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16 Habits That Help Top Recruiters Succeed in Their Work

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: Good habits can make all the difference between standing still and accomplishing your goals. What habits do top recruiters tend to have, and how do they help those recruiters succeed? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an...

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The Greatest Challenge of the Next Recruitment Era: Speed

This downturn was indiscriminate. Given the scope of the recent job losses, it may seem counterintuitive to say speed will be the most important factor in recruiting going forward. After all, the market is saturated with talent at the moment. The fact is that a lot of the displaced candidates on the market are highly qualified. As the stay-at-home orders lift and our economies recover,...

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Onboarding Is Even More Important During Times of Uncertainty 

Onboarding for a new job can be an overwhelming experience under normal circumstances. Joining an organization during a time of uncertainty — or in today's climate, extreme uncertainty — intensifies that experience. Even with the best intentions, onboarding can miss the mark when it comes to creating a truly positive experience for new employees. In the midst of a global pandemic,...

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5 Ways You Can Help Create an Inclusive Workplace for Your Employees

Note: It's important to preface our blog today with the caveat that we're not legal experts - and we're also not here to advise companies on how not to discriminate (that should be a given). At Scouted, we prioritize and promote diverse and inclusive working environments and expect our partner companies to provide nothing less for their teams. And, given the monumental nature of the...

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It's Time to Figure Out How Remote Work Fits Into the Future of Your Organization

As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, more people are working from home than ever before. While this unique situation made for a quick and sometimes uneven transition, remote work is far from a new concept. It had long been gaining steam before the pandemic, increasing by 159 percent between 2005 and 2017. Now, however, employers are seeing the power and potential of remote work in a new...

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Rethink Everything: Finding New Organizational Opportunities During COVID-19 

COVID-19 has pushed many of us into remote work situations, something many workers had been asking for long before the pandemic arrived. While roughly 30 percent of employees had worked remotely at least part of the time prior to COVID-19, adapting to this new arrangement has been a brand new undertaking for many. Add all the extra stress of a global pandemic and people sharing space...

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In an Unstable Market, You Can Still Recruit Passive Sales Candidates

Recruiting sales candidates is never easy. Unfortunately, in the coming months, it will become even trickier. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant market upheavals, and these shifts will create an entirely new landscape in the talent market — especially when it comes to engaging passive candidates. Some markets will escape the pandemic relatively unchanged or even more lucrative...

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How to Recruit a World-Class Remote Marketing Team

Marketing today is a highly specialized field, containing many subdomains and specific disciplines. Each business's marketing needs — and the team it subsequently assembles — will vary based on who its customers are and where they live across the digital and physical landscape. The situation can be even more complicated for global companies, which look to target customers in numerous...

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Strong Company Cultures Transcend Times of Uncertainty

At the turn of the decade, no one could have predicted the changes organizations would have to make over the course of a few short months, including digitizing on the fly to maintain business operations. The world of work quickly evolved before our eyes, and now business plans are being put to the test while subject to several factors outside of anyone's control. While this digital...

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You Want New Hires to Share Their Ideas and Best Practices — But Do They Feel Heard?

Your new hire orientation is a great time to show employees what matters most at your company, explain how you do things around here, and get them jazzed to be part of the team. If you're like most HR leaders we talk with, you've got that part nailed — but you might be missing an important opportunity. While you're showing new hires the ropes, are you also deliberately tapping into the...

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Smaller Demand, Higher Stakes: Welcome to the Post-Pandemic Recruiting Landscape

Since the beginning of the pandemic, roughly 41 million US workers have applied for unemployment. The unemployment rate now rivals that of the Great Depression. The swift economic decline we're currently experiencing follows the longest economic expansion in US history. Capital investments were through the roof, and hiring exploded across sectors. We recruiters were some of the...

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The Future of Work Is on the Horizon, and It Looks Bright

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we've all made drastic, unavoidable changes to our daily lives — to how we buy groceries, connect with family, and stay productive. But as we've become accustomed to these short-term impacts, we must also consider the long-term implications the pandemic will have for the world. One of the most significant transformations spurred by COVID-19 will involve the...

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The case for summer internship programs

Scouted Note We interviewed Arena Investors a few weeks before the first wave of George Floyd protests which served as an initial catalyst for broader attention to and adoption of a lasting Black Lives Matter movement. While it is not addressed in the interview (simply because we did not ask), we would like to stress the importance of strategic and comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and...

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5 Tech Tools Your Business Needs to Work Remotely

Over the past few months, the world of work has experienced a necessary shift. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, companies around the globe had to move to remote operations — some for the very first time ever. While the change has not been without its challenges, it has also been a positive development in many ways. Remote work has long been a sought-after perk among employees, who are...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: Welcome to the Age of the Talent Advisor

In the wake of COVID-19, everything has changed. There's no time for complacency when the entire world shuts down. Companies are rethinking their strategies, while professionals are reconsidering their career choices. Now, more than ever, transformation and agility are the keys to success. Recruitment is not unscathed. Going forward, recruitment functions are going to look and feel very...

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At Risk: COVID-19 Is Hitting Older Adult Workers Especially Hard

When Michael Jordan and the rest of the '98 Chicago Bulls were putting the finishing touches on their Last Dance, older adults aged 55 and up represented just 12 percent of the American workforce. Fast forward to today, and that figure has nearly doubled. Not only do adults aged 55+ represent 23 percent of American workers, but they also represent the largest labor force share of any age...

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Roadmap for Recovery: Tips for Businesses Bouncing Back From COVID-19

Millions of business leaders are wondering how their companies can bounce back from the coronavirus crisis. The pandemic gave rise to a host of major business challenges, and your roadmap to recovery will have to account for all of them if your organization is to emerge thriving on the other side. 1. Extent and Status of the Crisis At the time of writing this article,...

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Reset: How the Pandemic Gives Recruiters and Employers the Chance to Make Better Hires

The arrival of COVID-19 ushered in a global pause, presenting every one of us — recruiters included — with time for profound introspection and an opportunity to set our careers on the right paths. People entering the job market now and over the next few months will be looking for more than jobs that help them survive. They'll want careers in which they can thrive, and they'll be...

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Employee Reboarding: How to Successfully Communicate Your Return-to-Work Plans

The post-pandemic world presents tremendous challenges and opportunities for HR professionals and internal communicators planning for the new normal. Chief among them: As social-distancing restrictions are gradually lifted and employees begin to return to the office, organizations will have to consider how they will successfully reboard their workers. HR pros and internal communications...

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A Strong Remote Work Policy Should Address These 3 Issues

Although remote work is now widely seen as a temporary measure in response to COVID-19, it's safe to assume it will become the norm very soon. Before the pandemic, remote work was already on the rise, increasing by 159 percent between 2005 and 2017. It's a highly desirable perk, especially among millennials, and 85 percent of businesses report remote work can help increase...

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Cut Through the Digital Noise: Strategic Communications in Times of Change 

"The two words 'information' and 'communication' are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things," journalist Sydney J. Harris once said. "Information is giving out; communication is getting through." A wealth of information is just a click away in our digital world, but the most important and strategic communications for employees often get buried — and this...

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There Was a Nursing Shortage Before the Pandemic, and It Is About to Get Much Worse

Since long before COVID-19, there has been a nursing shortage in America. I've witnessed it firsthand while working in recruiting for 33 years. In fact, I've spent the last 13 years as a career matchmaker who pairs international nurses with healthcare facilities across the country. You might be wondering why we would need to bring nurses in from other countries to support our healthcare...

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Hiring May Be an Urgent Priority, But You Can't Cut Corners When It Comes to Background Checks

If you are hiring right now, you are likely doing so with some urgency. Many hospitals, online retailers, gig economy companies, and staffing firms are hiring at accelerated rates to keep up with current demands. Even organizations that don't have imminent hiring needs are planning to staff up rapidly as states begin to reopen. Hiring is likely to move quickly as the lockdowns lift, and...

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15 Incentives That Will Bring Top Candidates to Your Pipeline

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: In your experience, what incentives are top candidates most looking for today? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent...

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When the Hiring Surges Begin, Will You Be Ready With an Intentional Plan?

The pandemic unsettled business as usual, forcing many organizational leaders to make the painful choice to downsize. But these losses also present an opportunity for companies that are looking to staff up as the recovery sets in: Plenty of top candidates who would normally be unavailable are either out of work or concerned about the uncertain fates of their current firms. You have the...

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Virtual Hiring Is Here to Stay — Here's How to Get It Right

Over the last few weeks, the way we work has completely changed. Organizations have swiftly adopted work-from-home policies to ensure business continuity, and despite the uncertainty surrounding the economy, some companies and industries are experiencing high hiring demands. As a result, managers are scrambling to implement hiring models that accommodate the current virtual...

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5 HR Trends and Techniques to Consider Implementing This Year

The modern workplace is nothing like it was 20 years ago. To retain talent, companies have started turning the workplace into a more people-focused environment, and we have human resources professionals to thank for that. They understood that, for a business to be successful, it needs to shift its focus toward the engine that powers any company: the human element. 2020 marks the start of a...

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Long-Term Hiring: How Modern Apprenticeships Can Help Close the Skills Gap

Recruiting during the COVID-19 crisis has been gut-punchingly difficult for HR leaders around the globe. The legacy of the pre-pandemic skills shortages lingers on, and new black holes are emerging in the economy as businesses are forced to cut staff or close up shop altogether. At the same time, however, businesses in some sectors are experiencing tremendous growth. Think Amazon, which...

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Summer Vacation Surge: What Happens to PTO When the Office Finally Opens Up?

To the many professionals working from home and yearning for the days of working near coworkers, the coronavirus pandemic may feel interminable now. A long commute in traffic to an impersonal cubicle never sounded so good. But when offices do begin to open up again, many companies will be dealing with the opposite problem: Many employees will want to escape the office and use their...

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In the Future, HR Will Be Automated, Adaptive, and Way More Valued. Here's Why. 

It's a crazy time to be in HR. While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disastrous impact on the workforce as a whole, it has also, within certain industries, sparked a hiring boom. Last month, for example, companies like Amazon and Instacart announced plans to hire hundreds of thousands of new employees. Education-focused startups like the San Francisco-based Outschool, which provides...

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The Recovery Is Coming: May 2020 Recruiter Index® Report Finds Significant Upticks in Hiring Activity

Since April, Recruiter.com has been tracking recruiter sentiment and hiring activity through the Recruiter Index®, an ongoing survey of recruiters and hiring professionals on the front lines of the job market today. Our latest poll, conducted in May 2020, brings a lot of good news: Recruiters are working on more jobs now than they were a month ago, and they're highly optimistic about what...

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Remote Storytelling: Real-Time Persuasion in a Virtual Setting

Storytelling is a cornerstone of human communication. This is true across all aspects of life, in both interpersonal and business relationships. Working from home adds a level of complexity to the traditional forms of storytelling we are accustomed to. While facts and figures are important for any pitch, you also want your audience to emotionally connect with you, regardless of whether you...

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HR and IT Can Lead the Charge to Make Remote Work More Secure

The shift to remote work spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic has been perhaps the biggest change in business operations we've ever seen. When remote work transformed from something a few people did on occasion to a mandate for nearly all employees, companies around the world scrambled to scale up their resources to enable it. Many fell short, leaving employees to use personal devices to access...

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Prepare Your Recruitment Tech Stack for the New Normal

In just a few weeks' time, COVID-19 has turned the labor market upside down. The US unemployment rate is in the double digits, and although state and federal governments have taken unprecedented measures to help businesses survive, we're headed for an inevitable economic downturn. Despite this, many companies are looking ahead and beginning to prepare for life after COVID-19. Hiring...

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A Culture of (Healthy) Conflict Can Be a Powerful Engine of Innovation

The word "conflict" often carries negative connotations, but any effective leader will tell you that conflict is necessary for innovation and growth. If you've developed a culture of transparency and accountability, people will feel free to openly exchange views, which inevitably leads to disagreement. However, this is the process by which ideas are vetted and tested, and it's a crucial part...

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Heart and Soul: Why Employee Engagement Is a Top Priority in Unprecedented Times

While it could be said that the backbone of a company is the products or services it sells, its people are truly its heart and soul. Under normal operating conditions, communicating with employees, sharing goals, and keeping them motivated are core focuses for company leaders and HR professionals. During unprecedented times — like the situation we're dealing with now —...

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I Used to Be Hesitant About Allowing Employees to Work From Home. Now, I Feel Differently.

Originally founded in Florida and now headquartered in Jersey City, my company, PuppySpot, has a legacy of bringing people together across distances via connectivity tools and collaboration software. Nobody was totally prepared for this pandemic, but the fact that our first office was in Florida — which has been in the path of many hurricanes — taught us that we should always be ready to...

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What Forensic Investigators Can Teach Business Leaders About Building Trust During a Crisis

According to Hollywood, the most difficult part of an investigation is getting the suspect to confess. In real life, a certified forensic interviewer will tell you the hardest part is really building the trust necessary to encourage witnesses and victims to truthfully share their experiences. Certified forensic interviewers (CFIs) are investigators who have proven their expertise by...

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Build a Company Culture That Prioritizes Social Wellness

The 9-5 office job had been the norm for many years, until the rise of the gig economy, workplace digitalization, and flexible work arrangements disrupted our traditional ways of working. While the shift has clear benefits, including better support of a healthy work/life balance, it also comes with some drawbacks. Key among them is the decline of the social connections which were common...

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Finding the balance between working hard and self-care as a founder and CEO

I always joke with people that founders and CEOs tend to be both workaholics and power-hungry. And yet, as a CEO, I could care less about power (but I do like attention, to be clear) and I am not at all a workaholic. I love to not work. That said, recently, many of my friends have commented that I work more than anyone they know.  Everytime they say it, it feels ridiculous to me, because...

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How to Set Goals in Survival Mode: 3 Ways to Get it Right

We're all saying it these days: "I'm just in survival mode." Our personal and workplace routines have been turned upside down. No matter how soon life gets back to normal, this won't be the last time a crisis strikes and we find ourselves just trying to survive. All that being said, there is a slight upside to this situation. As an executive or manager, you have the opportunity to lead...

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4 Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Boss (and 3 Things You Should)

Getting along with your boss is one thing. Genuinely bonding with them is another. But it turns out that forging a strong relationship with your supervisor can be good for your career. Those who feel ambivalent about their relationships with their higher-ups are more likely to perform worse at work, according to one 2017 study. Fostering a real connection with your boss does require...

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Don't Burn That Bridge: Supporting Your Furloughed Workers in the Age of COVID-19

The current global crisis has forced many organizations to furlough at least some of their employees for the foreseeable future. Though a difficult and unpopular decision, furloughs give businesses the ability to offer vital benefits to their employees — and hopefully retain talent until the economy begins to recover. However, companies are battling numerous challenges throughout the...

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Offshoring Software Development Is a Smart Move in the Pandemic

At a time when global business has come to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, the concept of software outsourcing has become even more useful and meaningful. It has evolved from being old and weary to new and fresh. In the past, businesses sent small tasks to outsourcing companies to take advantage of the cost benefits, but today, outsourcing has become the norm. Offshore software...

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After COVID-19: 3 Predictions for the Future of Work

It's not bold to say the COVID-19 crisis has affected every aspect of how companies do business. In these trying times, many people are finding that technology is an absolutely invaluable tool in the effort to make swift, drastic adjustments to the way we run our companies. As a result, technology is likely to play an even larger role in everyday work, even once the quarantines have...

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Don't Go It Alone: How to Find the Right Ally for Global Expansion

By the end of Q3 2019, Netflix had 158.3 million paying subscribers worldwide, about 62 percent of whom lived outside the US. After expanding into Amsterdam, Paris, Sydney, and Berlin over the last year, the company now has 19 office locations across 14 countries. Meanwhile, Spotify has successfully optimized local music preferences and personalized features to reach 159 million active...

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3 Things Every Business Should Be Doing Now During the Pandemic

The pandemic has devastated huge swaths of American business, from retail to restaurants, airlines to advertising. The thought that companies should now begin to implement rehiring strategies might seem wildly counterintuitive. Actually, this is exactly the time to start if you want to maintain a competitive advantage in the talent market. When we emerge on the other side of the COVID...

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How to build out a robust recruiting ops team (and why it's important)

Given the uncertainty of what the next six, 12, even 18 months of work might look like, you might consider refining and upgrading your current workflow infrastructure a 'fool's errand.' But as the world continues to adapt to a new normal, it's imperative that businesses also adjust operations to accommodate the changing dynamics of what the future of work looks like - not just for...

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