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3 Strategies to Help You Pivot Gracefully

Article by Simon T. BaileyThe COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly every industry in the world. As many of us seek to realign ourselves and our businesses, we'll need to utilize a crucial skill: being able to pivot with grace.What do you value? What do you prioritize? What is the biggest dream you have for your life? Answering these questions — and then taking note of what your answers...

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Banish Candidate Ghosts from Your Hiring Process

The term "ghosting" refers to an abrupt end to correspondence for no rhyme or reason — that you know of, at least. And while ghosting first arose as a dating phenomenon, it has snuck into the hiring process. Candidate ghosting occurs when a candidate suddenly ends communication midway through the hiring process. One second you're talking to them, and the next, they're gone. It's not...

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What Does Good Candidate Experience Have to Do With Good Customer Service? 

As a recruiter, you think your primary focus is on finding the right talent to do the job. Indeed it is. But while talent greatly matters, so does the person behind the talent. In other words: When choosing a candidate, culture fit matters as much as requirement fit. How? Great culture means great employee experience, which means great customer service. A great culture isn't created by...

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Student Loan Assistance Programs: Key to Post-COVID Recruitment and Retention? 

The global public health crisis and resulting period of ongoing remote work should be making employers rethink their approaches to recruitment and retention. Moving forward, workers' geographic locations will be much less of a barrier to employment in comparison to pre-pandemic days, affording them more choice among prospective employers. One of the ways employers can distinguish...

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Want to Streamline Corporate Immigration? Get Your Hiring Managers More Involved.

For a foreign national who has accepted a role at an organization based in the United States, members of the HR or talent acquisition team are often their first point of contact at their new employer — but they shouldn't be the only points of contact. Hiring managers who understand the immigration process — and especially the challenges that foreign nationals can face during it — can...

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Hire the talent you need by getting your company's brand right

When I was early on in my career at Bridgewater, I assumed the position of Dartmouth "School Head." This meant that I was responsible for working with the Campus Recruiting team to develop a strategy to attract Dartmouth students to Bridgewater for entry-level Investment and Management positions. In an attempt to be creative, I came up with a seven stanza poem to be used in a marketing...

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The Pandemic Sparked a Wave of Relocations and Delocations. Here's What That Means for Talent Acquisition in 2021.

The global economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has been well documented. Reduced workforces, closed offices, and a seismic shift of people leaving cities for more affordable suburban areas are just a few of the outcomes driven by the pandemic. Additionally, we've seen a growing number of companies shifting to long-term remote work models or closing their offices entirely. The good news is...

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Will Prerecorded Video Interviews Be a Go-To Recruitment Tech Tool in 2021?

Most of us hope 2021 will see the easing of lockdown restrictions and the return of some degree of normalcy. Regardless of how the next year plays out, however, one thing is for sure: The pandemic-driven integration of technology into workplace processes is here to stay. In the HR world, COVID19 fast-tracked the inevitable shift toward virtual recruitment as a preferred choice over...

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Recruiter Index®: After a Colder November, Recruiters Expect Growth in the Coming Months

Since April, Recruiter.com has been tracking recruiter sentiment and hiring activity through the Recruiter Index®, an ongoing survey of recruiters and hiring professionals on the front lines of the job market today. November's survey saw overall sentiment largely unchanged from October — but that doesn't tell the full story. For the first time since July, recruiters were feeling less...

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Sending the Right Message to the Right Audience: Key Strategies for Ramping Up Diversity Hiring in 2021

With the events of this year prompting many Americans to reflect on what is important to them and what their values are, it is fitting that people are bringing their beliefs and priorities into their job searches. Organizations' diversity and inclusion (DI) initiatives have taken on increased importance in recent months, with 33 percent of recruiters reporting that job seekers today...

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Baby, There's COVID Outside! Tips for Workplace Holiday Celebrations: The 2020 Pandemic Edition

Let's face it: 2020 has been hard. We'd all like the year to be done. Good riddance. The US workforce has seen furloughs, layoffs, and pay cuts — plus the challenges to working parents posed by the lack of childcare and the stress of managing remote learning. It's the end of the year, we all hope we'll never have to do 2020 again, and employers are looking to celebrate with their...

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Navigating the Search for the Right Insurance Broker This Open Enrollment Season

This open enrollment season is unlike any previous season. The coronavirus pandemic has managed to upend the US healthcare benefits market in the most unexpected ways. Over the last 9 months, it became abundantly clear that employees have not been using their healthcare at the same rate as they did in 2019. Due to the pandemic, elective surgeries have been postponed, fewer in-person...

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People, Planning, and Platforms: How to Build an Effective Upskilling Strategy in the New Normal

Skills, knowledge, and expertise are essential elements of any organization's success, and they require constant training, development, and refinement. That's why so many organizations have been reviewing their internal skill availability amid the upheavals of the pandemic. With the economy on shaky ground, the firms that thrive most are those willing to embrace upskilling as a key business...

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A Year of Trust: 3 Industry Professionals Share Their Predictions for 2021 

This year was an especially challenging one for organizations around the world. The massive shift to remote work, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, put stress on hiring managers, increased reliance on the cloud, and created demand for new technologies. As we look toward 2021, many hiring professionals and business leaders are wondering how the economic effects of the pandemic may linger...

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COVID-19 Changed the Workforce Forever. Is Your Business Ready?

The COVID-19 pandemic created a workforce crisis on the same scale as the Great Depression. Within a matter of months, 17.75 million Americans were out of work, and businesses were scrambling to cope with financial and productivity losses. Recent months have seen a decline in unemployment numbers, but business leaders still have their work cut out for them as they navigate an uncertain...

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The Power of Belonging: The How and Why of Building Community Across a Modern Remote Workforce

When the pandemic forced a sudden shift to remote work, many companies feared productivity would decline. Instead, more than 90 percent of employers now say productivity has stayed the same or even increased compared to before the pandemic. While this lays aside the biggest concern most companies had about remote work, another problem is brewing, and it may be just as harmful as a drop in...

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The Key to Better Hiring Is Better Listening: 4 Ways to Get the Most From an Interview

As we near the end of 2020 and inch closer to a COVID-19 vaccine, business leaders are starting to looking ahead. As companies begin to rebuild, they'll face a daunting decision: choosing whom they'll rebuild with. Hundreds of thousands of candidates whose careers were upended by the pandemic are now active in a highly competitive job market, a much different landscape compared to the...

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Humor Is Fundamental to a Healthy Workplace — But Not Without Its Risks

"A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done." - Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States It's not easy to define "humor." It has many facets. It can be a play on words, a joke, a story, or funny behavior. It can be lighthearted, ironic, good-natured, sarcastic, satirical, or cynical. For me, humor is much more than...

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Why You Need to Understand the Difference Between Praise and Employee Recognition

If, after investing a good amount of time and effort in a project, you got to choose either a generic "Well done!" ore more insightful feedback, what would you go for? Both types of comments can boost employee motivation, engagement, and performance. Based on my 20+ years of experience in HR, however, I feel confident predicting the vast majority of us would go for the second...

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As the Pandemic Continues, We Must Keep Our Core Values Front and Center

The Japanese business philosophy of kaizen promotes the continuous growth of all employees no matter where they are in the org chart. Consciously or not, many company leaders subscribe to this concept on some level when it comes to company culture. When you are intentional about creating strong growth and an adaptable culture, you position your company to attract top talent from all over...

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Reimagining the Corporate Work Experience: 3 Employee Engagement Trends to Watch for in 2021

Inarguably, 2020 has been a year of reckoning for corporate America. The compounded impact of COVID-19, political divides, social unrest, and constant economic uncertainty has forced company leaders to take a hard look at their priorities, people, and policies. As a result, the corporate landscape has shifted irrevocably. In particular, three employee engagement trends are beginning to...

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Leadership vs. Management: Trust Makes All the Difference

Look online, and you'll find an abundance of memes comparing the traits of managers and leaders. Many show the manager sitting behind a desk with the whip to his people, while the leader is in front of the pack and leading the charge. But is it really that simple in our day-to-day work lives? I don't own a whip; am I automatically a leader? How must we act to distinguish ourselves as...

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Managing Hybrid Teams: How to Keep Culture Strong and Productivity High When Employees Are Working From Home and the Office

The pandemic-driven shift to mass remote work has had its fair share of challenges, like a disrupted work/life balance and widening communication gaps. Despite that, many employees have come to prefer the flexibility of working from home over the rigidity of working from a shared office. At the same time, some roles will require a return to the office once doing so becomes feasible, and...

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Your 2020 Virtual Interview Strategy Can Drive Long-Term Hiring Success. Here's How.

Organizations that adopted remote hiring as a result of the pandemic are realizing the trend is here to stay. Video interviews are a core part of virtual recruitment, and 82 percent of hiring managers are planning to continue leveraging them in the long term. However, there's a difference between simply chatting with a candidate via Zoom and conducting a carefully crafted video-interview...

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Resilient Employees Create Resilient Organizations

"Resilience" is defined as "the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties" — and there has never been a time in the modern era when organizations have had to be more resilient than right now. The foundation of that resilience is built by a company's employees. Yet the same pandemic that demands organizational resilience also makes cultivating that resilience increasingly difficult....

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Traumatized by Your COVID Job Search? I Know the Feeling.

Hi, my name is Sarah — — and I suffer from COVID job-search PTSD. I do understand how challenging it has been for HR over this tumultuous period, but recruitment has broken somewhere and candidates are feeling the pain. So settle in for a spicy vent about my recent recruitment trauma. A Little About Myself I was recently unemployed for nine months. Feeling jaded by my job loss,...

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Recruiting Is Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack — and Now the Haystack Keeps Growing

As a recruiter, you know someone out there is the ideal person for the position you're trying to fill. The hard part is finding them in a pool of candidates that grows larger by the day. Millions of people have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw US unemployment peak at 14.7 percent in April. That's to say nothing of the many currently employed people — as much...

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How's Your Team Really Doing? 5 Ways to Support Employee Mental Health

For many people, the pandemic is not only a threat to physical health, but also a mental health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, three times more people are struggling with anxiety disorders this year than last year; when it comes to depression, the numbers this year are four times greater than they were in 2019. Earlier this summer, we at CHG Healthcare...

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Remote Work Is Here to Stay. This Is How You Can Protect Your Company Culture.

When remote workplace technology came on the scene, some predicted it would quickly catch on and make the daily commute obsolete. It didn't. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, only about 7 percent of the US workforce had the option to work remotely in 2019. The pandemic changed that overnight. In an interview published in July 2020, Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom said 42...

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How to Hire Exceptional Candidates for Your Startup in Just 5 Steps

Most established companies have elaborate recruitment strategies with tried and tested methods. Recruitment is a well-oiled machine that can often work on its own for these mature organizations. But what about startups and companies that are fairly new to hiring? How do they approach hiring? Where can they post their job openings? What questions should they ask candidates? Luckily for you,...

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Open Enrollment 2020: A Complicated Shot at Reinvention

Open enrollment is a complex process under even the best of circumstances. In a pandemic year, it's causing employees and employers alike massive headaches — but it's also offering us a shot at reinvention. Employees were already big on their benefits before COVID-19 arrived on the scene. A February 2020 survey by Willis Towers Watson found that 37 percent of employees would prefer an...

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Hiring and Being Hired During the Pandemic: Clarity and Resilience Are Key

With so many people having lost their jobs or been furloughed this year, it's no surprise we have seen an increase in job hunting in impacted industries, with the spherical range of these industries gradually increasing as the pandemic wears on. Many recruiters have also found themselves adjusting to a new talent landscape as the pandemic's disruptions resulted in an increased need to find...

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Diversity in Contract Hires: An Overlooked Opportunity for Lasting Change?

Like many professional recruiters, we at Corps Team have seen a dramatic rise in hiring in recent months. Yet, as the economic impact of the pandemic lingers, we're also observing a trend of employers hedging risk by hiring contractors rather than direct-hire placements. The latest job numbers confirm what we're seeing. "Professional and business services added 208,000 jobs in October,...

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4 Ways to Tackle Absenteeism in a Flexible PTO Framework

Employee absenteeism can severely damage productivity and culture in organizations with flexible paid time off (PTO) if not tackled at the right time. The good news is there are ways to protect the spirit of your PTO policy without having to stand by and watch your employees abuse it. The first step is to invest in a system that helps you create a time-off policy, enforce it, and track it...

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14 Traits That Could Get You Hired on the Spot

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we ask experts and entrepreneurs to share their insights on pressing topics in HR and recruiting! Today's Question: What's one trait or skill that would make you hire someone on the spot, and why? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs....

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Randstad Sourceright Survey: Digital Tools Will Be Key to Post-Pandemic Hiring

If businesses had any doubts about the need to embrace digital transformation, COVID-19 has made clear the importance that technology and digital competencies will play in the newly remote working world. Organizations that have not yet adopted the right technologies risk falling behind and must rethink their digital talent strategies if they want to respond quickly to changing business needs....

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Surprising nuances of building an inclusive culture (how I'm still learning)

I am constantly learning about what it really means to build an inclusive, supportive culture. Over the summer, I held an exit interview with one of my employees who was leaving Scouted to attend Business School. I asked her a number of questions, solicited feedback, and, in particular, I spent time asking her about what her experience was like at Scouted culturally.  I mentioned to...

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ADA Compliance Can Be Tough in the Age of COVID. Here's What You Need to Know.

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) presents challenges for employers under any circumstances. In part, this stems from one critical difference between the ADA and other anti-discrimination laws. Specifically, most of the federal anti-discrimination laws, including the ADA, require employers not to discriminate against individuals based on protected classifications. The ADA, however,...

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HR Professionals Are Doing a Pretty Good Job of Managing the Remote Workforce — but Challenges Still Abound

After more than eight months of adjusting to remote work, employees across the country have settled into their home offices. When it comes to bringing workers back in person, some large companies, such as Netflix, say they won't return to the office until there's a vaccine. As the "new normal" slowly becomes "normal," HR professionals are working to create a seamless remote work experience...

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Your COVID-19 Recruiting Strategy Needs to Be Skills-Based and Data-Driven

The unpredictable circumstances we've found ourselves in this year have had a significant impact on all areas of business operations. When we consider how COVID-19 has affected the HR vertical, it is evident that traditional hiring and recruiting processes took a serious hit over the last few months. Many believed the high unemployment rate resulting from the pandemic would make hiring talent...

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It's Time to Rethink the Resume. There Are Much Better Ways to Evaluate Candidates.

It almost goes without saying: When you are reviewing candidates, you want to see their resumes. The resume is probably the most consistent component in the recruiting process, the only truly universal ingredient across companies and roles of all kinds. Yet despite its ubiquity, the resume is a deeply flawed method of evaluating candidates. At best, it is only a very small piece of the...

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Diversity and Virtual Recruiting: Is Anything Really Changing?

Most senior leaders at US companies are white men. It's a simple fact. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, just 8 percent of managers and 4 percent of CEOs are Black. In addition, 10 percent of managers and 6 percent of CEOs are Hispanic or Latinx. Similarly, a 2020 report from Mercer confirmed that the higher up the corporate ladder you go, the less representation of women...

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5 Simple Steps to Ace Your Tech Hiring With Pre-Assessments

Hiring good tech talent has always been a challenge because skilled tech professionals are always in high demand. Even if you find one, they might be lured away by another recruiter for a competing company before you can make an offer. However, the biggest challenge faced by recruiters on the hunt for tech talent is filtering the initial round of resumes. Unlike non-tech roles, where a...

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Stay Positive: 5 Questions to Gauge Candidates' Attitudes During Interviews

Just about a year ago, the job market looked very different. With unemployment numbers at record lows, qualified candidates were difficult to come by. Now, employers and hiring managers are facing a unique situation that no one could have anticipated. We're about 11 months into a global pandemic, and the pool of active job seekers is overflowing. The country's unemployment rate has doubled,...

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Is Russia the Next Hot Spot for Tech Talent?

While it has certainly had many negative consequences, the coronavirus pandemic has also had done some good for the IT industry. One of its most positive side effects is the creation of new opportunities for IT employers around the world. The massive shift to remote work has removed many of the barriers to international talent that employers used to face, greatly simplifying the process...

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Why You Must Focus on the Candidate Experience: Lessons From Airbnb

"If you had 10 years left to live, would you take this job?" Brian Chesky, founder and CEO of Airbnb, was physically present when the company's first 300 hires were interviewed, and he made sure he asked this question of every one. The idea was to bring to his company people who believed in Airbnb's mission, people who felt a role at Airbnb was more of a calling than a job — so much so...

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Future of Recruiting Series: Recruiting for a Remote Workforce

Why remote work is a key component of your 2021 recruiting strategy According to the October 2020 Recruiter IndexⓇ, remote work will be a critical component of economic recovery across a multitude of industries. In fact, candidates are increasingly inclined to list remote work capabilities as one of the most important factors of a robust job offer (second only to compensation). So, if...

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Hiring Remotely Doesn't Have to Mean Transforming the Entire Hiring Process: 7 Tips to Help You Adjust

The ability to hire remote employees gives your organization a major competitive advantage. You have access to top talent all over the world (or at least in specific time zones where it makes sense) instead of being limited to, say, a 20-mile radius around your office. During the pandemic, hiring remote employees has also become a necessity if you want to grow your business. However,...

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