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Recruiter.com Community Update

As Recruiter.com's network grows, we want to make sure to keep our community updated, including all of the independent recruiters and employers who work with us. We have a lot of exciting updates to share! • Overall, we've passed 11,000 recruiters in the network. We're aiming for 20,000 by the end of the year and are looking for talented recruiting professionals and people coming into the...

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Employees Trust Chatbots: 'AI@Work' Study Opens the Door for Recruiting Reinvention

The latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are fast becoming prevalent in business operations across industries, transforming the relationship between human beings and machines in the workplace. As people move from fear to excitement concerning AI, the time is ripe for recruiters to realize the benefits of AI for the talent acquisition function. The recent...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: Can Recruitment Shake Its Bad Rap?

Recruiters have gained a bad rap over the last decade. It is my mission to change that. Having been in the recruitment profession since the mid '90s, I have seen the field transform from one of consultants and partners to something more functionally operational and annoying. There are three general models of recruitment, and each has some room for improvement. With just a few tweaks, the...

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3 Reasons Employers Should Hire Individuals With Disabilities

This October, it's vital that we observe the theme celebrated during National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Individuals with disabilities have the right talent, right now. Although much progress is being made in the space of diversity and inclusion, too many business leaders are still afraid to hire someone with a disability for fear that there will be added costs, more sick days,...

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Embrace Difference: Diversity Begets Creativity Begets Innovation

The simple truth of the matter is that teams composed of people from varied backgrounds frequently enjoy better business outcomes. Numerous studies show that bringing together a variety of perspectives helps inform better decision-making and problem-solving. People of different genders, races, nationalities, and personalities tend to bring out the best in one another when working together....

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How to Spend Less Than 10 Percent of Your Week in Meetings

There's a lot to be said about how to do meetings better — fewer PowerPoints, fewer people, zero distractions. However, none of those tactics will move the needle enough on its own. The bold move most organizations must take, but rarely do, is to cap the total time employees spend meeting internally. Organizations depend on meetings, but having too many meetings is wasteful. By one...

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Finance and Flexibility: Attract Gen. X by Honing in on Their Biggest Pain Points

Generation X will be the next generation to retire after the baby boomers leave the workforce, so it's essential these workers understand how saving now can prepare them to retire comfortably in the future. However, many Gen. X-ers still carry great financial responsibilities when it comes to children and aging parents. Often referred to as "the sandwich generation" because they are...

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Mobile Employee Engagement: What It Means for Your Frontline Employees

Consider this: Anyone over the age of 12 was born after the iPhone was released. A study of Generation Z's mobile habits found that 25 percent of them received their first smartphones before the age of 10. While millennials have been mobile pioneers, Gen. Z-ers are mobile natives born into an era of constant connectivity. They are used to immediate feedback in the form of likes and...

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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Pinching Pennies: 7 Ways to Save on Common Business Expenses

According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a small business needs about $30,000 in funding to get off the ground. As the business grows and expands, operating costs will grow right along with it. However, there are ways you can significantly reduce your expenses and save money. By being flexible, keeping an open mind, and considering innovative solutions, you can cut your...

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Stay Top of Mind: Using Content Marketing to Cultivate a Talent Pipeline

All candidates have a personal checklist when looking for an ideal employer. They likely want daily responsibilities that won't make them go insane, a schedule with tolerable hours, and an ambitious and empathetic manager. However, above all of these criteria — and perhaps the source of their preferences — is the desire to work for a company they trust, a company with values that...

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Problem-Solving May Be the Most In-Demand Skill for 2020 — Do You Have It?

According to the World Economic Forum, the No. 1 skill you'll need to succeed in 2020 and beyond is complex problem-solving. As the world goes increasingly digital and automation takes over more and more of our rote responsibilities, the average professional's job will transform into something more focused on creativity, innovation, and the other sorts of big-picture skills the robots just...

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5 Key Mental Health Benefits Candidates Are Looking for in Prospective Employers

Most job candidates have a short list of considerations by which they gauge prospective employers. Salary, 401(k) plans, health insurance, and generous vacation benefits often top that list. One factor that can go overlooked in the vetting process, however, is the question of mental health benefits. These are worth looking into with any prospective employer, regardless of whether or not...

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Practicing Unpreparedness: Extensive Research May Not Be the Best Way to Prepare for Your Next Client Meeting

Before a meeting at Paradise Bakery with a client, I had studied this guy inside and out. I knew his background and education. I'd read every article he'd written or had written about him. I was ready to wow him. But then something magical happened — I met a real human being. The person in front of me was this funny, kind, and contradictory character I could hardly keep up with because I...

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Corporate Social Responsibility That Works: Focus on Clients, People, and Community

Businesses of all sizes and across industries spend billions of dollars a year on corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. CSR varies widely from company to company and can be anything from eco-friendly office practices to charitable giving and volunteering, but regardless of the form it takes, it's a critical part of succeeding in the current economy. In fact, reports show that as...

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Trade Shows Are Hot Spots for Talent: How to Recruit Candidates at a Business Exhibition

Exhibitions and trade shows are vital marketing and commerce opportunities for small businesses and large organizations alike. But these events offer another benefit that often goes overlooked: a powerful platform to recruit new talent. An exhibition not only brings together a vast range of professionals based in and around your industry, but it also provides you with a venue to show off...

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Making Great Hires When Talent Is Scarce: 6 Tips for Sourcing Candidates

Candidate sourcing is hard. Just look at the stats: In 2018, employers had a record number of job openings to fill, but 45 percent of companies were struggling to find the skilled candidates they needed for those positions. In this climate, companies need all the help they can get filling open roles, and many are turning to multiple sources — be it word of mouth, their own websites, or...

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Workers Want You to Care: How to Use a Culture of Wellness to Attract Top Talent

A wonderful thing is happening across companies in all industries: The genuine health and happiness of employees is quickly becoming a top priority. From robust benefits packages that address the realities of frenzied 21st-century life to office designs that promote peaceful and productive vibes, employers are doing more than ever to support employee wellness. In part, this development...

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Have a Plan, But Keep It Flexible: Thriving Professionally After a Medical Diagnosis

When someone is diagnosed with a serious health condition, it impacts several important areas of their life, including work. A person may start to wonder: - How do I balance work and medical treatment? - What can I expect from my employer? - What are my legal rights? - What do other people do in this situation? One common misconception is that people who have serious illnesses do...

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Distractions Are Your Enemy: 5 Tips to Win at Working Remotely

Remote work seems to be all the rage, with some 70 percent of professionals working from home at least once a week. Similarly, 77 percent of people report working more productively when they work from home, and 68 percent of millennials say they would consider a company more favorably if it offered remote work options. It seems to make sense: Technology, connectivity, and culture are...

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More Than Experience or Education, Employers Want Candidates With Potential

Recently, I interviewed a potential new hire for our tech department. This engineer wasn't familiar with PHP, one of the primary languages used to build our company's technology, but that wasn't necessarily a concern. Our chief technology officer, Michael Henderson, and I agree that the right candidate can always learn PHP on the job. There are more important things to consider: Is he a...

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5 Effective Ways to Keep Your Team Happy

Work is a big part of our lives. In fact, many of us probably see our colleagues more than we see our own families over the course of an average week. It makes sense, then, that employees want to feel respected in the workplace and to truly enjoy their jobs. If you're going to spend so much time at the office, you might as well be happy while you're at it. But employee happiness isn't...

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Hook, Line, and Sign 'em: How to Appeal to the Modern Workforce

The modern workforce is dominated by millennials and Generation Z. While these two generations do have their differences, together they make up one population that has changed the world of work — and especially how we attract and retain talent. In light of today's tight labor market, and at the dictate of this modern workforce, workplace culture is a top priority that can make or break...

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Insecurity, Introversion, and 13 Other Unexpected Traits of Excellent Leaders

Article by YEC A leader is someone who, through their personality and skills, inspires others to be the best versions of themselves. While leaders may display different types of leadership styles, they all hope to achieve the same goal: motivating the team they lead to be better and to do better. But what makes an excellent leader? To some, leadership comes naturally from an innate...

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3 Key Ways to Rethink Employee Retention

We're in an employee-focused market. Steady job growth and record-low unemployment rates have empowered the best talent to leverage the best opportunities at their disposal. This might spell bad news for their employers, as a McKinsey report notes that only 23 percent of managers and senior executives believe their current recruiting and retention strategies are effective. The pressure is...

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Gendered Language Is Tricky to Define — and It Could Be Costing You Candidates

It has long been accepted in HR and recruiting circles that language matters. From the words you use to describe a company's culture to the specific titles you give your roles, the way you say something can have a bigger impact on talent attraction and retention than the substance of what you're saying. A new report from LinkedIn, "Language Matters: How Words Impact Men and Women in the...

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Why Talent Hoarding Is Bad for Business

You've probably encountered this scenario before: Your company hires a great new employee who quickly meets and exceeds all expectations. This employee is the definition of a rock star: They work well with everyone in the department, get things done, and think creatively. All seems to be going swimmingly — but then, having reached their full potential within that department, the employee...

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The Best Online Sources for Remote Team Members

In need of a marketing expert to build your brand? Looking for a copywriter to create content for your website? Wish you had someone on your team who could build you a brand new website? Regardless of what you need, there are remote workers all over the world who could get the task done for you. But is hiring a remote employee the right move for your business? The answer to that...

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The Truth Doesn't Have to Hurt: How to Give Constructive Interview Feedback to Sales Candidates

Constructive criticism makes us stronger, and many professionals believe it is the challenging points in their careers that push them to reach their greatest successes. As Henry Ford famously said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." More and more professionals are adopting a Ford-style mindset — and they're even applying it to the job search. As a...

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'I Don't Want an Okay Candidate': Stark HR's Cristine Sauter Shares Her Secrets for Consistently Making Placements

Cristine Sauter didn't mean to become a recruiter. Not at first, anyway. In fact, she kind of stumbled her way into the HR field. "I was an administrative assistant at a consulting company and business was booming," Sauter recalls. "One day, the HR manager asked me if I could help her sort some resumes, which I happily did. The next day, she asked me if I could help her with scheduling...

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Recruiting Gen. Z, a Pragmatic, Dynamic, and Digital-First Generation

Born between 1997 and 2001, the oldest members of Generation Z are now starting to enter the job market. The largest-ever generation in the US, Gen. Z constitutes roughly 5 percent of the nation's workforce, and that number will rapidly rise in the coming years. While there are many similarities between Gen. Z-ers and their predecessors, there are also key differences recruiters and...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: Are You Still Beholden to an Old-School Model of TA?

Your internal recruitment function is a driving force of your organization's success. It's how you acquire quality talent that contributes to the growth and innovation that keep you ahead of the game. But consider this: Workers are leaving their jobs at the highest rate since 2001. This statistic needs to be at the top of every talent acquisition leader's mind. If you have not assessed...

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When Pay Is Transparent, Employees and Employers Win

Life may not be fair, but employee compensation should be — and employees need to be confident it is. If not, you can expect increased turnover and a breakdown of trust between your employees and the company. The old approach to compensation, with closed-door negotiations and MI6-level secrecy, is hardly fair. This is important, because unfairness at work drives employees away. In fact,...

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How to Start a Mentorship Program That Actually Delivers Results

Keeping your team engaged and thriving has never been more important than it is in today's hypercompetitive business world. Enter workplace mentorship programs: Done right, they can bolster everything from employee retention to productivity. Mentors and Mentees Both Benefit  For the Mentee: According to executive leadership consultant Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, having an experienced...

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13 Go-To Hacks for When You Need a Boost of Creativity

Article by YEC Creativity inspires us. It gives us purpose and direction, providing a way to pursue goals and establish dreams. However, creativity does not always come naturally, particularly during moments of stress. Sometimes, even the most creative minds need a little help to get that spark back. Boosting your creativity can be a simple matter of taking a step back and...

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Your Conversational Recruiting Strategy Can't Succeed Without a Strong Knowledge Management Foundation

In a recent article here on Recruiter Today, Justin Moodley of LASANAN shared his advice to new recruiters: "The talent acquisition professionals who spend more time their candidate pools tend to have a better sense of how their candidates could fit in and excel at our organizations." In contrast, Moodley explains, more mechanical, hands-off recruiting processes typically bring in poorly...

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Fall Into Routine: 5 Ways to Have a More Productive Autumn

There's no better time than the fall, the season of heading back to school and new fiscal-year possibility, to create new routines or recalibrate old ones. As a successful entrepreneur, I use routine to set myself up for productivity. Routine is the key to maintaining focus on your goals and preventing yourself from falling prey to impulse and circumstance. Here's what has worked for...

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What Does HR Actually Do? The Misunderstood Strengths and Weaknesses of HR Pros

HR often gets a bad rap. Sure, we're there to walk employees through their first days and lend an ear in tough times, but we also bear responsibility for giving bad news, breaking harsh truths, and enforcing change management. It can be a rewarding and gratifying career, but it's not for everyone. Even pop culture can't help but take potshots at HR. Think about The Office: Who always got...

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Companies Must Embrace Organizational Agility to Survive — and Continuous Performance Management Can Help

As the world of business grows increasingly complex and volatile, it has never been more important for companies to embrace organizational agility. Doing things because "it's the way we've always done it" no longer works. Instead, to find success in the current economic landscape, organizations must follow the lead of Apple, Philips, ING Bank, and other companies that have traded...

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5 Questions to Ask Before Outsourcing Your Executive Search

There is a lot riding on any search for a new executive. Whichever candidate you choose will have a substantial effect on your culture, engagement, and business goals. This particular hiring decision can lead to immense consequences — positive or negative. For that reason, many organizations choose to hire outsourced executive search firms for assistance. However, simply hiring an...

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TIME'S UP for the Pay Gap: Why We Won't Wait Another 200 Years to Achieve True Pay Equity

TIME'S UP, an advocacy organization "working to create solutions that cross culture, companies, and laws to increase women's safety, equity, and power at work" hosted a closed-door session last month in New York City to brainstorm ways to push for more equitable public policy and coach businesses on addressing pay equity. This convention brought together a diverse set of leaders from...

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5 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Combat Employee Burnout

Characterized by "emotional exhaustion, cynicism, ... ineffectiveness in the workplace, and chronic negative responses to stressful workplace conditions," employee burnout is quickly becoming a pervasive phenomenon companies are struggling to address. Burnout triggers a downward spiral for both the employee and the organization, and workplace stress causes additional healthcare...

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How to Create Community at Your Work

With the average person spending one-third of their life at work, it's important for companies to create positive work environments for employees. This is especially important for Gen Z and Millennial employees, who prioritize company culture as one of the main factors in choosing an employer. More specifically, a work community can be a great morale builder as well as a practical way for...

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To Get More out of Your Employees, You Have to Give Them More

Productivity is a topic that comes up a lot when I speak with CEOs and business leaders about their companies. Whether they operate in B2B, B2C, or even the social sector, nearly every leader I know spends a significant amount of time worrying about how to help their employees get more done. Higher productivity is such a common pain point because it's so hard to achieve: How can you...

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How to Build a Bigger Retirement Nest Egg With Your Side Hustle

Financial experts recommend you save $1-1.5 million to retire comfortably. If that number sounds impossible, you may be part of a national trend. According to the US Government Accountability Office, 48 percent of households headed by someone aged 55+ have no retirement savings at all. If your retirement fund isn't as large as it should be, launching a side hustle can be a smart way to...

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Tighten Up Your Hiring Process To Bring In Top Talent

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em How to close the talent you need When a company is struggling with hiring, it can feel a lot like a losing game of poker. You may feel like blaming the card you're being dealt, but really the problem is how you play those cards. If this Kenny Rogers metaphor isn't working for you, here's the bottom line: If you're not employing the...

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Take a Balanced Approach: 3 Tips for Developing Your Organization's Talent

There is a lot of pride to be had in recruiting a top worker for your company. A new hire — especially one with a great background — can be a badge of honor for an HR professional. If this person lives up to their promise? Even better. But even if everything seems to go amazingly well, a new employee may still decide to leave relatively quickly. We all know this. Sometimes your...

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The Power of Formal Policy: Employees Want Autonomy — and Autonomy Requires Structure

Talent is a company's most valuable resource, and losing high-performing employees can really take a toll on a company's bottom line. But the time, money, and manpower organizations put into making sure their employees are engaged enough to stay can be just as costly. Employee engagement is a complex issue. Many different factors can lead workers to disengage, and what works to keep one...

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Think All the Best Jobs Are at Tech Companies? Think Again. 

Landing a position with a high-profile Silicon Valley tech firm is exciting. You'll get to experience the rush of working in the sexy tech scene and have a marquee brand name on your resume. Maybe even more exciting, you'll also get to brag to your friends and family about your cool job with that new app company generating the latest buzz. Of course, working in Silicon Valley can also...

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