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From Jack Dorsey to Jennifer Hyman, Here Are 15 Entrepreneurs on Productivity:

Entrepreneurs: They're just like us. They, too, struggle to stay productive. The difference between the Alexa Von Tobels and Richard Bransons of the world and the rest of us, however, is that the most successful founders actively search for and use powerful productivity hacks to help them stay the course. In a new infographic, Resume.io collects 15 of these productivity tips from 15...

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The Panel Question I Wasn't Expecting: A Closer Look at How Technology Changes Company Cultures

While sitting on a panel at a recent HubSpot event, I was asked a question that made me stop and think. It was a simple, but powerful, question: "How will technology impact the future of work?" The question took me by surprise, largely because the panel's topic was company culture. However, the more I think about the question, the more I see it makes perfect sense: The proliferation of...

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3 Reasons Why Tuition Assistance Is the Hot New Workplace Perk

As many as 44.7 million Americans are dealing with student loan debt. If you add up all of the money owed, you'd reach an alarming total of $1.56 trillion dollars. Even in the face of this unfortunate reality, employees still prioritize continued education and professional development opportunities. Employers value employee education, too: To succeed in a rapidly shifting business...

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Your Hiring Process Is Causing High Turnover

Turnover is inevitable. New talent flows in, and old talent flows out. That's part of the healthy life cycle of any organization. But for some companies, turnover stops being a healthy process and becomes a serious issue. If employees stay with the company for a while and move on when it's time to take the next steps in their careers, that's one thing. If your organization is struggling to...

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For a More Agile Enterprise, Start by Redesigning Your Performance Management Process

According to Korn Ferry's 2018 report on the "World's Most Admired Companies" (WMACs), agility is the top priority of today's leading businesses, with 95 percent of WMACs saying it is a "critical" or "very important" focus. "Agility" refers to how companies successfully deal with the constant changes of 21st century business by becoming more adaptable and innovative. Instead of a...

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5 Easy Ways to Gauge Whether That Candidate Will Be the Right Fit

The number of open jobs is currently greater than the number of unemployed job applicants on the hunt. The pool of candidates may be smaller than it has been in years, but hiring managers can't make bad decisions out of desperation. To build a high-performing team, you must be selective about which candidates you hire, no matter what the talent market looks like. As you embark on your...

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Student Debt Roundtable: How Organizations Need to Adapt

In June, I met with Gradifi CEO David Chang, Broad Institute CPO Andy Porter, and Suffolk Construction Senior Manager of Total Rewards Jackie Crain at the Gradifi offices in Boston to discuss the student debt crisis. As people operations leaders, Chang, Porter, and Crain had a lot of interesting things to say about the mounting issue of student debt and the role employee rewards...

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Companies Have a Responsibility to End Sexual Harassment. Here's How They Can Do It.

Shining a spotlight into the dark, hidden corners of a social problem will help us eliminate it, which is why movements like #MeToo can be so beneficial and exhilarating. However, the fact these movements exist in the first place can also be disheartening, particularly as we grapple with the overwhelming scope of sexual harassment in the workplace. Furthermore, work interactions in the...

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Introducing 'Summer Cleaning': A New Reason to Update Your Employee Handbook

Everyone is familiar with the concept of spring cleaning; maybe you even organized a few closets or cleaned behind your refrigerator last season. Those chores are good for your home, but did your spring cleaning efforts benefit your organization? Probably not. That's why we'd like to introduce the concept of "summer cleaning." Its purpose? To remind you to update your employee handbook...

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Unnecessary Work: 12 Things Your Resume Doesn't Need

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What aspect of a resume do you find least useful? What would you prefer candidates do instead? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members...

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Sell the Version of Yourself That Gets What You Deserve: 5 Tips

It's hard not to get angry when you're passed over for a promotion that goes to someone with less experience. Your head probably explodes a little bit every time someone interrupts you while you're making an important point during a staff meeting — especially if that same person does it again and again, as if what she had to say were more important than what you were talking about. It might...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying HR Software, From Building the Business Case to Maximizing ROI

Any business leader, regardless of function, has to be able to select and implement the right tools to accomplish their personal and organizational goals. However, buying HR technology (or "WorkTech," people tech, talent acquisition (TA) tech — whatever you want to call it) can be particularly difficult. There are many vendors, internal stakeholders, and general pitfalls you need to...

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Reshaping Leadership: The Future of Work Demands Complementary Leadership Models

Strong leaders have always been essential to guiding organizations through periods of growth and transition, but today they are increasingly challenged to make the right decisions to drive business performance. Issues like digitalization, managing employee expectations, environmental sustainability, and diversity and inclusion efforts now demand leaders' attention, but facing these...

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As Millennials Grow Up, Fertility Benefits May Be Key to Winning Their Loyalty at Work

As HR teams and organizational leaders take the next few months to review and revise their voluntary benefits programs ahead of 2020, they should be sure to pay special attention to the changing needs of the workforce. Millennials, who comprise the largest portion of the US labor force, are growing up. They are now 23-38 years old. While 89 percent of them prioritize benefits over pay...

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Criminal Monitoring in a Tight Job Market: Employers Learn to Balance Scrutiny With Speed

You've seen the headlines, the ones practically screaming about how low the unemployment rate is (holding steady around 3.6 percent) or how there aren't enough active candidates to meet current hiring demands. By now, the situation is well-documented and, despite some underlying speculation, doesn't seem to be going away. Less visible behind these headlines are the hours upon hours...

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You Don't Have to Break the Bank to Effectively Train Employees

Being a small business owner is tough. Many days are cycles of reviewing and adjusting your company budget to account for every cent so operations can run smoothly. It can be a tedious and thankless task, but it's an important one. To put it simply, when you don't have enough cash flow to pay employees, you're not in business anymore. I know from personal experience that is a really bad...

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What Your Next Road Trip Can Teach You About Leadership

Whether you already hold a leadership role or are working toward one, you're likely looking for opportunities to improve your leadership skills. Believe it or not, such opportunities don't always take the form of professional development or workplace training. In fact, becoming a more effective leader can be as simple as taking a road trip. Here's how: Managing Time and Setting...

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Employees Demand Better Wellness Benefits — and That's Good News for Employers

Traditional benefits offerings are no longer sufficient in the eyes of many employees. Today, workers' expectations are changing, and employees are holding their employers to higher standards when it comes to workplace perks and benefits packages. With the threat of burnout looming large, employees are centering workplace wellness, asking their employers to help them live healthier...

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Single-Mom CEO? 8 Tips for Navigating the Challenges

I started my New York City staffing agency six years ago, when my daughters were 2, 4, and 6 years old. It made sense to me: Parenting had taught me valuable skills that I felt prepared me to run a business — notably, multitasking, budgeting, organizing, and scheduling. Sure, I'd need to find a way to build strong relationships with clients while continuing to nurture the precious...

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12 Career Fair Tips to Help You Land the Job in 2019

Career fairs offer an unparalleled opportunity to network with a variety of businesses and can help you get your foot in the doors of top companies in your industry. Employers take career fairs seriously. In fact, according to Glassdoor, "Career fairs and on-campus recruiting account for almost 75 percent of employers' recruiting budgets. ... Add on travel, hotel, and food expenses, and...

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Why a Casual Dress Code Might Be the Best Work Perk of All

Office dress code policies are changing with the times, and it's not just Silicon Valley tech startups getting in on the trend. Goldman Sachs made waves recently when it announced it was ditching the mandatory suits and ties in favor of a more flexible dress code. More and more companies are moving away from formal business attire and embracing casual dress in the office. In fact, 50...

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Beating High Sales Turnover: 5 Red Flags to Watch for in Sales Candidates

When your sales team seems to have a revolving door, you know there's an issue. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many sales departments in America. According to Harvard Business Review, sales rep turnover in the US sits at 27 percent, twice the turnover rate of the labor force overall. There isn't one single, isolated cause of high sales turnover. Some say the sales field is...

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The War for Talent Is Raging — Are You Defending Your Turf?

If you've turned on the news lately, you know that US unemployment rates are at an all-time low. Good news, right? Well, maybe. With many of the most talented professionals already employed, recruiters have had to adopt aggressive hiring techniques to source new talent around the country. But there is much more involved in the hiring process than the time and money it takes to find...

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Returnships: How Organizations Are Helping More Professionals Return to Work After Extended Absences

When asked to picture an intern, you may imagine a young, coffee-fetching, paper-stapling, fresh-out-of-college 20-something. However, a new group is entering the internship scene, and they're not so inexperienced. Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm speaking of seasoned professionals who have taken extended career breaks and are now reentering the workforce through "returnships." A...

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The Consumerization of the Job Hunt: How Recruitment Marketing Automation Makes Life Easier in a Candidate's Market

Contemporary job seekers are more like consumers than they used to be. Furthermore, the vast majority of quality candidates are not actively seeking employment at any given moment, and in order to reach these folks, you need to provide personalized attention in multiple places at once. These are all significant challenges, but recruitment marketing automation (RMA) can be an incredibly...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Mobile Recruiting

Mobile recruitment is no longer a nice-to-have strategy — it's a must. Among today's job seekers, 89 percent see their mobile devices as critical to the job hunt, and 45 percent use their phones to search for jobs daily. It's clear that candidates now expect to be able to research, find, and apply to jobs from a mobile device, and that means any recruiter without a solid mobile...

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How to Improve Your Company Culture, from the Inside Out

As I wrap up my internship at Scouted, I've taken the time to reflect upon my experience and what aspects have made it so memorable. I've developed many skills, made new connections, and learned so much about the startup space. Ultimately, I've realized that the Scouted culture has played a major role in why I have had such an impactful internship.  What is culture? As we wrote about in...

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While Companies Make Strides Toward Diverse Workplaces, Political Diversity Is Lacking in Tech

Despite increased pressure to create more inclusive workplaces, many companies still struggle with diversity. Preexisting lack of diversity in hiring teams, limited recruiting strategies that fail to reach broad candidate pools, unconscious biases, and a misguided focus on quotas rather than cultural change all pose significant challenges for diversity hiring initiatives. It's not that...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Recruiting Business Thriving in a Tight Talent Market

Growing a recruiting business is extraordinarily difficult in the best of circumstances. This historically tight talent market makes it even more difficult. The traditional methods you have relied on for years may not cut it in this environment. To keep your recruiting business thriving in this challenging economy, consider the following tips: 1. Become a True Hunter The days of...

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Your Late Summer Playlist: 10 Career Podcasts to Take in Before Fall

There's no better time to focus on career development than the quiet summer season, when office distractions are at a minimum. Unfortunately, we don't have many warm, slow days left on the calendar. So, if you've been doing more relaxing than growing this summer, now is the time to get in some last-minute professional development. The best (and easiest) way to do this? Take in a few...

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Research Reveals the 5 Things Successful Business Leaders Have in Common

At the helm of nearly every thriving business you will find an effective leader. They're responsible for steering the ship to prosperous new lands, for rallying the crew to work toward common goals, and for tackling challenges head-on in order to prevail. While their leadership styles may vary, the most effective leaders all tend to share a few key qualities. A new survey of small and...

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For Better Onboarding That Boosts Retention, Copy the Marine Corps Model

A failure to retain employees causes tremendous expense for a company. Replacing a single worker can cost 6-9 months' worth of their salary when you factor in advertising, interviewing, and training. Moreover, new employees tend to be less productive and make more errors than seasoned employees simply because they do not have the same amount of experience in the role. For large...

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What Happens If You Don't Fill That Position?

Some positions are hard to fill, like those requiring highly specialized niche skill sets or those prone to significant stress and high turnover. Whatever they look like, chances are your organization has a couple of its own. In a perfect world, every position would be easy to fill. In a slightly less perfect world, it would be fine to leave these hard-to-fill positions empty until the...

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Bad Buzzwords: 12 Things You Should Stop Writing on Your Resume

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is one buzzword you hate to see in a resume or cover letter? What word or phrase should people be using instead, and why? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful...

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8 Tips to Help You Make a Career Change at Any Age

Starting fresh in a new industry is a challenge for many people for a variety of reasons — including, of course, the fact that switching careers often involves at least a temporary reduction in income. After all, you don't have as much experience in your new field as you did in your previous one, so you can't expect to command the same salary. Before making any kind of career change,...

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Is HR Failing to Close the Tech Skills Gap?

The apparent ubiquity of flashy work perks like communal ping-pong tables, kombucha on tap, and unlimited vacation days has many employers worried about outcompeting other organizations to attract, recruit, and retain the workers they want. However, on-site workout classes and Pizza Fridays aren't the top drivers bringing in talent. In fact, today's employees are much more interested in...

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The 12 Best Side Gigs for People Who Love Pets

Those of us who wish we could spend more of our days with animals are in luck: Today, there are plenty of viable pet-related occupations in the job market which you could actually make a decent income. The best part? You can start many of these gigs on your own without having to quit your day job. For instance, becoming a dog walker may just be a matter of meeting the right dog owners in...

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Employees Prefer Images: Here's How to Make Your Onboarding Process More Visual

Released in June, the "Internet Trends 2019" report from technology investment firm Bond came with a clear message for the employment market: People love visuals. According to the report, the number of people sharing and consuming images and videos through online platforms like Instagram and Snapchat has climbed year over year since at least 2010. People aren't just increasingly visual...

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6 Things Every Side Hustler Should Invest In

According to a 2017 survey from Bankrate, more than 44 million US adults have a side hustle. If you're one of them, you've probably put some thought into what it would require to take your gig to its next level in the employment market. Then again, perhaps you feel hesitant to turn around and spend that money you've worked so hard to earn. That's completely understandable. You're working...

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Sleepless in the Human Resources Department: What Keeps Talent Leaders Up at Night in 2019?

In recent years, we've seen dramatic changes in the field of HR due to new developments in culture, demographics, technology, and politics. Between the #MeToo movement, the rise of remote work, increasingly multigenerational workplaces, automation, and even the legalization of marijuana, it is no surprise HR directors in 2019 are feeling like their hands are full. Here are...

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The Secret to Managing Generation Z? Think Like a Gamer

Generation Z is growing up. The first "fully digital" generation is now entering the workplace, and managers are scrambling to figure out how to train and retain this new segment of the workforce. When managers made way for millennials, they learned to care less about dress codes and timestamps and more about flexibility and the occasional ping-pong table. When it comes to managing Gen. Z,...

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Whose Opinion Matters Most in the Interview? Yours.

You've clearly identified the type of company you'd love to work for, the kinds of projects you'd like to be involved with, and the impact you'd like to make. You've tweaked your resume, networked your heart out, and sent your strategically crafted cover letters to the right people. And now you have the interview! Gulp. For most people, interviewing is nerve-wracking. We so badly...

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It's Summertime, and That Means It's Vacation Shaming Time

Employers are getting better about encouraging their workers to take vacations, according to US travel industry research, and a recent survey shows more Americans are seizing that opportunity. The upside of more employees taking more vacations includes greater employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity in the long run. However, employers should be careful of a major short-run...

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The World Is Flat, But International Recruiting Is Still a Bumpy Road

Thanks to globalization, living, studying, and working overseas have become nearly frictionless for many. Ambitious, goal-oriented professionals now have the opportunity to gain exposure on the international stages of their respective fields. Meanwhile, more and more business are looking to break free from geographical constraints and tap into international talent pools. While the process...

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How to Address a Past Drug- or Alcohol-Related Conviction in a Job Interview

Preparing for a job interview can be even more stressful than it normally is when you have a conviction on your record, a reality that disproportionately affects people with addiction histories. As illustration, statistics from the National Institutes of Health reveal the surprisingly high extent to which addiction is entangled with the criminal justice system: - 45 percent of inmates in...

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The Key to Happiness: Choosing to Change Your Present Mindset

Article by Steve Rizzo Unhappiness is a disease spreading rapidly in the workplace and in our personal lives — but are you aware that the quality of happiness you have at this point in your life is determined by a particular mindset you yourself have created over a period of time? In other words: Happiness can be a choice. No matter your personal or professional circumstances, you...

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3 Ways to Help Your Fellow Introverts Succeed at Work

Getting ahead and thriving in your career is difficult enough for anyone, but research suggests it may be especially hard for introverted workers. According to a recent study out of Australia, introverts tend to predict more negative outcomes for themselves than their extraverted counterparts do. This consistently gloomier outlook can hinder their climb up the corporate ladder. Nothing...

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7 Signs You're Not Delegating Enough — Plus 7 Tips to Get Better at It

In all the recent hubbub surrounding the designation of burnout as an occupational syndrome, one simple way to fight workplace overwhelm has gone largely unnoticed: delegate more. Managers and leaders often set themselves up for exhaustion and steep productivity declines by refusing to delegate. This aversion is more common than you might think. One study found roughly half of...

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