If you object to any of the following, do NOT create an account on Recruiter.com.
- Recruiter.com uses the data you provide us to match you with jobs that may interest you. We show you these jobs on our website, and also send them to you via job alerts.
- Recruiter.com also matches you with recruiters and employers who are members on our site. We send your personal data and resume/cv to these recruiters/employers when there is a match.
- Recruiter.com may also submit your application to jobs listed on our website when there is a match. As a member of the Site, you may not opt out of this service.
- Recruiter.com uses cookies to track your visit. Cookies may contain your email address, your IP address and other personal data.
- Recruiter.com stores all personal data that you provided us at sign up, and when you edit your profile. This includes your resume/CV, and any information contained therein.
- Recruiter.com tracks your location (city, state, country) via your IP address, and uses this information to target relevant jobs, members and ads for you when you visit our website.
- Recruiter.com tracks which jobs you apply to on our website, and we use this information to better match you with other jobs and members that you may be interested in. As a member of the Site, you may not opt out of this service.
- When you purchase Recruiter.com’s resume distribution service, we send your resume to our recruiter and employer members. We also publish your resume on our social media channels on our website. Recruiter.com does not store your credit card information, but is able to renew your resume distribution subscription through Stripe, our payment processor.
- When you opt to get a professional resume evaluation, Recruiter.com sends your personal data and resume/CV to our partner, who will then call or email you to tell you more about their services.
- Recruiter.com sends your personal data to our job alert partners, who send you job alert emails. You may opt out of this service.
- You may be called or messaged by Recruiter.com about job matches at the phone number you provide us, including your wireless number, through the use of an automated technology. You may opt out of this service.
- Recruiter.com uses various external services where we score your resume/CV against jobs that you may be interested in. Your personal data and resume/CV are sent to these external services.
- When you join social media groups operated by Recruiter.com, we collect any personal or survey data that you give us and may share such information with our partners. You may be contacted by these partners via phone or email.
- Recruiter.com sells advertising and leads to its partners. We may share your personal data with these partners. We may also send you special announcements and offers from these partners. You may opt out of this service.
- Recruiter.com tracks the last time you visited our website.
- Recruiter.com tracks every click and action you perform on our website.
- Recruiter.com tracks every message you send and receive on our website.
- You may update your profile data and resume/CV on our website, and can request to have your account deleted and all of your data wiped out at any time.
- As a member of Recruiter.com, we send you a number of emails daily/weekly: the Recruiter Today newsletter, job matches, job application notifications, and account-related notifications. You cannot unsubscribe to account-related notifications. You may opt out of these notifications, but as a member of the Site, you cannot opt out of account-related notifications.
- Recruiter.com does NOT track the following:
- Your racial or ethnic origin
- Your political opinions
- Your religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership
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