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The Secret to Side Hustle Success in 2019

According to a recent survey, side hustles are more popular than ever: 51 percent of millennials moonlight sometimes, and 38 percent of them make money from side hustles once a month. These side hustles also tend to pay pretty well — almost $700 a month for the average hustler. Want in on this game? Then you'll need to know the secret to side hustle success. Otherwise, you may fall...

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Job Hopping: Does It Help or Hurt Your Career?

A couple of generations ago, people would get hired out of college or high school expecting to stay with the same company until retirement. Today, that career approach is very much the exception rather than the rule. It has been reported that millennials resign from their jobs almost twice as often as older workers. In fact, 75 percent of people ages 18 to 34 think job hopping might be...

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Leadership in Context: How to Lead in Any Situation

Like the great Rosetta Stone helped us break through seemingly impenetrable language barriers, the concept of "leadership in context" could help us break through the leadership development barriers that prevent us from becoming the best leaders we can be in the workplace. By "leadership in context," I mean the idea that we can create a comprehensive framework of leadership styles based on...

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How to Deal With Rejection During a Career Change

Dealing constructively with rejection is an important part of almost any job hunt, but especially when you're making a career change. When you switch industries or take on a role that doesn't quite fit with your previous experience, you have to be prepared for some pushback. According to psychologist Guy Winch, "the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as...

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The 6 Biggest Mistakes You're Making on LinkedIn

So you want to get a new job. The first thing you should do is update your LinkedIn profile — which is actually easier said than done. Many job seekers make big mistakes when prepping their profiles, sabotaging their searches without even realizing it. Here are six mistakes you're making on LinkedIn right now: 1. You Don't Have a Photo It is no longer okay to opt out of having...

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13 Approaches to Recruiting Employees via Social Media

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is the best way to use social media to recruit new employees? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly...

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Stop Distressing About Disgruntled Employees and Take Action

Disgruntled employees pop up in all workplaces. They may be responding to the pressure of working in a fast-paced environment for demanding bosses. They may bring their personal difficulties into work and allow them to influence their interactions with coworkers or their performance. They may perceive they are being treated less favorably than their coworkers in terms of pay, perks,...

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5 Metrics You Must Measure to Achieve the Gold Standard of High-Volume Recruiting

High-volume recruiting can be difficult to navigate for the uninitiated. Without the right hiring data — and the right understanding of that data — you may end up with inaccurate forecasts and overwhelming hiring shortfalls. The good news is it is never too late to start analyzing your high-volume recruiting process and fixing the problems you uncover. Not sure where to start? Here...

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Step Up Your Recruiting Game by Using the Rockefeller Habits

Thirty years ago, I joined a staffing and recruiting firm as marketing director and began working my way up the ranks. I eventually became a partner in the organization. In 2005, I learned about the Rockefeller Habits and began practicing them in both my personal and professional lives. For the uninitiated, the habits were developed by Verne Harnish based on the business practices and...

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Want More Accurate Hiring Reports? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions:

Hiring reports are critical to modern recruiting success, but they can do more harm than good if they are based on inaccurate or misleading data. Here are several key considerations to help you create more accurate hiring reports that help, rather than hinder, your recruiting efforts: 1. Do Your Reports Contain Inaccurate Data? This may seem obvious, but it bears mentioning...

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The Candidate Experience FAQ: Your 5 Burning Questions, Answered

In a candidate-driven market, the candidate experience is more important than ever. Companies are beginning to realize that providing a positive hiring experience is integral to attracting the A players they need. However, the candidate experience, as a concept, isn't so cut and dry. For that reason, we've decided to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about what the...

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Will the 4-Day Workweek Become a Universal Reality?

In late 2018, some news from New Zealand perked up the ears of workers and employers worldwide: An experiment with a four-day workweek at estate-planning firm Perpetual Guardian proved to be a resounding success. Employees were more productive, more satisfied, and more committed all while enjoying a better work/life balance and less stress. The experiment got a lot of people thinking. As...

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How to Interrupt Someone During a Meeting

Picture this: You're in a client meeting along with a few of your colleagues. The client asks a question, and one of your colleagues starts to answer it — but you can tell he has misheard the question. You observe the client pursing her lips, a slight frown appearing on her face as she realizes she is not getting the information she needs. Your colleague is oblivious and continues talking....

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How to Stand Out From All the Other January Job Seekers and Land the Interview

The holidays are behind us, and the party is over. It has been a few weeks since you returned to the same old job and the same old routines. Once again, you're having thoughts of looking for a new job. There is good reason why the start of a new year sends so many of us to the job boards. It's the season of new beginnings and new resolutions. Many of us spent our holidays talking about...

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3 Ways Technology Can Help Recruiters Assess Candidate Soft Skills

According to a Deloitte report, talent acquisition (TA) teams that use AI, predictive data analytics and other advanced technology tools are more successful than those that don't. Despite this fact, the adoption of new technologies tends to proceed at a slower pace in recruiting relative to other aspects of a business. While technology can make outreach more efficient, decrease time to...

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Why Face-to-Face Workplace Communication Is So Vital in the Digital Era

From the coworker who is constantly getting "dings" on their phone to our culture's obsession with social media, there's good reason for the growing concern regarding the way we engage with digital tools to communicate in the workplace. In fact, much of the technology designed to make us more productive in the professional world can actually do the exact opposite. For starters,...

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Keep Your Jargon to Yourself

Have you ever wondered how your website is doing in the SERPs? What about your PPC? Are you getting a good CPA? What about the CPM? Are you tracking all of your KPIs? Was that paragraph obnoxious or what? There's a good chance I almost lost you. Maybe I did lose you, and you just skipped down to this paragraph in the hopes it would be better. I certainly couldn't blame you if that were...

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5 Thoughtful Ways to Retain Your Top Talent

Employee turnover costs US companies $160 billion a year. That's a sobering statistic for any organization, but the stakes can be even higher in certain industries. For example, failure to retain key talent can be a potentially life-threatening situation for a health care company. As we kick off 2019, employers have to consider how they can ensure their employees will want to spend...

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5 Ways Recruiters Can Use Content Marketing

Could content marketing help attract candidates and gain the interest of employers? If you own a recruiting company or operate as an independent recruiter, you will be pleased to know that the answer is yes. To quote Geoff Mason, content director at consulting firm Project One, "From a recruitment perspective, is working extremely well." According to Mason, a single video has been...

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How to Use Technology to Manage the Cost and Complexity of Business Regulation

Executives in senior management face many challenges, and chief among them might just be the growing cost and complexity of regulation. As a result, regulators are under pressure to increase efficiency and response times, as regulatory backlogs can have serious impacts on business innovation and growth. The good news is advances in technology can help regulators and businesses work...

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10 Tips Working Mothers Can Use to Maintain Their Well-Being

Too often, working mothers are expected to work as if they didn't have children and to raise children as if they didn't work. However, despite the many challenges that come with juggling work and family, there are ways to maintain your well-being. Here are 10 tips I've learned as a working mom of five children, a sociologist, and founder of a social platform dedicated to empowering...

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Structured for Success: Resume Formatting 101

The average recruiter spends just six seconds looking at a resume. With this in mind, applicants need to ensure their resumes are easy to read so that recruiters can find the hiring data they are looking for within that minuscule time frame. The best way to make sure your resume lands in the "yes" pile is to structure it for success. Keep the Format Simple You want to make sure your...

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3 Reasons Better Benefits Packages Are Critical to Business Success

With 29 percent of workers planning to leave their jobs in 2019, according to a survey from the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), employers need to understand how to get employees to stay. One key to retention: benefits. The AICPA jobs report showed that 80 percent of people would choose a job with better benefits over a job with better pay but no benefits. In the midst of...

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7 Reasons Your Company Needs to Adopt Video Interviewing Software in 2019

Video interviewing software has been available for a decade now, but only 60 percent of recruiters and hiring managers use the technology. If your company hasn't tried the software yet, you're missing out on a great opportunity to find better candidates and make your recruiting process more efficient. Here are seven reasons why 2019 is the year you should give video interviewing a...

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Student Recruiting: Why You Need to Show Up on Campus Regularly

Campus recruitment events are hotbeds for high-quality candidates who are chomping at the bit to join your company and help it succeed. To get the most out of these events, your organization needs to maintain a consistent presence on campus throughout the year. Simply dropping in on occasion is not enough. Showing up regularly can boost your employer brand, improve candidate engagement,...

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The 4 Keys to Good Candidate-Recruiter Relationships

Good candidate-recruiter relationships should be a top priority for both candidates and recruiters. Being open, honest, and trustworthy benefits both parties. Recruiters will make more placements and better serve their clients with high-quality talent, and candidates will find the roles that are truly right for them. Here are four things both candidates and recruiters should know about...

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4 Ways to Boost Engagement at Work in 2019

Employee engagement is critical in the war for talent. Even as technological innovation transforms the way business is done, the success of an organization still depends on the people whose passions, insights, and talents drive it forward. When your employees feel good and are motivated to deliver strong results, customer satisfaction, innovation, and your bottom line all benefit. Today,...

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The Impact of Weight Bias on Talent Management

We are subject to as many as 188 cognitive biases at any given time. Nearly every judgment we make is influenced by one or more of these inherent biases, affecting both our thoughts and actions every day of our lives. Our struggle with bias is basically the result of how our brains work. According to business and organizational change consultant Sylvana Storey, bias "happens...

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7 Essential Tech Tools for a Successful Remote Business

Businesses large and small, old and new are embracing remote work these days. Given the benefits that such an arrangement can provide in terms of morale, engagement, and productivity, it's no surprise remote work has proven quite popular. A Gallup poll found 43 percent of Americans work remotely occasionally, and it has been predicted that 50 percent of the UK workforce will work remotely...

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It's the 'Best Job Market in a Generation' — Use It to Your Advantage

2019 is set to be an amazing year for job seekers. In fact, according to Glassdoor Chief Economist Andrew Chamberlain, "this is the best job market we have seen in an entire generation." If I could knock on the door of every single reader to deliver this message personally, I would. If I could yell it from rooftops everywhere, I would. If you have been thinking of looking for a new...

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3 Keys to Building an Effective Learning and Development Program

Your employees already have so much on their plates. There's no time for them — or you — to be worrying about learning and development, right? Wrong. Companies with strong learning and development programs gain significant advantages over their competitors on many levels. For example, the companies that invest most heavily in employee training see 24 percent higher profit...

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Winning the War for Talent: It All Depends on AI

While some recruiters and HR pros are concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) is replacing them, those enjoying the most success are those working alongside AI. In fact, companies using AI-driven recruiting technology have been able to cut the cost per screen by as much as 75 percent while reducing turnover by 35 percent. The average recruiter spends 13 hours every week sourcing...

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Support Employees With Disabilities — Improve Your Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in 2019

The start of a new year is a good time for company leaders and managers to reevaluate their business goals. Did you meet the objectives you set for yourself in 2018? Have you improved throughout the year? Has the company grown in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? CSR challenges companies to be socially accountable and to impact positively all aspects of society. Adopting CSR...

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3 Tips for Upskilling Employees in Fast-Changing Fields

As companies strive to compete in today's digital ecosystem, HR departments are facing two major hurdles in staffing workplaces. First, the low unemployment rate has created a shallow candidate pool. Second, the skills employees currently hold are quickly becoming irrelevant as new technologies and processes are introduced, leading to widening talent gaps. Skills shortages impact...

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How Mobile Apps Will Change the Way You Manage High-Volume Recruiting Events

Event management is a difficult skill to master, even for the most experienced of recruiters. However, it's also a necessary skill for any talent acquisition team looking to succeed at a high-volume recruiting event. Luckily, we live during a time of intense technological innovation. Mobile apps are changing everything — including the way recruiters manage high-volume recruiting events....

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Sales Enablement: How to Give Your Staff the Best Training Possible

Put simply, sales enablement is the culmination of the tools, resources, and training required to help salespeople sell more. It encompasses everything from best sales practices to getting the right customer-facing content in front of the right person at the right time. With the right sales enablement, salespeople have everything they need to successfully engage the customer throughout the...

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How to Avoid Student Loan Default Before Your Employer Gets Involved

If you stop making payments on a student loan, your loan can become delinquent. You could be charged fees, start getting collection calls, and lose repayment options. Fall far enough behind on your payments, and your loan may go into default, meaning you'll owe the entire past due amount right away. Once in default, your servicer might be able to garnish your wages — that is, take...

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Streamline the Hiring Process to Avoid Death by Interview

Also known as "interview fatigue," death by interview happens when the interview process grows so long that the best candidates start bailing and the rest of them become demoralized. High-quality candidates have options. They don't have to put up with lengthy, drawn-out hiring processes — so they don't. The best candidates are generally off the market after only 10 days. Given...

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Exit Strategy: How Companies Can Fight Back Against Increasing Attrition

Whether you know it or not, more than half of your workforce is actively looking for another job or at least keeping an eye out for new opportunities. Many organizations are responding by shifting recruitment and retention efforts into overdrive — often with little or no real strategy. Today, even the most well-informed employers are at a loss to explain why so many employees are...

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Joy in the Workplace: the Key to Retaining Employees

Recently, a colleague of mine asked me what I thought was the most important quality in a workplace. My answer was simple: joy. Every employee wants to be happy at work and proud of what they do. A joyful workplace environment can help them achieve these things — while also fostering growth, encouraging healthy communication, and promoting a positive culture. While joy is key to...

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Why AI Can't Eliminate Bias From Recruiting by Itself

If you haven't heard already, AI can have a bias — if you make it biased. What we mean by this is AI algorithms are supposed to be unbiased. But if they're created by people with unconscious biases, they have the potential to adopt them into their programming (even if it wasn't intentional). As AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics infiltrate every aspect of the recruiting...

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College Recruiting: How to Own an On- or Off-Campus Event

It may be January, but it's never too early to start thinking about your college recruiting strategy. You want to be prepared to attract top talent as soon as they graduate and enter the job market. Do you know about the kinds of college recruiting events you can attend? Do you know how to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of the best young candidates? Whether you're...

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Help Employees Fulfill Their New Year's Resolutions With Holistic Financial Wellness Benefits

The beginning of the new year is a monumental time for everyone. For many, it involves dreaming about new adventures on the horizon and moving on to new chapters in life. When the ball drops in Times Square, we turn over new leaves and begin chasing after new goals, or "resolutions" as we like to call them this time of year. Resolutions vary from person to person and year to year, but a...

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It's Never Too Early to Recruit Your Future STEM Employees

It takes no more than a cursory glance at most tech startup teams to see that the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professions are heavily male-dominated. Year after year, statistics show a staggering gender imbalance in STEM, with women making up a mere 29 percent of the science and engineering workforce. Experts agree the keys to getting more women into these career...

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5 Dangerous Myths About Leading Software Teams

A booming industry, technology draws young leaders from all over the world. As one of those leaders, you may end up in charge of anything from a scrappy team of startup warriors to a group of veteran professionals within a large, well-established organization. Many of the core leadership principles apply to software teams, but there are also certain considerations exclusive to the...

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It's the Little Things: Strengthen Your Executive Resume by Focusing on the Details

If you've ever been on a job hunt before, you likely know the importance of details — but do you know which details to include on a senior-level resume? A professional resume writer may be able to help you with formatting, length, and similar concerns, but even they don't know the details of your work history. When you're applying for a senior-level position, strengthen your resume by...

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Sales Talent Tells All: Why They're Retreating During Times of Low Unemployment

Low unemployment means one thing for recruiters: more challenging talent acquisition conditions. In fact, the global talent shortage has hit a 12-year high, according to a recent ManpowerGroup survey, with 45 percent of employers reporting they cannot find candidates with the skills they need. A recent MedReps report, "The Truth Revealed: Is Low Unemployment Causing a Medical Sales Jobs...

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Leading While Muslim: Destroying Stereotypes to Build More Inclusive Teams

Editor's note: Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in HR and recruiting circles today, and for good reason: More diverse teams are shown to perform better than their less diverse counterparts. However, many organizations still struggle to implement successful diversity and inclusion initiatives. These programs fail for a number of reasons, but chief among them may be unconscious biases....

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