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5 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete With Large Firms for Top Talent

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is one way recruiters can attract top talent when competing with larger, more well-known competitors? The answers below are provided by members of YEC Next, an invitation-only community for the world's most promising early-stage...

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