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Why Do So Many Hires Fail? Because the Onboarding Process Needs to Be Improved

Every step in the employee journey has its own unique challenges and opportunities. Onboarding, however, occupies a uniquely critical position in that journey. Consider that nearly half of all senior outside hires fail within their first 18 months on the job. Consider, too, that the cost of replacing one of those failed employees can range from 50-200 percent of their salary, depending on...

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Enhancing Teamwork in a Fully Virtual World: 4 Practical Steps Every Manager Should Take

Never before have we seen such a sudden and complete shift to remote work. Of course, people have been working remotely for years now. But, traditionally, remote teams have been co-located at least part of the time. Fully distributed teams existed, but they were in the minority. Then, COVID-19 arrived. In the blink of an eye, teams became fully distributed, and business operations...

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Virtual Recruitment Is a Delicate Balancing Act of Tools, People, and Processes

Over the last few months, the business community has been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. While many companies have instituted hiring freezes as part of their crisis management plans, this isn't a viable option for every organization. According to a recent CNBC article, hiring can't and won't stop for companies like Amazon, Home Depot, Wells Fargo, and Walgreens Boots Alliance, all...

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3 Things Your Employees Wish They Could Tell You

I've spent nearly four decades in management roles, which means I've had thousands of coaching conversations throughout my career. Now that many employees' working conditions have been upended by the novel coronavirus, such coaching conversations are more crucial than ever. As the stock market makes historical changes almost daily, layoffs continue in hard-hit industries, and people...

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Poll Reveals What Business Leaders Must Do Before the Lockdowns End

CultureIQ recently conducted a poll of 2,000 US employees as part of its annual "Global Workforce Culture Survey." While the survey revealed a renewed sense of purpose and dignity among workers, it also identified a few key workplace culture challenges that need to be addressed — including safety and agility. The poll was conducted from March 20 to April 1, a time during which most...

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Nontraditional Health Benefits Are a Huge Selling Point for Top Talent

More than ever before, people are paying close attention to healthcare costs and coverage. Dissatisfaction runs deep — both for the employers who are paying, per employee, more than $20,000 for family coverage, and for the employees who often have to pay high deductibles and copays on top of that. In a situation like this, employers and recruiters have to get especially creative – and...

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How to Cross-Train Every Employee — and Why You Should

Upskilling and reskilling have been hot topics in HR and recruiting recently. There is a common conception that rapid technological transformation will soon force organizations across every industry to focus on retraining employees to develop high-tech and scientific skills to stay afloat. In my opinion, however, that's not necessarily the case. It really depends on the specific company...

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Is COVID-19 a Threat to Cybersecurity? Managing Non-Employee Access in Times of Crisis 

Placing workers on furlough or conducting layoffs during the COVID-19 crisis is many organizations' worst-case scenario, but it is increasingly becoming a reality as management teams respond to the shifting global economy. While making workforce changes is always challenging, it is further complicated when that workforce includes non-employees, also known as "third parties" or...

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5 Ways HR Can Ensure a Seamless M&A Transition

Whether it's an emerging startup's acquisition by a well-known industry player or an international corporation's massive merger years in the making, successful mergers and acquisitions (MA) require a significant amount of time, energy, and resources from stakeholders across the organization. During times of busy MA activity, senior executives often focus on tangible assets like...

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How and Why to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Employee Wellness Program

COVID-19 has uprooted millions of lives worldwide. With the majority of office workers now isolated at home with their families, many are anxious about juggling their personal and professional responsibilities during the lockdown. Workers are also concerned about their health and how this pandemic may affect their financial well-being. Good business leaders know that employee well-being...

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Hiring Practices Aren't Keeping Pace With the Modern Workforce

Modern workplaces increasingly demand dynamic skill sets, creative problem-solving, and adaptability — especially in the midst of a pandemic. To keep up with the complex, fast-paced, ever-changing world of business today, hiring managers are under intense pressure to find high-ability candidates as quickly as possible. But a resume is hardly enough to determine whether a...

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The Manufacturing Skills Gap: Cultivating the Talent of Tomorrow Starts Today

In 2018, Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute set alarm bells ringing with the release of a report that warned the US could have 2.4 million manufacturing workers less than it needs in 2028, resulting in a loss of $454 billion in manufacturing GDP. If we want to avoid that future, we'll need to take some urgent steps. We'll need to do more than just close the skills gaps that...

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AI Is Reshaping Talent Mobility

In a business climate that rewards agility, companies that can shift gears quickly and respond to emerging demands for talent possess a massive competitive advantage. The talent landscape is in flux, and one phrase is on the tip of everyone's tongue: artificial intelligence (AI). Much of the media attention on AI focuses on its potential to eliminate existing jobs. What is often left out...

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4 Things Every Sales Candidate Will Want You to Know Post-COVID-19

COVID-19 has had an unquestionable impact on the economy — and especially on sales professionals. According to HubSpot, the weekly average of new deals created on its platform dropped by 17 percent during the week of March 16, and then by 23 percent during the week of March 30. The number of deals closed on the platform around the world fell by 21 percent, compared to the previous...

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Managing Layoffs as a Startup: How do you do right by your employees?

Layoffs are complex and impossibly nuanced. Even in the best of economic circumstances, laying off a portion of your workforce can be emotionally taxing and requires all-hands internal preparation to ensure seamless execution.  Depending on the size and stage of the company, you might have practices in place and executives well versed in how to guide the c-suite, managers, and relevant...

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How to Tackle Unconscious Bias That Keeps Women Out of the C-Suite

Up until a few weeks ago, the highest priority on the talent agenda was addressing diversity hiring challenges. Coronavirus has understandably diverted the attention of HR and recruitment leaders for the time being, but once this crisis is behind us, diversity hiring is likely to be right back at the top of the to-do list once again. I spoke with the founders of CEO Worldwide and Female...

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Remote Persuasion: How to Be a Successful Communicator While Working From Home

As social distancing becomes the new normal throughout the world, professionals across industries have to make drastic and immediate changes to their work and presentation styles. With the total transition to working from home, business leaders, lawyers, and sales and marketing teams are navigating new terrain: effectively communicating to achieve a desired outcome while working...

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Embracing the New Normal: Survey Shows How Employees Are Adjusting to Remote Work

As the results of a survey of 2,000 US office workers conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Citrix reveal, work certainly has a new look. Beds have become desks, bathrooms serve as conference rooms, kids and pets crash virtual meetings, and video calls capture awkward moments when we think our cameras are off. The unprecedented blending of work and personal life has created some unwelcome...

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What You Need to Know About Hiring Remote Engineers in the Age of COVID-19

Over the last month, we've seen a dramatic shift away from traditional work settings as companies have had to transition to fully remote operations. In addition to adjusting workflows and company policies for a remote world, organizations must also adapt their recruiting strategies for this new business environment. With engineers being in particularly high demand, it's especially...

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Are Your Policies Up to Date? Legal Considerations for Managing the COVID-19 Remote Workforce 

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work was already becoming increasingly common in the United States, and many companies already had remote work policies and procedures in place. However, in the blink of an eye, COVID-19 forced companies across the US to adopt remote work whether they were ready or not — and many were not. Because of that, companies have found themselves scrambling to...

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Talent Transformation: Automation, Upskilling, and the Rise of the Citizen Developer

Innovation is accelerating — and in many cases, businesses are struggling to keep up. New technology is advancing faster than employers can upskill and onboard employees, making it hard for HR and talent acquisition teams to keep their companies consistently staffed with all the right talent. Compounding the difficulties further, even the HR and talent acquisition functions are...

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Why We Should Keep the Kindness Going When Our Offices Reopen

Since the pandemic hit, we've been experiencing an unprecedented level of collective anxiety. For some, the sudden shift to working remotely has only exacerbated that anxiety, adding a whole new set of challenges to an already uncertain situation. But it's not all bad. The fact that we're going through this together has increased our empathy for one another. People are connecting with...

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How to Avert the Recruiting and Retention Crisis in Senior Care

While many industries have faced worker shortages in recent times, senior care providers have found it especially difficult to attract and retain quality talent — and the COVID-19 crisis is only making the situation worse. Managers struggle to find candidates who are passionate about the field and meet the unique requirements necessary to properly serve our elderly. Complicating the...

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Even in a Pandemic, Employee Engagement Has Powerful Benefits

Employee engagement has long been a hotly discussed topic in the world of business, but it can sometimes be hard to remember why it's so important in the first place. Everyone seems to agree we should make employee engagement a priority, but why? Today, I'd like to take some time to get back to the basics, which are often obscured by the higher-level conversations. Here are the reasons why...

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Turnover Can't Be Stopped — But You Can Learn to Manage It Better

Retention is always a top priority for any good recruiter, HR leader, or talent management professional. Even before a hire is made, recruiters are thinking about what it will take to not only get a candidate to accept a job, but also to get that candidate to stick around for the long haul. However, even if you hire the right people who will fit in and thrive, offer a robust pay and...

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How to Get Your Employees Used to Working Remotely in a Time of Quarantine

At least one aspect of the current COVID-19 pandemic may be viewed as a silver lining: Many people who could not previously work from home now can. For years now, remote work options have been something of a key perk for workers across industries and age groups. In fact, according to a 2019 Zapier poll, more than a quarter of employees have quit jobs for ones that allowed remote work....

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Recruiter Hall of Fame: Sandy Patta

Recruiter.com's Recruiter Hall of Fame recognizes the skilled talent acquisition professionals who work tirelessly on the Recruiter.com Job Market Platform to connect great companies with the top-tier candidates they need. Today's Honoree: Sandy Patta, Account Manager, iPlace — "We are not a staffing agency," declares Sandy Patta, an account manager at iPlace. Not that there's...

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How to Hire Missionaries in an Era of Mercenaries

As MarketWatch reports, in November 2018, Jordan Bradford left the association-management firm she had been with for five years in search of a better-paying job. She found one — but she soon realized she was still being underpaid. So, within six months, Bradford was on the hunt again in the job market. Less than a year after accepting that second role, she once again switched firms,...

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Flexibility and Continuity: Could Recruiting Be Perfect the Career for Veterans and Their Loved Ones?

When Dr. Maureen F. Linton's friend retired from the US Navy, he faced a dilemma. "He was rapidly discharged and directed to write his resume in order to get a job," Linton explains. "The trouble was, having entered the Navy at age 18, he had zero experience in resume writing, even after building a superior career as a Navy SEAL." As a result, Linton's friend struggled for some time...

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The 1950s Leadership Ideal Won't Serve Us in 2030 

Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D printing, nanotechnology, and 5G wireless networks are just some of the technological advances set to dramatically change the way we work — and earlier than you might think. According to the World Economic Forum's "Future of Jobs Report," companies anticipate reducing their workforce requirements as soon as 2022. Even the jobs that remain will...

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The Hybrid Workforce Is Coming. Here's How to Become an Early Leader:

Automation has the powerful potential to streamline operations, modernize our workforces, and eliminate the most unappealing job functions. Despite these benefits, there is trepidation surrounding the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in business. Between the fear of job loss and the headlines focused on worst-case scenarios, AI doesn't always get a fair shake. Now that many...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: In a Global Pandemic, What Are Recruitment Professionals Supposed to Do?

In the span of about one week, nearly the entire world went virtual. Were you prepared? Was your home office ready and wired for dual monitors, proper internet bandwidth, a webcam, and a printer? If not, you were not alone. Safe to say the majority of us who went virtual had to scramble to get ready for our new workspaces. Our new routines. Our new normal. But preparation — hasty or...

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On the Front Lines: With the Recruiter Index® Survey, Recruiters Weigh In on How COVID-19 Is Changing the Talent Market

The global spread of COVID-19 is unlike anything the world has seen in more than a century. As countries around the world take steps to flatten the curve, people have seen their ways of life dramatically change almost overnight. From how we get our groceries to what we do in our free time, everything is different now — and the job market is no exception. In fact, between the shift to...

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5 Ways COVID is Changing the Future of Work

From back-to-back Zoom meetings and makeshift desk spaces to virtual happy hours and staycation vacation days, the way we think about and participate in the workforce has changed dramatically over the past month.  But it's not just the practical processes that have changed, the COVID pandemic has challenged how we think about work and what we prioritize, both as individual contributors and...

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The Critical Question Every Candidate Wants to Answer: Do I Have What It Takes?

Do you remember the pivotal scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker is the final pilot to have a clear shot on the target to destroy the Death Star? As his thumb hovers over the firing button, Luke has two different kinds of motivation to hit that tiny target. His external motivation is to destroy the Death Star and, in turn, save the galaxy from the perils of the Empire. At precisely...

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COVID Isn't the Only Thing Changing the Recruiting Landscape: How Staffing Firms Can Navigate 2020

The staffing industry is more competitive than it has ever been, and these days it takes a lot more than just hard work to become a high-growth staffing firm. With the recent coronavirus outbreak, we are poised to see some dramatic changes in the recruiting landscape at all levels and in all verticals. Staffing firms will have to respond to both unprecedented slowdowns and explosive hiring...

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Confessions of a Marketing Leader: Why You Shouldn't Have Hired Me

You're not going anywhere as a company if you can't hire the right people. Slick marketing and sales will only get you so far. The right talent and the right leadership can single-handedly make or break a company. As a fractional CMO marketing consultant, I have worked with more than 400 companies. Most of the time, I was working side by side with company leaders. I can tell you from...

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The Promise of Trait-Based Hiring: Start Hiring Better Customer-Facing Employees Today

When you're selecting new employees for roles in which they'll be interacting with customers (and, likewise, when you're moving existing employees into such roles), the approach that tends to work best is to give more weight to personality traits than to previously acquired skills and experience. The technical, vocational aspects of most positions can be taught to nearly any employee,...

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How to Weather Financial Uncertainty as a Freelancer or Gig Worker

As COVID-19 disrupts the world, you might be worried about how it could one day affect you. Perhaps it already has. The pandemic has caused a lot of trouble worldwide. The financial markets have taken a beating, and businesses large and small are reeling. It has been no less taxing for individuals: Once lucrative side hustles may be drying up, and freelance work may be slowing as...

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How to Mitigate Employee Anxiety During Uncertain Times

At the start of March, Sequoia released a statement labeling COVID-19 "the black swan of 2020." And, at least in the startup space, it feels like we might be sitting on the heels of a period not unlike what followed the financial crisis in 2008. I'm sure many are wondering, what does this mean for our businesses? And, equally important, how are we planning to create open communication with...

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5 Recruitment Trends for 2020 Both Candidates and Recruiters Should Know About

It's no doubt that, over the last decade, the recruitment landscape has changed significantly. While some changes have been glacial, others have happened at lightning speed. Today, recruitment has come out of the dark ages and has now truly embraced our modern times and technology. Although writing a killer resume is the core principle of recruitment, new strategies such as an emphasis on...

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Are We Entering the Era of Soft Skills? 11 Recruiting Trends to Watch For

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What recruiting trends do you expect to see taking off in 2020? How can recruiters and employers start preparing for these changes in the labor market now now? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization...

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Want to Scale Your Business Smarter and Faster? Hire Remote Workers.

For decades, the ability to work from home was the holy grail of fringe benefits. But times have changed, and — especially in light of recent events — remote work is less of a sought-after perk and more of an operational standard. In fact, it has become increasingly difficult to find a company that has not adopted some kind of flexible work policy. According to some estimates, as many...

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Are Those Job 'Requirements' Really Required?

Does the customer service job you're hiring for really require an undergraduate degree? Do you really need a candidate with 10-15 years of experience for a mid-level engineering position? In recent years, employers have been missing out on quality talent by enforcing overly rigid sets of standard requirements. One possible culprit behind the trend? The rise of automated talent screening...

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Shut It Down: PwC Pioneers a New Way to Beat Burnout and Boost Work/Life Balance

Over the last year or so, advocates of employee health and well-being have not had an easy time of it. We know that workplace wellness drives organizational performance: According to a Virgin Pulse survey, 85 percent of employers said effective wellness programs had a "high impact" on employee engagement, recruiting, retention, and company culture. We also know that employees want to...

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Going Remote? Here Are 6 Tips to Set Your Employees Up for Success

While the number of remote workers has grown steadily over the past decade, the majority of employees are still bound to their desks. That may have made sense in the days when hardwired connections tethered employees to physical workstations, but modern technology brings more freedom to all of us. In the midst of a national emergency like the the spread of the coronavirus, embracing that...

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'Employee Experience Is the New HR': What LinkedIn's 2020 Talent Trends Tell Us About the Future

Welcome to the age of empathy. According to LinkedIn's "2020 Global Talent Trends" report, Business Roundtable's landmark statement redefining the purpose of a corporation was just the beginning. As organizations begin to take seriously their mandate to work for "the benefit of all stakeholders," HR pros and recruiters can expect to navigate a sea change in the way we think about talent...

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Overwhelmed? 16 Tips to Steady Yourself in Uncertain Times

It's easy to feel stressed at work in the best of times. Now that we're all balancing our workplace obligations with the precautions we must take to keep ourselves and our communities safe in the face of a pandemic, many of us are likely feeling more overwhelmed than ever before. Stress is dangerous — not just in terms of productivity, although it can certainly hinder your work. Stress...

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