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Hiring a Software Developer in India Is Not as Easy as You Think

In addition to boasting one of the largest software development talent pools in the world, India sports some of the most ambitious, innovative developers you can find. Despite the size of the software development offshoring industry, tapping this talent pool is often easier said than done. The recruiting process in India is not as simple as you might think. If you really want to...

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The Employee Experience Matters as Much as the Customer Experience — Start Investing in It Today

In a 2014 interview with ToyNews, LEGO designer Samuel Thomas Johnson recounted his unique journey to landing a job with the world-famous toy company. Growing up, Johnson had always wanted to work for LEGO. His passion was so strong that, when he was 8 years old, he wrote a letter to the company to express his dream of getting a job there and to ask how he could make that dream a reality....

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5 Ways Women Can Support Each Other at Work

Article by Katherine Fusco We've all heard the narrative, the one about the senior woman who doesn't support women below her. (We hear quite a bit less about the battles that senior woman fought and the toll they have taken.) We know, too, about the mansplainers, the low-key harassers, and the underminers young women face at work. Some women might object to the premise of this article....

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How Conversational AI Is Driving the Evolution of HR and Recruiting

As anyone who has taken part in the recruiting process knows, it's all too easy to get buried under an influx of not-so-qualified applicants, forcing you to spend countless hours screening resumes to identify that handful of candidates who merit interviews. Lately, however, new advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have arrived to assist HR pros and recruiters in their...

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Don't Make This Mistake When You Want to Close Top Talent

Last week, I managed a situation where both the candidate and the company were considering stopping the interview process because they didn't think the other was excited enough. The company was concerned the candidate did not want the job. The candidate was concerned the company didn't like them. The irony? They were each other's first choice. While companies are constantly assessing...

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A Practical Lesson I Learned During My Hedge Fund Days

Almost eight years ago, I worked as a chief of staff to a management committee at one of the world's largest hedge funds. While the experience overall was both memorable and formative, there is one particular day that continues to stand out to me.Instead of huddling together inside the walls of the firm's Connecticut headquarters, my boss asked me to meet him at a restaurant in NYC. What a...

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Scouted Spotlight: Cynthia Madu: The lasting impact of non-inclusive workplaces.

Cynthia Madu is an incoming MBA student and Forte MBA Fellow at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Most recently, Cynthia managed sales processes and operations at Scouted. Upon receiving her undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College, Cynthia served as a Financial Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. An immigrant of Nigeria and Detroit native, Cynthia has mastered multiple...

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Expanding Your Anti-Racist Managerial Toolkit: How 'Human Check-Ins' Can Build a Better Workplace

I have started every meeting I have facilitated for my direct staff the same way for the past seven years: with a human check-in. A human check-in gives each attendee an opportunity to share something that is on their mind. In increments of just about a minute each, team members have celebrated a new car purchase or wedding anniversaries; recounted illnesses of pets and family members;...

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Stay Flexible: How to Hire Globally in a Post-Pandemic World

Businesses, communities, and even entire regions of the world are cautiously peeking out from pandemic-imposed isolation, looking for any and all signs of normalcy. Indicators are visible and businesses are beginning to open up, intent on reaching goals and moving forward — albeit in a brand new economic and social environment. The recovery starts with people. HR departments must first...

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Does Your Company's Online Reputation Hinder Your Recruiting Efforts?

No hiring manager aims for average employees. They want the crème de la crème, top performers who will stay with the company for a long time. To attract those candidates, you need to build an employer brand that speaks to their needs. According to Gallup, highly qualified candidates look for very specific qualities in a potential employer. You won't find salary, benefits, or free coffee...

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6 Things to Do If You Feel Overwhelmed With Work

Article by Tyler Hicks It's one of the best problems an entrepreneur can have: too much work. You put in the time, you built your business, and now clients are clamoring for your talents. It can feel like staring down a daunting ski slope: You know it's going to be a fun ride, and it took a lot of time and effort to lug your skis up the mountain, but now you're worried about the...

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Intelligent Recruiting: How AI Is Ushering in the Next Phase of Hiring

Talent management is in a period of transition. Now, more than ever, businesses need ways to examine their workforces and inform their decisions with data-driven insights targeted at specific business impacts. Companies are looking to fill defined needs with the best talent and retain that talent. During times of uncertainty and change, talent remains a priority. A business is only as...

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How Recruiters Can Show Up for Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

In light of recent events across the United States, we have spent the last few weeks reflecting on our work experiences and wondering how we can show up as individual contributors to enable the change that is long overdue in our country. We have come to realize that, in our role as independent recruiters and as female business owners, we have an opportunity to make a distinct difference....

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Turn Your Recruiting Event Virtual: 4 Top Tips for Success

COVID-19 has disrupted the internal operations of business around the world, forcing many organizations to rethink their talent acquisition strategies. Before the pandemic, in-person recruiting events were a common, effective tool in a hiring manager's belt. With social distancing guidelines in place and large gatherings banned in many locales, these types of events are no longer an...

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Respecting Transgender Rights in the Workplace: What Employers Should Know in the Wake of Bostock v. Clayton County

Although transgender rights have become part of the national conversation in recent years, significant confusion around the topic still remains. The subject was brought further into the spotlight on June 15, 2020, when Judge Neil Gorsuch delivered a landmark US Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, declaring it illegal for employers to discriminate against LGBTQ...

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How to Increase Operational Efficiency Using ActivTrak

When your teams are working remotely, keeping track of projects and employee productivity can be challenging. However, even while working remotely, you can keep your focus on increasing operational efficiency. With ActivTrak, you can get a detailed view of employee processes and pain points when everyone is working off site. Our easy-to-use remote workforce analytics tools can help reveal...

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Don't Get Duped: How to Tell When a Candidate Is Lying on a Resume

It's not uncommon for people to exaggerate on their resumes — or lie outright. While it's not exactly breaking the law, there are still ramifications for both the potential employer and the job seeker who is lying. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused many to lose their jobs, desperate job seekers may feel more and more compelled to stretch the truth on their resumes....

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You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure: Using Workforce Analytics to Drive Productivity

Can you prove that your employees are productive and efficient? The father of modern business management, Peter Drucker, is often attributed with a saying: "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." On the surface, the quote seems obvious. Without goal posts, how will you know if you're winning? But it goes deeper than that: Even if you are winning, do you know why you are winning...

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Accepting Our Limits: What Malcolm Gladwell Can Teach Us About Recruiting

Most recruiters — myself included — think they have a better than average ability to understand people. We think that by meeting someone, shaking their hand, and looking into their eyes, we can get a grasp on who they are, how they feel, and what their motives are. But we're wrong. Strangers are complex. Any meeting of strangers — like, say, a job interview — is almost guaranteed...

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15 Tips for Channeling Your Passion Into Execution

Article by YEC Entrepreneurs tend to have a lot of big ideas they're truly passionate about. The challenge, of course, is buckling down and channeling that passion into an actionable plan to bring an idea to life. That's why we asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council for some practical approaches to channeling passion into execution. Here's their advice: 1. Be...

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What Really Matters: Using Design Thinking to Elevate Your Employee Experience

According to The Predictive Index's 2020 Talent Optimization Report, employee performance is a top concern for executives across industries. This speaks to a widespread awareness of the critical role employees play in delivering on business strategies and brand promises. Given how vital employees are to company success, the employee experience should be treated with as much care as the...

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Managing a Remote Global Mobility and Immigration Program in a Pandemic: 3 Best Practices

With COVID-19 driving unprecedented business disruptions, many companies have begun to adopt long-term remote work policies that meet the needs of their workers while allowing for business continuity. That said, the shift to remote work has not been without its challenges — particularly for HR and immigration professionals. In an environment of social distancing and restricted travel...

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How to Help Employees Fight Return-to-Work Anxiety in a COVID World

While the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, people across the US are returning to work. And they are worried about it. My company, Articulate, recently conducted a survey of employee attitudes toward reopening, and we found that two out of three people in the US are anxious about reentering the workplace. Compounding their anxiety is the fact that they don't know what to expect: Only...

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What Is Productivity in the Workplace?

Most employees want to be productive. There's a sense of accomplishment when one's work is done quickly and efficiently. Employees are further rewarded when they learn how impactful their roles are in helping the company reach its goals. To help employees achieve high levels of productivity, management teams can analyze data points around speed, efficiency, customer satisfaction,...

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How COVID-19 Is Accelerating the Virtualization of Hiring

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown the staffing industry a significant curve ball, just as it has the rest of the economy. However, with modern automation and virtualization tools, hiring can continue unaffected and with significant advantages over traditional in-person processes. Adversity breeds opportunity and innovation, and many companies are now embracing new technology that will power...

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Culture Fit vs. Inclusion: What Matters More in Hiring?

These days, cultural fit is a key component of many hiring decisions. It's understandable why: Workers who align with the cultures of their companies tend to be more satisfied with their jobs, and therefore, they are more likely to stay with the company for a longer time and produce superior work. But culture-fit hiring is not without its downsides. Key among them is the fact that hiring for...

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Remote Workforce Analytics: Top 5 Reasons Why More Visibility Helps Your Remote Teams

Having visibility into a team's processes and projects is important to every manager. However, when you're managing a remote team, visibility becomes even more critical. How can you guide your staff on priorities and deadlines when you aren't sure what's actually going on behind the scenes? With remote workforces, simply getting work done isn't enough. Inefficient processes become more...

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Shifting Your Recruiting Strategy for an Employer-Driven Market

Around the world, recruiters are adopting to changing economic conditions. Hiring freezes and layoffs have swept across virtually every industry, and as the lockdowns slowly lift, organizations are looking for affordable ways to resume operations. As companies turn to Darwinian strategies to stay afloat through all the turmoil, employees are either losing their jobs or, at the very least,...

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You Don't Have to Wait for the Government to Tell You How to Take Care of Employees

One of the few silver linings of COVID-19 has been the very welcome, and long overdue, recognition given to workers who were once underappreciated in our society. Unfortunately, this increased appreciation has not always translated to adequate compensation or sufficient measures to keep workers safe, and many workers have had to fight for better protection and/or pay. Nevertheless, the...

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Listening Is Essential Work, Whether There's a Crisis or Not

The common thread in both the COVID-19 pandemic and the racial unrest sweeping America is that both crises happened because leaders failed to do one thing: listen. With coronavirus, the failure was immediate, hobbling what should have been an effective early response. In the case of the racial-justice protests, the failure to listen compounded over decades of police abuses, and the dam...

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Bullhorn Surveyed 800 Recruiters. Here Are Their Predictions for the Second Half of 2020.

As we enter the second half of 2020, the beginning of the year already feels like a distant memory. So much has changed so quickly, and one might assume the priorities and challenges for staffing and recruiting businesses today are worlds apart from what they were just six months ago. While there's no doubt that the landscape has changed dramatically, the industry is still all about...

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Job Scam or Legit Opportunity? 5 Red Flags to Look Out For

According to a report from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), job scams were the riskiest scams facing consumers in 2019. The BBB assesses scam risk along three dimensions: how prevalent a scam is, how likely consumers are to lose money to a scam, and the average amount of money lost to a scam. Along those lines, the BBB found that job scams account for 9.3 percent of the scams encountered...

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Negotiating During the Pandemic: 4 Keys to Success

These are shaky times for the US economy. In April, a record 20.5 million jobs were lost, driving the unemployment rate to 14.7 percent — numbers we haven't seen since the Great Depression. The economy received a boost from increasing employment numbers in May, but the job market is likely to need more time to fully recover from this pandemic. Unfortunately, people can't sit just...

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Top 5 Tips to Effectively Manage a Remote Workforce

Even before COVID-19 took the world by storm, giving everyone a "new normal," remote work was already on the rise in the labor market. Prior to the global pandemic, a study by Upwork from their Future Workplace Report found that 5x the number of hiring managers expect more of their team to work remotely in the next 10-years. Now, given the new state of the world, every company that can...

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Could a 4-Day Workweek Solve Employee Burnout During the COVID-19 Crisis?

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly every aspect of everyday life to come to an unprecedented halt. We have never before had to shutter our entire economy for something that we cannot see with the naked eye. Businesses with in-office workforces were forced to quickly shift to fully remote operations. This sudden and dramatic change has presented us all with a set of stressful...

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Before Using Internal Competition to Improve Employee Engagement, You Need to Answer These Questions

A little healthy competition is a good thing — under the right circumstances and with the right people. In many industries, internal competition has long been used to increase everything from productivity to profits. But what about using competition as part of your employee engagement strategy? Does pitting individual workers against each other really increase engagement across the...

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To Recruit Successful Sales Reps, You Must First Recruit Great Sales Leaders

When sales reps are hunting for a new job, they're looking for more than just robust compensation packages and quality products. Of course, these two factors are key attractors for many quality candidates, but the best sales reps want more. To succeed and be satisfied in their roles, they also want to work for great leaders who set an example and support them on their paths. To an...

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Increased Post-COVID Demand Threatens to Make the Trucker Shortage Worse

For years, there has been a national shortage of interstate long-haul truck drivers — and the COVID-19 crisis has only compounded the problem. As supply chains were interrupted by company closures in response to government directives, demand for truckers who could transfer and deliver business and consumer goods skyrocketed. At the same time, state driver's license agencies shuttered,...

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Don't Let Cultural Snafus Sink Your Global Remote Workforce

As businesses start to embrace global remote workforces, one of the challenges they must deal with is managing employees spread across different geographies. It's important to understand that this task involves much more than just being considerate of different time zones. For a global remote workforce to be truly successful, organizations must also take into account important differences in...

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When Will Remote Workers Feel Safe Heading Back to the Office?

With states starting to lift lockdown restrictions amid fluctuating infection and hospitalization rates — and some localities even forced to pause reopenings in progress — the safety of heading back to the workplace is still very much in question. What will it take for the typical worker whose routine has shifted as a result of the pandemic to feel comfortable going back into the...

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Recruiter Index®: Majority of Recruiters Predict Hiring Activity Will Increase in the Next 30 Days

Since April, Recruiter.com has been tracking recruiter sentiment and hiring activity through the Recruiter Index®, an ongoing survey of recruiters and hiring professionals on the front lines of the job market today. While May's poll showed significant improvements in recruiter confidence and job market activity over April's, June's results are strikingly positive. For the first time...

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Hiring During Lockdown: How We've Grown Our Startup in These Uncertain Times  

According to a report by CNBC, the number of payrolled jobs lost since the start of the global coronavirus pandemic is more than double the number lost during the Great Recession. The same report features testimony from a number of recent graduates who have had job offers withdrawn due to the economic shutdown, creating a semi-hidden tier of additional employment loss. We are potentially...

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In the Transition From Candidate to Employee, Collaboration Is Key

Every candidate on the job market is looking for the perfect position — and that's harder than it sounds. Looking for a job is a full-time job of its own. Job seekers head into the market every single day to ensure they'll get the role they truly desire. Even though it's a very tiring and time-consuming process, candidates put up with it because they know they will be rewarded in the...

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A Guide to Layoffs: How to Avoid Them and, If Necessary, Handle Them the Right Way

In today's turbulent business environment, many companies have struggled to stay above water. I know a thing or two about overcoming this kind of adversity: I started my current company, Fingerpaint, in 2008 at the peak of the Great Recession. Despite this, I'm proud to say that I have never laid off an employee due to a downturn in business. Personally, I advocate against using layoffs as...

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'Keep Experts on Tap — Not on Top': The Perils of Always Deferring to the Experts

Artificial intelligence makes everything easier. Google Maps tells us the optimal route to the grocery store so we don't have to worry about traffic. Spotify algorithmically recommends new music based on our past listening habits, and we never have to worry about getting bored with our workplace soundtracks. Cutting-edge job-matching tools tell us which candidates would make the best fits for...

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New Research Indicates the Pandemic Hit HR Teams Disproportionately Hard

The global pandemic has altered many aspects of the world, from our healthcare systems to unemployment rates, but it has had an especially profound impact on the world of work — and experts anticipate that impact will linger for a long time. Specifically, they predict that more people will continue to work from home even after the pandemic ends. Some employees are thrilled about the...

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How to Stop Bad Employee Reviews From Cooling Off Your Candidates

In early February, The Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a motion to block a subpoena for the identity of 10 individual Glassdoor posters, who were accused by their former employer, Kraken, of violating a non-disparagement agreement by posting reviews on the site. The case, which could be a watershed moment in the history of digital data privacy, illustrates how far employers will go...

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Keeping a Company Culture Together When Everyone Is Apart

Millions of people have been getting a crash course in working from home during the pandemic, and for all the funny Zoom meeting interruptions by pets and children, we've been getting the work done. The social impact of this crisis will be studied for years, but the impromptu mass experiment in working from home may shape the future of work in unexpected ways. One thing we'll need to...

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