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Has Recruiting Changed Forever? Lessons From Jobvite's 'Recruiter Nation 2020'

Since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, much has been said about our "new normal" — and about our collective excitement to, one day, return to the old normal. But for recruiters and talent acquisition experts, the old normal may be gone for good. The large-scale transformation of recruiting in response to the pandemic may be more than a temporary adaptation. It may be the...

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Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic, Recruiters Are Focusing on Human Connection

As recruitment processes have gone completely digital since the pandemic began, hiring professionals have been placing greater emphasis on certain job-search tools over others, according to new data from TopResume. In a survey of more than 300 hiring managers, recruiters, and HR professionals, TopResume asked participants how their hiring preferences have changed since the COVID-19...

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In the Post-COVID Economy, Employers and Job Seekers Alike Are Tweaking Their Value Propositions

Eight months into the coronavirus pandemic, many job seekers are not where they wanted to be at this moment in time. While we've unmistakably entered an employer's market, opportunities are definitely out there. Seizing those opportunities, however, may require stepping outside of one's comfort zone. Back in May, the career experts at LiveCareer surveyed 1,500+ job seekers who had lost...

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Feedback Avoidance Makes Us Mediocre: Steve Herz on Why You Shouldn't Take 'Yes' for an Answer

Most of us are pretty good at our jobs, according to Steve Herz, president of The Montag Group, a sports and entertainment talent and marketing consultancy. The problem, however, is that we probably don't hear about the ways in which we're not so good. "The world will pepper you with these false yeses, and you'll get stuck in this vortex of mediocrity, because you're not getting enough...

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Do You Have the Competitive Edge of Fortitude?

Article by Simon T. Bailey If you look up definitions of the word "fortitude," you'll find entries like "courage through adversity" or "resolute endurance." While I think those definitions are accurate, I don't believe they fully encapsulate what the term truly means. Fortitude, as I define it, is the strength of mind that enables a person to experience adversity with courage. The...

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Confessions of a Corporate Talent Acquisition Leader: Agency Versus In-House Recruitment? In 2021and Beyond, It's a Partnership.

It's the question of the century: Is it better to partner with an agency or rely on an in-house recruitment function? Having played in both worlds, I wanted to share my perspective. I got into the recruitment industry back when it was considered an arm of consulting and in-house recruitment didn't really exist. We partnered with business leaders, assisted them with the ups and downs of...

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Do Hiring Managers Really Care About Professional Certificates? 

From working as an EMT to driving an 18-wheeler to teaching a kindergarten class, some jobs simply cannot be done without the right certifications. Other careers don't have core certifications, but they do have a lot of supplemental learning opportunities designed to make you a more qualified professional. While these credentials may not be required by employers, many job seekers use them...

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Future of Recruiting Series: AI in Recruiting

When we think about the future of work, so much focus is on the individual -- the employee -- but the workplace is changing just as fast, and the way we think about traditional processes and tasks is rapidly evolving.  In nearly every aspect of a business, you analyze and iterate to make processes more efficient, to spend less money, to make more informed decisions, to have a greater...

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Create an Apprenticeship Program for Your Company From Scratch With These 9 Steps

Jobs without people. People without jobs. There's a mismatch between the skills people have and the skills companies need. Back in February of this year, ManpowerGroup reported US talent shortages were at a 10-year high, with more than two-thirds of employers struggling to fill positions. That situation is unlikely to have eased during the pandemic. Meanwhile, from the employee's...

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Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents

What do you do when you're on a Zoom meeting and someone's child suddenly pops up on the screen? It's bound to happen in this new reality, where parents are forced to run day cares and remote classrooms while keeping up with professional duties. And these aren't the only employees with caregiving responsibilities; many are also caring for parents or spouses. This new normal is something...

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The Landscape Might Look Different, but Virtual Work Experiences Will Benefit Students, Job Seekers

For students and recent graduates, the summer season has long been a time for gaining work experience between semesters or bridging the gap between completing a degree and securing that first job. Similarly, the fall semester is often a time for students to gain valuable work experience in addition to their studies. This year, however, lockdowns and the deployment of a remote workforce...

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Overwhelmed? Overstretched? Over It? Take Back Control With These 4 Strategies

"I'm currently trying to hold plank during a conference call so I can 'work out' today." "I'm going to be a few minutes late joining our meeting. I have to finish the lesson on the five senses with my kindergartner." "I just yelled REPEATEDLY 'Just carry the one! Just carry the one!' to my daughter while I was teaching math. And clearly 'teaching' is a stretch. Do you think this...

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Is Candidate Experience Affecting Your Hiring?

Does a great candidate experience bring in better candidates? Or more hires from a given set? Does it bring in referrals through the roof? There is no profound evidence to answer these questions. Even the most common key performance indicators (KPIs) for recruiters do not measure how they handle candidate experience. Instead, recruiter KPIs are mainly focused on time and money spent or the...

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In AI-Powered Recruiting, Algorithm Design Matters — a Lot

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are all the rage in recruiting and hiring circles today. Unfortunately, much of what is on offer is overhyped, of shoddy construction, or otherwise falls short. Even the big guys don't always get it right: By now, the story of Amazon's abandoned algorithm that systematically selected male candidates over women is a well-known cautionary...

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11 Things to Consider Before Offering an Employee a Raise

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: An employee has asked for a raise — is it time to grant one? What factors should you consider when making the decision? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful...

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Social Distancing Doesn't Have to Lead to Distanced Employee Relationships

Before March 2020, no one had even heard of "social distancing." Fast forward seven months, and it's all anyone can talk about. According to Statista, Google searches for "social distancing" increased 100-fold by mid-March, and I imagine searches will spike again now that many locales are reinstating COVID-19 restrictions due to significant rises in cases. Over the summer, there was a...

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What Side of History Will You Be On? 5 Remote Work Predictions to Help You Get Ahead in 2021

In every segment of the economy, from schools and nonprofit organizations to professional services and tech companies, the understanding of where people can and should work has shifted dramatically. Unless Elon Musk invents a time machine, workers will never go back to the office at the same levels as before COVID-19. Before the pandemic, only 5 percent of the American workforce worked...

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Doing More With Less: How to Grow Your Business With the Staff You Already Have

As a leader, you're a visionary. You may use terms like "cat-herder," "jack-of-all-trades," and "superstar" to describe yourself. However, just because you can accomplish practically any and every function necessary for the continued operation of your emerging enterprise, that doesn't mean you should. Ideally, leaders should spend the bulk of their time and energy doing that which only...

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Hiring for Mission and Value Alignment: It All Starts With a Defined Purpose

Mission and value alignment are essential for successfully recruiting and retaining talent. When employees feel connected to your mission and your values, they feel inspired to contribute their best efforts. Conversely, without mission and value alignment, employee engagement wanes, negatively impacting overall team performance and morale. Your employees can only be aligned with your...

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Hiring During a Recession: 3 Ways to Adapt to the Current Labor Market

Hiring during a recession can certainly be challenging. While companies may find there is no shortage of candidates, the real difficulty comes in trying to find the right candidate amid all the options. Recruiters need to strike a balance between attracting a large number of quality candidates and discouraging those with a lower likelihood of fit from applying. Without such a strategy, many...

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LinkedIn Looks at the Future of Recruiting: Predictions for Hiring Post-COVID

It's uncontroversial — perhaps downright banal — to say that COVID-19 has transformed the world of recruiting. But while we all agree that things have changed, many of us would be hard-pressed to put our fingers on the specific transformations that have taken place. For a lot of us, we know that radical shifts have occurred — but the reality of those shifts, and the ways in which...

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Dealing With Employee Feedback: 13 Steps to Take

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: So you've solicited employee feedback — now what? What steps should an organization take once employees have spoken up? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful...

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3 Reopening Lessons HR Leaders Can Learn From College COVID Outbreaks

College campuses are becoming the newest hot spots for COVID-19 outbreaks. While some argue about who gets the blame — students, administrators, or conflicting public health guidelines — there are valuable lessons any organization can learn from the experiences of American schools when it comes to reopening and avoiding heavy liabilities. (This article is not meant to serve as legal...

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Diverse Hiring Isn't Enough: The 4 Pillars of Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization

This year has been challenging — to say the least — in many, many ways, from a global pandemic exposing inequities in healthcare, education, and working conditions to renewed attention on police brutality leading to calls for an end to systemic racism. There is barely an area of life that has not been touched by these events, and that includes the workplace. There has been a lot of...

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How to Create Job Security for Life

Article by Michael Pietrzak A lifetime ago, I worked with a woman we'll call Martha, who flew into a minor rage when she learned that a coworker from another department had been promoted over her. Martha's reaction surprised me — not because we were in the middle of a full staff meeting, but because she was the opposite of a model employee. Martha did the bare minimum, argued with the...

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Have You Tried These 5 Out-of-the-Box Ways to Source Candidates?

When you think of candidate sourcing, you probably immediately think of publishing ads on job boards, looking for fresh college graduates, or scouting for talent on LinkedIn. Although these techniques may bring in some numbers, they do not ensure quality. When attracting and sourcing candidates, it is important to be active in the places where your ideal candidates are likely to be. You...

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Are We Unnecessarily Limiting the Talent Pool by Requiring University Degrees?

In a year when most everything seems to be "unprecedented," we can add to the list the fact that we are now in the longest period of year-on-year decline in people productivity since measurement began in the early 20th century. For the past 10 years, we have seen continued downward pressure on productivity numbers. It is true, economists will tell you, that productivity does not always...

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The Ideal Worker in the Age of AI: Doing What the Machines Cannot

As technology continues to advance, humans will encounter new challenges that change the way we live and work. In our quest to leverage tech to make our lives easier, we sometimes fail to notice the negative impacts these innovations may have until it's too late. The very same advances that make our lives more comfortable often displace a lot of people from jobs, creating massive...

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The First 90 Days: 10 Steps to Help You Ace a New Role

The first 90 days in a new role are extremely important — in fact, they can determine your overall success or failure in that role. That's the basic premise of Michael D. Watkins' best-seller, The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter. In his book, Watkins talks about what transitions are and why they are extremely important from the perspective of...

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Building Communities: How to Keep Professional Events Engaging in the Age of Remote Work

The pandemic has changed the way work is done, and talent leaders must now master new approaches to recruiting and managing employees. While the pandemic has thwarted many traditional in-person events, recruiters and HR pros still need to connect with their colleagues to keep up with the trends and ideas shaping the future of work. Virtual events can be an effective avenue for those...

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New Study Finds Gig Work May Serve as a Social Safety Net

No one wants to find themselves staring down the barrel of a pink slip — just ask the tens of millions of Americans who lost work this past spring as the COVID-19 pandemic hit. New research, however, suggests the gig economy may be able to take some of the sting out of unemployment for many workers. In "Gig-Labor: Trading Safety Nets for Steering Wheels," authors Vyacheslav Fos...

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Making Inspirational Hires: How to Identify a Candidate Chemistry Match

The most critical aspect of being a successful business leader is building a company that inspires innovation and productivity. Your ability to identify bright people with the right skills who fit into your company culture is an art worth mastering. One wrong person can negatively affect your culture. You can work well with almost anyone — whether it be a seasoned expert or a first-year...

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Ready, Set, Recruit: Great Company Culture Begins With Recruitment

Most candidates ask their potential employers in-depth questions about the company during an interview. According to Gallup, "high-quality" candidates tend to ask questions that focus on a company's culture and whether its values align with their own. But does culture begin with the company and end with its workforce, or vice versa? The answer is simple: People build company culture, but...

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Using Artificial Intelligence the Right Way: How to Limit the Risks of AI-Driven Hiring

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way we find and hire talent. From helping companies identify candidates who match super specific sets of criteria to reducing bias in the hiring process, AI can transform key aspects of recruiting for the better. However, AI also has a dark side. If developed or used improperly, AI can actually increase discrimination,...

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6 Metrics to Help You Measure How Your Candidate Experience Affects Your Recruiting Outcomes

The last thing you, as a recruiter, think about when you are hiring is the experience your candidate has during the interview process. That's understandable. Your aim is to find the right candidate for the role as fast as you can in order to move on to filling the next one. But it's a good idea to stop and think about the message you are putting out there as the representative of the...

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Bringing Employees Back to Work? Good HCM Tech Can Help.

As the pandemic remains a pressing concern heading into the fall months, health and safety regulations continue to loom large. Employees are placing trust in their companies to ensure workplace safety during these uncertain times, and confidence is being tested on numerous levels. In endeavoring to keep personnel assured and profits steady, businesses must place an emphasis on employee safety...

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Leaders, It's Time to Unlearn the Skills That Made You Successful

As a leader, you've spent years — or decades — learning and honing the skills and characteristics that make your leadership effective. When circumstances change — as they very much have in the age of COVID — you may quite naturally reach for the very same set of skills you've used all along. This might not be the best approach. As a former Fortune 15 executive, I know from...

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Most Recruiters Don't Prep Their Hiring Managers — But They Should

Hiring managers are every bit as crucial to the recruitment process as recruiters. They know their teams inside and out, and they can use that knowledge to provide invaluable insights during the screening and interviewing portions of the process. Unfortunately, recruiters are underutilizing this resource. According to a CareerBuilder study, only 40 percent of recruiters take time to...

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Beyond the Pandemic: Finding Opportunities to Create Introvert-Friendly Workplaces

Keeping people engaged, focused, and able to perform has become even more urgent in these challenging times of the pandemic and economic and social unrest. Organizations can look at this period as an opportunity to make long-overdue workplace changes. Remote work, for example, has succeeded in ways many organizations never imagined. Team leaders can reach out in new ways to their team...

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Build Employee Loyalty in 4 Steps: Lessons From Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines prides itself on never having had to lay off employees in its 49-year history, and despite the rough weather it is battling due to the pandemic, Chairman and CEO Gary Kelly said there's no plan for pay cuts or involuntary furloughs this year. This is just one example of Southwest's many people-first policies, which have been the main driver of the company's success. At...

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Compensation Becomes a Trickier Question in the Age of Remote Work

One year ago, many organizations were desperately searching for skilled talent to help scale their companies. At the time, the US was facing one of its tightest labor markets in history. Unemployment rates were so low that it was challenging to find top talent. Recruiters had to race to win a "yes" from the right candidates, and quick reactions were key to securing placements. What a...

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Running a startup in 2020: Where to pivot and where to never change.

Sitting at home, with many of the common playful distractions of life removed from our reach, we are presented with an opportunity to reflect - on the world, our communities, ourselves, the role we play, the role we want to play.  Now, more than ever, I'm finding that many of us are reflecting on how we spend our time - what do we do, and why do we do it - and asking ourselves, is how...

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From AI-Powered Hiring to Cloud Storage, Here Are 5 Ways Your Business Can Leverage Tech to Navigate the COVID Age

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered massive changes in the business world. More people than ever before are working from home, and this shift has led to serious challenges for HR teams as they try to recruit new employees. Right now, it's not possible for many recruiters to meet candidates in person, and many businesses are struggling to fill in the talent gaps left by the layoffs they had to...

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If Your Employees Aren't Happy, Your Organization Isn't Reaching Its Potential

Historically, happiness was only associated with weekends, spare time, and simply not being at work. However, recent research has uncovered a clear connection between happiness and improved employee performance. That makes sense: The more we feel as though our needs are being met in the workplace, the more likely we are to be engaged in delivering high-quality results. In light of the...

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Want to Get Hired? Here Are the Soft Skills Employers Want Today

As artificial intelligence and automation continue to advance, soft skills are only growing in importance. As routine and mundane tasks are passed off to the machines, employers are looking for candidates who bring to the table that which their robot counterparts cannot: creativity, collaboration, diplomacy, empathy, generosity, and more. In today's job market, it is often a candidate's...

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The Future of Engineering Is Global: Unlocking a New Talent Opportunity

CTOs across many types of organizations are rethinking how they hire staff now that remote work has proven to be effective. Apple, Zillow, and Google are among the many technology-driven companies that plan to be fully remote through 2021. People have gotten used to more flexible workdays, with Slack and Zoom reporting increased usage even during evenings and weekends, paving the way for...

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Destigmatizing Mental Health in the Workplace Is Critical as Schools and Workplaces Reopen

Earlier this year, our house was fumigated for termites. If you've ever had this done before, you know what an ordeal it can be. We had to find alternate housing, seal all our food, and uproot our work and school schedules to make it happen. This would have been a burden in a "normal" environment, but it took on a whole new level of stress in the midst of a pandemic. As a full-time...

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Are Your Job Descriptions Good Enough?

Why do job descriptions matter so much? Just like you can tell a good candidate from an unprepared one by reading the first couple of lines of their cover letter, candidates can tell good companies from those that seem straight out of a nightmare just by reading a job description. Great candidate experience management begins with attracting the right kinds of candidates, and good...

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