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How HR Leaders Can Prepare for a Possible Recession

During the last recession in 2008 and 2009, companies cut 22 million jobs. In 2022, companies struggled with the Great Resignation and a tight labor market, but now many are worried about the next recession as inflation hits an all-time high. While layoffs have already started making headlines, many companies are wondering if they need to resort to that just yet. Thankfully, there are a...

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4 Ways to Make People Skills a Prominent Part of Your Recruitment Strategy

You're in the people business. Your goal as a recruiter is to connect people who want to advance their careers with people who need their talents. And to succeed in a people business, you need to exercise your people skills. Unfortunately, nearly a quarter of job seekers have declined a job offer solely based on a negative experience with people in the interview process, according to...

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9 Tips on Finding More Diverse Candidates for Your Company's Open Positions

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What's your best tip for finding a more diverse pool of candidates for your company's open positions? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs....

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What Can Mushrooms Teach Us About Leadership? A Lot, Actually.

Mutually beneficial relationships form the backbone of highly evolved ecologies, like the communities found inside anthills and beehives. And these relationships form the foundations of healthy organizations, too. When business leaders look to nature for inspiration, they'll often find lessons on how to run a thriving company in some of the most unexpected places. For example, consider the...

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Getting Hybrid Work Right: Listen to What Your Employees Really Need

For companies around the world, the shift to hybrid work is just beginning. As employees head back to the office part-time, business leaders and HR teams must be intentional about their hybrid work strategies in order to monitor and adapt to new challenges as they arise. Right now, employee engagement is the main challenge for many organizations launching their hybrid workplaces. How can...

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How Many Recruiters Does Your Company Truly Need To Ace Hiring

How Many Recruiters Do I Need? Regarding talent acquisition, the recruitment department is crucial for identifying, attracting, and selecting top applicants.  In this post, we'll look at the recruitment team in more detail, including its optimal size and the ideal number of recruiters your company needs to ace hiring. But before diving into that, you must know that the need to scale...

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10 Business Leaders Share Their Biggest Interview Pet Peeves

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What's your biggest interview pet peeve, and why might this behavior jeopardize someone's chance of getting hired? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young...

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How to Navigate Layoffs at Your Company

As many companies worry about the looming recession that could impact the rest of 2022, many big tech companies are laying off some of their current employees. Netflix eliminated 450 positions, and Tesla laid off 10% of its salaried employees. While many companies are still struggling to find employees, some companies may need to lay off a few employees. Layoffs are never good for a...

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How Organizations Can Support the Success of LGBTQ+ Talent in Corporate America

2020 threw us all for a loop. As the workforce went virtual overnight, traditional approaches to attracting and retaining talent were upended. There were no more in-person interviews or on-site visits, no more face-to-face meetings, and definitely no more water-cooler conversations to get to know your colleagues. Over the past 18 months, we've also witnessed the escalation of conversations...

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How to Increase the Number of Job Applicants

According to research, the average job description gets about 250 job applicants. However, that doesn't mean your job description attracts many applicants automatically. If you're a startup, for example, it may be even harder to convince candidates to apply for your company since they don't know much about you. However, there are some strategies you can use to increase the applicant pool...

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What Working Moms Want: 6 Must-Have Benefits

There's no denying the importance of a gender-balanced workforce. From greater profitability to access to a wider talent pool, companies that strive for gender diversity can reap a host of powerful benefits. However, thanks to the pandemic, many women — and working mothers in particular — have left the workforce, and they're not necessarily anxious to return. In fact, when TopResume...

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7 Exceptional Sourcing Strategies for Attracting Passive Candidates

LinkedIn says passive candidates comprise up to 75% of the existing labor market. Therefore sourcing candidates is worth the extra effort. While sourcing for a passive candidate, you will have to deliberately seek and contact employed people to gauge their interest in your available position.  According to research, "compared to 1 in every 152 non-sourced candidates, 1 in every 72...

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The Digital Employee Experience Is Crucial Today — but Chronically Overlooked

How much does the digital workplace impact employee morale? Just ask your team members the next time an app crashes, when they can't connect to the VPN or a video conference call, or when critical work grinds to a halt because a computer was overloaded at peak capacity. Technology accounts for 30 percent of the employee experience, according to Forrester's Employee Experience Index. When...

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How to Tell If a Preemployment Assessment Is Valid

Companies have never had more resources to help them find and hire the right candidates. While hiring managers have historically had to rely on resumes, cover letters, and interviews, many more options for preemployment assessment have emerged over the past decade. Some of these new assessments can give companies a much more rigorous idea of the skills and traits job seekers actually possess....

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Reflecting on the complexities of team transitions

As a leader of an early-stage startup, I've learned that the value you bring to your company - and the people within it - is much more than the success metrics visible to the rest of the world.  For those of you familiar with the world of venture capital, perhaps you'll agree that there is often a dissonance between what I would call "perceived value" versus "inherent value."...

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4 Interview Questions to Determine Whether a Candidate Shares Your Company's Core Values

Do you hire people depending on how well they fit your company's core values? If you aren't already, you should hire based on their responses to questions like these. Their core values and cultural fit heavily influence the success and contribution of the applicants you hire. You would want to make sure they succeed in your company. You will want to recruit the candidate who, besides...

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Listen and Learn: How to Support the Mothers and Caregivers in Your Workforce Post-COVID

Even before COVID-19, women were disproportionately shouldering caregiving responsibilities — and that situation has only worsened since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a survey of 500 HR leaders conducted by Lattice, nearly 80 percent of respondents said they saw women take time off or reduce their hours to help with homeschooling and childcare. By comparison, only 60 percent of...

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8 Ways Companies Can Make the Hiring Process More Equitable

Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Today's Question: What advice would you give to companies looking to recruit employees with equity in mind? These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members...

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Can't Get No Respect: Study Reveals the Most and Least Valued Company Departments

Most companies say that all employees and departments are valued equally – but is that really true? Research suggests the answer is: not exactly. A recent study from Skynova looked into just how valued certain departments feel. The survey of 1,010 employees from various organizational departments asked participants about how they think their superiors and peers view them. The results...

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AI-Based Resume Screening: Do You Actually Need It?

From recruiters' point of view, hiring specialists manually is a consistent routine. In the face of significant competition for qualified personnel, they have to spend a lot of time on monotonous work.  Despite limited resources, it is necessary to reach as large an audience as possible and find suitable personnel. It takes days and months to look at identical resumes and weeks to call...

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Are We Going Through a Remote Working Revolution?

Remote working: a luxury enjoyed by an exclusive, privileged cohort once upon a time and reserved for fancy freelancers, laptop-wielding software engineers, and introverted authors scribbling down their next bestsellers. Now, things are much different. In the past, it was customary for someone in a managerial position to hold a strong skepticism towards their team's ability to be...

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How to Ensure That Your Candidates Accept Your Job Offers

According to Glassdoor research, 1 in 6 job offers are rejected. Candidates might reject these job offers for many reasons, including salary, benefits, or employer branding.  But in a competitive job market, you might need a candidate to accept your final job offer as soon as possible. So how do you ensure that they accept your job offers? Keep reading to find some strategies that...

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Looking for Candidates in a Talent Shortage? Get Back to the Basics of Great Recruiting.

You only want to hire the best. That's a given. But so do your competitors. Your team is not going to reach the ambitious goals you've set for it — or even maintain its market share in an increasingly competitive business environment — without first-rate talent. Yet employers are battling it out for workers right now, with the Washington Post reporting that there are more open jobs...

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3 Ways to Choose the Right Employee Benefits and Perks

We've seen a shift in the scope of workplace benefits over the last decade. Those perks are no longer limited to insurance, vacation days, and bonuses — now, "cool" office culture items like comfortable seating, fun office toys, and the like are included. Each contributes to a relaxed office vibe, but how much do these amenities truly elevate employees' overall health and wellness? Sure,...

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Enhancing Your Website to Benefit Recruitment: 3 Tips

Employer websites are frequently considered one of the most effective staffing resources in the United States. Online recruitment is critical in the pandemic era, as in-person recruitment has slowed down or completely stopped in some cases.  A streamlined, robust website allows you to drive more applications and impress candidates with a professional experience right off the bat. If...

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Tech Recruiting 2.0: The Talent Shortage is Forcing Positive Change in the Hiring Process

Demand for emerging tech skills continues to grow as U.S. employers across industries realize the need for technical strategies and skills. Over the past five years, tech job posting volume surged 190% as employers sought skills and expanded job roles in emerging infrastructure, hardware, artificial intelligence, data, and cybersecurity. But finding workers in the labor market to fill...

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Unlocking Opportunities for Black Software Engineers

Interviews unlock opportunities and change lives. Unfortunately, the data indicates that Black software engineers have been mostly kept out of the highest levels of tech and not afforded access to the career opportunities that interviews create. Many access gaps prevent aspiring Black engineers from entering the tech industry, including limited access to technology and interview...

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Resume Screening: A How-To Guide for Recruiters

Talent discovery is crucial for every organization, so they'll invest in a recruitment team saddled with finding the best hire for the available job position. But an average hiring process can get complex, as any HR manager would tell you. Recruiters often have to dedicate significant work hours, poring through CV and resume submissions to see which of them makes the screening...

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Top Talent Looks Different Today. Here Are the 4 Skills Your Next Great Hire Needs.

The war for talent appears to be getting fiercer by the day as the U.S. economy stirs back to life in the wake of the pandemic. Supermarkets are handing out bonuses in their desperation to hire and retain frontline staff; franchise owners at 7-Eleven are pushing the company to drop its round-the-clock service pledge because they can't find anyone to work night shifts; major cereal producer...

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All You Need to Know About Remote Work and the Hire From Anywhere Model

One survey found that after COVID-19, 36% of companies are willing to hire a 100% remote workforce either in the United States or internationally. Before COVID-19, that percentage was only 12%.  Many companies have seen that being able to hire internationally and have a fully remote team benefits their business, and more companies are adopting this model. However, that doesn't mean...

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The Latest Trends in Employer-Sponsored Coverage

In today's hyper-competitive labor market, finding levers to pull to get access to the best talent is at the top of every recruiter's mind. For many of today's job seekers, the tipping point when it comes to opportunities often comes down to insurance benefits.  While health insurance is still king among benefits — with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that health benefits...

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AI Recruiting: A Definitive Guide for Hiring Managers to Target Growth

Social media and blogs are pouring in endless explanations about how to "beat the bots" during interviews, leaving hiring managers and candidates questioning whether artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and AI-integrated solutions are actually beneficial. Undoubtedly, AI has left its mark across varied fields from healthcare to banking; and from scientific research to education, thus...

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How to Grow Your Remote Business Globally: Strategies to Expand Global Teams

According to some research, the number of people now searching for remote jobs has gone up 460%. Because of this, many companies are now considering hiring globally to expand their remote teams.  However, if you've never hired internationally before, you'll want to identify a good strategy that will set your business up for success.  Keep reading, and we'll fill you in on all you...

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The Office Isn't Dead, but It Must Be Reborn

Over the last 18 months, the way we work has changed almost beyond recognition. We have gone from spending eight hours a day in an office to answering emails in bed — and many have found the latter suits them better than the former. Now that the world is reopening, many workers have little desire to go back to the traditional office environments. In light of this, flexible work...

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Exceptional Recruiting Tips That Can Take Your Hiring Strategy to the Next Level

Recruiting and hiring the best employees for your firm is not easy, but it's definitely worth all the recruitment efforts. A collaborative and winning team leads to success, and 78% of recruiters are happy with their performance. All this is thanks to the helpful recruiting techniques that they followed in the employment market. Below, we've mentioned some excellent recruiting advice that...

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Attracting and Retaining Purpose-Driven Tech Talent: 6 Tips and 2 Red Flags

If your company is in the market for tech talent, you're no doubt aware the current landscape is a challenging one for employers. Great technologists are hard to find, attract, and retain. Understanding the changing wants and needs of candidates is more important than ever. For younger Generation Z and millennial tech workers in particular, a sense of purpose and a focus on corporate...

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With Employees Losing Trust in Employers, It's Time to Hit the Reset Button on Talent

While the economic recovery has been anything but straightforward over the last few months, overall outlooks for 2021 remain relatively optimistic. One projection foresees 73 million hires taking place by the end of the year. But there's a complication. As the economy opens up, many employees are considering changing jobs. Why? Because they've lost faith in their bosses. A recent Buck...

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Zoom Etiquette 101: 8 Tips to Put Your Best Face Forward During Virtual Meetings

Article by Megan Nicole O'Neal 2020 required professionals across all industries to change the way they handle business. After a year, working remotely has proven to be as successful as — if not more than — working in an office for most companies. In fact, more than 20 Fortune 500 companies like Google, Spotify, and Zillow have declared they will adopt remote or hybrid work models...

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Ten Acts to Support Your Employees When They Come Out

After coming out as a transgender woman to my family, my colleagues, and then the public in January, I've had some time to reflect on the responses I've received – both positive and negative – as well as the inquiries I've received on how employers can best support employees coming out. We're in challenging times, where lawmakers in the US and abroad have proposed legislation to...

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How to Write Better Job Descriptions

These days, recruiters know just how difficult it can be to attract top talent to an open roll. With the job market growing increasingly competitive, every aspect of filling a role needs to become strategic, thoughtful, and engaging. Old job descriptions that list a simple outline of basic responsibilities, education, and work experience requirements aren't going to cut it. Candidates are looking...

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How a Streamlined Candidate Workflow Helps Companies Adapt to the Next Normal

The last 20+ months have forever changed how people view and approach work. When asked about priorities when considering a future career move, 88% of those surveyed will look for complete flexibility in hours and location, Harvard Business Review revealed recently. Businesses that want to attract and retain skilled, virtual talent must reimagine engagement throughout the worker lifecycle...

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How to Land a Job Virtually Anywhere

Pre-pandemic, physical offices were still a major part of recruitment. Businesses built huge campuses where employees could work, eat, and even sleep so they could stay at the office as long as they needed. In fact, labor has been tied very directly to geography in every stage throughout human history. Laborers either worked where jobs were available or moved elsewhere to fulfill other...

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3 Simple Steps Every Company Can Take to Start Closing the Gender Wage Gap

The gender wage gap isn't new, but it continues to hold women back from reaching their full earning potential. In 2020, women's annual earnings were just 82 percent of men's, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The wage gap is even more pronounced for women of color: Black women with advanced degrees earn 70 percent of what their white male counterparts make. Large companies and...

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Every Inclusive Hiring Strategy Starts With the Right Data

Diversity has been the buzzword of the last year for many organizations. LinkedIn reports that the number of people holding a "head of diversity title" more than doubled between 2015 and 2020. In the same time period, the number of directors of diversity grew 75 percent, and chief diversity officers grew 68 percent. While hiring an executive focused on diversity, holding splashy events...

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No Commute? 4 Ways to Maximize the Money You're Saving

The coronavirus pandemic has transformed the way we work — and some of these changes don't appear to be going away anytime soon. With many employees still working from home and others shifting into hybrid arrangements that don't require full weeks in the office, a lot of workers may find themselves spending less on their commutes. When you don't need to go to a physical workplace every day,...

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Why Successful Hiring Managers Look Beyond the 4-year College Degree

There is a growing need for skilled tech talent, and the demand for these individuals is outpacing the number of those earning technology and computer science degrees. The result—companies have a tech talent shortage and stalled or slowed workflow. Compound this issue with the pandemic which has resulted in college-bound students taking a gap year due to financial strains or losing faith in...

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How to Fix a Broken Interview Process

It's a conundrum: Nearly half of today's organizations consider the interview the most important part of the candidate experience, yet their interview processes are lengthy, confusing, and inefficient. Usually, they have not rethought their processes in years, and their offers are being declined at ever-growing rates. Yello has identified six signs that indicate it's time to reassess your...

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Culture Makes Us Human: 3 Lessons for Building a Vibrant, Adaptive Company Culture 

What knowledge and skills do you need to build a strong, vibrant, agile, and adaptive culture where people achieve extraordinary results for your organization? During our combined 75 years' worth of research, teaching, consulting, and training, we have learned a few fundamental lessons about what makes a culture healthy: Lesson 1: Success Begins and Ends With Culture Most culture-building...

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