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Dwight Schrute's 4 Lessons for Successful Data-Driven Recruiting

You probably know him best as assistant to the regional manager, owner of Schrute Farms, and an award-winning paper salesman. What you might not know is Dwight Schrute is also an expert on data-driven recruiting. Fact. Over the past decade, data analytics in recruitment have evolved from simple job posting and advertising metrics to comprehensive breakdowns of candidate engagement,...

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Without Remote Work Opportunities, You Won't Be Retaining Your Employees in 2021

Today's business challenges are unlike any others we've seen, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. In spring 2020, companies had to enable remote workforces virtually overnight, and although many businesses have begun to see the advantages of remote work, 71 percent are still struggling with the transition. It's not hard to see why. Though remote work brings many significant benefits, it...

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To Understand the 2021 Labor Market, We Can Look to 2020

The US labor market is experiencing something it has never experienced before. As we start a new year, however, we can pinpoint the specific trends that drove the labor market at the end of 2020, and that in turn can help us predict how the market might look in 2021. Identifying and accepting these trends can enhance a company's speed of execution and productivity, while having a very...

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Why Employee Benefits Are So Crucial in 2021

The events of last year led many employees to question their priorities. Employee perks such as team social activities and free snacks in the office, once attractive, were rendered unnecessary when the workforce went remote. Conversely, people are starting to take their health and finances more seriously. As such, benefits like health insurance, flexible work arrangements, and salary...

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What Does COVID-19 Mean for the Construction and Development Industry?

The construction and development industry is considered to be essential work under most new government lockdown legislation. Let's take a look at what that means in practice: How Construction and Development Were Affected in 2020 Like the majority of sectors, the construction and development industry has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, particularly by the various...

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Why UK Employers Need to Get SMCR Ready

With the SMCR deadline looming, UK managers need to ensure that their staff members are not caught out. Here's what you need to know: What Is SMCR and Why Is It Important? The SMCR, or Senior Managers and Certification Regime, is a regulatory body in the UK designed to encourage better conduct and increase accountability across financial services firms. It was launched by...

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We're in the First 100 Days of a New Decade. Let's Seize the Moment.

By now, we know that the business landscape will continue to be turbulent for some time to come. After the year we've just survived, it's clear that 2021 will bring additional change and pressure, and executives must be equipped to lead through a continuously shifting environment. If we take our cues from leadership experts and US politics, the first 100 days of a new era can make or...

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Recruiting Made Easier: How One Free Chrome Extension Can Help

For recruiters, it's frustrating when someone says hiring is an easy job. While the pandemic brought on a slew of terrible circumstances, such as economic turmoil, layoffs, and budget cuts, recruiting pre-pandemic wasn't a walk in the park either. With record-low unemployment, 78 percent of employed professionals open to job hopping, and heavy competition from outside organizations, the...

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Ending the 'Shecession': 3 Ways Businesses Can Attract and Retain Female Professionals

The "shecession" is trending right now, and for good reason. Record numbers of women exited the US workforce throughout 2020 — 617,000 in September alone, compared to 78,000 men.  Largely, this disparity is the result of the fact that women have had to shoulder much of the pandemic's impact on US households, from the lack of daycare options to caring for elderly parents and overseeing...

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These Are the Skills Hiring Managers Need to Look for in 2021

While the past year has uprooted millions of workers and thrown the global economy into disarray, it has also had a catalytic effect on many industries and companies. For example, of all the changes COVID-19 has caused, perhaps the most significant has been a fundamental reconsideration of the way companies find and deploy human capital. From the overnight shift to remote work to the surging...

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10 Ways to Optimize Your Virtual Hiring Process

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: Many companies have moved to an online environment. What's the best tip you'd give them on conducting a virtual hiring process? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most...

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Resume Tips for Career Changers [With Summary Section Template]

Shifting careers was always a challenge, even before 2020. One of the biggest hurdles career changers face is being able to show hiring managers how their past work experience will help them succeed in the new role. Did you know hiring managers only spend an average of six seconds reading each resume? That being the case, career changers must learn how to stand out and share their...

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Outcomes Over Output: What Employees Are Looking for in 2021

The pandemic has forever changed the way employees view work. Once it eventually subsides, many workers will be eager to explore their career options and change jobs. If businesses want to attract and retain the talent they need to move forward, they must understand candidates' mindsets and desires in this new talent market. According to the Citrix Talent Accelerator, a survey of 2,000...

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Make Your Remote Workers More Secure With a VPN

As remote work becomes the norm, company security becomes more important than ever. VPNs can protect employees as they work remotely, allowing them to browse the internet free of risk. What Is a VPN? A virtual private network (VPN) allows users to protect their privacy while browsing online. It bypasses a user's internet service provider (ISP) and instead routes the internet...

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Having Trouble Hiring Developers? Try These 5 Tips

Hiring great talent is becoming increasingly difficult. Companies are fiercely competing for the best candidates, and everyone is upping their hiring games in different ways, from offering amazing benefits to transforming entire company cultures. Nowhere is this competition more evident than in software development, one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It's also highly...

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Neurodiversity: Paving the Way to Universal Design Inclusivity in the Workplace

Though these last months have been fraught with global challenges, we have seen some hopeful developments when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In particular, business leaders across the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK are providing more work opportunities for the historically marginalized group of neurodivergent individuals — people whose minds operate differently...

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How Do You Deliver a Consistent Benefit Experience When Your Employees Are Scattered Around the Globe?

The international working landscape, in which skills and expertise are shared across borders, has increased the need for globally consistent employee experiences. This is especially true now, in the work-from-home era, which has added another layer of complexity to recruiting and engaging talent. Benefits are often more important than job title, colleagues, or organizational culture...

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6 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Executive Job Search

Overwork and burnout. An unexpected layoff. Uncertainty about your next move. An urge to pivot to something new in your career.  There are many reasons why a senior leader might reach a professional crossroads and embark on an executive job search. In our work with corporate vice president and C-suite leaders, we see a number of common mistakes these executive job seekers often...

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How to Overcome 4 Major Hurdles to Successfully Sourcing Cleared Candidates

Imagine if we categorized industries into different track-and-field events based on the roles they recruited for.  Recruiters in the retail, construction, and hospitality industries would participate in sprints, since those roles have the shortest time to hire. On the flip side, recruiters in industries that require security-cleared candidates would participate in long-distance...

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How Employees Might Be Working in 2021

As we enter 2021, our typical work life looks different than it did in previous years, leaving many to predict what will happen to the future of the office.Office WorkWith many offices forced to close over the past year, employers and employees alike have had to adjust to the trials and tribulations of working from home. For many, the return to the office cannot come soon enough. The office...

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HR Is a Revenue Generator, Not a Cost Center

An unpredictable year tossed a massive wrench into the budgeting process for businesses of all shapes and sizes. I'll be the first to say that I understand the impulse toward risk aversion in the new year after what we experienced in 2020. We're seeing many business leaders turn to the traditional, conservative approach of curtailing spending in the business's cost centers while trying to...

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How to Get Developers to Respond to Your Cold Emails

I've noticed that most of my IT recruiting colleagues rely on the funnel approach to attracting candidates, which involves collecting a number of candidates and then reaching out to them about vacancies via a mailing list.Generally the task is completed, people are found, and the HR lead is happy. But there are two significant problems with this approach. First, template-based email outreach...

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The Two Halves of 2021: The Good, the Bad, and Everything in Between

The beginning of 2021 will include a new presidential administration and a focus on vaccine availability and the timing of additional federal aid. The second half of the year, we will all be busy rebuilding our battered economy and creating a new normal.If we rebound as anticipated, a hiring bonanza in the labor market is likely. LaborIQ by ThinkWhy estimates approximately 76 million hires...

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How Should Teams Take Back Control of Talent Acquisition in 2021? By Embracing Deep Recruitment Technology

We could use many adjectives to describe 2020 (including some choice words that may not be ideal to print). If we had to pick a descriptor that would be universally understood, it would be "chaotic." Over the past 12 months, company executives and recruitment leaders have endured fluctuations in unemployment, budgets, and workplace practices. With so much out of their control, leaders were...

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Employers, Meet Humanity: How the Pandemic Created a White Space to Reinvent Your Company Culture

The new year is upon us, and now more than ever do we need a slice of humanity at work. The pandemic forced many organizations into a tailspin, throwing employer-employee relationships totally out of sorts. But this situation has also created a real opportunity to reinvent that relationship and foster stronger cultures and companies. How will your organization respond?You often hear words like...

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Making Remote Internships Work: 4 Tips for Success

Consider two statements. First, no matter what happens in 2021, remote work is here to stay. Second, successful companies know that in order to build resilient, renewable talent pipelines, they need to have strong internship programs.Put those two truths together, and we find ourselves facing a clear challenge: Is it possible for remote internship programs to succeed? This is a challenge we...

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Do You Know Who's in Your Systems? The Costs and Risks of Non-Employees

The digitalization of the workforce and rise of the gig economy have significantly altered the structure of many organizations, which in turn has posed new challenges for HR teams. In addition to traditional full-time employees (FTEs), many HR teams and their colleagues in IT and cybersecurity must now manage increasing numbers of contractors, vendors, partners, affiliates, and freelancers,...

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The Virtual Work World Is Here to Stay: What 2020 Means for Hiring in 2021

Ask any recruiter, HR professional, or job seeker about the future of hiring, and they will tell you the game will never be the same again. Recruitment practices were totally transformed as companies transitioned from in-person work to a completely remote model practically overnight.These dramatic changes to both hiring practices and professional mindset came to the fore in Talview's latest...

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How to Use Social Media to Find the Right Talent 3 Times Faster

The current job market is filled with millennials and, soon, Generation Z. These demographic groups tend to consume social media as often as they eat food or drink water. If you are still using only old-school recruiting methods like posting on career sites or advertising in newspapers, you have to seriously up your game. How do you reach Gen. Z and millennial candidates? You cannot pull them...

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5 Candidate Sourcing Metrics Every Recruiter Needs to Track

In the recent past, there has been a sea change in the way organizations source and recruit candidates in the labor market. In earlier times, organizations would source candidates as a reaction to job needs. Now, more employers are proactively working to predict future hiring needs, source candidates, and build talent pipelines so that they're ready to hire as soon as a new job opens...

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Retention? I Drive a 2006 Honda Civic. How's That for Retention!

In this day of cars with myriad flashy options, I drive one with a stock radio, no Bluetooth, and no back-up camera. But it gets the job done and gets me where I want to go. I keep it well maintained with regular oil changes, and it has never let me down in my 15 years of driving it. There are flashier, more sophisticated cars I could purchase, cars with all the bells and whistles, but...

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Shadow HR: The Risks of a Patchwork Approach to Contractor Management

If you're losing sleep over finding top talent for your organization, you should know you're not alone. The world has changed more in the past several months than many of us have seen in our entire lifetimes. With huge portions of the workforce furloughed, laid off, or working from home, companies now find themselves in uncharted waters.Before the COVID-19 crisis hit, executives and HR leaders...

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If Your Diversity Hiring Efforts Don't Work, You Probably Need Better Data

While the global pandemic may have captured many of the headlines, 2020 was also a year in which diversity and inclusion (DI) efforts came to a new level of prominence in organizations. The worldwide racial justice protests kick-started a massive response, and companies across industries and countries have been scrutinizing the way members of underrepresented groups are treated in their...

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Refreshing Your Compensation in 2021: 3 Trends to Consider

It's that time of year again. The weather is getting colder, and many business leaders like you are taking the time to review the past 12 months and determine if any structural and internal changes need to be made. With the broad shift to working from home, stricter budgets due to an unpredictable economy, and political and social issues brought to the forefront of the national conversation,...

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Recruiting Podcasts: Our Top 10 Favorites

The best recruiters and HR pros stay up to date on the latest trends, tools, and tactics in the field. One way to do that: Listen to the right podcasts. Here are 10 of our favorite recruiting, hiring, and HR podcasts here at Recruiter.com: 1. Recruiting Trailblazers Hosted by seasoned recruiting vet Marcus Edwardes and sponsored by Recruiter.com, Recruiting Trailblazers aims to...

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Reimagining Skill Sets: How Recruiters Can Lead Post-Pandemic Reskilling Initiatives

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." — Joseph CampbellHere in Nashville in 2020, we've had to learn lessons in resilience we never could have imagined. Just as we were closing 2019 with one of the nation's hottest economies, 15 tornadoes slammed the region in a 48-hour period in December. Weeks later, the pandemic struck,...

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Making an Effective Transition to Digital Learning: It's All About Experimentation

Workplace learning, at least in its traditional form, was one of the earliest- and hardest-hit business activities during the pandemic. In mid-March, McKinsey noted that half of all in-person learning and development programs in North America had been canceled or postponed through June 2020.At the same time, organizations can't afford to stop training their employees during a crisis. That's...

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When Recruiters and Clients Share a Common Goal, Everyone Does a Happy Dance

A successful search for an executive director requires an effective partnership between a search consultant and the client. That's a statement so obviously true it hardly seems worth saying. The problem is that such partnerships seldom work out successfully. I know this from experience. I'm Joe McCormack, founding partner of McCormack+Kristel, the first openly gay-owned retained search firm in...

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Top 5 Interviewing Tips From Successful Startups and Small Businesses

Sourcing candidates from the right channels is the No. 1 challenge for most recruiters worldwide. Interviewing candidates to evaluate their fit for both the role and your organization comes a close second.  Especially if you are recruiting for a startup or a small organization where each role is crucially linked to business functions and delivery, selecting the right candidate can be the...

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The Compensation Question: 5 Tips for Handling Pay Conversations With Employees This Year

As we approach the end of a very long and very tumultuous year, many employers are bracing for the inevitable: questions from staff about compensation in 2021. While some companies have actually seen huge positive shifts in their businesses since March, others have experienced significant difficulty and uncertainty, which will likely impact annual compensations plans. Regardless of the state...

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Making Mentorship Human: How to Succeed as a Mentor During a Pandemic

During a global pandemic, one thing is certain: Everything has to change. While major companies may be hailing the switch to remote work and the increased productivity of their remote workers, employees themselves are facing more challenges than ever before. Many young professionals are worried about losing their jobs, missing crucial opportunities to progress in their careers, and finding...

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Celebrating the Worker Bees in Nature and Our Own Organizations

As a living system, nature holds many lessons we can apply to our organizations. Ants and bees, for example, both provide excellent models of problem-solving and teamwork. While serving as a worker bee might not seem as glamorous as being queen, it is the worker bee collective, operating as a single organism, that ensures a successful hive. Bees represent highly efficient cross-training at its...

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If Your Job Applications Aren't Accessible, Your Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Is Incomplete

COVID-19 has forced companies to move at warp speed to prepare for the workforce of tomorrow under challenging circumstances and without the luxury of planning. According to Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, it is likely that more than half of business travel and 30 percent of days in the office will disappear for good after the pandemic. Gates predicts there will be a "very high threshold" for...

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Attract the Best Candidates and Build Killer Teams: Lessons From India's Fastest-Growing Self-Publishing Firm

Naveen and his two friends borrowed roughly $67 (INR 3,000) from his then girlfriend to set up the domain for their newly founded venture, which aimed to help authors self-publish their books. That was all the investment that went into setting up Notion Press, India's fastest-growing self-publishing platform, in the early stages.The launch of its self-publishing platform product in April 2019...

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Work Perks and Working From Home: What Employees Want in a Remote Workplace

From 30-hour workweeks to surprise days off, companies are rethinking work perks in the remote-first workplace. But are employer instincts and worker wants aligned? To find out, we at HotelsByDay surveyed 1,109 remote workers based in the US. As a service provider newly serving remote workers, we were curious to explore the differences between office life and working from home. We wanted to...

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5 Onboarding Lessons from Fortune's Best Companies to Work For!

Becoming an officially recognized great place to work is a dream come true for employers. It means your employees love you, and more and more people want to be part of your company's growth. Recruiters don't have to worry much about sourcing candidates: Your ideal candidate is just waiting for a chance to join the team. Your organizational culture becomes the talk of the town — for all the...

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Is Asking for Equity-Based Compensation a Good Idea? Here's What You Should Know.

As a job seeker, you'll find yourself negotiating compensation and benefits at some point during the interview process. While most zero in on things like salary, vacation time, and health insurance (with good reason!), there's another important piece to think about during contract negotiations: equity compensation.It may not help you afford rent in the present moment, but it could end up...

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Reflections on managing my team through a global pandemic

Yesterday was the first night of Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights. At the core of the Chanukah story, is the miracle that the oil that was needed to light the menorah in the temple lasted for eight nights, when by the numbers it should have only lasted for one. This got me thinking about my own company's unexpected journey this year.  As an entrepreneur, I am constantly asked...

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