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Transferable Velocity: A Forward-Thinking Way to Close the Post-Pandemic Talent Gap

While the picture is improving, unemployment remains high thanks to changes in the specific skill sets employers need today. The pandemic spurred dramatic shifts in our lifestyles, business practices, and consumer preferences, creating gaps between what organizations need and what candidates have to offer. As is the case in all economic recoveries, recruiters are on the front lines as...

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Employers, Let's Not Abandon All the New Habits We Picked Up During the Pandemic

I don't think anyone will be surprised when I say the coronavirus pandemic made us dramatically change how we work at Doodle. As a software-as-a-service company with offices around the world, we already had a good handle on virtual meeting culture. But even with this head start, moving to a completely remote work model came with new challenges. Thankfully, it looks like we might finally...

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The Brave New World of Work: What Employers Can Expect After the Pandemic

As we turn the corner on the first year of the COVID-19 national health crisis, the fog is beginning to clear. We can finally catch a glimpse of how the world of work might look by this time next year. Several workforce trends that had emerged before the pandemic have exponentially accelerated over the past 12 months, including the mass adoption of remote working by previously office-bound...

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COVID's Biggest Lesson for Business? Always Expect the Unexpected.

It has been over a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, the world has drastically changed. With virtual spaces becoming the default for so many activities, the pandemic has altered how we interact with everything from our homes and our friends to our work. Now is the time to ask what we can learn from this. From an HR perspective, the past year holds all...

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More Candidates Are Listing Lockdown Hobbies on Their Resumes. Don't Dismiss Them Outright.

Often, when candidates don't have a lot of job experience that is directly relevant to the role at hand, they'll apply with a resume that focuses heavily on transferable skills. For example, a candidate who has never worked in sales before might use their experience managing a fundraiser for their kid's sports team to show off their customer service skills. Honestly, transferable skills...

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Global Talent Acquisition in 2021: How AI Is Changing the Game

Global talent acquisition is changing. The pandemic has accelerated the transition to remote work, meaning many companies are looking further afield at overseas talent pools as they recruit. Businesses that want to successfully compete for talent in these international markets will need to rethink their recruiting and onboarding strategies. While the tried-and-tested methods of hiring...

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Want a Career in Healthcare? Here Are 4 Things You Need to Know Before Making the Change

The pandemic has upended a lot in our lives, especially when it comes to our professional lives. As a result, many workers are thinking about making a permanent change. In fact, according to a survey by HR tech company Morneau Shepell, 24 percent of workers are considering changing jobs or careers thanks to the pandemic. One industry in particular seems to have caught the eye of many...

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Collaborative, Curious, and Connected: 7 Reasons to Hire New Graduates in 2021 

A tough job market is making the class of 2021 — from undergrads to MBAs — nervous. Between an uncertain economic recovery and competing with more experienced professionals who lost their jobs during the pandemic, the newest members of the professional workforce have a lot to worry about. But, as always, youth has its advantages. Here are seven reasons why hiring a newly minted grad...

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COVID-19 Shifted Job Seekers' Priorities. They Want Careers, Not Jobs.

It's no surprise the COVID-19 pandemic upset many people's careers. Working parents have had to manage their job and family responsibilities in the same space and often at the same time. With our homes becoming our new offices, our physical workspaces are often less than ideal. Boundaries have blurred as "work life" and "home life" have grown less distinct. Amid the chaos, many have made...

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Will Face-to-Face Networking Ever Be a Thing Again?

Last year we learned that we can all network online pretty well. Can you imagine if Covid had struck the world ten years ago?  The technology that exists today saved a lot of businesses from complete failure. That said, I talk to a lot of people who say the world will never return to what it was before Covid. I'm a little bit of a contrarian on that topic.  Not long after the Spanish...

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6 Simple Ways to Make a Good First Impression on Candidates

As the US economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and the unemployment rate drops, things are looking up for the job market. More job opportunities are opening up, and Americans are eagerly applying. And they know that, if they want to land a new gig, they need to make a good first impression during the interview. According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Occupational and...

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How to Recruit Candidates Who Align with Your Culture

Sure, a company's vision may be written on the wall for everyone to see, but if employees' personalities, work habits, and attitudes don't match it, it won't be long before their reputation will begin to precede your company's vision. So how do you make sure you hire those who fit your company's vision and carry it on in their work? First, let's talk about what cultural fit actually...

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Candid, Consistent Communication Is the Key to Attracting Candidates in Today's Market

Candidates want to impress hiring managers. That's the name of the game — it's how they get hired. However, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked a shift in the talent market, and companies are no longer holding all the cards. Today's top candidates have options, which means employers have to do some impressing of their own. How do companies navigate this changing landscape, particularly during...

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Diversity and Data: Why DE&I Efforts Should Start With the Numbers

I am the father of mixed-ethnicity children. I started my career around the same time I had my first child. Diversity and inclusion have always been important in my personal life, and this focus naturally carries over into my work. As I've taken on roles with more leadership responsibilities and broader scopes, I've made it a point to bring that focus with me. But awareness of diversity,...

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Why — and How — to Build a Wellness Program That Caters to Millennials and Generation Z

We're in the midst of a key generational shift, and employee wellness programs aren't keeping up in the job market. By 2025, millennials and Gen. Z-ers will comprise the majority of the global workforce. For better or worse, these individuals didn't come of professional age in the 20th-century workplace. As a result, these younger workers were never conditioned to withstand the rigors...

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After A COVID Time Out, How Do You Write the Perfect Resume?

As of March 2021, nearly ten million Americans are still out of work, almost double the number of unemployed people from a year ago. While the pandemic has certainly devastated the workforce, in ways we have yet to see, the country has started to recover (slowly) from the worst of it. Now is a great time to review your personal job application strategy, starting with the lynchpin of any job...

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From Hybrid Jobs to Empathy at Work: 12 Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2021

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: As 2021 ramps up, so does hiring. What's one recruiting trend you predict we'll see this year, and why? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs....

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Employee Turnover Is on the Rise. Here's How to Make Them Stay.

If organizations thought employee engagement was a challenge before the pandemic, they've now seen what economic turbulence can do to company culture. Disrupted work/life balance, companywide disconnects, and rising rates of disengagement are just a few of the hurdles HR leaders and their organizations face in the post-pandemic world. Engagement initially rose during the pandemic, thanks...

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Left Out of Work by COVID? Consider These 4 Career Pivots

  The COVID-19 pandemic has driven massive job losses over the last year. Millions of Americans still remain unemployed—the Department of Labor's latest report says 770,000 Americans filed new unemployment claims in mid-March. Travel, hospitality, entertainment and personal services have been among the hardest hit occupations, and many workers say they're even willing to accept...

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The Pandemic Taught Us What Really Matters in a Workplace Culture

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us what the essentials of good workplace culture really are. When offices are closed and employees work remotely, perks like award-winning coffee bars and napping pods no longer mean much. Wherever they are and however they work, employees need to feel they are part of a strong, focused, connected, and supportive organization. Companies, in turn, are...

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Employee Expectations Have Changed Since 2020. Has Your Company Kept Up?

In March of last year, everything we deemed normal changed overnight. Around the globe, we found ourselves redefining how we work and how we live. And while the light at the end of the tunnel has finally come into view, there are still plenty of challenges and uncertainties for us to navigate in the months ahead. One of those challenges entails defining what, exactly, the future of work...

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New Rules, Risks, and Opportunities: 10 Things US Companies Need to Know About Brexit

When the UK formally left the European Union at the end of January 2020, it marked a key point in the long and painful "British exit," or "Brexit," saga. But in practical terms, what does it mean for US companies doing business with the UK or considering a transatlantic expansion? Here are 10 of the key challenges and opportunities for the post-Brexit era: 1. Supply Chain Brexit means that...

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Why Performance Management Might Be the Most Important Part of Your Post-COVID Company Plan

This past year has been chock-full of ups and downs. Between reduced hours, the move to remote work, forced adjustments of goals, furloughs, and even layoffs, COVID-19 has changed how businesses operate. In response, your organization has had to adjust performance management strategies. This has likely affected how you communicate with remote workers, how much you compensate each team member,...

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Spring Clean Your Business: 5 Ways to Refresh and Reenergize Your Company This Season

Spring is here. The weather is warming up. For many, that means it's time to clean house, get rid of the clutter, and make room for what's to come. Carrying that spring cleaning ritual into your business is also a good idea for many reasons. And I don't just mean tidying up the office. For a business, spring cleaning can go a lot deeper. Here are five ways to give your business the spring...

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Waldenomics: Modern Professional Lessons From Henry David Thoreau

Article by Jen McGivny Henry David Thoreau hasn't aged well since his death 159 years ago. Through modern eyes, the 19th-century author looks like an out-of-touch dreamer, a privileged loafer. The guy who avoided a real career to live in a cabin in the woods now has his words relegated to hiking guides and inspirational notecards. A counterpoint, if I may. Thoreau couldn't be more...

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As Businesses Seek Long-Term Growth Over Short-Term Efficiency, Talent Teams Are Stepping Up to Drive the Transformation

For all the damage it has caused, the COVID-19 pandemic has also sparked a mass awakening across business sectors. In fact, according to a recent Forbes survey, almost 80 percent of executives feel the pandemic has actually revealed their organizations' strengths. These companies are now in a position to reset and reorient themselves, and many executives are prioritizing long-term growth over...

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Keeping Employees Safe During COVID: How Technology Can Help

Amid all the wrenches the pandemic has thrown into our personal and professional lives over the last year, it's important to look for the bright side wherever you can. One of the few silver linings of the last year has been watching employers across industries adopt new tools and technologies to keep workers safe, engaged, and productive. Whether you plan to eventually bring your employees...

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The Pandemic Offers Us a Chance to Reimagine the Talent Life Cycle. We Should Take It.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on nearly every industry, causing unprecedented challenges as companies struggle to adapt. As hiring freezes end and unemployed workers re-enter the workforce, the recruiting process has been particularly difficult to navigate. To meet the moment, employers must reconfigure their selection systems to efficiently handle higher applicant volumes. Many look...

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Adopting New Benefits to Win the War for Talent: How Small Businesses Navigated the Pandemic

Just before COVID-19 arrived, unemployment hit 50-year lows, creating steep competition among employers looking to attract the best talent. That all changed when the pandemic hit. Unemployment soared beyond 14 percent in April 2020, with more than 18 million unemployed or furloughed. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have been hit the hardest by these fluctuations in the economy, as...

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HR Pros Can't Fix Everything Wrong With the Workplace, but Creating a Culture of Appreciation Goes a Long Way

While COVID-19 has affected us all, it has made the jobs of those in HR especially challenging. The human resources team is the keystone of an organization. These individuals commit to inspiring and motivating employees; finding the best candidates; keeping people engaged; and building atmospheres of equity, diversity, and inclusion. What makes the division so special is in the name...

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Worried About Employee Retention in the Post-Pandemic Era? You Really Should Be.

Economic upheaval tends to make employees skittish. When all around us businesses are shutting their doors and slashing their staff sizes, the people lucky enough to keep their jobs often balk at the prospect of making a move. Who's to say that company courting you now won't go under next month? The devil you know is always better, after all. But a handful of recent reports suggest the...

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Reconnect With Your Company's Core Essence to Come Out of the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever

As we continue adapting to some of the biggest and fastest changes our country has seen to date, it can be hard to maintain a stable sense of what your company stands for. Despite all the new developments and obstacles, an organization can rise up stronger and more secure than ever before. Yes, I really believe that — and I believe it starts with redefining or recommitting to your...

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Stay on Track — Don't Look Back! 7 Tips on Actually Reaching Your Goals

Setting goals can sometimes feel overwhelming, but if you plan your goals incrementally, you set yourself up for the best shot at hitting your target. When you set smaller, more attainable goals on the path to your bigger goals, each goal you achieve becomes a motivator, pushing you further toward your ultimate aim. You might fall off track from time to time. That's okay — do not be hard...

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The War for Contingent Talent Is On — Here's How to Win It

We're in the midst of a workplace evolution. When it comes to the rapidly changing employee-employer relationship, the stakes are getting higher as we all try to envision what the future holds. One thing we know for sure: Contingent work is growing more appealing to both employers and employees. As a result, competition for the best contingent talent will be more intense than we have ever...

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Interconnected Efforts Are In, Siloed Efforts Are Out: Improve Overall Productivity in 2021 With These Tech Tools

As we navigate 2021 and remote work becomes our new normal, it's crucial that our managers and team members maintain flexibility and a strong commitment to meeting goals. Whether you are pushing your virtual sales teams to continue prospecting or leading a busy call center, productivity tools are available to help your teams reach (and exceed) their targets in this work environment. But...

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Finding It Hard to Attract Top Talent in a Pandemic, More Hiring Managers Adopt a Skills-Based Approach to Recruiting

The unpredictable trajectory of the global coronavirus pandemic has had a serious impact on every area of company operations. Within the HR industry, the traditional hiring practices companies have long relied on were totally upended. At the outset, many hiring managers believed the high unemployment rate caused by the pandemic would make it easier to attract top talent. In fact, many...

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Don't Let Your Credibility Be Another Casualty of This Pandemic

Credibility and trust take years to build, but they can be undone in an instant. Once lost, they are really difficult — and sometimes outright impossible — to rebuild. We are living through the most stressful period of our lifetimes. A few fortunate people may be relatively unaffected, but in all likelihood, virtually everyone you know is feeling more stress than they normally do. In...

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The 5 Interview Questions You Need to Ask Every Candidate in 2021

Within the last year, a global pandemic changed the work landscape completely — and most of these changes are here to stay. According to a recent Upwork report, 41.8 percent of American workers are working fully remotely, and an estimated 26.7 percent will continue working from home through the end of 2021. The report also predicts the number of remote workers in the US workforce will...

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The Future of HR Is Virtual: 3 Things HR Teams Need to Do in 2021

In the current landscape, organizations are watching their workplaces transform before their eyes (or, more accurately, screens). Every year, HR leaders must adapt to shifting priorities, business plans, and employee needs. However, following the tumultuous year of 2020, many HR professionals are grappling with a more radical realignment of their strategies. The pandemic changed the needs...

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COVID Has HR Teams Embracing Digital Transformation — and That's Good News for Employee Benefits

Digitalization is happening rapidly in the wake of COVID-19, especially in the realm of HR. For example, more than 80 percent of HR professionals saying digital delivery systems are now critical to their health and benefits offerings, according to recent research we conducted here at Darwin. That research also found that 53 percent of employees believe they get the same benefits experience no...

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Have You Tried Video? And 8 Other Strategies for Narrowing Down a Mountain of Resumes

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: With the average corporate job opening attracting hundreds of resumes, what strategies do you use to wade through the sea of applications to find the right candidate quickly? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only...

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Coworking Spaces Will Rise Again — and 4 Other Post-COVID Workplace Trends to Watch

Through mass layoffs, furloughs, and work-from-home orders, COVID-19 changed everything we knew about working in the city. For the first time, employees no longer need to live within commuting distance of their offices, companies no longer need to lease massive office buildings, and primary cities no longer have the numbers they used to. These trends will have a significant impact on the...

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Onboarding Was Bad Before the Pandemic, and It's Only Gotten Worse. Here's How to Fix It.

The world of work looks a lot different than it did a year ago, and many are predicting we'll see lasting changes for years to come, including more organizations opting for permanently remote or hybrid work environments. In this context, the process of successfully onboarding new employees has become more important — and more challenging — than ever before. Onboarding is a key program...

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Will My Employee Insurance Be Different Under COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we work. That, in turn, affects employers' obligations and abilities when it comes to employee insurance. Here are some things to keep in mind: Is Employee Liability Insurance Still a Legal Requirement?  In the UK, the government advises employers to get employers' liability (EL) insurance as soon as possible. The policy should cover you for a...

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What Laws and Requirements Must Construction Workers Follow During COVID-19?

According to the latest lockdown rules in many jurisdictions, building sites are considered essential work. That said, employers must follow a set of government guidelines to keep construction workers safe during the pandemic. Here are some regulations to be aware of: Safe Working Environments The government recommends certain best practices to maintain healthy business operations for...

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5 Modern Recruitment Trends to Prepare for Post-2020

Organizations and recruitment teams usually fall into three categories with respect to the creation and analysis of recruitment trends: influencers, ignorant, and involved. Influencers: Whether it's DocuSign's candidate experience survey or Slack's relentless dedication to upskilling interviewers, these organizations are at the forefront of recruitment innovation. They never fail to see a...

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Are You Ready for the 2021 Job Market? It's Time to Find Out.

COVID-19 has changed how we work, how we interact, and how we live. Based on recent economic indicators, the impact of the coronavirus will continue well into 2021. But we all still have to work and provide for our families, right? And that means being prepared to head into the 2021 job market. Do you feel ready at this moment? Are you maximizing every possible opportunity? It's time to...

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2020 Was a Volatile Year for Employee Engagement. Can Employers Smooth the Bumps in 2021?

Gallup, which has tracked employee engagement levels since 2000, reports that engagement fluctuated more often — and more widely —  in 2020 than any year on record. And you might be surprised to learn that it wasn't all bad. In May, employee engagement hit a record high of 38 percent. It hit another record high of 40 percent in late June. But it also had its downturns, falling to 31...

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