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Healthcare Hiring: Can We Tackle the Talent Shortage by Learning to Market to Millennials?

The healthcare talent shortage is nothing new. Even two years ago, CNN was predicting a shortfall of 446,300 home health aides, 98,700 lab technologists and technicians, 95,000 nursing assistants, and 29,400 nurse practitioners by 2025. But the gulf between supply and demand has only grown wider since then, according to Ryan Vet, founder of healthcare staffing app Boon. "In recent...

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How Can HR Help Prevent Cyberattacks? Educate Your Employees.

Some time ago, I was expecting a delivery. I got an email from UPS, opened it, clicked, and then realized the email was not, in fact, from UPS. It was a phishing email, a test from our IT security team at SecurityScorecard, and I'd failed it. Why am I telling you this? Because anyone — even the chief technical officer of a security-focused company — can fall for a social engineering...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: Great Recruiting Starts With an Ethical Recruiter

How we recruit determines how people view us and the organizations we support. Whether agency or in house, how you recruit matters. Think about a time you experienced sub-par service at an establishment. How did you feel? Probably pretty bad. What did you do? You probably lodged a formal complaint, or told others about your experience, or never went back to that place again. Now, think...

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Find the Real Relationships All Around You: 5 Ways to Overcome the Loneliness of Leadership

Being a leader is lonely work. As an executive coach, I hear it from new leaders often, especially those who were promoted from within. They'll tell me, "I was doing a good job as an individual contributor, but I'm not sure what I should be doing now that I'm a leader. I feel really alone." They find themselves in leadership roles without much guidance, and they don't know how to skill up...

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Prioritizing the Pay Gap: CEOs Who Want to Win the War for Talent Should Be More Worried About Salary Equity

With rumblings of a recession on the horizon, the world's CEOs are rightfully concerned about the economic atmosphere of 2020. Paradoxically, they may not be concerned enough about the one thing that will help them weather the looming storm: pay equity. According to a recent survey from The Conference Board, recession risks, global trade uncertainty, and intensified competition rank as...

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Talent Blocks and Beams: A Tool for Building Teams That Get Stuff Done

The work of a strategic team — that is, a team whose mission is to make strategy happen — is crucial to any organization's survival and growth. However, cultivating the right blend of talent for such a team requires far more than the normal recruiting, development,and retention efforts. I've helped companies large and small think about how to build the right strategic team for a given...

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How to Make Your Employees Love You on Valentine's Day (and Every Day)

Let's face it: Most of your employees are not happy at work. In fact, research from Gallup shows that 85 percent of workers around the world are either not engaged or actively disengaged. That creates a whole host of problems for businesses, ranging from lost productivity to stifled innovation and growth. The pressing question for organizations around the world is: With such dismal...

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How to Build a Side Hustle When You Have No Idea Where to Start

There's a good chance you know someone who works a day job and also spends part of their free time working on a side hustle. In fact, according to a survey commissioned by Vistaprint, 27 percent of Americans have already turned their hobbies into side businesses, and 55 percent of us would like to make the same move. Side hustles are a great way to make extra cash, but getting one...

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New AI Hiring Tools Are Helping Recruiters Peak Under the Surface of a Resume

What can you really learn about your candidates by wading through tons of resumes? Good recruiters know that a resume can only show you so much. A basic rundown of someone's work history isn't enough to determine a good fit, and if you want to learn more than that, you'll have to invest a bit of time into investigating the candidate on your own. And even after spending all the time, you...

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Beyond the Buzzwords: 5 Questions to Ask as You Build an Ethical Workplace Culture

The words "culture," "ethics," and "leadership" are often thrown around loosely in today's business climate. Everyone wants a healthy and "positively contagious" culture. Everyone wants to establish and follow ethical business practices and ways of living. Everyone wants to lead well. But why? And what does it really mean to have an ethical workplace culture? The danger of any...

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What's Troubling You? Reveal Sales Candidates' Opportunities for Improvement With These 8 Interview Questions

Nobody's perfect. Even the most qualified sales candidates in your pipeline will have their shortcomings — and that's okay. Once you've hired them, you can offer the support and resources they need to close gaps in their skills or turn areas for improvement into newfound strengths. Of course, some challenges are easier to overcome than others. While the right training, coaching, and...

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Adopt a Field-Trip Mentality to Take the Stress Out of Recruiting

Early in my career as a recruiter, I was working on a client service director position with a large advertising agency. I wanted to make a successful placement to build a strong relationship for future business. Every day, I would search for candidates, struggling to locate those with the unique skills and experience my client was looking for. Weeks went by, and my stress mounted. I only...

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Experience Over Ambition: 11 Things to Know About Hiring for a Senior Leadership Role

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is the most valuable lesson you've learned while hiring for senior leadership positions? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members...

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6 New and Updated Employment Laws Every Company Needs to Know

The start of any new year brings a flurry of activity for HR professionals. Unfortunately, as they attempt to juggle hiring plans, health insurance changes, and fresh professional development budgets, changes in employment law often fall through the cracks. I get it. Reviewing new and updated employment laws can feel like just another task on a long to-do list. However, compliance is...

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The Social Obligation of Enterprise: How Internal and External Stakeholders Benefit From a Diverse Workforce

Last August, Business Roundtable issued a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation. That landmark statement, signed by the CEOs of 181 of America's largest corporations, represents a major change in the way organizations perceive their essential functions. In short, according to Business Roundtable, a corporation should exist to benefit its stakeholders, not simply its...

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'Create Your Own Feedback Loop — Today': Atta Tarki Makes the Case for 'Evidence-Based Recruiting'

Not many recruiters have master's degrees in economics — but maybe more of them should. See, for example, Atta Tarki, the CEO of project staffing and executive search firm ECA Partners and author of Evidence-Based Recruiting: How to Build a Company of Star Performers Through Systematic and Repeatable Hiring Practices. In Evidence-Based Recruiting, Tarki makes the case that, for far...

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To Improve Retention, Give Workers the Cultural Keys

Everyone knows it's cheaper to keep a customer than it is to find a new one. What you may not realize is the same holds true for employee turnover: The cost of replacing a lost employee can range from 16 percent of their annual salary to 213 percent, depending on the employee's level. Not all employee losses are preventable. People move. Interests change. But if you want to minimize your...

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How to Set Career Resolutions in 2020 — and Actually Follow Through on Them

The beginning of a new year marks the perfect time to set new goals for yourself, both personally and professionally. After all, a fresh year represents a clean slate. But despite the best of intentions, your momentum will likely fizzle out pretty quickly if you don't have a concrete plan for actually achieving your goals in place. In fact, research shows that 30 percent of us give...

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Looking to Scale Your Business? Start by Investing in Your Total Workforce

To not only grow but also scale your business, your gains need to outpace your losses. Your growth is likely to stagnate if you simply continue trying to increase your revenue by adding more resources with a corresponding increase in costs. Eventually, you'll get to a point where the effort to grow isn't worth the financial gain. Instead, you need a strategy for scaling your business that...

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Culture, Environment, and Technology: How to Comprehensively Measure Your Employee Experience

Creating a great employee experience is vital in today's competitive business landscape. The benefits include both cost savings related to employee retention and increased revenue driven by higher productivity and greater sales. To build and consistently deliver such a great employee experience, however, you need a system in place to measure your current experience and identify where...

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Experts Share 5 Proven Methods to Retain Millennials

There's no avoiding them: Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce today, and that means you need them to keep your company fully staffed and operating at capacity. While this generation has dealt with its fair share of negative stereotypes, the truth is millennials are just as driven to work — and to work well — as any generation before them. They have a reputation...

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Building a More Modern ERP: How AI Is Changing Employee Referrals

Employee referrals have proven to be one of the most effective ways to source new talent — but chances are your company's employee referral program (ERP) was designed years or even decades ago. If your program isn't up to date with the latest technological advancements, that drastically limits your ability to source new candidates through referrals. One technology that is particularly...

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Recruiting at an Event? Assemble the Right Team to Woo Candidates

At the end of 2019, my bespoke exhibition stand company, Plus Exhibition, carried out a survey to determine which aspects of exhibition stands event attendees find most off-putting. While the responses varied, many participants (46.3 percent) pointed to overeager, pushy sales teams as the most unlikable thing about event booths. Exhibitions, trade shows, and similar events are not only...

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Understanding and Avoiding Pay Discrimination: How to Uncover Discriminatory Pay Practices in Your Organization

For organizations of all shapes and sizes, understanding and avoiding pay discrimination should be top of mind for 2020. Not only will this help keep your organization fully compliant in a changing regulatory landscape, but you'll also safeguard your organization's brand and standing with consumers and constituents. It's important to note that pay discrimination, like other kinds of...

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Recruiting for Rapid Growth: How to Scale Your Workforce Along With Your Company

Growing your company is an exciting process — but it doesn't come without its challenges. For one thing, you'll need to make sure your recruiting tactics are up to par to get the right team in place as you scale your operations. The corporate recruiting landscape has evolved dramatically in recent years due to low unemployment, increasing interest in flexible and remote work...

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What Not to Say: The Subtle Art of Keeping Interviews Appropriate

Hiring is, ideally, all about professionalism. It's a matter of objectively assessing each candidate's skills and cultural fit to find the one who will succeed the most in the role. But we don't live and recruit in an ideal world. The real world is run by real people, who are messy and prone to making mistakes even when they mean well. They have unconscious biases that can influence their...

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The Boundaries Between Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Executive Search Are Blurring — What Does That Mean for Recruiters?

Private equity, venture capital, and executive search have always been intertwined at the intersection of value creation and human capital. Indeed, human capital is the most valuable asset of any organization: Without a team of talented individuals working in concert, it is difficult for any startup to succeed, even if it has a killer product or service. With such a team, however, the startup...

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What Job Candidates Really Want From You (Hint: It's Not a Game Room)

If you take a look at the career sites of today's hippest companies, you'll probably see a lot of photos of dogs at work, foosball machines, and employees enjoying free drinks. What you probably won't see are the two things today's employees actually want the most: more flexibility and better healthcare benefits. Employees' desires are evolving away from quirky but minor perks...

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Overworked? 5 Reasons to Outsource Your Administrative Tasks in 2020

As a business owner or HR professional, you are busy. Your organization is growing. Life is good. But you're often overwhelmed, you are always exhausted, and it feels like you have way too much on your plate daily. When is it time to surrender? When do you admit you need to outsource some of your work — especially your daily administrative work? 5 Ways Outsourcing Can Help...

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The Biggest Pain Point in Hiring: A Practical Guide to Planning On-Site Job Interviews That Work

You and your team have reached out to potential candidates, conducted multiple rounds of phone interviews, and selected a small pool of finalists. Now it is time to plan for an on-site. Where do you start? Although the on-site interview is one of the most critical steps in determining the right candidate for the job, it remains the biggest pain point in the hiring process for many clients...

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'Teaming' Is a Verb: What Building Great Teams Really Does for Your Organization

Teaming is the most fundamentally sound concept available to help businesses grow today. It enables organizations to adapt to new rules of play brought on by a changing economic landscape, maximize productivity, use time more efficiently, and leverage the positive attitudes and unique abilities of each team member. It is important to note here that "teaming" is a verb. We're not simply...

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Regrets, Motivations, and More: 8 Questions to Ask Every Candidate Who Walks Through Your Door

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What is one question you always ask when interviewing a candidate for a job? The answers below are provided by YEC Next, an invitation-only community for the world's most promising early-stage entrepreneurs. 1. Why Do You Want This...

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H-1B Visa Challenges: Approval Rates Are Down and Major Changes Lie Ahead

H-1B visa petitions have been receiving increased denials from US Citizenship Immigration Services (USCIS) following President Donald Trump's Buy American and Hire American Executive Order of 2017. According to the National Foundation for American Policy, USCIS denied 33 percent of initial H-1B petitions in the first two fiscal quarters of 2019, compared to a 6 percent denial rate...

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Here's What Actually Makes Your Employees Stay:

When it comes to the world of recruitment, the tables have turned and times have changed. With unemployment at record lows, we now live in an employee's market. Candidates — especially those with niche skills and records of high performance — hold all the cards. At times like these, we need to pay particular attention to our retention efforts. The more talented employees we can keep on...

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5 Generations, 1 Workforce: How to Build a Workplace That Meets Everyone's Needs

For the first time in modern history, five generations of employees are working shoulder to shoulder in American offices. While this represents a great opportunity for organizations, the situation is not without risks. Reports hint that intergenerational tensions are mounting, and companies must create harmonious work environments that accommodate a wide range of employee wants and needs...

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Your Employees Aren't Performing to Their Potential, and It's Your Fault

It's bold of me to say your employees aren't performing to their potential when I've never even met them, but it's a matter of simple numbers. In the United States, 87.7 percent of employees are not working to their full potential. Chances are, at least some of your employees are included in that statistic. This stat is almost unbelievable, but you don't have to take my word for it. To get...

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Your Company Isn't Ready for a Recession — But There's Still Time to Change That

Bad news: According to expert economists, we have between a 25 and 50 percent chance of experiencing an economic recession in 2020. Worse news: Your company is probably not prepared for it, according to recent research from leadership training company VitalSmarts. In a survey of 1,080 employees and executives, leaders said roughly half of their employees didn't have the skills necessary...

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The CMO Does Not Create a World-Class Brand — the Product and the People Do. That Has Repercussions for Recruiting.

Electric is the fourth B2B SaaS startup for which I've led marketing. Of the previous three, I saw double-digit growth at one of them and triple-digit growth at two of them. When I get hired, CEOs typically look to me to drive growth. There are generally two pillars of B2B marketing that accomplish this goal. The first is making thoughtful investments like a hedge fund manager, and the...

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Is the Future of Recruiting Written in the History of Poker?

In the movie Maverick, Mel Gibson plays a con artist and poker player. Trying to get a seat at the table in a new salon, Gibson promises to lose for at least an hour. He's as good as his word, but when the second hour begins, he starts winning hand after hand. When things are about to get rough because the other players suspect he is cheating, Gibson reveals his secret: "What do you think I...

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Is Artificial Intelligence the Key to a 4-Day Workweek?

Studies show that artificial intelligence (AI) could boost the economy and create more jobs than it eliminates going forward. Thousands of startups focused on applying new AI innovations and machine learning capabilities have sprung up around the world, and there is no shortage of investment capital. The economic opportunity is akin to the gold rush days of the 1800s. AI's biggest...

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The Right Ask at the Wrong Time: 3 Mistakes People Make When Seeking a Promotion

With the start of a new year, you may be looking to breathe some new life into your career. Perhaps you've even begun building a case for why you deserve a promotion — and you may be absolutely spot on about that. However, in your enthusiasm, it's easy to overlook key steps crucial to the process. If you want to land a promotion, you'll need more than just passion. You'll need a...

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How to Prevent Economic Fears From Scaring Off Your Top Sales Talent

You might have heard the chatter about an upcoming recession in 2020. In a recent survey from Bankrate, economists put the odds of a recession this year at about 41 percent. Meanwhile, a recent article in The New York Times pinpoints critical parts of the economy to watch, showing that currently improving outcomes don't mean the economy is out of the woods just yet. But fears of the...

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'We're Simply Humans in Business': A New Book From Zappos Employees Explores 'Leading With Your Heart'

Few companies have the kind of cachet that Zappos has when it comes to matters of employee satisfaction. Touted as "the happiness business" and more of a "mission" than a company, Zappos is practically a byword for engaged company culture in the business press. But what do actual Zappos employees think of it all? A new book, The Power of WOW: How to Electrify Your Work and Your Life...

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Money Is Good, but Skills Are Better: 5 Side Hustles That Can Make You Better at Your Day Job

When you think of the value a side hustle can bring to your life, what comes to mind? If one of your first thoughts is "making extra money," you're not wrong. Starting a side gig is a great way to bring in extra income during your time away from your primary job. But you might also want to consider how the right side hustle can make you better and more productive at your day job. While...

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The Machines Can't Make Your Hires: Why Recruiters Will Take a Step Away From Tech Aids in 2020 

Over the last decade, we've watched as hiring and recruiting processes have become largely automated. That's both a good thing and a bad thing. Who would argue that keyword-reading software didn't become an industry-saving necessity once sites like LinkedIn and Monster arrived on the scene, allowing every yahoo with a resume to apply to any job they took a shine to? But since then,...

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Bringing HR Back to Its Original Purpose: How Adopting a Target Interaction Model Could Transform the Employee Experience

What does HR look like in the era of the employee experience? To paraphrase a recent report from Mercer: Exactly what HR was intended to look like before it lost its way. In "Transforming HR: Why a Target Interaction Model (TIM) Is the Key to Unlocking the Employee Experience," Mercer puts forth the case that, since the 1990s, HR departments have largely followed a target operations...

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4 Ways Employers Can Attract and Retain High-Performing Employees Who Have Family Caregiving Needs

Given the toll it can take on employee well-being, productivity, and turnover rates, caregiving may be one of the biggest challenges facing American employees and their employers in the 21st century. With older Americans living longer and requiring more assisted care from their working family members than ever before, the strain that caregiving places on the workforce will likely keep...

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Don't Wait: How to Have More Meaningful Performance Discussions

The end of a year and the beginning of a new one often signal performance review season. What's the best way to prepare for these critical conversations? Don't wait to have them! As noted in a recent study from Reflektive and Wakefield Research, 94 percent of executives believe employees are satisfied with their performance review processes — but that's not really true. Sixty-one...

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