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Driven to Succeed: 5 Professional Lessons I Learned From Uber Drivers

What can job seekers learn from entrepreneurs? Just about everything. Every day, entrepreneurs are on the front lines of the business world as they create, innovate, solve problems, and strive to outpace their competitors and better serve their customers. Creativity, critical thinking, and agility are all part of the entrepreneurial mindset that is key to success whether you work for...

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How to Negotiate a Pay Raise With Just About Anyone

Believing you deserve a raise is one thing; successfully negotiating a change in your salary or benefits package is quite another. While your priorities might be clear to you, the conflicting interests a company may be dealing with behind the scenes are often less apparent. That said, fear of being told "no" shouldn't stop you from asking for what you're worth. Whether your boss is a...

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Want Ridiculously Talented Hires? Make Your Recruitment Process More Collaborative

Eighteen percent of respondents to a survey from employer branding agency Ph.Attraction said the receptionist at their last interview seemed to care more about them than the interviewer did. This red flag suggests some companies are failing to deliver the right kinds of recruitment experiences. Applicants who know their worth evaluate the recruitment process with a keen eye. If they feel a...

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Put Down Your Phone: 4 Brain-Building Activities You Can Do at the Bar

Article by Srini Pillay The bar is crowded. You've ordered your favorite drink, and your friends have not arrived yet, so you grab your phone to scroll mindlessly through Instagram or send a few work emails while you wait. This is far from a unique situation. In fact, Americans check their phones about 80 times a day. However, retweeting, liking, and texting instead of looking up from...

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First Day on the Job: Make a Great Impression Without Coming on Too Strong

It's your first day on the job, and you want to make a great impression on your supervisor and coworkers. This is an understandable urge, but you must be careful. You don't want to come on too strong — like a person wearing so much perfume or cologne you can smell them before you see them. You don't want to be that person, metaphorically — and literally! — speaking. The following...

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5 Easy Ways to Recognize Employees

If you've spent any amount of time trying to improve employee engagement, you know it can be an uphill battle. According to Gallup's most recent "State of the American Workplace" report, 67 percent of US employees are not engaged at work. There are many causes behind this epidemic, but one of the most common reasons why people don't feel engaged is that they feel...

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11 Recruiting Events to Be Inspired by in 2019

Whether you're new to talent acquisition or a seasoned professional, attending the right conferences and events is key to your professional success. At least a hundred HR and recruiting conferences exist, giving every recruiter and HR pro the opportunity to learn all there is to know about any given facet of talent management and acquisition. Not sure which conferences and events are...

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How to Make the Shift From Profit-First to Purpose-Forward Business

You have 10 seconds: Describe why you do what you do every day without mentioning money or profit. Describe your purpose in the greater world, not just the world of business. Many, if not most, business leaders would be hard-pressed to complete that exercise. We're often much more comfortable describing what we do than we are talking about why we do it. It can be challenging to define...

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How to Get Back to Peak Performance

No matter how badly you want to get your job done, you just aren't feeling inspired. Maybe you're bored with the work. Maybe company politics are disrupting your concentration. Maybe you feel you are not making the difference you aspire to make in the world. Whatever the cause, being uninspired on the job is not unusual, but it is frustrating. Time becomes your adversary,...

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HR Technology 101: An Authoritative Glossary of Common Terms

Wondering what on earth the difference is between an applicant tracking system (ATS) and an HRIS? Trying to figure why your career in human resources now seems mired in technical terms like these? Don't fear — we put together the following glossary to help you get a firm grasp on what best-of-breed HR technology vendors are talking about when they start spouting jargon: 1....

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5 Easy Ways Stand Out to Employers

Last summer, Geoffrey Owens, once a regular on the legendary Cosby Show, was seen working a — *gulp* — regular job at Trader Joe's. The press quickly ran with the story, and people around the world began making negative comments about Owens's situation. Owens ended up quitting his job because of all the unwanted attention. However, there was a silver lining in all of this: Tyler...

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5 Signs You Should Turn Down That Job Offer to Pursue Your Business Idea

It's not the worst problem to have, but it's a dilemma many entrepreneurs face: take a stable job, or risk your livelihood to turn your business idea into a reality? As someone who chose the second path, I think I can offer some tips to help you figure out whether it's time to take the leap: 1. You Are Committed to Your Idea and Have a Plan to Get It Off the Ground Before you...

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It's Time to Break Up With Your Job

Happy Valentine's Day! It's time to end that toxic eight-hour-a-day relationship. You wouldn't put up with all the negativity in a romantic partner. Why are you putting up with it at work? Every February, I write a column about why it's important to love your job. This year, however, I've decided to take a different approach. I'm going to encourage you to break it off with your job —...

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5 Ways to Boost Your SEO and Attract Top Talent

You've probably heard about search engine optimization (SEO), but you may have assumed it wasn't relevant to you as a recruiter. However, SEO is critical for the success of any business — and that includes recruiting firms. By creating website content with SEO in mind, you can attract more visitors to your job postings and build a stronger reputation with candidates and clients. SEO...

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How to Write a Killer Cover Letter

You've found the perfect job, your resume is ready to go, but there's one last thing on your to-do list: the dreaded cover letter. While it might seem easy to write a one-page letter touting your strengths, many job seekers struggle to understand what, exactly, an employer is looking for and how to translate that into a couple of paragraphs. Cover letters are unavoidable, and many...

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Hiring in a Tight Market: 4 Ways to Fill Roles When Talent Is Scarce

In times of low unemployment, your sourcing, recruiting, and engagement efforts need to be especially strategic. With fewer active candidates in the market, hiring is rough no matter how you slice it. You could settle for less qualified hires. You could try to get by without hiring anyone at all. The better option, however, is to adopt these four hiring strategies to recruit more...

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How to Offer Remote Work Without Disrupting Your Business

Recruiters are constantly striving to attract and retain better talent, and many are increasingly using new perks to seal the deal. One of the easiest perks to offer also happens to be one of the most attractive to today's employees: the ability to work remotely. Why Working Remotely Is So Popular Some companies have embraced remote work so much they've done away with offices...

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Why — and How — Recruiters Should Think Like Marketers

Recruiters who think like marketers have the edge in today's candidate-driven talent market. That's the belief at the core of recruitment marketing, the practice of developing and communicating a value proposition to job candidates in the same way marketers do to customers. Customer-journey mapping is a proven practice in the marketing field, and recruiters can adopt the same...

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5 Voluntary Benefits to Boost the Appeal of Your Total Rewards Program

The war for talent is on, and shrewd employers recognize they need to up the ante to attract and retain human capital in this market. This realization, however, places pressure on the benefits department. Strong core benefits are key to an effective total rewards program, and employers that want to differentiate themselves in the talent market must offer voluntary benefits that appeal to a...

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Your Recruiting Event Is Over — Now What?

You're never truly done in recruiting. Sure, the high-volume recruiting event may be over, but there's plenty of work left for you to do if you want to make the most of your attendance. What you do right after a recruiting event is crucial. This is your chance to set communication expectations and solidify the good impressions you made on candidates. Here are the post-event rituals you...

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Stop Confusing Busyness With Success

"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will." — Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism Over the course of my career, I've found that almost nothing cripples a company like busyness for the sake of busyness. Employees waste precious time on work that isn't directly related to team goals or the company vision, all while spinning their wheels with menial, irrelevant tasks. The result...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Small Business Team Motivated

As a small business owner, you want to hire employees who are agile and adaptable as circumstances change. The smaller your business, the more critical this becomes. You need a team of people who can live without a clear job description and who won't get stressed by the constant flow of events typical in a small, fast-growing company. There is a downside to hiring these kinds of...

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Apply the Genius Habit to Your Job Search

Being able to navigate a job search seamlessly is imperative in the changing landscape of work. While a job search can be intimidating, you need to get used to the idea because you will have to go through the job interview process many times over the course of your career. Gone are the days when most people stayed with the same company — or even the same industry — for their entire...

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The Very Real Dangers of AI — and How HR Tech Vendors Can Fight Them

After working with a lot of organizations in the recruitment artificial intelligence (AI) space, one thing I've realized is that HR and talent acquisition pros are not necessarily welcoming these tools with open arms. In fact, many of them are actively against using AI for recruiting and hiring until some of their fears can be addressed. One fear people often cite is the fear that AI...

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14 Things to Know About Using LinkedIn for Hiring

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is the most important thing to remember when using LinkedIn to post jobs or find candidates? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC...

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My New Pet Peeve: Getting Personal on LinkedIn

Sometimes, you see something you just can't unsee it. Unfortunately, that seems to be happening to me more and more on LinkedIn. What was once a very professional website is now host to some very unprofessional things, and it's frankly shocking. I've tried to push it out of my mind, but I just can't any longer. I've seen an influx of cartoon profile photos, as well as overly casual...

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5 Tips to Help Recruiters Win Government Contracts

Securing a government recruiting contract can provide a major boost to the finances of any recruiting firm, but landing a deal with a government agency or department is not the same as landing a deal with a corporate client. Government agencies use a formal procurement process to select suppliers and award contracts, so your recruiting firm must learn to write and submit a quality...

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How to Encourage Employee Voice and Increase Employee Engagement

We know employee engagement is essential to higher-performing teams and more successful companies. Why, then, do so many companies — established organizations and startups alike — still ignore it? When the C-suite focuses on generating revenue while totally ignoring employee needs and relationships, the company is destined to fail. One of the best ways to improve employee...

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Be Honest About Sales Industry Challenges Without Scaring Top Talent Away

Honesty is the foundation that allows trust to grow. As such, it is crucial to any strong, long-lasting relationship — and relationships between recruiters and sales candidates are no exception. Unfortunately, complete honesty can sometimes backfire — think: oversharing. Sales recruiters are quite familiar with this situation: It often happens when they're discussing with candidates...

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How to Maintain a Successful Side Hustle Without Running Afoul of the Law

Whether to pursue their passions, gain experience for a career change, or simply make ends meet, more and more Americans are running side hustles these days, including a little more than half of all millennials. They're making pretty good money doing so, earning an average of $700 a month. But the side-hustle grind isn't all sunshine and roses. It has its downsides, too — like burnout,...

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Gauging the Talent Landscape: The Top Challenges and Priorities of Recruiters in 2019

Resume-Library recently conducted a survey of more than 300 hiring professionals to better understand the challenges they're currently facing, their priorities for the year ahead, and the new technologies they believe will shape the future of our industry. Here are some of the key recruiting and hiring trends to look out for this year, based on the results of the report: Top...

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The 7 Jobs You Should Be Outsourcing Now

No matter its size, every business has those administrative tasks that are at once important, not urgent, and really, really boring. You have two options when it comes to these task. You could: bump them down the to-do list indefinitely, or drop the work you actually enjoy — and get paid to do — and do the admin tasks yourself. At Weploy, we face these challenges...

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The Secret to Low-Stress Recruiting Events: Update Your ATS

Recently, there has been talk of applicant tracking systems (ATSs) becoming obsolete. These conversations often sound incredibly dreary, and many HR managers and recruiters are left wondering what on earth will be next. However, the truth is that ATSs won't disappear. Instead, they and other HR technologies will surely stick around — but only after being transformed into more useful,...

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5 Motivational TED Talks for Anyone Starting a Business

Being the CEO of a startup is all about efficiency. You want to create flawless and productive processes that support your workforce and encourage great performance. That goes for yourself, too: If you can save yourself even a few minutes, you need to leap at the opportunity. There are simply not enough hours in the day when you are trying to get your business off the ground. So,...

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9 Self-Assessment Examples to Help You Prove Your Worth

The annual self-assessment is an important component of the performance management process. It gives you a chance to reflect on your biggest successes and failures and discuss your career and future with your manager. Self-assessments can also strongly impact your standing in the organization. They go into your employee file, which is likely to be reviewed by company executives, HR...

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The Gig Economy Is Growing Because It Has No Other Choice

According to gig economists interviewed in the Wall Street Journal, we were all wrong. Blinded by the shine and rapid rise of Uber and Lyft, the general public and even the experts overestimated the impact of gig-work companies and the numbers they were doing. "The gig economy is actually slowing down," the experts now say. "Not that many people are actually doing gig work," they...

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Designing a Standout Interview Portfolio: What HR Looks For

When applying for a job, most people assume that whether they get the gig depends mostly on who they're competing against and their personal presentation. The logic is sound, but it may not be entirely accurate. In fact, simply including one additional document along with your resume and cover letter could significantly increase your odds of getting hired. The next time you head to an...

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Don't Be Distracted by All the Bells and Whistles — the Old-Fashioned Job Search Tactics Still Work

You've been waiting for the right time, and it's finally here. 2019 is the year — the year you find a new job. You've hated your job for years, but you've stuck it out because you weren't sure of the employment market. Now, the economy has turned around. Job seekers have leverage, and organizations are desperate for talent. You're ready for something new, and this is your perfect chance...

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4 Things to Do Before You Relocate for a Job

Congratulations — you got a new job! Now, it's time to think about relocating. Packing, moving, and settling into a new place can be a stressful and costly undertaking. Paying attention to the details early on can help ensure your move goes forward without a hitch. Here are a few things you need to know and do before relocating for a new job: 1. Review Your Relocation...

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5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers

I want to tell you about a client of mine. We'll call him "Greg." Greg recently took a new job. The company is a successful, mature business, but it is currently having trouble allocating resources to the offshoot division it hired Greg to lead. This wasn't supposed to be a problem — not according to the discussions Greg had with his potential employer during the interview process....

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Your Ideas About Millennial Workers Are All Wrong

Millennials are currently the largest generation in the US labor force, accounting for more than one in every three workers. As more and more of these workers have joined the workforce, we've all heard a wide range of claims about who they are and what they want. Many of the stereotypes surrounding millennials accuse them of being subpar employees and bad hires. Millennials are commonly...

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Recruiting Via Text Message: 6 Ways SMS Can Help You Hire Better

Recruiters spend a lot of time researching the right candidates for a job and even more time reaching out to those candidates, so it's no surprise they become frustrated when candidates ignore their emails and LinkedIn messages. While these tried and tested communication methods can be great for engaging high-demand candidates, they aren't always the best option. People today are busier...

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Offering Disability Protection May Be the Key to Retaining Your Gig Workforce

Companies are relying more and more on contract and gig workers. If current growth rates continue, a little more than half of US workers will be freelancing by 2027, according to the "Freelancing in America" survey. It's easy to see why companies are increasingly leveraging gig workers: They tend to be cheaper than full-timers, they are available on demand, and they offer quick solutions...

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5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Print Designer

Gone are the days when one designer could cover all bases. As the field has become more highly specialized, print and digital designers now take distinct paths to become qualified professionals. That means you can't apply the same tactics to find one as you would to find the other. If you're in need of a print designer, here are five things to look for in a strong candidate: 1. A Resume...

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Your Customers Have Complaints — Listen to Them

Steve Jones began working at Universal Protection Service in 1996, when it reported about $12 million in annual sales. He has since built the Santa Ana-based firm, now called Allied Universal, into the largest US security firm, with a workforce of 210,000 and an estimated $7 billion in sales this year. The following is an excerpt about Jones's first day on the job at Universal...

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12 Lessons on Hiring From Larry Ellison and Marc Benioff

Early in my career, I was fortunate enough to work closely with three extraordinarily gifted CEOs: Oracle's Larry Ellison, Salesforce's Marc Benioff, and Apple's Steve Jobs. Though they were all very different in their respective approaches and leadership styles, they all shared several characteristics. Most prominently, they shared similar ideas about recruiting and hiring. There is...

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Workplace Cannabis Policy: Corporate America's New Recruiting Opportunity

If you knew that a company culture permitted or even promoted cannabis use, would you choose to work there? This may not be the first question you ask when assessing a potential employer, but as cannabis use is gradually legalized at the state level, the impact on the workplace cannot be ignored. Since long before it was legal anywhere, people have reported that working while high had...

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Is Your High-Volume Recruiting Strategy Helping or Harming Your Company?

A corporate job opening typically receives 250 or more applicants. Even armed with a powerful ATS, recruiters can miss top-quality talent simply due to the sheer volume of resumes they have to process. Improving your high-volume recruiting strategy can help ensure your organization never loses its best candidates in the flood. Here are three ways your current high-volume recruiting...

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