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Make More Confident Hiring Decisions With a Competency-Based Interview Process

Everyone wants more certainty in the hiring process. HR pros, recruiters, and hiring managers want to be confident the people they hire are going to thrive in their companies. However, many organizations — especially small and mid-size organizations that are flying by the seats of their pants — don't know where to start. At the most basic level, gaining more confidence in your hiring...

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5 Effective Ways to Stay in Touch With Past Applicants

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is a good way to stay in touch with past applicants who might be good fits for future roles? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC...

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Reap Big Rewards by Making Performance Management Part of the Onboarding Process

Performance management and onboarding are inextricably linked. When you and your team understand this, you can execute goals successfully, encourage higher engagement, and achieve better retention rates. Once you recognize the connection between a best-in-class onboarding program and a robust performance culture, you'll start to wonder why you didn't associate the two even sooner. Here...

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When the Talent Market Is Tight, Don't Settle for B Players — Hire A Potentials Instead

The market for the best talent in 2019 is brutal! The overwhelming majority of top performers — "A players," as they are known — are extremely satisfied at their current firms. Business is good, and A players are doing purposeful work that makes them feel fulfilled both culturally and monetarily. That is all great news for them and their current employers, but not so much for companies...

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3 Things I'm Doing to Find My Own Definition of Success

Article by Mary Sauer For as long as I can remember, I have been a fairly ambitious person. As a young child, I kept journals filled with ideas about what my future would look like. From dream jobs to where I would live, I always had a good idea of what I wanted to accomplish. As I've grown older, starting a family and a career along the way, I've experienced something I didn't expect:...

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Technology as a Work Perk: Your Recruiters Want Better Software, Not More Happy Hours

The conversation around employee perks and benefits usually centers on the competition between big tech companies that can afford in-office slides, free meals, and weekly dolphin rides — or whatever the latest fad in employee engagement is. However, recent studies show less may actually be more when it comes to perks and benefits. Employees increasingly yearn for simple things like...

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5 Common Ways Entrepreneurs Endanger Their Businesses Without Realizing It

If you want your startup to be in the tiny percentage of companies that actually make money, you're going to have to claw your way to the top. However, that doesn't mean you can't make the journey easier by avoiding unnecessary mistakes. Before setting out to build your own business, do yourself a favor: Gain a solid understanding of the way the business world really works. Listening to a...

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Lost and Found in Spain: How a US Ambassador's Wife Forged Her Own Path

In 2009, Susan Lewis Solomont's husband, Alan Solomont, was appointed US ambassador to Spain and Andorra by President Barack Obama. Susan uprooted herself, leaving behind a successful career in philanthropy and a life she loved to join her husband overseas. An ambitious professional, Susan had hoped to find a new role in Spain. She was disappointed to learn the US Department of State...

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Explaining AI: What Talent Acquisition Pros Need to Know About Machine Learning and More

With artificial intelligence (AI) progressing by leaps and bounds, there has been a lot of talk about what it all could mean for the way we work. These conversations have been especially persistent in industries like recruiting, where key processes have long been very focused on human-to-human activity. AI can offer solutions to many of the most common challenges recruiters and hiring...

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The 6 Pillars of a Recruiter's Personal Brand

For a recruiter in today's historically tight talent market, your personal brand carries extraordinary weight. When a candidate googles you, what do they see? When a prospective client is comparing recruiters who can handle their tough-to-fill roles, what information are they finding about you? All of that constitutes your personal brand, and it can make or break you as a...

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Making a Career Change? How to Determine the Transferrable Tools in Your Toolkit

"Becoming limitless" means aligning what you do with who you are. If you've determined you need to change your career in order to do that, fret not. All is not lost. You have skills, education, and training that will transfer to your new career. Let's explore how the talent and expertise you've gained so far can help you become limitless in your next role, no matter what it...

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12 Steps to Help You Bounce Back From a Layoff

Every year, millions of Americans experience layoffs, whether because of company downsizing, cost-cutting, management changes, or some other factor. Layoffs may be relatively common, but they're never fun and rarely expected. As is the case with any negative situation, however, your experience with a layoff largely depends on how you react. You may not have deserved the layoff, but you...

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12 HR Tech Tool Recommendations From a Talent Acquisition Veteran

Jay Curry, president and founder of TalentRobot, is an experienced recruiting and HR leader who has spent a lot of time in house. Recently, he launched his own business, which has given him the chance to glimpse the inside workings of many different organizations. Curry's experience with a wide range of companies gives him unique insight into HR tech. That's why I recently caught up with...

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The Great Recruiter's Secret Weapon: Active Listening

If you're on LinkedIn, I'm sure you're familiar with this line: "I've got the perfect opportunity for you with one of my clients." If you're like me, I'm sure your reaction to it is: "Yeah, right." To tell you the truth, even I don't know what my dream job looks like. Yet I'm supposed to believe this recruiter who spent 30 minutes tops reviewing my profile knows exactly what I'm looking...

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5 Tangible Reasons Why Organizational Culture Matters

Because organizational culture is so intangible, it often goes overlooked — especially in high-pressure boardrooms. This is unfortunate, because despite its abstractness, organizational culture has a very real impact on organizational success. Here are just five of the many compelling reasons why building and maintaining a positive organizational culture should be a priority for any...

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Parents, It's Time to Butt Out of Your Child's Job Search

In my line of work, I run into a lot of questions about parenting — but I'm not talking about the parents of young children. No, I'm dealing with the parents of fully grown adults. A lot of parents — and a lot of their adult children — don't seem to know where the boundaries are when it comes to the job search, with many parents getting themselves actively involved in their...

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What Does the Ideal Cover Letter Look Like in 2019?

Cover letters aren't exactly fun to write, so it's tempting to look for reasons not to write them at all. The process of applying online often gives us the very excuse we're searching for. By not explicitly requesting cover letters, digital application portals leave the impression this once-critical document is no longer necessary. People have been speculating for years that cover...

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There's Gold in Your ATS — But Can You Mine It?

Whether you realize it or not, there's gold buried inside your applicant tracking system (ATS) or candidate relationship management (CRM) system — candidate gold. And yet, despite the enormous investments organizations are making in their recruitment and hiring processes, valuable data is too often cast aside to languish within these software tools. Highly skilled silver-medal...

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4 Questions to Ask Before Bringing Peer Reviews to Your Organization

It has become very fashionable to talk about annual performance reviews as an antiquated practice, too outdated and infrequent to be of any value to employees or organizations today. It must be clarified, however, that performance reviews themselves are not inherently ineffective. It is only when they are executed improperly that they fail to support employee performance in meaningful...

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5 Ways High-Achieving Women Can Break Through the Glass Ceiling

Article by Karima Mariama-Arthur Whether they're focused on intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship as a long-term career strategy, high-achieving women have always encountered barriers to success. What's more interesting is how these women have mustered the courage and determination to secure a seat at the table and the power to effect change in the face of these obstacles. And you can...

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Dealing With the Kiss-Up, Kick-Down Bully Boss

The bully boss is a mainstay of popular culture, a frequent onscreen villain who can also be found living, breathing, and putting people down in workplaces across the country. Often, the bully boss character is adored by their unsuspecting superiors and despised by their subordinates, just like the real-life bully bosses many Americans have worked for in their professional...

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In a Time of Deep Division, Work May Be the Key to Reconnecting

You walk through a crowded street or store, wedge into a space on the tram or inch home on the expressway, and you have two reactive options: feel yourself disconnected and separate from those around you, or perceive some sort of connection to these other beings scuttling about their days. It's not easy to feel connected. Overhead, the skies darken with "the crisis of global...

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4 Ways to Determine the Cost of a Bad Hire

Anyone who has to make hiring decisions knows how difficult the process is. It doesn't help that bad hiring decisions can be terribly expensive mistakes, costing as much as 30 percent of the bad hire's first-year earnings, according to the US Department of Labor. While that number is alarming, one has to ask: Is it accurate for all bad hires at all businesses? Some metrics are easy to...

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6 Things to Know Before Beginning Your Executive Job Search

Many of us have heard the aphorism, "It's not where you start, but where you finish." This bit of wisdom holds true for many aspects of life — but when it comes to an executive job search, how you start has a significant impact on where you finish. No matter why you're heading back out into the job market, it is prudent to do your homework before diving in. Here are some of the most...

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If Someone Asks You to Be Their Mentor, Say 'Yes'

Today, more and more organizations are turning to internal mentoring programs as sustainable and scalable remedies their talent challenges. According to the American Society for Training and Development, 71 percent of Fortune 500 companies offer mentoring programs to their employees. As organizations large and small discover the power of workplace mentorship to address wide-ranging...

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For Best Sourcing Results, Blend the Old-School Approach With the New

It can be difficult to keep up with all the new tools, technology, and trends entering the sourcing industry every day. However, rather than looking at these developments as challenges, recruiters may do well to view them as opportunities to become better, more effective professionals. Here are a few ideas to help you supplement your sourcing strategies with new tools and tech: Invest...

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How to Turn a Job Interview Into a Job Offer

How do you turn a job interview into a job offer? It's not all about your qualifications or experience. You may have gone to Harvard, then Yale, then spent five years volunteering at your local animal shelter, but if you don't present yourself as a confident candidate, none of that really matters. Instead of gloating about your achievements, identify yourself as a problem solver, a...

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5 Methods to Engage, Retain, and Ready Your Employees During Workforce Transformation

Technologies like machine learning, automation, and artificial intelligence are here, and they are causing massive digital disruption in the business world. As some jobs are destroyed, new jobs are created, and still more are changed dramatically, McKinsey Global Institute projects as many as 375 million workers may need to switch occupational categories by 2030. While HR leaders are not...

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Is It a Genuine Job or Just a Scam? Follow This Flowchart to Find Out:

As you're scouring Indeed for a new gig, you come across what seems like a perfect role. It's a work-from-home opportunity, and you're free to set your own schedule. For just 20 hours a week, the ad says, you can make $8000 a month! It seems too good to be true — because it is. If you've ever searched for work on a job board — and, in this day and age, who hasn't? — you're...

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Why You Should Only Partner With an Executive Search Firm That Offers Coaching

In today's hyper-competitive environment, attracting and hiring high-potential employees is a crucial element of organizational success. This endeavor also holds considerable risks, as bringing the wrong person on board can incur significant costs, slow down team performance, and negatively impact the bottom line. When it comes to executive hires, these concerns are only heightened....

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Job Search Breaking Your Spirit? Cut Yourself Some Slack

When it comes to job hunting, you should probably know it's not the searching that's hard. Sure, searching takes time and effort, but the search itself is not why you're in a bad mood. The search itself is not the reason you're doubting your abilities. The search itself is not the reason your period of unemployment is dragging on for so long. Think about it this way: You don't usually...

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The 4-Step Model to Activating Employee Voice

You've probably heard the term "employee voice" a lot lately. The employee engagement landscape is shifting, and strategic HR pros are looking for more agile tools that allow them to tap into the value of their most important asset: their people. That's a worthwhile goal. On average, American workers will spend 90,000 hours of their lives at work. Don't they deserve to know they are...

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Recruitment's 'Magic Window': The Power of the First 72 Hours

Recruiting is no longer a waiting game. Thanks to a healthy job market and an increasingly limited talented pool, recruiters are now racing to find, engage, and secure candidates. From the moment an application is received, recruiters are on the clock to make the first move, schedule interviews, and even make an offer. What's more, many employers are trying to get it all done within 72...

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No Matter What Benefits Your Employer Offers, You Can Start Planning for Retirement Today

When it comes to planning for retirement, every financial adviser will tell you the same thing: Start early. But what if it's too late to "start early"? What if you're already approaching retirement age and haven't given it much thought? According to a recent study, 31 percent of Americans have less than $5,000 in their retirement savings, and the average American only has about $85,000...

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Christy Wright's Best Tips for Launching a YouEconomy Business

Article by Cecilia Meis The farm was beautiful: A moderate house and 11-stall barn built on 40 acres outside of Nashville. It reminded Christy Wright of her dad, and of Bo, the wobbly legged foal she watched take its first steps nearly two decades prior. Bo was her first horse. He was wild and adventurous, kind of like her. She had wanted to live on a ranch since that day. She wanted this...

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HR Has a Chance to Reach Full Strategic Potential — But Will It Seize the Day?

For some years now, HR has been on a journey toward the strategic center of the business. At times, this journey has been slow. Today, however, we finally stand at a point where HR is thinking in terms of business strategy and corporate leaders are increasingly turn to their HR teams for help growing the overall business. However, some significant barriers remain in the way of HR realizing...

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5 Common Workplace Mishaps and How to Recover

Most employees try their best and really do want to be successful in the workplace. Unfortunately, things don't always go according to plan. What if you make a mistake? What should you do? How should you react? The important thing to remember is that your response to any workplace mistake is about more than damage control, although that is certainly very important. How you recover from a...

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13 Tried-and-True Creative Tactics Candidates Have Used to Stand Out in Interviews

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is the most creative way you've seen a job applicant set themselves apart (in a good way) during an interview? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful young...

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AI Is Here, But There's No Need for Recruiters to Worry

Many people are concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to take their jobs or somehow make the world a scarier place to live. While there may be some cause for concern — especially in the distant future, which our limited predictive powers can't quite glimpse — as far as we can tell for now, AI is mostly going to change the world for the better. This cutting-edge...

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33 Is the Magic Number for Women in Business

A recent study from Missy Empire has revealed age 33 to be the age, on average, at which the most successful women in business launch their first companies. The stories of these women show how the time you spend building your experience during your 20s can really pay off. Of course, the magic 3-0 isn't the only factor in a woman entrepreneur's success. Qualifications, background, social...

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When It Comes to Your Resume, Size Doesn't Matter — Or Does It?

"How long?" Of all the questions I get about resumes, that is the one I get most often. HR managers, school career counselors, and even professional resume writers can't seem to agree on the appropriate length for a resume today. The internet — particularly in the guise of LinkedIn and other professionally oriented social media sites — has changed how we look at resumes. Instead...

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How to Keep Remote Workers Culturally Connected

The concept of a "workplace" is becoming metaphorical. A 2018 survey from workspace management company IWG found 70 percent of global professionals work remotely at least once a week and 53 percent work remotely at least half the week. If present trends continue, it's not hard to imagine a future in which in-house workers are the minority and remote workers the norm. This trend has the...

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Is Your Hiring Process a One-Way Street? Prepare to Get Ghosted

The subject of candidate ghosting has been in the news a lot recently. Job seekers aren't showing up to interviews or even calling to cancel. They're just vanishing. Some new hires are even skipping their first days at work — with no notice at all. On first glance, a simple explanation may appear: Companies have been treating job seekers badly for years; now, it's the candidates'...

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How to Be the Job That Gen. Z Wants

In the Academy Award-winning documentary Free Solo, Alex Honnold scales a massive rock — El Capitan in Yosemite National Park — without any ropes. It's a jaw-dropping, death-defying feat, but I was captivated by another detail: how Honnold lived during his quest. He ate, slept, and washed in a trailer where he had one pan and one burner, eating directly from the pan using the same...

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The Only Valueless Failure Is the One You Refuse to Learn From

Any time you try something new, you expose yourself to a threshold of disappointment. Video games are designed for failure. But the thing about video games is that, at least for me, they take my mind off reality. I'm not engaged with my inner dialogue; I'm just focused on the game. There is no confrontational consequence (as there is in life) that makes you think you're failing — you...

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Here's What Female Sales Candidates Need From You

Dhivya Suryadevara and Mary Barra: As General Motors' CFO and CEO, respectively, these women have made the company one of only two Fortune 500 organizations to have women in both roles. This massive stride for professional women — and others like it — has come about in the wake of the revolutionary #MeToo and #TimesUp movements that have changed how women navigate the workplace. It's...

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Take Back Your Evenings: 11 Tips on Unplugging After Work

While there is much to love about our high-tech world — speed, convenience, the ability to get in touch with anyone anywhere at a moment's notice — life in the age of the internet is not all sunshine and roses. Just ask the average American worker, who works one hour a day more than her European counterparts, according to The Nation. The US is one of the most overworked countries in...

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How Women Are Rising in Business

Article by Suzanne Smither The new arena for business is being built from recycled shards of the glass ceiling. It is a welcoming space for women entrepreneurs, where collaboration, consensus, and diversity rule. Much of it is virtual, as more and more women opt to do business online. The number of female founders and owners has increased dramatically in recent years, and the impact of...

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